What do Libs see in the post-Trump world


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Donaldus Magnus will leave office one day- my guess will be the 22nd Amendment will bring the Trumpian Era to an end, but he might be overthrown by the liberal coup or he might be forced to abdicate or even go into exile.

The question for our liberal friends is this- how do see the post-Trump world, how will Trump's millions of supporters be punished for their nefarious perfidies in the future era ruled by the Hillaries, Creepy Joes and Betos? What is the lib plan to put us in our places permanently, so we never think that our opinion counts again?
Your chagrin is the only retribution I seek.

That and municipal landfills in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania choked with heaps of MAGA ball caps.
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Being a political atheist , i can only conject, but then that's all this thread is about anyways

The need of drama queens to feel preemptively victimized is quite comical to me. Grow a pair and jump off the “woe is me” train already.
The need of drama queens to feel preemptively victimized is quite comical to me. Grow a pair and jump off the “woe is me” train already.

What can you expect from people that worship the man that sent this...


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