What did our founders really mean when they said “general welfare”?

I agree, the people decide. The problem is when the people decide, then a small faction use other means to get what they want to shove down the throats of the majority. Every state that voted on same-sex marriage voted against it.
You don’t get to vote on what rights other people get to have
Marriage isn't a right.

Equal protection of our laws is

Does that mean you support polygamous or incestuous marriages?
With polygamy, every woman can marry a nice guy.

You still couldn't find someone for yourself.
You don’t get to vote on what rights other people get to have
Marriage isn't a right.

Equal protection of our laws is

Does that mean you support polygamous or incestuous marriages?
With polygamy, every woman can marry a nice guy.

You still couldn't find someone for yourself.
women have lousy female intuition, and prove it every day they don't simply make an appointment for a full body massage.
You don’t get to vote on what rights other people get to have
Marriage isn't a right.

Equal protection of our laws is

Does that mean you support polygamous or incestuous marriages?

When are those of us that have been funding unconstitutional social welfare programs going to get what we've paid for and those getting but not paying going to start footing the bill?

I have no issues with consensual polygamy. Does no harm to society
Society has shown a detriment from incestuous relationships......something that couldn’t be shown with same sex marriages

I thought you were for equal protection. So much for that lie.
Another tard cluesless about the mighty 14th
Our military budget is 46 cents out of every dollar on earth

It comes at a price, less money to spend on education, healthcare, modern infrastructure, public welfare

When things like public welfare, healthcare, and all the other things you lefties think the government should fund get a mention in the Constitution, they can have 46 cent on the dollar spent on them.

The founders never mention what can be provided under General Welfare

They left it up to We the People to decide

The founders did say things not specifically delegated to the federal government are reserved to the States. In a manner of speaking, they did say what can and can't be done.

Unfortunately, no courts agree with your interpretation

It's not my interpretation. It's the wording of the Constitution. Glad you agree those judges saying otherwise hate the Constitution.
Afraid it is your interpretation Skippy

The courts have the power to interpret the constitution...not racist illiterate message board posters
When things like public welfare, healthcare, and all the other things you lefties think the government should fund get a mention in the Constitution, they can have 46 cent on the dollar spent on them.

The founders never mention what can be provided under General Welfare

They left it up to We the People to decide

The founders did say things not specifically delegated to the federal government are reserved to the States. In a manner of speaking, they did say what can and can't be done.

Unfortunately, no courts agree with your interpretation

It's not my interpretation. It's the wording of the Constitution. Glad you agree those judges saying otherwise hate the Constitution.
Afraid it is your interpretation Skippy

The courts have the power to interpret the constitution...not illiterate message board posters

You don't interpret what directly stated in writing. I know what it is. You're like the dumb n*ggers that can't read and only accept the lies you've been told.
Our military is deployed around the world to protect the assets of our wealthy. They benefit from the global police role we play....I do not
You and I are on the same fucking page. That's a policy decision. If people hate it, vote the bums out.

If you really want the WORLD POLICE (America, fuck yeah) to stop, you should vote Libertarian.
Imagine if we were..imagine how much better off this nation would be today...huh?
Imagine what a backwards shithole we would be if we constrained ourselves to the visions of 18 th century aristocrats

Be specific...tell us how this nation and GOOD Americans have benefited by deviating from the original words of our founders?
We’ll be standing by waiting patiently....You might want to pretend you didn’t see this post.

We have evolved from being a bunch of states that are united to being THE UNITED STATES

NO, NO....that’s semantics.
How have GOOD, REAL Americans benefited by deviating from the original words of our founders?
That is a reality of how Americans view their status as citizens

Once we became THE UNITED STATES
We became a super power

How have we benefitted?
We are the most dominant nation on earth
Here is the problem with "THE United States". The way that reads, it implies that we are a single entity, a collection of states under one central government authority, and that is not what we are supposed to be. We are supposed to be the United STATES. A collective of individual states that govern themselves with a government that provides limited services, outlined in article 1 section 8.

The way you word that, it almost sounds totalitarian.
The "general welfare" clause was meant as a limitation on the taxation power. Even Hamilton made this point, before he hooked up with the banksters.

The Founders were revolting against the King of England, widely accused of taxing the colonies for his own welfare, and not that of the people he ruled. They wanted to make sure that future leaders of the US weren't allowed to tax us just to fatten up the state coffers.
Promote the General Welfare has nothing to do with taxation
It is HOW we use that revenue
Correct, and how we use that revenue is limited by the enumerated powers.

Nowhere in the constitution is there a provision that allows the government to take from one person and give it to another.

It almost sounds as if you think our government was founded on socialism, which it wasn't.

