What do Goldman Sachs, Al Gore and Chicago climate exchange have in common?


Active Member
Sep 3, 2009
If you missed Beck, you should check out the link.

"In 2006, the Chicago Climate Exchange got a nice boost of confidence when an investor stepped to the plate and ponied up to purchase 10 percent of the combined company. Cofounder of the Chicago Exchange said the investment was big and welcome news. The investor? Goldman Sachs.
Oh and I almost forgot: The person at the beginning of it all? The one on the board of the Joyce Foundation that secured the initial funding for this project? Barack Obama.
This is so weird. It's almost like those our government says are responsible for the financial collapse are the ones directly involved in the "solutions." So much for "changing the locks,"

Why Goldman Is Willing to Take the Heat - Glenn Beck - FOXNews.com

Beck challenged the media,

“It's almost like Goldman is willing to take a little heat now, in order to get a little piece of the $10 trillion green pie later. I challenge the media: Will anyone pick this story up? Will anyone question this and the timing of it all?”
Beck linked the Chicago Climate Exchange, Tides Foundation, Joyce Foundation, Goldman Sachs, and several ex-Goldman people working in the Obama administration.

"There was one influential member on the board of the Joyce Foundation at the time the Chicago Climate Exchange got its seed money; someone instrumental in steering the funds towards the creation of the Chicago Climate Exchange............"

"Oh and I almost forgot: The person at the beginning of it all? The one on the board of the Joyce Foundation that secured the initial funding for this project? Barack Obama"

Glenn Beck - FOXNews.com

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