CDZ What do American Muslims want?

Homosexuality is condemned in the New testament as well as the Old. The "old laws" were mostly consisting of dietary and ceremonial law and were meant for the Jews,not the Gentiles. Many people confuse the Old and New Testaments with the Old and New Covenants, they are two different things

What are the 10 Commandments?

Where is homosexuality condemned in the New Testament? And by condemning, i mean like how Jesus condemns divorce and remarriage.

Jesus himself never said Word One about homosexuality. Paul came along without ever having met Jesus and claimed "Well, what He meant to say was..."

He never said anything about murder or pedophiles either, you think He is OK with it?

I think that we can assume that Jesus spoke about what he thought it was important to teach his followers.

Why his followers feel like they should condemn homosexuals who are not Christians I do not know.

Never assume, God and His word is complicated, I might also add no Christian is going to take you serious on this

Yeah- I get that alot from faux Christians.

I have real Christian friends who take me seriously-and they actually know their bible.
You are still not making sense.

What have I mischaracterized?

What contention have I failed to support?
I am not making sense? Then you have not the ability to follow your own posts and comments. I reposted your original post, lets see if you can step up, or if you will step back.

No- you aren't- which is why I have stopped bothering with your posts.
What are the 10 Commandments?

Where is homosexuality condemned in the New Testament? And by condemning, i mean like how Jesus condemns divorce and remarriage.

Jesus himself never said Word One about homosexuality. Paul came along without ever having met Jesus and claimed "Well, what He meant to say was..."

He never said anything about murder or pedophiles either, you think He is OK with it?

I think that we can assume that Jesus spoke about what he thought it was important to teach his followers.

Why his followers feel like they should condemn homosexuals who are not Christians I do not know.

Never assume, God and His word is complicated, I might also add no Christian is going to take you serious on this

Yeah- I get that alot from faux Christians.

I have real Christian friends who take me seriously-and they actually know their bible.

It's obvious you don't know the Bible. Now stop trying to troll this is the CDZ.
Paul was canonical, which meant his writings, teachings and letters were scripture worthy. Canonical means "measures up to being God's revealed word"

Tell me- do you agree that Donald Trump should be condemned as an adulterer by Christians?

I don't know the circumstances so I can't come to a conclusion. People go on about divorce and Christians, I don't know the circumstances of that either, one person may want a divorce and the other wanted to work it out...who's heart is sincere? Only God knows and the involved parties. Believe what you wish on any part of it, in the end it's God who will have the final judgement, my thoughts are irrelevant.

Also if you want to go on about Trump's infidelities tread lightly, Hillary's is highly suspect also

Wait- you are willing to tell me that the New Testament condemns homosexuality(even though it doesn't specifically) but want to ignore Jesus's express commandment against divorce and remarriage?

Jesus didn't care whose heart was sincere- but perhaps Donald did divorce his wives because they were cheating on him.....LOL

8Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

According to Jesus- Trump is an adulterer- unless wife #1 and wife #2 were each unfaithful to him and that was the reason for the divorce.
Well, good thing asking for forgiveness and promising never to do it again is all he has to do. But Bill and Hillary never will admit they ever did anything wrong. They'll just blame it all on a video.
So you aren't familiar with Mark or Matthew, or you prefer 1 Corinthians: 7 for personal reasons. Remind me, though. Does the "Yeah, go ahead and get divorced" passage occur before or after the "Wives, be submissive to your husbands" bit?

I've already addressed my thoughts on divorce in this thread and I'm well aware of both Mark and Matthew. Perhaps you should keep up?

And here I thought you wanted serious discussion.

I said I already addressed my thoughts on divorce on this thread, I'm not going to repeat myself. You can simply scroll up, now stop trying to create drama

So Paul allows divorce but Jesus, according to those who recorded his words, did not; hence you're down with Paul. Just looking for clarity. Thank you.

The Catholic Church allows annulments because divorce is sometimes warranted in certain situations. Now either learn what you are blabbering about or don't blabber

The church allows annulments under specific circumstances- but not divorce

How does the Church view divorce?