Like I've said, in all for helping the poor, I'm against government forcing you to help the poor by taking from one person and giving it to another.
The states determine marriage laws. Anything not covered in the Constitution is left to the states. Five lawyers abused the Constitution.
Read the 14th Amendment
I have. Nothing in there about marriage. Tell us what the reason was for the 14th amendment.
Read equal protection under the law
You didn't answer my question. You brought up the 14th amendment as a basis for same-sex marriage. What was the reason for the 14th amendment?
Sorry Skippy

I don’t take homework assignments
If you have a point to make...it’s up to you
You're a dishonest person. Everyone can plainly see you won't answer the question because you know as well as I do what the purpose of the 14th amendment was. People like you should never be given any kind of power in my country and need to be exposed for the frauds and haters of the Constitution that you are.
Haha... danielpalos and rightwinger
“Give us free shit!”
“We need free shit!”
“You owe us free shit!”
“OH....and give our illegal Mexican buddies free shit too!”

Better to give free shit to the wealthy
They will take care of us
I agree, perhaps we should make the wealthy pay more in taxes, and in return, they stop all charitable giving, stop community investment, and stop building corporations, and lower everyone's wages to government minimum. This will help offset the hike in taxes they pay.
Imagine what a backwards shithole we would be if we constrained ourselves to the visions of 18 th century aristocrats

Be specific...tell us how this nation and GOOD Americans have benefited by deviating from the original words of our founders?
We’ll be standing by waiting patiently....You might want to pretend you didn’t see this post.

We have evolved from being a bunch of states that are united to being THE UNITED STATES

NO, NO....that’s semantics.
How have GOOD, REAL Americans benefited by deviating from the original words of our founders?
That is a reality of how Americans view their status as citizens

Once we became THE UNITED STATES
We became a super power

How have we benefitted?
We are the most dominant nation on earth
Here is the problem with "THE United States". The way that reads, it implies that we are a single entity, a collection of states under one central government authority, and that is not what we are supposed to be. We are supposed to be the United STATES. A collective of individual states that govern themselves with a government that provides limited services, outlined in article 1 section 8.

The way you word that, it almost sounds totalitarian.
Decentralizing power is inefficient and counterproductive

Once we became THE UNiTED STATES
We became a global power
The "general welfare" clause was meant as a limitation on the taxation power. Even Hamilton made this point, before he hooked up with the banksters.

The Founders were revolting against the King of England, widely accused of taxing the colonies for his own welfare, and not that of the people he ruled. They wanted to make sure that future leaders of the US weren't allowed to tax us just to fatten up the state coffers.
Promote the General Welfare has nothing to do with taxation
It is HOW we use that revenue
Correct, and how we use that revenue is limited by the enumerated powers.

Nowhere in the constitution is there a provision that allows the government to take from one person and give it to another.

It almost sounds as if you think our government was founded on socialism, which it wasn't.

Like I've said, in all for helping the poor, I'm against government forcing you to help the poor by taking from one person and giving it to another.
You keep saying that
It shows you do not know what you are saying

We do not take from one and give to another

We collect revenue and decide how to best use that revenue for We the People
Letting people keep their own money isn't giving them anything. It's sad when someone believes their own party propagqanda
To commie leftists, all earnings belong to the government. They just let us keep some, out of benevolence.
The government is We the People

Those who benefit the most from society have an obligation to support it
Who is benefiting from society? If apple creates a phone, and you pay $800 for that phone, that is your choice. They benefit from the sale, and you benefit from a new phone. The apple CEO makes a hefty salary for running that company, and he provides a service to that company for which they pay him. He benefits from apple and apple benefits from him, and society benefits from their products.

Who says apple, or the CEO owes anyone beyond that transaction? People choose to buy goods and services, nobody is forcing you to buy anything. It's not like people are just giving apple (or any company) money for nothing.
Letting people keep their own money isn't giving them anything. It's sad when someone believes their own party propagqanda
To commie leftists, all earnings belong to the government. They just let us keep some, out of benevolence.
The government is We the People

Those who benefit the most from society have an obligation to support it
Who is benefiting from society? If apple creates a phone, and you pay $800 for that phone, that is your choice. They benefit from the sale, and you benefit from a new phone. The apple CEO makes a hefty salary for running that company, and he provides a service to that company for which they pay him. He benefits from apple and apple benefits from him, and society benefits from their products.

