what did blm accomplish? nothing!

Nope. Blacks owned slaves in the US, they even owned white slaves. There were tons of free blacks that had money in both the South and the North. Later on especially in the North, DMV up to NYC, over to Cleveland etc. In many states states Black men could vote before white women, for a long time. Virtually all of the white immigrant groups faced oppression in the USA.
right on . and if blacks rerally cared about balcks they got africa and free the blacks inslaved there,. those blacks are maing fun american blacks stupiedity.
The BLM is a reflection of the radical left in this country.
They hate this country and everything it stands for
They hate its history and heritage
They hate its founders
They hate the nuclear family and the institutions that value children and individualism.
They don't want peace and they don't want people of other races to get along. They hate white people with a passion.

What have they done?
1. Attacked the nuclear family
2. Created more violence and criminals
3. Divided this country more along racial lines...
blm just another form racist nazism .
So BLM has accomplished things. Apparently they are responsible for the RW going blind and growing hair on their hands.
You have every right to be a rightwing racist who hates black people, of course – it’s who conservatives are.

And BLM likewise has the right to oppose your racism and hate.

Saying something as stupid as hating BLM is the same as hating black people is as dumb as saying hating Islamist extremists are the same as hating middle-east people.
We get it, you hate black people. Good luck making it out of the trailer park.
i dolnt livein trqailor park abnd if haed blacks i would not have black neigbors i get aong with. i just speek of the ones with loads of ignorance,
You have every right to be a rightwing racist who hates black people, of course – it’s who conservatives are.

And BLM likewise has the right to oppose your racism and hate.
im no racist not at all. blm are terrorist who spread racisum .its thme who racist hatwer just liek the raest of the left wingers like you.

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