The Church believes that God, the author of marriage, established it as a permanent union. When two people marry, they form an unbreakable bond. Jesus himself taught that marriage is permanent (Matthew 19:3-6), and St. Paul reinforced this teaching (see 1 Cor 7:10-11 and Eph 5:31-32). The Church does not recognize a civil divorce because the State cannot dissolve what is indissoluble. See Catechism of the Catholic Church, #2382-2386.

Why does the Church require a divorced Catholic to obtain a declaration of nullity before marrying in the Church?

In fidelity to Jesus’ teaching, the Church believes that marriage is a lifelong bond (see Matt 19:1-10); therefore, unless one’s spouse has died, the Church requires the divorced Catholic to obtain a declaration of nullity before marrying someone else. The tribunal process seeks to determine if something essential was missing at the moment of consent, that is, the time of the wedding. If so, the Church can declare that a valid marriage was never actually brought about on the wedding day.
Jesus himself never said Word One about homosexuality. Paul came along without ever having met Jesus and claimed "Well, what He meant to say was..."

He never said anything about murder or pedophiles either, you think He is OK with it?

I think that we can assume that Jesus spoke about what he thought it was important to teach his followers.

Why his followers feel like they should condemn homosexuals who are not Christians I do not know.

Never assume, God and His word is complicated, I might also add no Christian is going to take you serious on this

Yeah- I get that alot from faux Christians.

I have real Christian friends who take me seriously-and they actually know their bible.

It's obvious you don't know the Bible. Now stop trying to troll this is the CDZ.

Those of you glass houses shouldn't be trolling in the CDZ.
Kosher dietary rules IS part of Halakha.
And to bring them into this OP, as a point to be made, is simply ridiculous.

Not at all. It makes a point that you, and those who support you prefer to ignore and that is that western countries have long allowed the use of private religious councils for arbritation and to resolve civil matters. It makes the point that there is little difference between Halakha and Sharia in this context. Most of Sharia, like Halakah is really involved with codes of conduct (like keeping kosher or halal) and conducting civil affairs. The popular assumption is Sharia is nothing more than it's penal code is wrong and that is part of the problem with these arguments. As long as it doesn't violate secular law or constitution I could care less if people voluntarily use it, or Halakah, or the Catholic laws, as a means to settle civil matters. We are a free country.
Great, I get it, instead of simply stating what you know, you play this word game, then denigrate me, insult me, and state that I have a problem, based on eating Kosher food.

I wasn't playing any word games - I was pretty direct. You were making claims that were inaccurate.

But the post and comment was made, do I have a problem of people living under Sharia law in the USA, specifically would I have a problem with people resolving civil differences under sharia law.

You are doing an excellent job avoiding what you stated.

Are you ginog to provide an example of Moslems resolving civil matters under sharia law or will continue to obfuscate the topic you brought up.

I did provide - not specific examples of specific people (did you want that?) - but examples of how it IS applied.
Really? I made claims? Right!

It is obvious you are searching Google and formulating your thoughts as you go. You have no idea what you are talking about, you speak of a civil dispute yet you can not provide one. Will you ever get around to that.

If you favor or allow Sharia law in the United States of America, you are not for, "The rule of the law".

There is only one law, one justice system, and all people of all faiths must abide by our laws, not Sharia Law.

You are a funny guy, I state you avoid what you state, and you follow up mimicking what I pointed out? Nice job in your own OP.

So you have no Civil case as an example? Nothing? Family Law is not Civil Law. But you know that right, because you have been so concise, providing details, and clear examples.

Sharia Law has no business in the USA. You can not have to Justice systems in one country.

This is factually incorrect and exhibits an ignorance as to what Sharia actually is.

Tenets, components, and elements of Sharia are often used as provisions in various kinds of contracts – provided those provisions are consistent with state contract law and enforceable by state courts (see, e.g., Odatalla v. Odatalla 355 N.J.Super.305, 810 A.2d 93 (2002), holding that the mahr agreement neither violated the First Amendment nor was in conflict with New Jersey contract law.),

Consequently, the notion that Sharia ‘has no business in the US’ is clearly wrong, nor does Sharia represent some sort of ‘threat’ to the American judicial system, as it does not exist as ‘another’ judicial system, and no one is ‘advocating’ there be ‘two’ justice systems in the US.
Paul was canonical, which meant his writings, teachings and letters were scripture worthy. Canonical means "measures up to being God's revealed word"

Tell me- do you agree that Donald Trump should be condemned as an adulterer by Christians?