Who says apple, or the CEO owes anyone beyond that transaction? People choose to buy goods and services, nobody is forcing you to buy anything. It's not like people are just giving apple (or any company) money for nothing.
Are you saying Apple has no obligation to pay taxes
Read the 14th Amendment
I have. Nothing in there about marriage. Tell us what the reason was for the 14th amendment.
Read equal protection under the law
You didn't answer my question. You brought up the 14th amendment as a basis for same-sex marriage. What was the reason for the 14th amendment?
Sorry Skippy

I don’t take homework assignments
If you have a point to make...it’s up to you
You're a dishonest person. Everyone can plainly see you won't answer the question because you know as well as I do what the purpose of the 14th amendment was. People like you should never be given any kind of power in my country and need to be exposed for the frauds and haters of the Constitution that you are.
You answer the question
Haha... danielpalos and rightwinger
“Give us free shit!”
“We need free shit!”
“You owe us free shit!”
“OH....and give our illegal Mexican buddies free shit too!”

Better to give free shit to the wealthy
They will take care of us
Letting people keep their own money isn't giving them anything. It's sad when someone believes their own party propagqanda.
Relieving them of the responsibility to contribute to the society that provides them so much
I promise you, the wealthy give billions each year in charitable donations, and community investment.

People have jobs because of wealthy people, people have community centers because of wealthy people, people have parks, schools, museums, stadiums, made possible by grants from wealthy people.
Haha... danielpalos and rightwinger
“Give us free shit!”
“We need free shit!”
“You owe us free shit!”
“OH....and give our illegal Mexican buddies free shit too!”

Better to give free shit to the wealthy
They will take care of us
Letting people keep their own money isn't giving them anything. It's sad when someone believes their own party propagqanda.
Relieving them of the responsibility to contribute to the society that provides them so much
I promise you, the wealthy give billions each year in charitable donations, and community investment.

People have jobs because of wealthy people, people have community centers because of wealthy people, people have parks, schools, museums, stadiums, made possible by grants from wealthy people.
The wealthy make a profit off of every person they employ.
Haha... danielpalos and rightwinger
“Give us free shit!”
“We need free shit!”
“You owe us free shit!”
“OH....and give our illegal Mexican buddies free shit too!”

Better to give free shit to the wealthy
They will take care of us
Letting people keep their own money isn't giving them anything. It's sad when someone believes their own party propagqanda.
it isn't Your money if we have Debt.
Uh, yeah it is. Just because the government can't control their spending isn't the fault of the citizen.

Unfortunately, taxation is a legal form of theft, one enforced by the IRS, the most powerful entity in this nation, and it's all wrong, and should not be that way. Don't blame people for wanting to try and keep the government out of their pockets.

A paycheck is what you get in exchange for your time and labor, for you to say that the government owns your money is to say that the government owns you. Sorry, that is incorrect, because if it isn't, then freedom doesn't exist.
Let’s look at “General Welfare”

Building a dam to provide electrical power to a sector of the country
Maintaining ports, waterways, roads, bridges
Protecting from flooding
Disaster relief
Helping the poor

Guess which one conservatives consider an assault on the Constituion
Yep, because all the others are defined by the constitution, helping the poor is not.

General welfare means providing general welfare to the country. This is secure borders, public roadways, post offices, a military, things that provide a general well being for the entire country.

Again, I think we should all help the poor, but I don't think the government should take money out of someone's pocket in order to do so.

Let's put it like this, when I have cash in my wallet, and I see homeless people on the road, I don't mind stopping and giving them money. If the government would stop taking so much of my paycheck, I would be inclined to give even more to help people, willingly, voluntarily. The government, however, takes so much of my check that it doesn't leave as much for giving.

If the government would cut back on a lot of other spending, and lowered taxes, you would probably see charitable giving increase.
The "general welfare" clause was meant as a limitation on the taxation power. Even Hamilton made this point, before he hooked up with the banksters.

The Founders were revolting against the King of England, widely accused of taxing the colonies for his own welfare, and not that of the people he ruled. They wanted to make sure that future leaders of the US weren't allowed to tax us just to fatten up the state coffers.
Promote the General Welfare has nothing to do with taxation
It is HOW we use that revenue
Correct, and how we use that revenue is limited by the enumerated powers.

Nowhere in the constitution is there a provision that allows the government to take from one person and give it to another.

It almost sounds as if you think our government was founded on socialism, which it wasn't.

Like I've said, in all for helping the poor, I'm against government forcing you to help the poor by taking from one person and giving it to another.
You keep saying that
It shows you do not know what you are saying

We do not take from one and give to another

We collect revenue and decide how to best use that revenue for We the People

When the one getting it didn't earn it and the one funding it isn't getting it, it's called taking from one and giving to another.

Giving something to someone they didn't earn by forcing someone that did to pay for it, that's never the best. The best is to hold them responsible for supporting themselves. They'll either figure out they have to and solve the problem or they won't, go away, and still solve the problem.

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