What Did YOU Hope Obama Would Do, If Elected?

I had hoped he would get us out of the Middle East quagmire which he and his neocon cronies have grown to love.

See what I get for hoping?
I wanted someone who would be able to out think and out maneuver the Republicans. Obama loses to Congressional Republicans on issues where he has popular opinion on his side, such as raising taxes on rich people.

This is the kind of president I wanted:

FDR: I Welcome Their Hatred - YouTube

And yet, he's done so much.

I've been voting since Nixon and I never heard of a political party whose only goal is to bring down a sitting president. Have you? Even before he was sworn in. They never gave the black guy a chance. For obvious reasons.

And the attacks on his wife and two children and aunt and half brother and dead mother and dead grandparents and people he's barely known.

GOP leader's top goal: Make Obama 1-term president - politics - Decision 2010 | NBC News

These are today's Republicans:

I hoped for just one thing from Obama, we stopped our slide into what could become America's greatest depression since the Great Depression, or worse, replaced the greatest with the super-greatest. So far so good.
I had hoped he would get us out of the Middle East quagmire which he and his neocon cronies have grown to love.

See what I get for hoping?

You can't just devastate two countries and then walk away. Well, Republicans could, obviously, if they believe in "let him die" and walk away from disaster victims in this country. But normal people with "good" morals can't do such an awful thing. It brings bad Karma.
I had hoped he would get us out of the Middle East quagmire which he and his neocon cronies have grown to love.

See what I get for hoping?

You can't just devastate two countries and then walk away. Well, Republicans could, obviously, if they believe in "let him die" and walk away from disaster victims in this country. But normal people with "good" morals can't do such an awful thing. It brings bad Karma.

What crap. Occupying nations that do not want us there and propping up corrupt regimes in the name of democracy is not good karma.

Trust me on this.
I had hoped he would get us out of the Middle East quagmire which he and his neocon cronies have grown to love.

See what I get for hoping?

You can't just devastate two countries and then walk away. Well, Republicans could, obviously, if they believe in "let him die" and walk away from disaster victims in this country. But normal people with "good" morals can't do such an awful thing. It brings bad Karma.

It would of been smart to ban islam. This would of want a long ways in turning the middle east into something much better.
I hoped for just one thing from Obama, we stopped our slide into what could become America's greatest depression since the Great Depression, or worse, replaced the greatest with the super-greatest. So far so good.

And Republicans are doing everything they can to block that. If a black president does a good job, it sets the stage for other presidents NOT "white" or "male". That's what this is really all about.

But you can't propagandize a base into believing education is for snobs and "we have no smart people" is a good thing and then reverse that overnight. Convincing your base such nonsense is a good thing has already come back to bite them in the ass. Corporations want educated workers in science and technology. Now you have Republicans quoting their leaders saying "you don't need education to hold down a job" and we know what they think about science. You can't reverse that once it takes hold. Thank God for the country this generation of Republicans is getting old and dying out. The country can't survive with so many weak minded and stupid people who fervently believe such swill.
I had hoped he would get us out of the Middle East quagmire which he and his neocon cronies have grown to love.

See what I get for hoping?

You can't just devastate two countries and then walk away. Well, Republicans could, obviously, if they believe in "let him die" and walk away from disaster victims in this country. But normal people with "good" morals can't do such an awful thing. It brings bad Karma.

It would of been smart to ban islam. This would of want a long ways in turning the middle east into something much better.

Yea, a total graveyard.

If you think Christianity is so much better than Islam, read the Bible. The difference is in Europe, they managed to escape the clutches of the church. The middle east is still stuck in the Dark Ages.

Right wing Christians pick and choose. Muslims don't have that option. Oh, and Jesus is also part of the Muslim Religion, like Mary, but this passage, spoken by Jesus came from the Bible.

Do not think that I came to bring peace on Earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man's enemies will be the members of his household. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it. (Matthew 10:34–39)
I hoped he would begin to reign in corruption. Conduct the Peoples business in an open and forthright way. Reign in corporatism. Instead he has done the exact opposite of what he claimed he would do.

Actually no. Republicans have done everything they could to hang a scandal around his neck. They are lucky they are in control of the house. Imagine if Democrats had been the ones to "alter" emails. Seriously, can you imagine the scandal if it were Democrats and not Republicans who altered Benghazi emails in their zeal to hang something, anything on Obama? People would be going to jail instead of "Oh well, that didn't work. What's next?"

You are such a blind fool. What's truly sad is you actually believe this shit and you will right up to the time they march you into the ovens.
I hoped he would begin to reign in corruption. Conduct the Peoples business in an open and forthright way. Reign in corporatism. Instead he has done the exact opposite of what he claimed he would do.

