What Did YOU Hope Obama Would Do, If Elected?

he has done a lot of what i wanted him to do in 2008.

-get tobacco under FDA regulation

-increase CAFE standards

-new nuke treaty with russia.

-tackle the health care problem

1. Good
2. Ok, but I wish the free market would have a little more power in this.
3. Stupid. Russia and China doesn't give a damn about this and won't do it. This is the only thing standing in the way from us having another world war. Be careful what you ask for.
4. I wish we could tackle these problems.
I had a lot of hopes when I voted for Obama.
1. End the war in Iraq. He did, but took a lot longer than I would have liked.
2. Get OBL. He did.
3. Investigate the previous administration re 9/11 and the Iraq war. Didn't do.
4. Single payer health care. Got a crappy insurance company giveaway instead.
5. Close Gitmo. Didn't do.
6. End Patriot Act and surveillance state. Didn't do. Arguably worse now.
7. Get rid of DHS and TSA. Still have the Gestapo running amok.
8. End Afghanistan war. Still there accomplishing nothing.
9. End War On (Some) Drugs.
10. Go back to Clinton Era tax rates.

1. Good!!!!
2. GOOOD!!!!
3. Why? Your party voted for it too. lol
4. We need to find away to lower the cost of healthcare without destroying the care given. Think about it.
5. Why? Why not just shot them.
6. We need to track the terrorist but not become a surveillance state. You're right that it is worse.
7. I'd love that. ;)
8. I'm waiting
9. I'm waiting for that to end. The war on drugs is stupid.
10. Maybe it would be better. I'd argue dropping the corporate and closing the loop holes.
I had a lot of hopes when I voted for Obama.
1. End the war in Iraq. He did, but took a lot longer than I would have liked.
2. Get OBL. He did.
3. Investigate the previous administration re 9/11 and the Iraq war. Didn't do.
4. Single payer health care. Got a crappy insurance company giveaway instead.
5. Close Gitmo. Didn't do.
6. End Patriot Act and surveillance state. Didn't do. Arguably worse now.
7. Get rid of DHS and TSA. Still have the Gestapo running amok.
8. End Afghanistan war. Still there accomplishing nothing.
9. End War On (Some) Drugs.
10. Go back to Clinton Era tax rates.

1. Good!!!!
2. GOOOD!!!!
3. Why? Your party voted for it too. lol
4. We need to find away to lower the cost of healthcare without destroying the care given. Think about it.
5. Why? Why not just shot them.
6. We need to track the terrorist but not become a surveillance state. You're right that it is worse.
7. I'd love that. ;)
8. I'm waiting
9. I'm waiting for that to end. The war on drugs is stupid.
10. Maybe it would be better. I'd argue dropping the corporate and closing the loop holes.

3. It bothers me that there has been more investigations on all of Obama's micro-scandals than there was on getting to the bottom of 9/11.

5. ..."They were decently treated. They were decently fed and then they were decently shot."
1)Bring Our troops home from Iraq and A'stan.

2)Focus on creating an environment for better job creation and a good economy.

3)Focus on Our Civil Liberties and not carry on some of the same programs the previous Administration started and expanded upon.

4)Have a more friendly and open foreign policy.

5)Be a non-interventionist unless our security is truly at risk.

6)Secure our borders.

7)Be a positive image for America domestically and around the world.

8)Follow the Constitution and really respect the Bill of Rights.

9)Be a buffer for both parties and go across party lines in order to take the best ideas from all parties and implement them.
1)Bring Our troops home from Iraq and A'stan.

2)Focus on creating an environment for better job creation and a good economy.

3)Focus on Our Civil Liberties and not carry on some of the same programs the previous Administration started and expanded upon.

4)Have a more friendly and open foreign policy.

5)Be a non-interventionist unless our security is truly at risk.

6)Secure our borders.

7)Be a positive image for America domestically and around the world.

8)Follow the Constitution and really respect the Bill of Rights.

9)Be a buffer for both parties and go across party lines in order to take the best ideas from all parties and implement them.

1)Bring Our troops home from Iraq and A'stan.

2)Focus on creating an environment for better job creation and a good economy.

3)Focus on Our Civil Liberties and not carry on some of the same programs the previous Administration started and expanded upon.

4)Have a more friendly and open foreign policy.

5)Be a non-interventionist unless our security is truly at risk.

6)Secure our borders.

7)Be a positive image for America domestically and around the world.

8)Follow the Constitution and really respect the Bill of Rights.

9)Be a buffer for both parties and go across party lines in order to take the best ideas from all parties and implement them.


What do you specifically think is "B.S." that I wrote? I predict that you probably will come up with another stupid and ignorant response that would not be based on anything factual.
Some of the posters in this topic are a perfect example of everything that is wrong with this country. Some people never wanted our President to do any good for a moment. It was never about the good of our country, but about making Obama look bad. To hell with right or wrong, as long as the opposition loses.
I hoped he would act as a President of all Americans, instead of a divisive rabble rouser.

His supporters hoped he would give meaning to their miserable lives, which they blamed on Bush.
1)Bring Our troops home from Iraq and A'stan.

2)Focus on creating an environment for better job creation and a good economy.

3)Focus on Our Civil Liberties and not carry on some of the same programs the previous Administration started and expanded upon.

4)Have a more friendly and open foreign policy.

5)Be a non-interventionist unless our security is truly at risk.

6)Secure our borders.

7)Be a positive image for America domestically and around the world.

8)Follow the Constitution and really respect the Bill of Rights.