I don't know the circumstances so I can't come to a conclusion. People go on about divorce and Christians, I don't know the circumstances of that either, one person may want a divorce and the other wanted to work it out...who's heart is sincere? Only God knows and the involved parties. Believe what you wish on any part of it, in the end it's God who will have the final judgement, my thoughts are irrelevant.

Also if you want to go on about Trump's infidelities tread lightly, Hillary's is highly suspect also

Wait- you are willing to tell me that the New Testament condemns homosexuality(even though it doesn't specifically) but want to ignore Jesus's express commandment against divorce and remarriage?

Jesus didn't care whose heart was sincere- but perhaps Donald did divorce his wives because they were cheating on him.....LOL

8Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

According to Jesus- Trump is an adulterer- unless wife #1 and wife #2 were each unfaithful to him and that was the reason for the divorce.
Well, good thing asking for forgiveness and promising never to do it again is all he has to do. But Bill and Hillary never will admit they ever did anything wrong. They'll just blame it all on a video.

Trump is in an adulterous marriage.

He certainly is not asking for forgiveness for bedding his third wife.
Paul was canonical, which meant his writings, teachings and letters were scripture worthy. Canonical means "measures up to being God's revealed word"

Tell me- do you agree that Donald Trump should be condemned as an adulterer by Christians?

I don't know the circumstances so I can't come to a conclusion. People go on about divorce and Christians, I don't know the circumstances of that either, one person may want a divorce and the other wanted to work it out...who's heart is sincere? Only God knows and the involved parties. Believe what you wish on any part of it, in the end it's God who will have the final judgement, my thoughts are irrelevant.

Also if you want to go on about Trump's infidelities tread lightly, Hillary's is highly suspect also

Wait- you are willing to tell me that the New Testament condemns homosexuality(even though it doesn't specifically) but want to ignore Jesus's express commandment against divorce and remarriage?

Jesus didn't care whose heart was sincere- but perhaps Donald did divorce his wives because they were cheating on him.....LOL

8Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

According to Jesus- Trump is an adulterer- unless wife #1 and wife #2 were each unfaithful to him and that was the reason for the divorce.
Well, good thing asking for forgiveness and promising never to do it again is all he has to do. But Bill and Hillary never will admit they ever did anything wrong. They'll just blame it all on a video.

He/she is another one getting his/her Biblical info from websites. Anyone that doesn't know Paul was a canonical shouldn't be spewing about Paul's letters and scripture and trying to refute them
Civil law covers contracts, wills, property etc. Family law falls under Civil Law.

If you want me to provide concise information, you need to ask concise questions, not rambling about all over the post.
Coyote, it is obvious you have zero understanding about what you post.
1st, we have been discussing the USA, not Canada, why do you link to a Canadian website? Was that first, in your learn as you go, google search? A "" is a canadian website!
2nd, even in Canada, according to your link, Family law is a separate category, it does not fall under Civil law.
3rd, you have no idea what is stated in your links, you either do not read them or you can not comprehend what is stated, which is most likely why you keep stating you can not understand my posts.
4th, I doubt you read anything else you cut/paste, hence you do not even know if your links make a point or are relevant.

Clicklaw: What's the difference between civil, family and criminal law?

All civil matters fall into one of two categories: general civil law and family law.
Paul was canonical, which meant his writings, teachings and letters were scripture worthy. Canonical means "measures up to being God's revealed word"

Tell me- do you agree that Donald Trump should be condemned as an adulterer by Christians?

I don't know the circumstances so I can't come to a conclusion. People go on about divorce and Christians, I don't know the circumstances of that either, one person may want a divorce and the other wanted to work it out...who's heart is sincere? Only God knows and the involved parties. Believe what you wish on any part of it, in the end it's God who will have the final judgement, my thoughts are irrelevant.

Also if you want to go on about Trump's infidelities tread lightly, Hillary's is highly suspect also

Wait- you are willing to tell me that the New Testament condemns homosexuality(even though it doesn't specifically) but want to ignore Jesus's express commandment against divorce and remarriage?

