What Did NOT Happen on J6

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
The following scenario did NOT happen.

Heading into J6 Trump and his nefarious minions decided that they would overthrow the government. Since Trump is the ringleader of the MAGA terrorists, including the radical geriatric faction, he summoned his followers to the J6 rally outside the White House by sending out emails saying, “Hi, it’s me, Donald Trump, and on J6 I am going to overthrow the federal government and crown myself Chancellor of America. But I need your help. Thus, I HEREBY COMMAND YOU TO LAY ALL BUSINESS ASIDE AND COME TO THE WHITE HOUSE ON JANUARY 6th, WHERE YOU SHALL AWAIT FURTHER ORDERS. P.S., somebody bring a noose so we can lynch little Mikey Pence!!”

This did not happen.

On J6, Trump appeared at a rally outside the White House where he whipped up his VICIOUS anti-democratic para-military MAGAstapo troops into a towering bloodlust. Trump then commanded them to march down the street and take the Capitol. Further, Trump gave the coded message to “KILL EVERYBODY”.

This did not happen.

The MAGAstapo did, in fact, assault the Capitol building, violently taking out all defenders of democracy who were in the way. AOC was gang raped by Trump forces, 3 million times!!! It was reported that some Trump supporters had nuclear devices in their possession. Nancy Pelosi called Trump and begged and begged for him to send the national guard in order to guard Democracy. But Trump responded, “MWHAHAHAHA!!! FUCK DEMOCRACY!!! EVERYONE IS GOING TO DIE!!!!!” Trump did absolutely nothing to stop the violent onslaught of the Capitol.

This did not happen.

BTW, who stopped this vicious violent coup? How exactly did it end? It seems to me that the police arrested a few folks and then everyone settled down. But if you think about it, that is not really how coups end. But let’s not let reality get in the way! Let’s continue.

The only thing that stopped evil Hitler-Trump from completing his coup and crowning himself Chancellor of the Americas that day is that Nancy Pelosi and Chucky Schumer joined their magical rings together, summoning the great power of democracy, then fired magic mind missiles at Trump and the MAGAstapo - Pew pew!! - that temporarily disarmed their scary anti-democracy urges for long enough for the patriotic pals of democracy to restored order.

This did not happen.

In fact, none of this happened. But the Democrud want you to believe it happened. And they did a good job, because a lot of lefty ding dongs actually believe it happened this way despite a complete lack of evidence, lack of logic, and near retarded level of this entire stupid narrative. It helps that Dem voters are almost completely stupid.

Of course, most coups, insurrections, revolutions, etc …, involve widespread violence, gun fire, death, etc… Trump’s alleged insurrection involved a handful of a-holes, but mostly old and overweight tourists who cannot run a mile in any less than 2 weeks (assuming they can even run and do not succumb to heart attack or stroke).

There were no weapons in this “coup”. There may, or may not, have been a couple pipe bombs. But nothing anywhere near enough to lead to the overthrow of the government. Plus, who knows who even brought them? Most importantly, they were never used. The only use of deadly violence was by a cop when he shot and killed Ashley Babbit, and unarmed mother and military veteran.

This was clearly a political demonstration, during which things got out of hand as the result of a handful of a-holes who misbehaved. Nobody was trying to overthrow the government. This suggestion is absolutely ludicrous. I feel sorry for the people who have allowed themselves to be manipulated by this silly propaganda. But on the other hand, I don’t feel too sorry for them because they have brains. They are just mindless zombies in a world in which our expectations for how people should conduct themselves has dramatically declined. In other words, they are garbage people.
The following scenario did NOT happen.

Heading into J6 Trump and his nefarious minions decided that they would overthrow the government. Since Trump is the ringleader of the MAGA terrorists, including the radical geriatric faction, he summoned his followers to the J6 rally outside the White House by sending out emails saying, “Hi, it’s me, Donald Trump, and on J6 I am going to overthrow the federal government and crown myself Chancellor of America. But I need your help. Thus, I HEREBY COMMAND YOU TO LAY ALL BUSINESS ASIDE AND COME TO THE WHITE HOUSE ON JANUARY 6th, WHERE YOU SHALL AWAIT FURTHER ORDERS. P.S., somebody bring a noose so we can lynch little Mikey Pence!!”

This did not happen.

On J6, Trump appeared at a rally outside the White House where he whipped up his VICIOUS anti-democratic para-military MAGAstapo troops into a towering bloodlust. Trump then commanded them to march down the street and take the Capitol. Further, Trump gave the coded message to “KILL EVERYBODY”.

This did not happen.