9)Be a buffer for both parties and go across party lines in order to take the best ideas from all parties and implement them.


What, it's BS that that's what he was hoping for? Did you tranfix yourself into his mind?

Fuck off, you shill.
Just what he promised, anything he's failed to do has been due to mindless Pub obstruction and fear mongering. Obamacare will be the most popular social reform ever in time to blast Pub a-hles out of office next year. Everything you know is wrong, hater dupes.
First - take down Bin Laden after Repubicans let him go.

Second - save the car companies which he did.

Third - pass Health Care reform. But I would have preferred single payer, but Republicans wouldn't allow it.

Forth - bring back the economy with a classic stimulus which worked, but would have been better without Republicans messing it up.

5. Take us out of Iraq, which he did.

6. End don't ask don't tell.

7. Pass Lilly Ledbetter, his first piece of legislation.

8. End the deficit creating Bush tax cuts, but Republicans blackmailed him by holding millions of unemployed hostage.

9. Invest in rebuilding American infrastructure. Republicans say "No way Jose".

10. Support education. Republicans say cut education and bring in immigrants who already have degrees.

Those are things I wanted him to start with. Imagine how much better it would be without Republicans blocking everything he tries to do.

1 - wrong...Republicans did NOT let him go, they had everything in place that ended up helping to find him. CLINTON let him go....twice.

2 - The car companies still owe us money, and now are building in China and elsewhere.

3 - Against the majority of people not wanting it, and plus he had to bribe a senator to get it to pass.

4 - The stimulus failed (as Obama said, those "shovel ready jobs" weren't so shovel ready.

5 - We got out of Iraq on the date set by the Bush administration.

6 - Big mistake!

7 - I haven't seen or heard of any difference in pay.

8 - Lie

9 - Another lie...what's been done exactly?

10 - Another lie.

Imagine how great it would be if Obama would actually list to the PEOPLE instead of just doing what he wants? I had hoped when he was elected he would prove me wrong. That was a waste of "hope"....

Lie? What the fuck is wrong with you? I don't need to lie. Check this out:

8. End the deficit creating Bush tax cuts, but Republicans blackmailed him by holding millions of unemployed hostage.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

That was from the Right Wing Christian Science Monitor. Are they lying too?

9. Invest in rebuilding American infrastructure. Republicans say "No way Jose".

Even with bridges falling down, Republicans have blocked rebuilding American infrastructure except the more than 100 Republicans in congress that took stimulus money they voted against and created thousands of new jobs.

Stimulating Hypocrisy: 114 Lawmakers Block Recovery While Taking Credit For Its Success

10. Support education. Republicans say cut education and bring in immigrants who already have degrees.

How many times have I posted videos of Mitt saying we need to cut education? How many times have I posted links to his site where his plan was to bring immigrants here with degrees? Even the Republican Party is fighting because half want to make their corporate masters happy and bring in immigrants with degrees. The stupid half are scared immigrants will take jobs the GOP base don't have and aren't qualified for because they think education is for snobs.

I won't bother with the other ones because everyone knows 9/11 happened when Bush, not Clinton was president.

You've just been owned. Republicans should be used to it. Aren't they owned by BP? They apologized.
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I hoped he would begin to reign in corruption. Conduct the Peoples business in an open and forthright way. Reign in corporatism. Instead he has done the exact opposite of what he claimed he would do.
I had hoped that he would keep giving that "Yes you can" Speech--except give in in black-majority junior high schools all over the country. He could have made a difference.

An articulate, intelligent black man...who also happens to be the President of the United States...that speech would have really made an impression in every class room all over the country--on the psyche of the children of a race which has been abused in this country for 7 or more generations.

The impact might have made for one of the great accomplishments of his presidency.

But, it would not manifest itself for 10 years or more. Too late to help at the polls.

So, he played golf and went to fund raisers instead.
1)Bring Our troops home from Iraq and A'stan.

2)Focus on creating an environment for better job creation and a good economy.

3)Focus on Our Civil Liberties and not carry on some of the same programs the previous Administration started and expanded upon.

4)Have a more friendly and open foreign policy.

5)Be a non-interventionist unless our security is truly at risk.

6)Secure our borders.

7)Be a positive image for America domestically and around the world.

8)Follow the Constitution and really respect the Bill of Rights.

9)Be a buffer for both parties and go across party lines in order to take the best ideas from all parties and implement them.


What, it's BS that that's what he was hoping for? Did you tranfix yourself into his mind?

Fuck off, you shill.

Maybe there was a misunderstanding :lol:
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I wanted someone who would be able to out think and out maneuver the Republicans. Obama loses to Congressional Republicans on issues where he has popular opinion on his side, such as raising taxes on rich people.

This is the kind of president I wanted:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjSTQwamo8M]FDR: I Welcome Their Hatred - YouTube[/ame]

Instead we have an incompetent affirmative action beneficiary. Last November I did not really vote for Obama. I voted against Romney. I wish I had someone to vote for.
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I hoped he would begin to reign in corruption. Conduct the Peoples business in an open and forthright way. Reign in corporatism. Instead he has done the exact opposite of what he claimed he would do.

Actually no. Republicans have done everything they could to hang a scandal around his neck. They are lucky they are in control of the house. Imagine if Democrats had been the ones to "alter" emails. Seriously, can you imagine the scandal if it were Democrats and not Republicans who altered Benghazi emails in their zeal to hang something, anything on Obama? People would be going to jail instead of "Oh well, that didn't work. What's next?"

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