What do you dislike the most about Christmas?

I agree about people being upbeat leading up to Christmas. But there was a zoning complaint filed against a house in my town who had their lights up too long. Of course, their lights did light up the sky for a quarter mile or so....SO BUY A SLEEPING MASK!:lol:
I always wanted model planes and cars to put together. My favorite was a '59 Pontiac Bonneville...had it for years. Some of the model planes were too advanced for my age so I ended up yelling at all hours of the night and finally smashing them with my little fists. My dad told me it was okay and that the Air Force was a bunch of pansies and I'd have wings if I was supposed to fly. I liked my Dad. :)

I put model cars together. I got toy armies, prized cap guns, do you remember cap guns? I once got a bow and arrow. What I really wanted was a microscope. I once got a chemistry set but never a microscope. I asked a million times for that microscope. The one year I was sure I was going to get a microscope, I got a ballerina doll. I put the dress on the cat and operated on the doll to see what made her twirl.

I added some other chemicals to the chemicals in the chemistry set and blew up the kitchen. That was the end of the chemistry set.
I always wanted model planes and cars to put together. My favorite was a '59 Pontiac Bonneville...had it for years. Some of the model planes were too advanced for my age so I ended up yelling at all hours of the night and finally smashing them with my little fists. My dad told me it was okay and that the Air Force was a bunch of pansies and I'd have wings if I was supposed to fly. I liked my Dad. :)

I put model cars together. I got toy armies, prized cap guns, do you remember cap guns? I once got a bow and arrow. What I really wanted was a microscope. I once got a chemistry set but never a microscope. I asked a million times for that microscope. The one year I was sure I was going to get a microscope, I got a ballerina doll. I put the dress on the cat and operated on the doll to see what made her twirl.

I added some other chemicals to the chemicals in the chemistry set and blew up the kitchen. That was the end of the chemistry set.

What made her twirl?

Did I have cap guns? I sure did.....PONY BOYS....double set with calico holsters. I drove everybody nuts when one of my brothers showed me how to fire off a double cap by folding the roll over just right. Then I got a Daisy Red Ryder BB gun (wood stock of course) and yep, my Mom told me I'd put my eye out but I didn't. Shot a meadowlark through the neck and didn't have the right stuff to finish it off. My Mom told me everything has a life and wants to live and that Meadwolark might have had babies to feed. She loved the song birds. I felt about an inch tall :( When my dad got home he lit into me like I was gonna get waterboarded. I never shot at anything I wasn't going to eat or anybody who was shooting at me or was about to, since that day. :eusa_hand:
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No one in their right mind would let me have a BB gun. I carried a knife since I was six and that was dangerous enough. I did learn the double cap fold over trick though.

I don't remember now what made that doll twirl. When they finally stopped fighting, I'm sure my folks were disappointed that I didn't like the doll. I only had two dolls. One had real hair and I cut off her head to see what held the hair on her head. It was glued on from the inside in little plugs. I may have been hard on dolls but they saved a fortune in doll clothes.

The best toys were those green soldiers and lincoln logs. Build the forts, man them with the soldiers then shoot all of them down with the bow and arrow! Massacre!
I hate to see all the stores packed with shoppers. As a nation founded on Christian principles we have made Christmas into a retail boon. I would love just once to see those stores vacant of ANY shoppers and to see the stores cry and whine about it because the true message of Christmas has been totally distorted. Imagine a Christmas with no gifts. Can you? What a greedy sorrowful nation we are3.
Got a daisy BB gun and went to my cousin's farm. We found a bunch of chipmunks and massacred them. Took about half a dozen of them and tied their little legs together and waltzed back to the house with them swinging from a stick, like we were some big game hunters..

OHHHHHH! It was ugly! Sad thing is, I got punished for something I never did. I couldn't see a thing through the scope on my BB rifle and didn't kill a one. But I guess I was guilty by association.
No one in their right mind would let me have a BB gun. I carried a knife since I was six and that was dangerous enough. I did learn the double cap fold over trick though.

I don't remember now what made that doll twirl. When they finally stopped fighting, I'm sure my folks were disappointed that I didn't like the doll. I only had two dolls. One had real hair and I cut off her head to see what held the hair on her head. It was glued on from the inside in little plugs. I may have been hard on dolls but they saved a fortune in doll clothes.

The best toys were those green soldiers and lincoln logs. Build the forts, man them with the soldiers then shoot all of them down with the bow and arrow! Massacre!

:lol: I found a wallet in the theatre seat next to me one night and my Mom told me to take up and turn it in at the popcorn stand. Which I did, but not before I relieved the owner of the $3 in it. I needed some new soldiers because one of my pals soaked an entire platoon of mine with gas, lit them up, and left them a melted pile of goo. So next day I went down to Western Auto and got a new bag of green soldiers. Sure enough my Mom caught me with them and asked me where I got the money. Now I found money all the time....always have. Found a $50 bill laying in the parking lot at Wally World a couple months back. But she had an inkling something wasn't right about my new green troop. So she asked me if I took some money. I confessed. She said "okay, but remember that when you play with them, somebody else had to go without because you stole their money." She could make me feel like the worst person on earth when I did something like that. I never stole a nickel after that. And a couple days later my soldiers were gone and so was the bag they came in. I got my suspicions she tracked down the wallet owner and got his money back to him.
I hate to see all the stores packed with shoppers. As a nation founded on Christian principles we have made Christmas into a retail boon. I would love just once to see those stores vacant of ANY shoppers and to see the stores cry and whine about it because the true message of Christmas has been totally distorted. Imagine a Christmas with no gifts. Can you? What a greedy sorrowful nation we are3.