Jesus didn't care whose heart was sincere- but perhaps Donald did divorce his wives because they were cheating on him.....LOL

8Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

According to Jesus- Trump is an adulterer- unless wife #1 and wife #2 were each unfaithful to him and that was the reason for the divorce.
Well, good thing asking for forgiveness and promising never to do it again is all he has to do. But Bill and Hillary never will admit they ever did anything wrong. They'll just blame it all on a video.

He/she is another one getting his/her Biblical info from websites. Anyone that doesn't know Paul was a canonical shouldn't be spewing about Paul's letters and scripture and trying to refute them

And when did I mention anything about Paul being canonical?
He never said anything about murder or pedophiles either, you think He is OK with it?

I think that we can assume that Jesus spoke about what he thought it was important to teach his followers.

Why his followers feel like they should condemn homosexuals who are not Christians I do not know.

Never assume, God and His word is complicated, I might also add no Christian is going to take you serious on this

Yeah- I get that alot from faux Christians.

I have real Christian friends who take me seriously-and they actually know their bible.

It's obvious you don't know the Bible. Now stop trying to troll this is the CDZ.

Those of you glass houses shouldn't be trolling in the CDZ.

I'm not trolling and I'm weary of your elementary knowledge of the Bible and Paul. I said Paul was canonical, it's obvious you're not even paying attention, just spewing nonsense trying to impress me with things I know better. Have a good evening.
The 10 Commandments isn't repeated over and over and over till it fills up the Old Testament completely.....and if it did then I would believe in the whole OT.

FYI, Yeshua (Jesus) wrote a new commandment, "Love Thy Neighbor As You Love Thyself". That's quite a change from "An Eye For An Eye".

This is the primary difference between Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Yeshua taught the disciples to love even their worst enemies. I don't see that anywhere in the Old Testament or the Koran. He wanted them to turn the other cheek. Matthew 22 Aramaic Bible in Plain English

Well you can believe whatever you want to believe. Jesus was a Jew- and the Old Testament was his holy book- which is why he refers to the 10 Commandments and other teachings.

I do think that Jesus commandment to "Love they neighbor as you love thyself" was a game changer- even more so when he commanded his followers to love their enemies too- because as Jesus pointed out- it is easy to love your neighbors- and much harder to love your enemies.
Wasn't that my point???

Neighbor is the same as enemy in this commandment.

Yet you feel it's not a game-changer.

Imagine if Muslims could learn to forgive instead of wanting to kill anyone who pisses them off. That would totally change Islam forever.

I said it is a game changer. I agree with you.

I know lots of Muslims- they forgive me regularly- not a one of them has gone around wanting to kill me.

Now if every Christian would actually live by Jesus's commandments- just imagine how much more peaceful the United States would be?
If liberals and Democrats could do the same it would increase peace in the US by at least 99%. Then they would stop calling us stupid, racists, or women haters.

And if only conservatives and Republicans could do that it would increase peace in the United States by at least 100%. Then they would stop calling minorities stupid and stop insulting women.
Well, the truth is....women and minorities aren't supposed to be treated any different from the rest of us.....but Democrat claim they should be, which is the primary beef you guys have with us. We don't feel like patronizing them to the extent you do....and that's the only thing we did wrong. You claim that the only thing women are concerned about is being able to kill the unborn on demand and have us pay for it. You also feel that a thug should be allowed to do anything he wants and a cop can't arrest them. You want to claim that blacks have the right to wash our faces with slavery even though not one of us ever owned one. You feel that it's okay for an illegal to break into our country and collect the benefits we paid for all of our lives and probably will never be able to collect because you liberals used it to buy votes. And what's worse is you think that when one Republican says something bad about women, blacks, or Hispanics, no matter how true or untrue it may be, it means every single Republican voter is a racist, homophobic retard who loves shooting guns and whacking people over the head with Bibles.
Civil law covers contracts, wills, property etc. Family law falls under Civil Law.

If you want me to provide concise information, you need to ask concise questions, not rambling about all over the post.
Coyote, it is obvious you have zero understanding about what you post.
1st, we have been discussing the USA, not Canada, why do you link to a Canadian website? Was that first, in your learn as you go, google search? A "" is a canadian website!
2nd, even in Canada, according to your link, Family law is a separate category, it does not fall under Civil law.

It's interesting to hear talk of "zero understanding" from someone who has no idea that halal is part of Sharia and kosher is part of Halakah, and insists that dietary laws aren't Sharia.

