What did our founders really mean when they said “general welfare”?

You keep saying that
It shows you do not know what you are saying

We do not take from one and give to another

We collect revenue and decide how to best use that revenue for We the People

When the one getting it didn't earn it and the one funding it isn't getting it, it's called taking from one and giving to another.

Giving something to someone they didn't earn by forcing someone that did to pay for it, that's never the best. The best is to hold them responsible for supporting themselves. They'll either figure out they have to and solve the problem or they won't, go away, and still solve the problem.

Who did the government give YOUR money to?

EVERY government expenditure does not help people equally. People with no children pay to educate the children of others. Are you taking their money to give to others?
But education is for the General Welfare of the people
What about people on welfare that don't pay any taxes, yet their children are educated at the expense of others. Is that fair?
Because educated children are in the best interests of the country
I agree. Since we agree educated children are in the best interests of the country, why isn't something being done about the high dropout rate among inner city schools in black neighborhoods in Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, etc? Why isn't cursive being taught? We have college graduates that can't even read the Constitution because it's in cursive. Our Federal education system is a disaster compared to other parts of the world. Our colleges are infested with Marxist professors indoctrinating instead of educating. Don't you agree we should remove the leftist political agenda and teach children to think for themselves instead of indoctrinating them to think like a Marxist?
Cursive is obsolete.
Other than my squiggly signature, I haven’t written in cursive in fifty years
When the one getting it didn't earn it and the one funding it isn't getting it, it's called taking from one and giving to another.

Giving something to someone they didn't earn by forcing someone that did to pay for it, that's never the best. The best is to hold them responsible for supporting themselves. They'll either figure out they have to and solve the problem or they won't, go away, and still solve the problem.

Who did the government give YOUR money to?

EVERY government expenditure does not help people equally. People with no children pay to educate the children of others. Are you taking their money to give to others?
But education is for the General Welfare of the people
What about people on welfare that don't pay any taxes, yet their children are educated at the expense of others. Is that fair?

With social welfare, those getting the benefits aren't paying the taxes and those paying the taxes don't get from those programs.
Who writes the tax code?
The rich or the poor?

How much of the code is written to benefit the poor vs the rich?
How much benefits the middle class?
Doesn't matter who is wealthy or poor. Laws are for everyone. The Democrats are the tax party. Why don't you start there if you want change.

Very true.....
The Democrats tax and spend
Republicans cut taxes and spend
When the one getting it didn't earn it and the one funding it isn't getting it, it's called taking from one and giving to another.

Giving something to someone they didn't earn by forcing someone that did to pay for it, that's never the best. The best is to hold them responsible for supporting themselves. They'll either figure out they have to and solve the problem or they won't, go away, and still solve the problem.

Who did the government give YOUR money to?

EVERY government expenditure does not help people equally. People with no children pay to educate the children of others. Are you taking their money to give to others?
But education is for the General Welfare of the people
What about people on welfare that don't pay any taxes, yet their children are educated at the expense of others. Is that fair?
Because educated children are in the best interests of the country
I agree. Since we agree educated children are in the best interests of the country, why isn't something being done about the high dropout rate among inner city schools in black neighborhoods in Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, etc? Why isn't cursive being taught? We have college graduates that can't even read the Constitution because it's in cursive. Our Federal education system is a disaster compared to other parts of the world. Our colleges are infested with Marxist professors indoctrinating instead of educating. Don't you agree we should remove the leftist political agenda and teach children to think for themselves instead of indoctrinating them to think like a Marxist?
Cursive is obsolete.
Other than my squiggly signature, I haven’t written in cursive in fifty years
You think the Constitution is obsolete, huh.
Who did the government give YOUR money to?

EVERY government expenditure does not help people equally. People with no children pay to educate the children of others. Are you taking their money to give to others?
But education is for the General Welfare of the people
What about people on welfare that don't pay any taxes, yet their children are educated at the expense of others. Is that fair?

With social welfare, those getting the benefits aren't paying the taxes and those paying the taxes don't get from those programs.
Who writes the tax code?
The rich or the poor?

How much of the code is written to benefit the poor vs the rich?
How much benefits the middle class?
Doesn't matter who is wealthy or poor. Laws are for everyone. The Democrats are the tax party. Why don't you start there if you want change.

Very true.....
The Democrats tax and spend
Republicans cut taxes and spend
Agree. Cut spending.
Who did the government give YOUR money to?

