What Did YOU Hope Obama Would Do, If Elected?

1) My first hope was he would appoint someone like Eliot Spitzer as Attorney General, someone who would have gone after the departing Bush Administration like a hungry wolf and effectively prosecuted enough of them to ensure the same kind of official criminality would not be repeated any time soon.

2) I hoped he would press for prosecution of the bankers and Wall Street operatives who have looted this Nation's wealth resources and severely diminished the middle class. Instead, Obama retained some of the key figures in the crimes and has allowed those known to be guilty to walk away with impunity.

3) "The American People will know they have an honest President when he (or she) demands the end of marijuana prohibition." (Federal Judge Robert Sweet)

Candidate Obama not only admitted to using marijuana, he emphasized it: Barack Obama "I inhaled frequently" "That was the point" - YouTube

Because of the damage marijuana prohibition has done and continues to do to this Nation I hoped Obama, having quite deceptively conveyed a clearly positive impression re: the marijuana issue, would at least be willing to engage in intelligent debate of that issue. Instead he not only has refused to discuss it but his wooden indian Attorney General has interfered with the distribution of medically prescribed marijuana in California.

4) Instead of the "transparency" in government activities Candidate Obama promised he has presided over policies and activities which are increasingly regarded as component of a "surveillance state."

5) In spite of his promise to diminish the aggressively violative provisions contained in the so-called "Patriot Act," Obama has intensified those provisions.

How many broken promises and offensive actions have I missed?

Most of my hopes died when I saw his cabinet picks.

Before that, I knew Obama wasn't going to usher in a libertarian paradise, or anything like the kind of government I would want, but I did have at least faint hopes that he might turn around some of the more authoritarian policies of the Bush administration.

What Did YOU Hope Obama Would Do, If Elected?
Die... or be sent to prison for high crimes, fraud and treason against the United States of America... that would probably be worse.

or be sent to prison for high crimes, fraud and treason against the United States of America..

That's what you get for taking about Bin Laden and most of al Qaeda. Republicans let Bin Laden go for a reason.

AND MOST OF AL QAEDA?????? I doubt it, they're stronger than ever!

And Clinton let Bin Laden go TWICE. What was his reason??
Pretty much the opposite of everything he's done, but I had no illusions he'd do a single positive thing for our future anyway.

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