Actually no. Republicans have done everything they could to hang a scandal around his neck. They are lucky they are in control of the house. Imagine if Democrats had been the ones to "alter" emails. Seriously, can you imagine the scandal if it were Democrats and not Republicans who altered Benghazi emails in their zeal to hang something, anything on Obama? People would be going to jail instead of "Oh well, that didn't work. What's next?"

You are such a blind fool. What's truly sad is you actually believe this shit and you will right up to the time they march you into the ovens.

Explain what's not to believe.

Republicans Altered Benghazi Emails, CBS News Report Claims

GOP Sources Altered Benghazi E-Mails To Suggest A Cover-Up, Reporter Confirms

Republicans lied us into a war. They lie about Obama all the time. What's a few "emails"?
Fire Biden, appoint someone competent as VP and then resign.

No seriously, I hoped he'd actually care about improving the country. I hoped he would be humble and support policies that worked.

I was quickly persuaded that he wouldnt do that.
First - take down Bin Laden after Repubicans let him go.

Second - save the car companies which he did.

Third - pass Health Care reform. But I would have preferred single payer, but Republicans wouldn't allow it.

Forth - bring back the economy with a classic stimulus which worked, but would have been better without Republicans messing it up.

5. Take us out of Iraq, which he did.

6. End don't ask don't tell.

7. Pass Lilly Ledbetter, his first piece of legislation.

8. End the deficit creating Bush tax cuts, but Republicans blackmailed him by holding millions of unemployed hostage.

9. Invest in rebuilding American infrastructure. Republicans say "No way Jose".

10. Support education. Republicans say cut education and bring in immigrants who already have degrees.

Those are things I wanted him to start with. Imagine how much better it would be without Republicans blocking everything he tries to do.

lol, he saved the car companies? you mean ONE CAR company for his Union Buddies?..he took us out of Iraq, I thought Bush already had that set up, but he gets credit in your world...as for rest they sure helped the economy and unemployment...he is a hero
this is what I expected from him, pass a bunch of worthless ligistation, crows over killing some terrorist and we still high Unemployment and he is now going to destroy the coal companies so everything we buy and pay for will go up...in other words I expected NOTHING good from him and it's come true

but what is your normal excuse for Obama, it's the Republicans fault...can you get any more pathetic?
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Fire Biden, appoint someone competent as VP and then resign.

No seriously, I hoped he'd actually care about improving the country. I hoped he would be humble and support policies that worked.

I was quickly persuaded that he wouldnt do that.

yep, we are worse off today than when he took office..he's been what I expected though..tearing us down bit by bit..

The easiest prediction in the world was that any criticism of Obama would be met with "you're only saying that because he's black." At least we haven't been disappointed, yay!

I guess this also means that his supporters only like him because he's black.

It's all about the color of someone's skin for the PC Police.

1)Bring Our troops home from Iraq and A'stan.

2)Focus on creating an environment for better job creation and a good economy.

3)Focus on Our Civil Liberties and not carry on some of the same programs the previous Administration started and expanded upon.

4)Have a more friendly and open foreign policy.

5)Be a non-interventionist unless our security is truly at risk.

6)Secure our borders.

7)Be a positive image for America domestically and around the world.

8)Follow the Constitution and really respect the Bill of Rights.

9)Be a buffer for both parties and go across party lines in order to take the best ideas from all parties and implement them.


What do you specifically think is "B.S." that I wrote? I predict that you probably will come up with another stupid and ignorant response that would not be based on anything factual.

I took what you wrote as what you thing Obama has "done". If this is a list of what you had wished he would do, then I apologize. If it's what you think he has done....it's BS.

What do you specifically think is "B.S." that I wrote? I predict that you probably will come up with another stupid and ignorant response that would not be based on anything factual.

I took what you wrote as what you thing Obama has "done". If this is a list of what you had wished he would do, then I apologize. If it's what you think he has done....it's BS.

Thanks for the apology, I'm sorry I responded in the way that I did. I will edit it. It's a list of what I hoped he was going to do, as you can see in some if not many ways he has done the opposite, thus my disappointment with his Administration.
When he ran against Hillary in the primaries, I was under the impression that his "Health Care Plan" was different from Hillary's because he was going to be a VOLUNTARY and CONTRIBUTORY low cost large group plan for people who couldn't afford health insurance. I thought that it would be a good thing. What was implemented was COMPLETELY opposite.
What Did YOU Hope Obama Would Do, If Elected?
Die... or be sent to prison for high crimes, fraud and treason against the United States of America... that would probably be worse.
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What Did YOU Hope Obama Would Do, If Elected?
Die... or be sent to prison for high crimes, fraud and treason against the United States of America... that would probably be worse.

or be sent to prison for high crimes, fraud and treason against the United States of America..

That's what you get for taking about Bin Laden and most of al Qaeda. Republicans let Bin Laden go for a reason.

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