What did they die for?


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
As we honor our fallen heroes today, we should remember what they felt was worth the ultimate sacrifice:


All of that stems from the free and fair elections.

We have faced enemies on the battlefield, the ocean, and the air. We now face them in space.

But if we lose our free and fair elections, did we surrender without a fight?

Are the machines, late night ballot dumps, elections where the GOP takes both the state house and senate yet loses the prez and enough senate seats to keep everything under the control of those who fraudulently rejected the will of the American voter and are currently shoving Marxism, racial bigotry, malicious and treasonous use of DOJ, fraud in Covid, fraud in co2, is all of that being used by those who are completely disloyal to the United States to wreck our country and make it serve another, specifically Israel?

Did our fallen heroes fight and die only to watch us lose our freedom via mass fraud?

Are the American people entitled to see the FBI 911 file? We paid for it. Why can't we see it? Is that why the election was stolen?
You dishonor the fallen when you use their memory for a ruse like the Big Lie. You should be ashamed and this thread should be locked.
As we honor our fallen heroes today, we should remember what they felt was worth the ultimate sacrifice:


All of that stems from the free and fair elections.

We have faced enemies on the battlefield, the ocean, and the air. We now face them in space.

But if we lose our free and fair elections, did we surrender without a fight?

Are the machines, late night ballot dumps, elections where the GOP takes both the state house and senate yet loses the prez and enough senate seats to keep everything under the control of those who fraudulently rejected the will of the American voter and are currently shoving Marxism, racial bigotry, malicious and treasonous use of DOJ, fraud in Covid, fraud in co2, is all of that being used by those who are completely disloyal to the United States to wreck our country and make it serve another, specifically Israel?

Did our fallen heroes fight and die only to watch us lose our freedom via mass fraud?

Are the American people entitled to see the FBI 911 file? We paid for it. Why can't we see it? Is that why the election was stolen?
We haven't lost yet. Don't give up.
As we honor our fallen heroes today, we should remember what they felt was worth the ultimate sacrifice:


All of that stems from the free and fair elections.

We have faced enemies on the battlefield, the ocean, and the air. We now face them in space.

But if we lose our free and fair elections, did we surrender without a fight?

Are the machines, late night ballot dumps, elections where the GOP takes both the state house and senate yet loses the prez and enough senate seats to keep everything under the control of those who fraudulently rejected the will of the American voter and are currently shoving Marxism, racial bigotry, malicious and treasonous use of DOJ, fraud in Covid, fraud in co2, is all of that being used by those who are completely disloyal to the United States to wreck our country and make it serve another, specifically Israel?

Did our fallen heroes fight and die only to watch us lose our freedom via mass fraud?

Are the American people entitled to see the FBI 911 file? We paid for it. Why can't we see it? Is that why the election was stolen?
Lol, here we qe go again unreasonable morons being unreasonable morons. Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!! Ya guess what dumb fuck those cities you stupid fuckubg retard repugs keep calling shit holes is where all the population lives. More people the more votes the longer it takes to tabulate. They are always the last to report. Dumv fuck! Mean while your own sources that decry fraud got sued. Guess what their defense was? Only unreasonable morons would belive! What does that make your stupid fucking ass?
As we honor our fallen heroes today, we should remember what they felt was worth the ultimate sacrifice:


All of that stems from the free and fair elections.

We have faced enemies on the battlefield, the ocean, and the air. We now face them in space.

But if we lose our free and fair elections, did we surrender without a fight?

Are the machines, late night ballot dumps, elections where the GOP takes both the state house and senate yet loses the prez and enough senate seats to keep everything under the control of those who fraudulently rejected the will of the American voter and are currently shoving Marxism, racial bigotry, malicious and treasonous use of DOJ, fraud in Covid, fraud in co2, is all of that being used by those who are completely disloyal to the United States to wreck our country and make it serve another, specifically Israel?

Did our fallen heroes fight and die only to watch us lose our freedom via mass fraud?