The MAGAstapo did, in fact, assault the Capitol building, violently taking out all defenders of democracy who were in the way. AOC was gang raped by Trump forces, 3 million times!!! It was reported that some Trump supporters had nuclear devices in their possession. Nancy Pelosi called Trump and begged and begged for him to send the national guard in order to guard Democracy. But Trump responded, “MWHAHAHAHA!!! FUCK DEMOCRACY!!! EVERYONE IS GOING TO DIE!!!!!” Trump did absolutely nothing to stop the violent onslaught of the Capitol.

This did not happen.

BTW, who stopped this vicious violent coup? How exactly did it end? It seems to me that the police arrested a few folks and then everyone settled down. But if you think about it, that is not really how coups end. But let’s not let reality get in the way! Let’s continue.

The only thing that stopped evil Hitler-Trump from completing his coup and crowning himself Chancellor of the Americas that day is that Nancy Pelosi and Chucky Schumer joined their magical rings together, summoning the great power of democracy, then fired magic mind missiles at Trump and the MAGAstapo - Pew pew!! - that temporarily disarmed their scary anti-democracy urges for long enough for the patriotic pals of democracy to restored order.

This did not happen.

In fact, none of this happened. But the Democrud want you to believe it happened. And they did a good job, because a lot of lefty ding dongs actually believe it happened this way despite a complete lack of evidence, lack of logic, and near retarded level of this entire stupid narrative. It helps that Dem voters are almost completely stupid.

Of course, most coups, insurrections, revolutions, etc …, involve widespread violence, gun fire, death, etc… Trump’s alleged insurrection involved a handful of a-holes, but mostly old and overweight tourists who cannot run a mile in any less than 2 weeks (assuming they can even run and do not succumb to heart attack or stroke).

There were no weapons in this “coup”. There may, or may not, have been a couple pipe bombs. But nothing anywhere near enough to lead to the overthrow of the government. Plus, who knows who even brought them? Most importantly, they were never used. The only use of deadly violence was by a cop when he shot and killed Ashley Babbit, and unarmed mother and military veteran.

This was clearly a political demonstration, during which things got out of hand as the result of a handful of a-holes who misbehaved. Nobody was trying to overthrow the government. This suggestion is absolutely ludicrous. I feel sorry for the people who have allowed themselves to be manipulated by this silly propaganda. But on the other hand, I don’t feel too sorry for them because they have brains. They are just mindless zombies in a world in which our expectations for how people should conduct themselves has dramatically declined. In other words, they are garbage people.
Nobody said any of that happened. Quit lying.
The following scenario did NOT happen.

Heading into J6 Trump and his nefarious minions decided that they would overthrow the government. Since Trump is the ringleader of the MAGA terrorists, including the radical geriatric faction, he summoned his followers to the J6 rally outside the White House by sending out emails saying, “Hi, it’s me, Donald Trump, and on J6 I am going to overthrow the federal government and crown myself Chancellor of America. But I need your help. Thus, I HEREBY COMMAND YOU TO LAY ALL BUSINESS ASIDE AND COME TO THE WHITE HOUSE ON JANUARY 6th, WHERE YOU SHALL AWAIT FURTHER ORDERS. P.S., somebody bring a noose so we can lynch little Mikey Pence!!”

This did not happen.

On J6, Trump appeared at a rally outside the White House where he whipped up his VICIOUS anti-democratic para-military MAGAstapo troops into a towering bloodlust. Trump then commanded them to march down the street and take the Capitol. Further, Trump gave the coded message to “KILL EVERYBODY”.

This did not happen.

The MAGAstapo did, in fact, assault the Capitol building, violently taking out all defenders of democracy who were in the way. AOC was gang raped by Trump forces, 3 million times!!! It was reported that some Trump supporters had nuclear devices in their possession. Nancy Pelosi called Trump and begged and begged for him to send the national guard in order to guard Democracy. But Trump responded, “MWHAHAHAHA!!! FUCK DEMOCRACY!!! EVERYONE IS GOING TO DIE!!!!!” Trump did absolutely nothing to stop the violent onslaught of the Capitol.

This did not happen.

BTW, who stopped this vicious violent coup? How exactly did it end? It seems to me that the police arrested a few folks and then everyone settled down. But if you think about it, that is not really how coups end. But let’s not let reality get in the way! Let’s continue.

The only thing that stopped evil Hitler-Trump from completing his coup and crowning himself Chancellor of the Americas that day is that Nancy Pelosi and Chucky Schumer joined their magical rings together, summoning the great power of democracy, then fired magic mind missiles at Trump and the MAGAstapo - Pew pew!! - that temporarily disarmed their scary anti-democracy urges for long enough for the patriotic pals of democracy to restored order.

This did not happen.

In fact, none of this happened. But the Democrud want you to believe it happened. And they did a good job, because a lot of lefty ding dongs actually believe it happened this way despite a complete lack of evidence, lack of logic, and near retarded level of this entire stupid narrative. It helps that Dem voters are almost completely stupid.

