Biden's Government takes action against Maduro

No, he does not have it good there. He needs support and money to do what he wants to do. He traveled to Saudi Arabia and to China in 2023, seeking support. He can no longer do that. His power is slowly but surely weakening.
Earlier you acknowledged that these efforts would lead to zero change for Maduro. He will remain president and he will be just fine. We already went through this same shit years ago and nothing happened. You should just quit while you are ahead instead of trying to argue that this somehow hurts Maduro when it doesn't. The left are all about doing things which are a big goose egg, while trying to claim that they are doing something, which they really aren't.
Earlier you acknowledged that these efforts would lead to zero change for Maduro. He will remain president and he will be just fine. We already went through this same shit years ago and nothing happened. You should just quit while you are ahead instead of trying to argue that this somehow hurts Maduro when it doesn't. The left are all about doing things which are a big goose egg, while trying to claim that they are doing something, which they really aren't.
What is happening now in Venezuela is much more than in the past. He clearly lost the election (it has been proven) and the entire country is rebelling against him. 2 weeks ago, all of the South American countries got together and condemned his for lying about the election. They (as a group) are doing things against Venezuela now that is causing new problems for him.

Venezuela is in an uproar and so is all of South America and that is a NEW problem that Maduro is facing. His own Congress has now turned against him.

By the way and for your knowledge, my wife is Colombian and some of the same things are happening in Colombia with Petro, who is a candidate that got to be president with the support of all the cartels and he is trying to put in an Autocratic government but is facing stiff competition from within. in addition, one of her long standing friends lives in Venezuela. As such, I hear about this every minute of the day from her, from TV in Venezuela and Colombia (my wife has it on all day) and from her friends that live in Colombia and Venezuela.

Given that Maduro is a dictator and has the military behind him, it is difficult seeing him get ousted but things are so bad there economically that it would not be surprising if millions (not just thousands) of protestors go and try to take him out. The military can kill thousands (and they are doing some of that) but how could he take out millions if they do get up and go against him at the same time?

Maduro is having some problems that are becoming overwhelming and difficult for him to handle.
Since 1970, drugs have been coming to the U.S. from South America. During that time, there have been 6 Republican presidents (7 with Trump) that did not "secure our border where mountains of drugs come in". I do not see you criticizing them. How come?
Because most are corrupt WEF politicians like Biden.

Who not only reversed Trump Policies, but SOLD WALL SECTIONS ALREADY PAID FOR

This look Biden is so Great thread is PATHETIC.

Don't be an ASS.

You make some BIG statements and yet you offer no links to studies, statistics, data or fact that proves your words. Until you do that, it is just your opinion and we all have opinions but few of those are supported with fact.

Simply stated, prove that:

1) FDA is corrupt
2) in bed with the Pharmas
3) lied repeatedly

By the way, I have certainly said this long enough here for you to understand. I am all about data, statistics, and facts. Opinions are dime a dozen and everyone has one............few are correct. If you can PROVE your point, I will agree and change my view.

You want to have a conversation with me, show me the details and not the thought.

One last thing. Don't give me examples of what you say. Everything and everyone has both good and bad things and if you look, you can find an example of something that supposedly proves your point. Life is all about choosing things that have more good than bad and staying away from the things that have more bad than good. It is all about the sum and not the single example.

Those aren't big statements. They're fact and they've already been proven ad nauseum. I and many others posted hundreds of abstracts and scientific studies on the mRNA experimental injections and how dangerous it was. This was back in 2020 before they started scrubbing data. Over in healthcare.
Those aren't big statements. They're fact and they've already been proven ad nauseum. I and many others posted hundreds of abstracts and scientific studies on the mRNA experimental injections and how dangerous it was. This was back in 2020 before they started scrubbing data. Over in healthcare.
then show me those facts or point me to the posts that show those facts. I am all about gaining knowledge but I can do that when I don't know where to even begin looking or even what to ask for on Google. Help me, I am a very lowly educated man that needs the help of someone knowledgeable to get me out of ignorance,

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