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Yup... answered

Lets see now..People that want Obama to prove his citizenship beyond any doubt are called, "Birthers" or just plain idiots.

People that don't believe 9/11/01 was a terrorist attack should be called________________,
i Think "IF" it All Went Down Like "They" Say it Did.. Then We Have "0" SECURITY in The USA and We The People Are in Deep Shit!!!:cuckoo:
I think the unanswered question about 9-11 is how far was our security apparatus compromised?

There were planes that should have flown, that sat on the tarmac.

There was a belated, very belated, response to an obvious threat.

And we had an exercise for that same day that involved an attack on the Towers.

Questions that will probably not be answered in my lifetime, as the answers might reveal a gap that could be used again in our security system.

As incompetant as the response was to this act of terrorism was, I simply cannot believe that anyone in our government had anything to do with it. There is no need to assign to intent what stupidity and incompetance can achieve.
There should be a "I am not certain" spot for each question in my opinion.
There should be a "I am not certain" spot for each question in my opinion.

So you are a closet troofer. Figures. Be brave actually make up your mind.

By the way 5 questions do not allow 3 choices. Max options is 10.

Go ahead tell us which ones your not sure on.
The twin towers never existed. The people of the world were brainwashed by acid in the water (the taste was masked with fluoride and birth control substances) and NWO propaganda.

The pentagon was not hit by a missile of the usual sort, but by a new prototype 'American Kamikaze'- a missle redesigned to look like a plane to evade visual detection.

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