What do Trump supporters think of Steve Bannon’s exposé of Trump’s plot to steal the election?

Cult45 grows weaker, the net shrinks tighter, the orange people are a'frighter. And good. They deserve it and will pay for their entire lives that they supported the Orange Monster.

This amazing tape recording was made three days before the 2020 election and explains exactly Trump’s criminal strategy to stay in power after losing the electoral vote.

The tape was made during a long private meeting in which Steve Bannon was boasting stupidly while prepping his Chinese partners at the TV station of corrupt ex-Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui, who was at that time his financial patron (he earlier lost the support of the Mercer family in 2018).

The entire audio is transcribed below, and it indicates many pauses for Chinese translations. Guo Wengui was like a super-corrupt “Donald Trump” in Communist China who worked quietly but extremely closely with the previous powerful intelligence chief of Beijing (who was himself eventually purged). Guo is widely thought to have later worked as a “double agent” for XiJinping, pretending to be a “wanted” anti-communist billionaire who escaped to the United States with valuable inside information, while actually trying to bring chaos to the U.S. … by re-electing Donald Trump. XiJinping’s intelligence operators, like Putin, apparently thought “Trump was a chump” and an easily-manipulated moron.

Guo Wengui is today struggling mightily to stay out of prison and has declared bankruptcy, having sold his mansions and $35 million dollar yacht. He claims to be worth a mere $100,000 while being sued by countless investors for hundreds of millions. He has been abandoned by his once fanatic Chinese diaspora anti-communist followers, who now view him as a charlatan if not a Chinese spy. Trump advisor, lawyer and co-conspirator Rudy Giuliani was arrested for one of his own earlier crimes while meeting Guo on his yacht floating in the Long Island Sound near NYC.

The amazing story of the Steve Bannon-Guo Wengui pro-Trump grifter alliance should serve as a lesson to the “little people” who follow conspiracy politics pushed by rightwing media and “Dark Money.” This particular group actually originated many of the internet “Big Lies” that Trump’s campaigners used before, during and after the 2020 election.

So, Trumpster morons, see if you can answer this question …

How do you explain Steve Bannon’s audio exactly predicting Trump’s criminal attempt to steal the election … before it even occurred?


*The complete transcript of the Bannon audio: Here's the whole transcript of that leaked Steve Bannon tape, annotated

**The audio presented earlier at the Jan. 6th Congressional Investigation:

I've posted that audio many times on this forum for over a year. Bannon describes the Big Lie exactly as it later went down.
I've posted that audio many times on this forum for over a year. Bannon describes the Big Lie exactly as it later went down.

Because everyone in the USA witnessed the fraud during the run up to the election.
Everyone smarter than you, I guess.
I've posted that audio many times on this forum for over a year. Bannon describes the Big Lie exactly as it later went down.
Right! And yet supporters of Trump ignore its deeper meaning. They never ask themselves how this strategy of disrupting the legitimate transfer of Presidential power was already known by a cynical, well-connected Trump disrupter like Bannon … or why it was never discussed in their own media!

Not to mention that the strategy was, as I showed, being shared with operatives working directly for Chinese billionaire — and likely “double agent” — Guo Wengui.

Right! And yet rightwing supporters ignore its deeper meaning. They never ask themselves how this strategy of disrupting the legitimate transfer of Presidential power was already known by a cynical, well-connected Trump supporter like Bannon … or why it was never mentioned in their own media!

Not to mention that the strategy was being shared with operatives working directly for Chinese billionaire, likely “double agent” Guo Wengui.
We have asked why spying on a president elect and then president is not the same thing. It has been proven that happened and it has been proven Obama knew. That is interfering in the peaceful transfer of power.
We have asked why spying on a president elect and then president is not the same thing. It has been proven that happened and it has been proven Obama knew. That is interfering in the peaceful transfer of power.
I see someone can laugh but cannot reply. I wonder why? The Russian hoax also interfered with the peaceful transfer of power.
I've posted this audio several times and I still haven't gotten a straight-forward answer from them.

They whine about Mother Jones without addressing whether they think it's fake audio or not. Either that or they completely avoid addressing what he says in the audio. Have they even listened to it?

Seems like they won't even attempt to make an argument against it if they haven't been told what to think by Gateway Pundit.

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