EVERY government expenditure does not help people equally. People with no children pay to educate the children of others. Are you taking their money to give to others?
But education is for the General Welfare of the people
What about people on welfare that don't pay any taxes, yet their children are educated at the expense of others. Is that fair?
Because educated children are in the best interests of the country
I agree. Since we agree educated children are in the best interests of the country, why isn't something being done about the high dropout rate among inner city schools in black neighborhoods in Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, etc? Why isn't cursive being taught? We have college graduates that can't even read the Constitution because it's in cursive. Our Federal education system is a disaster compared to other parts of the world. Our colleges are infested with Marxist professors indoctrinating instead of educating. Don't you agree we should remove the leftist political agenda and teach children to think for themselves instead of indoctrinating them to think like a Marxist?
Cursive is obsolete.
Other than my squiggly signature, I haven’t written in cursive in fifty years
You think the Constitution is obsolete, huh.
I think that posting is moronic
What about people on welfare that don't pay any taxes, yet their children are educated at the expense of others. Is that fair?
Because educated children are in the best interests of the country
I agree. Since we agree educated children are in the best interests of the country, why isn't something being done about the high dropout rate among inner city schools in black neighborhoods in Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, etc? Why isn't cursive being taught? We have college graduates that can't even read the Constitution because it's in cursive. Our Federal education system is a disaster compared to other parts of the world. Our colleges are infested with Marxist professors indoctrinating instead of educating. Don't you agree we should remove the leftist political agenda and teach children to think for themselves instead of indoctrinating them to think like a Marxist?
Cursive is obsolete.
Other than my squiggly signature, I haven’t written in cursive in fifty years
You think the Constitution is obsolete, huh.
I think that posting is moronic
I think you're dumber than dog shit.
What about people on welfare that don't pay any taxes, yet their children are educated at the expense of others. Is that fair?

With social welfare, those getting the benefits aren't paying the taxes and those paying the taxes don't get from those programs.
Who writes the tax code?
The rich or the poor?

How much of the code is written to benefit the poor vs the rich?
How much benefits the middle class?
Doesn't matter who is wealthy or poor. Laws are for everyone. The Democrats are the tax party. Why don't you start there if you want change.

Very true.....
The Democrats tax and spend
Republicans cut taxes and spend
Agree. Cut spending.

Now you are getting the idea...

Cut your spending BEFORE you slash your revenue
Republicans can never figure that out
Because educated children are in the best interests of the country
I agree. Since we agree educated children are in the best interests of the country, why isn't something being done about the high dropout rate among inner city schools in black neighborhoods in Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, etc? Why isn't cursive being taught? We have college graduates that can't even read the Constitution because it's in cursive. Our Federal education system is a disaster compared to other parts of the world. Our colleges are infested with Marxist professors indoctrinating instead of educating. Don't you agree we should remove the leftist political agenda and teach children to think for themselves instead of indoctrinating them to think like a Marxist?
Cursive is obsolete.
Other than my squiggly signature, I haven’t written in cursive in fifty years
You think the Constitution is obsolete, huh.
I think that posting is moronic
I think you're dumber than dog shit.
Why don’t you post it in cursive?
You keep saying that
It shows you do not know what you are saying

We do not take from one and give to another

We collect revenue and decide how to best use that revenue for We the People

When the one getting it didn't earn it and the one funding it isn't getting it, it's called taking from one and giving to another.

Giving something to someone they didn't earn by forcing someone that did to pay for it, that's never the best. The best is to hold them responsible for supporting themselves. They'll either figure out they have to and solve the problem or they won't, go away, and still solve the problem.

Who did the government give YOUR money to?

EVERY government expenditure does not help people equally. People with no children pay to educate the children of others. Are you taking their money to give to others?
But education is for the General Welfare of the people
What about people on welfare that don't pay any taxes, yet their children are educated at the expense of others. Is that fair?

With social welfare, those getting the benefits aren't paying the taxes and those paying the taxes don't get from those programs.
Who writes the tax code?
The rich or the poor?

How much of the code is written to benefit the poor vs the rich?
How much benefits the middle class?

Apparently the tax codes benefits those on the lower end. They don't pay lots of taxes that fund things which they receive. Not a single welfare recipient pays income taxes. Not a single person on food stamps pays income taxes. In fact, a family of four does not pay income taxes until the family income is almost $50,000/year. The poor get the opportunity to an education through the 12th grade the same as the non poor but pay a smaller amount, if any, of the taxes that fund it. The poor get a lot better deal than the rich when it comes to the tax code.
Correct, and how we use that revenue is limited by the enumerated powers.

Nowhere in the constitution is there a provision that allows the government to take from one person and give it to another.

It almost sounds as if you think our government was founded on socialism, which it wasn't.