Of course, most coups, insurrections, revolutions, etc …, involve widespread violence, gun fire, death, etc… Trump’s alleged insurrection involved a handful of a-holes, but mostly old and overweight tourists who cannot run a mile in any less than 2 weeks (assuming they can even run and do not succumb to heart attack or stroke).

There were no weapons in this “coup”. There may, or may not, have been a couple pipe bombs. But nothing anywhere near enough to lead to the overthrow of the government. Plus, who knows who even brought them? Most importantly, they were never used. The only use of deadly violence was by a cop when he shot and killed Ashley Babbit, and unarmed mother and military veteran.

This was clearly a political demonstration, during which things got out of hand as the result of a handful of a-holes who misbehaved. Nobody was trying to overthrow the government. This suggestion is absolutely ludicrous. I feel sorry for the people who have allowed themselves to be manipulated by this silly propaganda. But on the other hand, I don’t feel too sorry for them because they have brains. They are just mindless zombies in a world in which our expectations for how people should conduct themselves has dramatically declined. In other words, they are garbage people.
The most significant thing that didn't happen was an INSURRECTION. What did happen was a facilitated riot helped along by Ray Epps, a few dozen FBI plants and a few well placed flash grenades. There was one murder by Capitol Officer Byrd who shot an un-armed, immobilzed woman point blank in the FACE.
Trumptards: J6 was just a bunch of tourists having a good time. There was no insurrection.

Also, Trumptards: Ray Epps should be thrown in prison for the rest of his life for an insurrection that did not happen.

Also, also, Trumptards: There was no insurrection. But if there was, it was not us. It was the FBI.
The following scenario did NOT happen.

Heading into J6 Trump and his nefarious minions decided that they would overthrow the government. Since Trump is the ringleader of the MAGA terrorists, including the radical geriatric faction, he summoned his followers to the J6 rally outside the White House by sending out emails saying, “Hi, it’s me, Donald Trump, and on J6 I am going to overthrow the federal government and crown myself Chancellor of America. But I need your help. Thus, I HEREBY COMMAND YOU TO LAY ALL BUSINESS ASIDE AND COME TO THE WHITE HOUSE ON JANUARY 6th, WHERE YOU SHALL AWAIT FURTHER ORDERS. P.S., somebody bring a noose so we can lynch little Mikey Pence!!”

This did not happen.

On J6, Trump appeared at a rally outside the White House where he whipped up his VICIOUS anti-democratic para-military MAGAstapo troops into a towering bloodlust. Trump then commanded them to march down the street and take the Capitol. Further, Trump gave the coded message to “KILL EVERYBODY”.

This did not happen.

The MAGAstapo did, in fact, assault the Capitol building, violently taking out all defenders of democracy who were in the way. AOC was gang raped by Trump forces, 3 million times!!! It was reported that some Trump supporters had nuclear devices in their possession. Nancy Pelosi called Trump and begged and begged for him to send the national guard in order to guard Democracy. But Trump responded, “MWHAHAHAHA!!! FUCK DEMOCRACY!!! EVERYONE IS GOING TO DIE!!!!!” Trump did absolutely nothing to stop the violent onslaught of the Capitol.

This did not happen.

BTW, who stopped this vicious violent coup? How exactly did it end? It seems to me that the police arrested a few folks and then everyone settled down. But if you think about it, that is not really how coups end. But let’s not let reality get in the way! Let’s continue.

The only thing that stopped evil Hitler-Trump from completing his coup and crowning himself Chancellor of the Americas that day is that Nancy Pelosi and Chucky Schumer joined their magical rings together, summoning the great power of democracy, then fired magic mind missiles at Trump and the MAGAstapo - Pew pew!! - that temporarily disarmed their scary anti-democracy urges for long enough for the patriotic pals of democracy to restored order.

This did not happen.

In fact, none of this happened. But the Democrud want you to believe it happened. And they did a good job, because a lot of lefty ding dongs actually believe it happened this way despite a complete lack of evidence, lack of logic, and near retarded level of this entire stupid narrative. It helps that Dem voters are almost completely stupid.

Of course, most coups, insurrections, revolutions, etc …, involve widespread violence, gun fire, death, etc… Trump’s alleged insurrection involved a handful of a-holes, but mostly old and overweight tourists who cannot run a mile in any less than 2 weeks (assuming they can even run and do not succumb to heart attack or stroke).

There were no weapons in this “coup”. There may, or may not, have been a couple pipe bombs. But nothing anywhere near enough to lead to the overthrow of the government. Plus, who knows who even brought them? Most importantly, they were never used. The only use of deadly violence was by a cop when he shot and killed Ashley Babbit, and unarmed mother and military veteran.

