what did I do wrong now?

You cannot offer a woman options. That takes any ability for her to blame you for everything if something goes wrong.

Good point, never looked at it that way

this actually pisses me off. I never BLAME or look to blame anyone.
For me it would be about not having to make a decision. If I get ask out on a date, I just want everything to be taken care of - so I can just enjoy the date, not have any responsibilities at all regarding it - and to see that the man cared enough to put the thought into the date for me to make those decisions.

I WOULD, however, like to have a say so in matters of clothing :)
You cannot offer a woman options. That takes any ability for her to blame you for everything if something goes wrong.

Good point, never looked at it that way

this actually pisses me off. I never BLAME or look to blame anyone.
For me it would be about not having to make a decision. If I get ask out on a date, I just want everything to be taken care of - so I can just enjoy the date, not have any responsibilities at all regarding it - and to see that the man cared enough to put the thought into the date for me to make those decisions.

I WOULD, however, like to have a say so in matters of clothing :)
But if it's a first date the guy doesn't know her all that well so it's a guessing game. I don't get that women demand to be treated equally but want to be decisionless like a toddler and the guy picks up the tab for everything.

A few times on the first date a gal told me she doesn't have any money to put towards a relationship, it's going to the kid's college fund, etc. WTF? Why go on a date? If I wanted a whore I'd go find a whore that was honest about it.
Fucking grow a pair you putz.

Pick the damn restaurant, pick her up, open doors for her, don't be a fucking dick to the wait staff, pick up the check, be a gentleman, take her home.

Do all that and you might get a second date. At the very least, she might not tell everyone what a dick you were which would greatly increase your chances of getting a date with someone else.

This is the second date mongo


You're a fucking moron.
I really don't want to go out on a date in a fucking thunderstorm.

I should have looked at the weather

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