Like I've said, in all for helping the poor, I'm against government forcing you to help the poor by taking from one person and giving it to another.
You keep saying that
It shows you do not know what you are saying

We do not take from one and give to another

We collect revenue and decide how to best use that revenue for We the People

When the one getting it didn't earn it and the one funding it isn't getting it, it's called taking from one and giving to another.

Giving something to someone they didn't earn by forcing someone that did to pay for it, that's never the best. The best is to hold them responsible for supporting themselves. They'll either figure out they have to and solve the problem or they won't, go away, and still solve the problem.

Who did the government give YOUR money to?

EVERY government expenditure does not help people equally. People with no children pay to educate the children of others. Are you taking their money to give to others?
But education is for the General Welfare of the people
What about people on welfare that don't pay any taxes, yet their children are educated at the expense of others. Is that fair?
Because educated children are in the best interests of the country

Then start educating them instead of indoctrinating them to the leftist mindset of 'if I fail, it's someone else's fault and taxpayers have to offset it'.

Those of us paying the taxes that fund education want something better for our money. We're not getting it.
Who did the government give YOUR money to?

EVERY government expenditure does not help people equally. People with no children pay to educate the children of others. Are you taking their money to give to others?
But education is for the General Welfare of the people
What about people on welfare that don't pay any taxes, yet their children are educated at the expense of others. Is that fair?

With social welfare, those getting the benefits aren't paying the taxes and those paying the taxes don't get from those programs.
Who writes the tax code?
The rich or the poor?

How much of the code is written to benefit the poor vs the rich?
How much benefits the middle class?
Doesn't matter who is wealthy or poor. Laws are for everyone. The Democrats are the tax party. Why don't you start there if you want change.

Very true.....
The Democrats tax and spend
Republicans cut taxes and spend

Are you saying people shouldn't get to keep more of what they've earned?

Cut taxes and spending. I don't hear any Democrats saying cut spending. They do say we should tax more to spend on things for which taxes shouldn't be spent. If you aren't willing to work or caused your own bad financial situation, you shouldn't eat until YOU do something to correct it.
I agree. Since we agree educated children are in the best interests of the country, why isn't something being done about the high dropout rate among inner city schools in black neighborhoods in Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, etc? Why isn't cursive being taught? We have college graduates that can't even read the Constitution because it's in cursive. Our Federal education system is a disaster compared to other parts of the world. Our colleges are infested with Marxist professors indoctrinating instead of educating. Don't you agree we should remove the leftist political agenda and teach children to think for themselves instead of indoctrinating them to think like a Marxist?
Cursive is obsolete.
Other than my squiggly signature, I haven’t written in cursive in fifty years
You think the Constitution is obsolete, huh.
I think that posting is moronic
I think you're dumber than dog shit.
Why don’t you post it in cursive?

You wouldn't be able to read it.
When the one getting it didn't earn it and the one funding it isn't getting it, it's called taking from one and giving to another.

Giving something to someone they didn't earn by forcing someone that did to pay for it, that's never the best. The best is to hold them responsible for supporting themselves. They'll either figure out they have to and solve the problem or they won't, go away, and still solve the problem.

Who did the government give YOUR money to?

EVERY government expenditure does not help people equally. People with no children pay to educate the children of others. Are you taking their money to give to others?
But education is for the General Welfare of the people
What about people on welfare that don't pay any taxes, yet their children are educated at the expense of others. Is that fair?

With social welfare, those getting the benefits aren't paying the taxes and those paying the taxes don't get from those programs.
Who writes the tax code?
The rich or the poor?

How much of the code is written to benefit the poor vs the rich?
How much benefits the middle class?

Apparently the tax codes benefits those on the lower end. They don't pay lots of taxes that fund things which they receive. Not a single welfare recipient pays income taxes. Not a single person on food stamps pays income taxes. In fact, a family of four does not pay income taxes until the family income is almost $50,000/year. The poor get the opportunity to an education through the 12th grade the same as the non poor but pay a smaller amount, if any, of the taxes that fund it. The poor get a lot better deal than the rich when it comes to the tax code.

The Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules
Cursive is obsolete.
Other than my squiggly signature, I haven’t written in cursive in fifty years
You think the Constitution is obsolete, huh.
I think that posting is moronic
I think you're dumber than dog shit.
Why don’t you post it in cursive?

You wouldn't be able to read it.

Who cares anymore?
I think that posting is moronic
I think you're dumber than dog shit.
Why don’t you post it in cursive?

You wouldn't be able to read it.

Who cares anymore?
Educated people.
They can’t write either


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