What Did The 'Economics Whiz' Just Do?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. “Today in America there are nearly twice as many people working for the government (22.5 million) than in all of manufacturing (11.5 million). This is an almost exact reversal of the situation in 1960, when there were 15 million workers in manufacturing and 8.7 million collecting a paycheck from the government. It gets worse. More Americans work for the government than work in construction, farming, fishing, forestry, manufacturing, mining and utilities combined. We have moved decisively from a nation of makers to a nation of takers. “Stephen Moore: We've Become a Nation of Takers, Not Makers - WSJ.com

2. How do we leave what Hayek called ‘the road to serfdom”? What he meant was the low-grade, virtual servitude to ever-expanding, unaccountable government that, searching for tax revenues, has appropriated funds that entrepreneurs could have used to grow the economy. A government that has created a protected class of government workers and crony corporations that play by a different set of rules than the rest of us, and has left the nation in hock for generations to come.
Arthur C. Brooks, “The Road to Freedom”

3. The average federal employee earned $81,258 per year in 2009. The average private-sector worker earned $50,462. When benefits are added, the private-industry worker gets $10,500, while the federal employee gets $42,000- or more! Federal workers earning double their private counterparts - USATODAY.com

a. The disparity has grown from 66% in 2000, to 101% in 2009.
Federal Employees Continue to Prosper | Cato @ Liberty

b. When you compare job-to-job, which is difficult as job titles are hard to compare, total compensation for federal employees is 50% higher than private sector counterparts. Even considering skill, education, and seniority, it’s still a large disparity.
USAToday, op.cit.

c. “An apples-to-apples comparison shows that the federal pay system gives many federal workers significantly more compensation than they would get in the private sector. The total premium costs taxpayers $40 billion (according to Richwine and Biggs) or $47 billion (Sherk) per year above market rates.” Federal Pay Still Inflated After Accounting for Skills
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4. President Obama returned to Washington yesterday from his $4 million Hawaiian vacation to solve the fiscal cliff crisis. His first move? Signing an executive order lifting the pay freeze on federal employees. Priorities, baby! President Barack Obama issued an executive order to end the pay freeze on federal employees, in effect giving some federal workers a raise. One federal worker now to receive a pay increase is Vice President Joe Biden. Obama Just Issued Executive Order To Give Federal Employees Pay Raises! No Kidding. | Obama

a. According to a senior Republican congressional aide who has reviewed the executive order and consulted with the Congressional Budget Office, Obama's pay raise will cost $11 billion. "The CBO told us that the President’s pay raise for federal workers will cost $11 billion over ten years," says the aide. The aide explains, "On the cost-estimate, CBO says the (discretionary) cost of the .5% pay-hike the President is calling for in the Exec Order – relative to a freeze – is about $500m in FY 2013 and $11 billion over the ten years from FY 13 - FY 22. The reason why the FY ’13 savings is only $500 million is because the pay hike as proposed by the President’s Exec Order would not go into effect until April 1st, 2013 - when the current CR expires. So it only covers half the fiscal year. The annualized cost of the pay hike is about $1 billion/year." Obama Orders Pay Raise for Biden, Members of Congress, Federal Workers | The Weekly Standard
Same story with slightly different numbers in 2006.
I brought it up back then and was picked on becuase of it.
Same story with slightly different numbers in 2006.
I brought it up back then and was picked on becuase of it.

So...there was a President hand-wringing and warning of the 'fiscal cliff' in 2006?

A whining hypocrite spending like a drunken sailor ready to blame the opposition for economic woes.....but, as a postscript, adds $11 billion to the taxpayer's debts?

Put us into a $16 trillion hole....

Don't believe so.

Nope....this is a one-of-a-kind presidency that deserves every kind of contumely that can be heaped on it.
AND the only entity that deserves even more vituperation are the dunces who voted this aberration into another term.

