What do Independents think of all this??


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
As Conservatives and Liberals flail away at each other here over issues ranging from gun control to birth control, few are paying attention to the largest block of voters in America, ...the Independent / Swing voters. These folks make up over 40% of the voter base. Donald Trump won a scant majority of the Independent vote in 2016, since the election however, Trump has taken a hard right turn in his policies, this coupled with his decisions to fire FBI director Comey, his give away of our most sensitive intel. to high ranking Russians right in the oval office, and his repeated attacks on our judiciary and law enforcement community has caused Trump and the GOP to lose support with the Independents, who now clearly favor an administration in the image of President Obama. Independents didn't always agree with Obama's policies, but now prefer Obama's more stable and less chaotic governing style and respect for our institutions of separate and co equal branches of government.

Trump Supporters: I know you don't want to hear this, but Trump and the GOP is losing support where they need it the most, and it's going to cost them a lot in the next 2 elections. You can cry "fake news" and point your fingers at Hillary Clinton all you want, but the damage has already been done.

In U.S., New Record 43% Are Political Independents

Trump Fails To Reach Beyond Base As Independents' Disapproval Grows

Trump Losing the Supporters He Needs Most: Independents | RealClearPolitics
As Conservatives and Liberals flail away at each other here over issues ranging from gun control to birth control, few are paying attention to the largest block of voters in America, ...the Independent / Swing voters. These folks make up over 40% of the voter base.
We want the parties to get over themselves, stop putting party over country, marginalize their crazies, stop pointing the finger, clean up their OWN damn house, and cooperate like adults for a change.

And while this Independent voted against Trump, I'd be more than happy to be proven wrong. I'm rooting for (and will cheer) his success, unlike many. I only care about results, not some narcissistic bullshit party loyalty.
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I am a little leary of statistics and don't mind admitting it....as our greatest writer, Mark Twain was as well..."lies, damn lies, and statistics".

Plus I'm a Proud Deplorable which supposedly means I can barely read...and can't figure at all.

But, don't these polls you cite end last summer...is that right? You know, the two at the bottom which show Trump losing ground with Independents.

Back last summer---before the Tax Relief Bill and while the Democrats had everyone convinced that Trump colluded with the Russians....when the facts now show that it was the Democrats, and Obama's DOJ/FBI that actually colluded and lied?
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As soon as I finish my thesis, I'll get back to you.

It's called "Do extraordinarily stupid people become extreme partisans or does extreme partisanship make people extraordinarily stupid?"
As Conservatives and Liberals flail away at each other here over issues ranging from gun control to birth control, few are paying attention to the largest block of voters in America, ...the Independent / Swing voters. These folks make up over 40% of the voter base. Donald Trump won a scant majority of the Independent vote in 2016, since the election however, Trump has taken a hard right turn in his policies, this coupled with his decisions to fire FBI director Comey, his give away of our most sensitive intel. to high ranking Russians right in the oval office, and his repeated attacks on our judiciary and law enforcement community has caused Trump and the GOP to lose support with the Independents, who now clearly favor an administration in the image of President Obama. Independents didn't always agree with Obama's policies, but now prefer Obama's more stable and less chaotic governing style and respect for our institutions of separate and co equal branches of government.

Trump Supporters: I know you don't want to hear this, but Trump and the GOP is losing support where they need it the most, and it's going to cost them a lot in the next 2 elections. You can cry "fake news" and point your fingers at Hillary Clinton all you want, but the damage has already been done.

In U.S., New Record 43% Are Political Independents

Trump Fails To Reach Beyond Base As Independents' Disapproval Grows

Trump Losing the Supporters He Needs Most: Independents | RealClearPolitics
Outside the Chamber There Is No Echo

I'm glad Independents have declared independence from your wish-fulfilling lies about them.
I am independent.

My main concern is that the US is now $20 trillion in debt, neither major "party" gives a hoot, and we once again have a mass shooting hoax and are talking about Judaism's #1 American goal - gun confiscation....
“Independents” are drama queen attention whores who can’t make up thier mind.

They think they are sooo cool because they declare themselves INDEPENDENT!

Pick a side and go with it!
Give me a reason why I should support either the Dems or the GOP....

I don't support the Dems because the Dems have four core values that I do not share...


The GOP believes the US exists to serve fund defend and expand Israel until Jesus floats down from the clouds....

I'm still confused why anyone is dumb enough to believe Jesus was anything but the obvious fraud he was....

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