The definition of civil law is the same in Canada as it is in the US since they derive from the same origins, and in the Canadian link family law is a subcategory of civil law.

Here's another one: Civil Law Definition, Examples, Cases, and Processes

Civil Law
Civil law is a body of rules that defines and protects the private rights of citizens, offers legal remedies that may be sought in a dispute, and covers areas of law such as contracts, torts, property and family law. Civil law is derived from the laws of ancient Rome which used doctrines to develop a code that determined how legal issues would be decided.​

3rd, you have no idea what is stated in your links, you either do not read them or you can not comprehend what is stated, which is most likely why you keep stating you can not understand my posts.
4th, I doubt you read anything else you cut/paste, hence you do not even know if your links make a point or are relevant.

I can't understand your posts because of their non-sequitor nature.

Clicklaw: What's the difference between civil, family and criminal law?

All civil matters fall into one of two categories: general civil law and family law.

From the link:
Family law generally involves issues that have to be decided when an intimate relationship breaks down, and can also involve child care matters. These are technically civil law issues as well but there are rules and court forms that are specific to family law

To summarize - there are two main categories: Criminal Law and Civil Law. Contracts, Tortes, Property and Family Law are subsets of civil law.[/QUOTE]
Civil law covers contracts, wills, property etc. Family law falls under Civil Law.

If you want me to provide concise information, you need to ask concise questions, not rambling about all over the post.
Coyote, it is obvious you have zero understanding about what you post.
1st, we have been discussing the USA, not Canada, why do you link to a Canadian website? Was that first, in your learn as you go, google search? A "" is a canadian website!
2nd, even in Canada, according to your link, Family law is a separate category, it does not fall under Civil law.

It's interesting to hear talk of "zero understanding" from someone who has no idea that halal is part of Sharia and kosher is part of Halakah, and insists that dietary laws aren't Sharia.

The definition of civil law is the same in Canada as it is in the US since they derive from the same origins, and in the Canadian link family law is a subcategory of civil law.

Here's another one: Civil Law Definition, Examples, Cases, and Processes

Civil Law
Civil law is a body of rules that defines and protects the private rights of citizens, offers legal remedies that may be sought in a dispute, and covers areas of law such as contracts, torts, property and family law. Civil law is derived from the laws of ancient Rome which used doctrines to develop a code that determined how legal issues would be decided.​

3rd, you have no idea what is stated in your links, you either do not read them or you can not comprehend what is stated, which is most likely why you keep stating you can not understand my posts.
4th, I doubt you read anything else you cut/paste, hence you do not even know if your links make a point or are relevant.

I can't understand your posts because of their non-sequitor nature.

Clicklaw: What's the difference between civil, family and criminal law?

All civil matters fall into one of two categories: general civil law and family law.

From the link:
Family law generally involves issues that have to be decided when an intimate relationship breaks down, and can also involve child care matters. These are technically civil law issues as well but there are rules and court forms that are specific to family law

To summarize - there are two main categories: Criminal Law and Civil Law. Contracts, Tortes, Property and Family Law are subsets of civil law.
Great, now you are simply a liar. I never stated that dietary laws are not Sharia, everything in the quote below, you made up.
There is not much of debate with someone who is lying (maybe it is your lack of intellect that prevents you from comprehending the written word).

It's interesting to hear talk of "zero understanding" from someone who has no idea that halal is part of Sharia and kosher is part of Halakah, and insists that dietary laws aren't Sharia.

You have zero understanding of Law, Sharia or ours. You have proven that amply, you can continue your vaguely veiled attack on my character, but is you who has failed to support your posts, and continues to run from comments that you made.
Civil law covers contracts, wills, property etc. Family law falls under Civil Law.

If you want me to provide concise information, you need to ask concise questions, not rambling about all over the post.
Coyote, it is obvious you have zero understanding about what you post.
1st, we have been discussing the USA, not Canada, why do you link to a Canadian website? Was that first, in your learn as you go, google search? A "" is a canadian website!
2nd, even in Canada, according to your link, Family law is a separate category, it does not fall under Civil law.

It's interesting to hear talk of "zero understanding" from someone who has no idea that halal is part of Sharia and kosher is part of Halakah, and insists that dietary laws aren't Sharia.