As far as picking on you....'you only hurt the ones you love.'
Two questions:

1. Is there a point in there you are trying to make? If so please state it rather than simply stringing together a series of incoherent pastes.

2. Do you understand anything you have quoted are are you willing to discuss it? I think not, but out of courtesy, I'll ask. If you think these dregs from conservative bat shit crazy websites support any particular point you are trying to make, try to make the logical argument for us poor souls who labor in reality.
Same story with slightly different numbers in 2006.
I brought it up back then and was picked on becuase of it.

We are 2 days from 2013.... Six years and a lot wiser now.

I screamed back then as well, that doesn't give Obama the right to get away with it now.
Btw, we all payed for Bush's stupidity by getting an even stupider Democrat.

We have got to stop saying Booosh did it and fix this ship.
It's sinking and we are ALL on board..!
Two questions:

1. Is there a point in there you are trying to make? If so please state it rather than simply stringing together a series of incoherent pastes.

2. Do you understand anything you have quoted are are you willing to discuss it? I think not, but out of courtesy, I'll ask. If you think these dregs from conservative bat shit crazy websites support any particular point you are trying to make, try to make the logical argument for us poor souls who labor in reality.

Stupid questions deserve stupid answers....
So...there was a President hand-wringing and warning of the 'fiscal cliff' in 2006?'

no. but there also wasn't a bunch of obstreperous teatards who wanted to destroy our economic system back in 2006.

or do you not understand the fact that the speaker is a pretty reasonable guy who can't control his loons?
Two questions:

1. Is there a point in there you are trying to make? If so please state it rather than simply stringing together a series of incoherent pastes.

2. Do you understand anything you have quoted are are you willing to discuss it? I think not, but out of courtesy, I'll ask. If you think these dregs from conservative bat shit crazy websites support any particular point you are trying to make, try to make the logical argument for us poor souls who labor in reality.

Stupid questions deserve stupid answers....

the questions are reasonable... the cut and paste queen never gives her own thoughts... just regurgitates a multitude of quotes...

which aren't worth the effort to break down and respond to b/c they're mostly nonsense, half truths and far right wing blogosphere 'opinions'.
Two questions:

1. Is there a point in there you are trying to make? If so please state it rather than simply stringing together a series of incoherent pastes.

2. Do you understand anything you have quoted are are you willing to discuss it? I think not, but out of courtesy, I'll ask. If you think these dregs from conservative bat shit crazy websites support any particular point you are trying to make, try to make the logical argument for us poor souls who labor in reality.
The standard response of those Liberals that can't comprehend PC's posts is to claim that she "copy/pastes" from somewhere.

I've asked others and I'll ask you: Show us where PC Girls has copy/pasted from and I'll pos rep you.
I noted in another thread that 90% of the growth of the economy since 2007 (when the Dems took control of Congress) has been consumed by the Federal Government. The Federal Government is killing the private sector and real job growth. Government jobs, with the exception of essential services such as the military, are mostly transfer payments.
Two questions:

1. Is there a point in there you are trying to make? If so please state it rather than simply stringing together a series of incoherent pastes.

2. Do you understand anything you have quoted are are you willing to discuss it? I think not, but out of courtesy, I'll ask. If you think these dregs from conservative bat shit crazy websites support any particular point you are trying to make, try to make the logical argument for us poor souls who labor in reality.

Stupid questions deserve stupid answers....

the questions are reasonable... the cut and paste queen never gives her own thoughts... just regurgitates a multitude of quotes...

which aren't worth the effort to break down and respond to b/c they're mostly nonsense, half truths and far right wing blogosphere 'opinions'.

Spot on observation with one missing ingredient. Her defense is always an attack on the person who offers a counterpoint to her half-truths and the right wing propaganda she spews. Never in my experience has she responded with a cogent (and let alone concise) defense which originated from her own brain.
I noted in another thread that 90% of the growth of the economy since 2007 (when the Dems took control of Congress) has been consumed by the Federal Government. The Federal Government is killing the private sector and real job growth. Government jobs, with the exception of essential services such as the military, are mostly transfer payments.