Are the American people entitled to see the FBI 911 file? We paid for it. Why can't we see it? Is that why the election was stolen?
We haven't lost yet. Don't give up.
Once most of the Republicans voted to have a peaceful transition of power for this latest presidency, we lost and the left will use every underhanded and illegal tactic they can for all subsequent elections to ensure that there will only be a one-party government from now on and that government will have the title "Democratic" in it, but be like the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea), Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Peoples Democratic Republic of Algeria. These so-called Democratic nations all have one thing in common.......they are all Authoritarian Governments.
Once you have a one-party government, it's assured that it becomes authoritarian and tyrannical.
As for those Republicans who voted for a peaceful transition of power, knowing what was happening with the so-called Democrat Party, they preferred submission to eliminate the likelihood of Civil War and the resulting casualties.
You dishonor the fallen when you use their memory for a ruse like the Big Lie. You should be ashamed and this thread should be locked.

You are one of the traitors enabling the removal of the free and fair election.

You do not care about truth, freedom, justice, or America.

All you care about is your gayness and your government check.
But if we lose our free and fair elections, did we surrender without a fight?

I can't believe you used Memorial Day to push fascist Trump cult conspiracy theories. Have you no shame at all?

This from a mossad who invested in gold, oil, defense stocks, and the long bond on 910.

Einstein called you a fascist in 1948 - spot on truth.
As we honor our fallen heroes today, we should remember what they felt was worth the ultimate sacrifice:


All of that stems from the free and fair elections.

We have faced enemies on the battlefield, the ocean, and the air. We now face them in space.

But if we lose our free and fair elections, did we surrender without a fight?

Are the machines, late night ballot dumps, elections where the GOP takes both the state house and senate yet loses the prez and enough senate seats to keep everything under the control of those who fraudulently rejected the will of the American voter and are currently shoving Marxism, racial bigotry, malicious and treasonous use of DOJ, fraud in Covid, fraud in co2, is all of that being used by those who are completely disloyal to the United States to wreck our country and make it serve another, specifically Israel?

Did our fallen heroes fight and die only to watch us lose our freedom via mass fraud?

Are the American people entitled to see the FBI 911 file? We paid for it. Why can't we see it? Is that why the election was stolen?
Lol, here we qe go again unreasonable morons being unreasonable morons. Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!! Ya guess what dumb fuck those cities you stupid fuckubg retard repugs keep calling shit holes is where all the population lives. More people the more votes the longer it takes to tabulate. They are always the last to report. Dumv fuck! Mean while your own sources that decry fraud got sued. Guess what their defense was? Only unreasonable morons would belive! What does that make your stupid fucking ass?

1. A patriotic American who cares
2. Highly intelligent, excellent at math and science
3. Someone your side cannot debate, but rather resorts to drive byes and censorship
4. Someone you don't have the courage to come out from behind your monitor and debate/fight
The un American deranged are trying to steal the free and fair election, from Biden and the MAJORITY of Americans who cast their vote for Biden.

You are the crooks, the cheats, the fraudsters, the enemy of democracy!!! Enough, is enough!

Just stop, with your Big Lie! Shame on you, to be so easily and readily deceived by your cult master! :eek:
Fraud ballots are not"votes."

The election returned 35 states with gop controlled state house and senate. Your side claims voters voted for Biden and then GOP down ballot, you know that did not happen, and that is why you are so afraid of those audits.

Be afraid. The wrath of America is aimed at you..
As we honor our fallen heroes today, we should remember what they felt was worth the ultimate sacrifice:


All of that stems from the free and fair elections.

We have faced enemies on the battlefield, the ocean, and the air. We now face them in space.

But if we lose our free and fair elections, did we surrender without a fight?

Are the machines, late night ballot dumps, elections where the GOP takes both the state house and senate yet loses the prez and enough senate seats to keep everything under the control of those who fraudulently rejected the will of the American voter and are currently shoving Marxism, racial bigotry, malicious and treasonous use of DOJ, fraud in Covid, fraud in co2, is all of that being used by those who are completely disloyal to the United States to wreck our country and make it serve another, specifically Israel?

Did our fallen heroes fight and die only to watch us lose our freedom via mass fraud?