The definition of civil law is the same in Canada as it is in the US since they derive from the same origins, and in the Canadian link family law is a subcategory of civil law.

Here's another one: Civil Law Definition, Examples, Cases, and Processes

Civil Law
Civil law is a body of rules that defines and protects the private rights of citizens, offers legal remedies that may be sought in a dispute, and covers areas of law such as contracts, torts, property and family law. Civil law is derived from the laws of ancient Rome which used doctrines to develop a code that determined how legal issues would be decided.​

3rd, you have no idea what is stated in your links, you either do not read them or you can not comprehend what is stated, which is most likely why you keep stating you can not understand my posts.
4th, I doubt you read anything else you cut/paste, hence you do not even know if your links make a point or are relevant.

I can't understand your posts because of their non-sequitor nature.

Clicklaw: What's the difference between civil, family and criminal law?

All civil matters fall into one of two categories: general civil law and family law.

From the link:
Family law generally involves issues that have to be decided when an intimate relationship breaks down, and can also involve child care matters. These are technically civil law issues as well but there are rules and court forms that are specific to family law

To summarize - there are two main categories: Criminal Law and Civil Law. Contracts, Tortes, Property and Family Law are subsets of civil law.
Great, now you are simply a liar. I never stated that dietary laws are not Sharia, everything in the quote below, you made up.
There is not much of debate with someone who is lying (maybe it is your lack of intellect that prevents you from comprehending the written word).

It's interesting to hear talk of "zero understanding" from someone who has no idea that halal is part of Sharia and kosher is part of Halakah, and insists that dietary laws aren't Sharia.

You have zero understanding of Law, Sharia or ours. You have proven that amply, you can continue your vaguely veiled attack on my character, but is you who has failed to support your posts, and continues to run from comments that you made.

I think you are way over reacting.

This is the comment YOU made: should be illegal?

I don't think you know much about Jewish religious law or Sharia.
You seem to be confusing Kosher food with Halakha (Jewish religious law).

Kosher IS part of Halakha Jewish religious law. Just as Halal is part of Sharia along with a whole lot of other rules governing behavior, diet, and relations.
Kosher is part of halakah, Jewish religious law. Are you saying if Jews want to use religious law, like some muslims use sharia, to settle civil matters, they have no business being in the US?
Give us an example of one of these civil matters you speak of, I have asked you a dozen times if I asked once. Your previous cut/paste of google searches did not quote a civil matter. This is post #290, over a 150 posts since this one. Are you going to continue to run or can you not admit, you had no idea what your were speaking of.
You also said this:

You said Sharia is the law of a foreign land- and haven't proven anything.

You then ignore the fact that Americans choose to follow many other laws in addition to the Constitution- including Kosher dietary laws, and Biblical laws.

Claiming once that the Constitution was based upon Biblical law- now upon English Common law- which makes whatever point you thought you were making about the Constitution rather moot.

Americans following kosher law- okay or not okay?
How about quoting me, instead of making wild assertions.

Kosher laws? Biblical laws? What is a biblical law, thou shall not steal? All men are created equal? Certainly one can see how our Constitution has a basis in biblical principles, or laws, on tenets, whatever you wish to call them.

But you ask about Jewish Dietary rules as if they are the equivalent of Sharia Law?

Sharia Law, and what Moslems want, if it is Sharia Law, then they have no business being in the USA, We are governed by the Constitution, period

Halakah is a large body of laws and rules governing behavior, relations, crime and penalties. So is Sharia. Both have dietary rules as part of their codes. Halal is part of Sharia and Kosher is part of Halakah.
Kosher is part of halakah, Jewish religious law. Are you saying if Jews want to use religious law, like some muslims use sharia, to settle civil matters, they have no business being in the US?
Give us an example of one of these civil matters you speak of, I have asked you a dozen times if I asked once. Your previous cut/paste of google searches did not quote a civil matter. This is post #290, over a 150 posts since this one. Are you going to continue to run or can you not admit, you had no idea what your were speaking of.

I have given you examples and you might want to tone down your lingo a bit since we are in the CDZ ok?

Post #368 I quoted an article that listed banking and contractual matters among the civil items handled as well as divorce, marriage and inheritance.

How many times do I need to repeat it?

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