Easy to post an effect (without a link); not so easy to post the causes. Can you think of any?
I noted in another thread that 90% of the growth of the economy since 2007 (when the Dems took control of Congress) has been consumed by the Federal Government. The Federal Government is killing the private sector and real job growth. Government jobs, with the exception of essential services such as the military, are mostly transfer payments.

Easy to post an effect (without a link); not so easy to post the causes. Can you think of any?

You really are pathetically ignorant. Anyone who actually cares to be informed has easy access to government data. I make it a point to review the source information on a regular basis (something I doubt you ever bother to do).

Historical Tables | The White House

BEA National Economic Accounts

Federal outlays were $2.7T in 2007 and $3.6M in 2011, an increase of $900B.

GDP in 2007 was $14T in 2007 and $15T in 2011, an increase of $1T.

And now for the tricky MATH part:

$900B/$1T = 90%

The Federal government is gobbling up the vast majority of economic growth, and on an inflation adjusted basis, is actually consuming more than what has been created. I'm not going to do that calculation for you - you can see the inflation adjusted amounts if you bother to look.

I do realize for you that Math Is Hard - but it wouldn't hurt you to try.
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I noted in another thread that 90% of the growth of the economy since 2007 (when the Dems took control of Congress) has been consumed by the Federal Government. The Federal Government is killing the private sector and real job growth. Government jobs, with the exception of essential services such as the military, are mostly transfer payments.

Easy to post an effect (without a link); not so easy to post the causes. Can you think of any?

You really are pathetically ignorant. Anyone who actually cares to be informed has easy access to government data. I make it a point to review the source information on a regular basis (something I doubt you ever bother to do).

Historical Tables | The White House

BEA National Economic Accounts

Federal outlays were $2.7T in 2007 and $3.6M in 2011, an increase of $900B.

GDP in 2007 was $14T in 2007 and $15T in 2011, an increase of $1T.

And now for the tricky MATH part:

$900B/$1T = 90%

The Federal government is gobbling up the vast majority of economic growth, and on an inflation adjusted basis, is actually consuming more than what has been created. I'm not going to do that calculation for you - you can see the inflation adjusted amounts if you bother to look.

I do realize for you that Math Is Hard - but it wouldn't hurt you to try.

It's not the math, it's the cause and effect which was the gist of my post; the parenthetical was added because I was curious. Of course you chose to default to the personal attack and not to the essential issue. Which were the causes of the effect you blame on the Democrats (alone)?
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I noted in another thread that 90% of the growth of the economy since 2007 (when the Dems took control of Congress) has been consumed by the Federal Government. The Federal Government is killing the private sector and real job growth. Government jobs, with the exception of essential services such as the military, are mostly transfer payments.

Easy to post an effect (without a link); not so easy to post the causes. Can you think of any?

The cause is easy to identify: big government progressivism/statism and the erosion of The Constitution.
I noted in another thread that 90% of the growth of the economy since 2007 (when the Dems took control of Congress) has been consumed by the Federal Government. The Federal Government is killing the private sector and real job growth. Government jobs, with the exception of essential services such as the military, are mostly transfer payments.

Easy to post an effect (without a link); not so easy to post the causes. Can you think of any?

The cause is easy to identify: big government progressivism/statism and the erosion of The Constitution.

Of course that would be your opinion, and the opinion of other parrots of your kind. The facts belie your opinions.
And what facts would those be, you sad hack?
Anyone informed and with a lick of sense have an opinion different than boedicca?

Bzzzzzzt. Wrong.

Try again.

But that's really not fair of me, on second thought. You really can't explain. You just blithely accept the government borrowing money we don't have to hand out to their cronies. The morality of saddling future generations with massive interest payments, high permanent unemployment, and low standards of living is lost on you.
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