Are the American people entitled to see the FBI 911 file? We paid for it. Why can't we see it? Is that why the election was stolen?
Lol, here we qe go again unreasonable morons being unreasonable morons. Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!! Ya guess what dumb fuck those cities you stupid fuckubg retard repugs keep calling shit holes is where all the population lives. More people the more votes the longer it takes to tabulate. They are always the last to report. Dumv fuck! Mean while your own sources that decry fraud got sued. Guess what their defense was? Only unreasonable morons would belive! What does that make your stupid fucking ass?

1. A patriotic American who cares
2. Highly intelligent, excellent at math and science
3. Someone your side cannot debate, but rather resorts to drive byes and censorship
4. Someone you don't have the courage to come out from behind your monitor and debate/fight
Says the unreasonable moron. Hilarious! Still don't get it huh, your own sources that lie like he'll call you moron for believing. What the fuck does it take to get it through your moronic skull? Then to add on a key board warrior. Go fuck yourself!
You dishonor the fallen when you use their memory for a ruse like the Big Lie. You should be ashamed and this thread should be locked.

You are one of the traitors enabling the removal of the free and fair election.

You do not care about truth, freedom, justice, or America.

All you care about is your gayness and your government check.
This has been adjudicated at length. There was no coordinated fraud in the election, no fraud that affected the outcome, and most localized fraud was generally Trump wingbats.
As we honor our fallen heroes today, we should remember what they felt was worth the ultimate sacrifice:


All of that stems from the free and fair elections.

We have faced enemies on the battlefield, the ocean, and the air. We now face them in space.

But if we lose our free and fair elections, did we surrender without a fight?

Are the machines, late night ballot dumps, elections where the GOP takes both the state house and senate yet loses the prez and enough senate seats to keep everything under the control of those who fraudulently rejected the will of the American voter and are currently shoving Marxism, racial bigotry, malicious and treasonous use of DOJ, fraud in Covid, fraud in co2, is all of that being used by those who are completely disloyal to the United States to wreck our country and make it serve another, specifically Israel?

Did our fallen heroes fight and die only to watch us lose our freedom via mass fraud?

Are the American people entitled to see the FBI 911 file? We paid for it. Why can't we see it? Is that why the election was stolen?
Regime Change
As we honor our fallen heroes today, we should remember what they felt was worth the ultimate sacrifice:


All of that stems from the free and fair elections.

We have faced enemies on the battlefield, the ocean, and the air. We now face them in space.

But if we lose our free and fair elections, did we surrender without a fight?

Are the machines, late night ballot dumps, elections where the GOP takes both the state house and senate yet loses the prez and enough senate seats to keep everything under the control of those who fraudulently rejected the will of the American voter and are currently shoving Marxism, racial bigotry, malicious and treasonous use of DOJ, fraud in Covid, fraud in co2, is all of that being used by those who are completely disloyal to the United States to wreck our country and make it serve another, specifically Israel?

Did our fallen heroes fight and die only to watch us lose our freedom via mass fraud?

Are the American people entitled to see the FBI 911 file? We paid for it. Why can't we see it? Is that why the election was stolen?
Regime Change

All of those were subservient to the dominant cause of the w administration -Israel

And who is w for? Biden

Why? Because they are on the same team, the team of Zionist fascism, what Einstein warned us about in 1948.

They did 911

Traitor Joe was 100% behind w including GItmo and not allowing the American people to see the FBI 911 file
Abraham Lincoln said:
"All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."
The anti-American Democrat Party and the socialist/Marxist/Islamic elected government officials that make up its ranks will be the proximate cause of the collapse of our constitutional Republic, either by establishing a one party government or by allowing the New World Order to dictate our behavior from Europe....or China.
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Abraham Lincoln said:
"All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."
The anti-American Democrat Party and the socialist/Marxist/Islamic elected government officials that make up its ranks will be the proximate cause of the collapse of ourguy constitutional Republic, either by establishing a one party government or by allowing the New World Order to dictate our behavior from Europe....or China.
Lol, you are way more than an idiot.
You dishonor the fallen when you use their memory for a ruse like the Big Lie. You should be ashamed and this thread should be locked.

You are one of the traitors enabling the removal of the free and fair election.

You do not care about truth, freedom, justice, or America.

All you care about is your gayness and your government check.
:yes_text12: :thankusmile: amen to that.

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