This was clearly a political demonstration, during which things got out of hand as the result of a handful of a-holes who misbehaved. Nobody was trying to overthrow the government. This suggestion is absolutely ludicrous. I feel sorry for the people who have allowed themselves to be manipulated by this silly propaganda. But on the other hand, I don’t feel too sorry for them because they have brains. They are just mindless zombies in a world in which our expectations for how people should conduct themselves has dramatically declined. In other words, they are garbage people.
You should get someone like Morgan Freeman to narrate your stuff. It needs some oomph
The following scenario did NOT happen.

Heading into J6 Trump and his nefarious minions decided that they would overthrow the government. Since Trump is the ringleader of the MAGA terrorists, including the radical geriatric faction, he summoned his followers to the J6 rally outside the White House by sending out emails saying, “Hi, it’s me, Donald Trump, and on J6 I am going to overthrow the federal government and crown myself Chancellor of America. But I need your help. Thus, I HEREBY COMMAND YOU TO LAY ALL BUSINESS ASIDE AND COME TO THE WHITE HOUSE ON JANUARY 6th, WHERE YOU SHALL AWAIT FURTHER ORDERS. P.S., somebody bring a noose so we can lynch little Mikey Pence!!”

This did not happen.

On J6, Trump appeared at a rally outside the White House where he whipped up his VICIOUS anti-democratic para-military MAGAstapo troops into a towering bloodlust. Trump then commanded them to march down the street and take the Capitol. Further, Trump gave the coded message to “KILL EVERYBODY”.

This did not happen.

The MAGAstapo did, in fact, assault the Capitol building, violently taking out all defenders of democracy who were in the way. AOC was gang raped by Trump forces, 3 million times!!! It was reported that some Trump supporters had nuclear devices in their possession. Nancy Pelosi called Trump and begged and begged for him to send the national guard in order to guard Democracy. But Trump responded, “MWHAHAHAHA!!! FUCK DEMOCRACY!!! EVERYONE IS GOING TO DIE!!!!!” Trump did absolutely nothing to stop the violent onslaught of the Capitol.

This did not happen.

BTW, who stopped this vicious violent coup? How exactly did it end? It seems to me that the police arrested a few folks and then everyone settled down. But if you think about it, that is not really how coups end. But let’s not let reality get in the way! Let’s continue.

The only thing that stopped evil Hitler-Trump from completing his coup and crowning himself Chancellor of the Americas that day is that Nancy Pelosi and Chucky Schumer joined their magical rings together, summoning the great power of democracy, then fired magic mind missiles at Trump and the MAGAstapo - Pew pew!! - that temporarily disarmed their scary anti-democracy urges for long enough for the patriotic pals of democracy to restored order.

This did not happen.

In fact, none of this happened. But the Democrud want you to believe it happened. And they did a good job, because a lot of lefty ding dongs actually believe it happened this way despite a complete lack of evidence, lack of logic, and near retarded level of this entire stupid narrative. It helps that Dem voters are almost completely stupid.

Of course, most coups, insurrections, revolutions, etc …, involve widespread violence, gun fire, death, etc… Trump’s alleged insurrection involved a handful of a-holes, but mostly old and overweight tourists who cannot run a mile in any less than 2 weeks (assuming they can even run and do not succumb to heart attack or stroke).

There were no weapons in this “coup”. There may, or may not, have been a couple pipe bombs. But nothing anywhere near enough to lead to the overthrow of the government. Plus, who knows who even brought them? Most importantly, they were never used. The only use of deadly violence was by a cop when he shot and killed Ashley Babbit, and unarmed mother and military veteran.

This was clearly a political demonstration, during which things got out of hand as the result of a handful of a-holes who misbehaved. Nobody was trying to overthrow the government. This suggestion is absolutely ludicrous. I feel sorry for the people who have allowed themselves to be manipulated by this silly propaganda. But on the other hand, I don’t feel too sorry for them because they have brains. They are just mindless zombies in a world in which our expectations for how people should conduct themselves has dramatically declined. In other words, they are garbage people.

But I can guess, and you're full of shit as usual.

It was a planned attack, an insurrection.

Deal with it instead of deflecting.

Men, real men at least, own their mistakes.

So stand up and admit it, you guys fucked up by the numbers.

Own it, apologize, correct your mistake, and move on.

Quit with this desperate denial of reality, it's getting downright embarrassing.

But I can guess, and you're full of shit as usual.

It was a planned attack, an insurrection.

Deal with it instead of deflecting.

Men, real men at least, own their mistakes.

So stand up and admit it, you guys fucked up by the numbers.

Own it, apologize, correct your mistake, and move on.

Quit with this desperate denial of reality, it's getting downright embarrassing.
Creepy Titts gets all pissy when someone deviates from the official narrative. 🤡

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