What do you dislike the most about Christmas?

The crass gluttonous commercialism.

Stampeding a store to buy some stupid shit.

it offends me.
Not even amateurs. Liars. You all suck up to your families or anyone else who will take you in so you won't be sad.

Then deny it and snobbishly be above all that holiday stuff. You love it. Just admit it you'll feel better. We all know that you secretly hum Silent Night when you think no one is listening.

Otherwise you'd do something about it. You'd fix it so no one would dare to impose Christmas on you against your will.

Merry Christmas right back at you! Jesus would be most proud of your snarky retort on his birthfay.

Does Jesus like liars? Those who go around pretending to dislike Christmas, tell others how they hate those carols, and boy are those family get togethers awful. How about the sappy movies?

Yet they really enjoy every speck of it. Even the crowded malls. Otherwise, they would do something about it.
Not even amateurs. Liars. You all suck up to your families or anyone else who will take you in so you won't be sad.

Then deny it and snobbishly be above all that holiday stuff. You love it. Just admit it you'll feel better. We all know that you secretly hum Silent Night when you think no one is listening.

Otherwise you'd do something about it. You'd fix it so no one would dare to impose Christmas on you against your will.

Merry Christmas right back at you! Jesus would be most proud of your snarky retort on his birthfay.

I LOVE Christmas. I like the carols, the decorations, even though I don't have any, I adore all those sappy movies. I have been known to say Merry Christmas to stray cats. I do not buy many presents, only those to be given to individuals with whom I have a business relationship and that shopping I did long ago on-line. As long as I am not invited to someone's home (usually because they don't want me to be alone), I'm fine. Even then, I start out with a gracious refusal.
Almost the whole damn thing.

Santa claus and Christmas tree have nothing to do with the true meaning of Christmas.

Tree= giant dust collector and clutter

shopping is a PITA

I have to work cooking and prepping. I never get to just sit. Considering I just did this on Thanksgiving, it's just another day as a housewife for me,only bigger,so it's nothing special to me. I never get to see my kids open anything because I'm always in the kitchen. Then I have people screaming at me to open my gifts. Do you want me to burn the biscuits? Then there's the clean up. Yeah that's lots of fun. I do it, I smile,but it's just another day at work for me. I don't like it or hate it, it just is.

Dumb Christmas songs. Raido stations don't play the religious ones anymore so who many times can you listen to White Christmas and Jingle bells.

Commercialism of Christmas. When Christmas shit shows up in August I'm sick of it by November. BTW I saw Easter crap out already. It ruins the day. I don't mind it for one month, but five fucking months Aug - Dec of Christmas is Obnoxious.
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It is a wonderful time of the year, but there are some things about it that you really, really hate! I will start.

-I dislike all the C rated movies with bad actors that come on this time of the year. And they all seem to have some sappy plot that makes my wife cry and makes me nauseous...

I love the holidays, but it they can be a bit expensive.

I'm totally fine with giving gifts to the little ones, but when it comes to the adult to adult stuff I just find it all a bit unnecessary. You always end up with a bunch of s$%t you don't need. I'm more than happy to simply share some food and drink with my family and friends; they don't need me to buy me anything!
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I have such a hard time finding the eggs. They get hidden in the yard and then it snows and it makes them that much harder to find.
It is a wonderful time of the year, but there are some things about it that you really, really hate! I will start.

-I dislike all the C rated movies with bad actors that come on this time of the year. And they all seem to have some sappy plot that makes my wife cry and makes me nauseous...


anything religious.
I hate when one of your kids asks for one inexspensive specific gift and you can't find it because millions of other kids want the same gift and every store you look for it at is sold out.
It is a wonderful time of the year, but there are some things about it that you really, really hate! I will start.

-I dislike all the C rated movies with bad actors that come on this time of the year. And they all seem to have some sappy plot that makes my wife cry and makes me nauseous...

Don't watch them.

Problem solved!

Yeah me too. Christmas' past memories flood in.

Can you turn that time into memories of the great times you had with them? I lost my best friend this past year and it took months to be able to talk about it. But now I can think of the memories with fondness and laughter. I plan on opening a bottle of wine and having a drink with "her" and remembering the good times we had. No guarantee I won't go to bed without tearful prayer, though.

I do all my Christmas' with those memories in mind. I wouldn't trade them for nothing in the world.

I am so sorry about your friend :(

Live well and you'll be with them again forever....I look forward to it. :eusa_angel:
Everything. I hate every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of the month of hell called the holiday season with a white-hot passion. I hate the crowds, the stress, the traffic, the incessant music (stations playing it since mid-November...and it's the SAME TEN SONGS!), and the assorted hassles. I hate the gifts I get (that I do not want and have no use for), despite repeated and increasinly-emphatic statements that I want nothing.

This year is the ultimatum: anything addressed to me will be burned unopened.

Everything. I hate every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of the month of hell called the holiday season with a white-hot passion. I hate the crowds, the stress, the traffic, the incessant music (stations playing it since mid-November...and it's the SAME TEN SONGS!), and the assorted hassles. I hate the gifts I get (that I do not want and have no use for), despite repeated and increasinly-emphatic statements that I want nothing.

This year is the ultimatum: anything addressed to me will be burned unopened.

:eek: ..what???..... you dont like my avis???

Let me guess...... santa had you on the naughty list your whole life and you only got lumps of coal as a kid.
I always wanted model planes and cars to put together. My favorite was a '59 Pontiac Bonneville...had it for years. Some of the model planes were too advanced for my age so I ended up yelling at all hours of the night and finally smashing them with my little fists. My dad told me it was okay and that the Air Force was a bunch of pansies and I'd have wings if I was supposed to fly. I liked my Dad. :)
What do you dislike the most about Christmas?

There is a difference in what historically we perceive as "Christian" and these awful right wing extremists that call themselves "Christian". Look at the way so many don't even know what the Bible says. Earlier, one was saying slavery was never addressed in the Bible. You can't claim to have read it and make such a ridiculous statement.

You just can't help yourself can you??!!!

Try and once,seeing its that time of the year,try and not be such a miserable complaining finger pointing prick that you are,give Christmas a break from your hate filled blubbering.

Try it you will be better for it.

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