A Christmas with no shopping doesn't mean no gifts. Try it sometime. All gifts have to be hand made.
Got a daisy BB gun and went to my cousin's farm. We found a bunch of chipmunks and massacred them. Took about half a dozen of them and tied their little legs together and waltzed back to the house with them swinging from a stick, like we were some big game hunters..

OHHHHHH! It was ugly! Sad thing is, I got punished for something I never did. I couldn't see a thing through the scope on my BB rifle and didn't kill a one. But I guess I was guilty by association.

:lol: I know all about guilt by association....my brothers would pull a stunt and leave me in the middle of it while Dad was coming up the stairs 3 steps at a time. Our best BB gun adventures were at a local gravel pit. There were these black snakes in there....too skinny and too far north for cotton mouths but they were aggressive. We'd throw chunks of rock in and soon enough they'd surface and start swimming around with their mouths open to bite something. The trick was to hit them in the mouth....they'd straighten up like a stick and sink back down. Damn that was fun....I never liked snakes.
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You aren't nearly nasty enough. I can reduce a Christmas dinner party to tears in less than 15 minutes. Today with the myriad of choices it is entirely possible to sail through the entire holiday season with nary a sprig of mistleto.

Simply return gifts with the following note:

This would better decorate your garbage can than mine.

That will be the last you get. I can give lessons in being obnoxious.

If the gift is from a spouse, hand it back saying "you throw it out and cut out the middleman. I should not have to throw it away when you should do it.

You being a psycho bitch isn't new. Kindly fuck off.

And note: the tears are because everyone is LAUGHING at you!

Get the kids and tell them their real dad is some guy mom picked up in a bar. Their daddy doesn't like them or even want them around.

No one laughs and you are all Christmas hating amateurs.

As I said: psychopathic.
Not even amateurs. Liars. You all suck up to your families or anyone else who will take you in so you won't be sad.

Then deny it and snobbishly be above all that holiday stuff. You love it. Just admit it you'll feel better. We all know that you secretly hum Silent Night when you think no one is listening.

Otherwise you'd do something about it. You'd fix it so no one would dare to impose Christmas on you against your will.

Nobody (well, nobody but you, psycho-bitch) has said they don't like their family. Just don't like CHRISTMAS. (Being with my family--and my French-Canadian stepfather's meat pie--is about the only thing I DO like about Christmas.)
Not even amateurs. Liars. You all suck up to your families or anyone else who will take you in so you won't be sad.

Then deny it and snobbishly be above all that holiday stuff. You love it. Just admit it you'll feel better. We all know that you secretly hum Silent Night when you think no one is listening.

Otherwise you'd do something about it. You'd fix it so no one would dare to impose Christmas on you against your will.

Merry Christmas right back at you! Jesus would be most proud of your snarky retort on his birthfay.

Does Jesus like liars? Those who go around pretending to dislike Christmas, tell others how they hate those carols, and boy are those family get togethers awful. How about the sappy movies?

Yet they really enjoy every speck of it. Even the crowded malls. Otherwise, they would do something about it.

I have done something about it: I don't listen to the damned music, what little shopping I do is online (I love Amazon), and I rarely watch movies, period.
Everything. I hate every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of the month of hell called the holiday season with a white-hot passion. I hate the crowds, the stress, the traffic, the incessant music (stations playing it since mid-November...and it's the SAME TEN SONGS!), and the assorted hassles. I hate the gifts I get (that I do not want and have no use for), despite repeated and increasingly-emphatic statements that I want nothing.

This year is the ultimatum: anything addressed to me will be burned unopened.

:eek: ..what???..... you dont like my avis???

Let me guess...... santa had you on the naughty list your whole life and you only got lumps of coal as a kid.

No. Never really liked Christmas all that much (though I was always happy to get a week and a half off school)...but I didn't actively LOATHE it until high school.
I agree about people being upbeat leading up to Christmas. But there was a zoning complaint filed against a house in my town who had their lights up too long. Of course, their lights did light up the sky for a quarter mile or so....SO BUY A SLEEPING MASK!:lol:

Hey, howzabout I shine a floodlight into YOUR bedroom all night every night for a month then? You'd be going postal in a week. Wouldn't bother me (I can sleep through anything after 3 years on the night shift), but some people just can't sleep with light.
I found a wallet in the theatre seat next to me one night and my Mom told me to take up and turn it in at the popcorn stand. Which I did, but not before I relieved the owner of the $3 in it.

That figures, you low-life.
Just came from Trader Joe's. Almost everybody in there was on a cell phone, charging through the store not paying attention to where they're going. Standing in the middle of the aisle, talking on their phone while you wait to get around them. I haven't even been to the mall, won't go.

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