What do you do with a teabag? Use it once!

Then throw it away! :lol:

How do all you teabaggers feel about being USED to gain majority in the House, THEN have your #1 issue - the deficit - be mocked and disregarded by Corporate Republicans who want to add $700 billion to the deficit!



Cuz it's somehow the Tea Party's fault that the establishment GOPers are bucking and resisting them.........:lol:

LOL you amuse me.
um, how about waiting and see how the new congress does it
before you place blame on them before they have even taken office
Only a perverted, sick, degenerate piece of subhuman liberal filth would refer to a group of people who rightfully fear government waste, unending wars, and police state powers as a disgusting homosexual act.
Then throw it away! :lol:

How do all you teabaggers feel about being USED to gain majority in the House, THEN have your #1 issue - the deficit - be mocked and disregarded by Corporate Republicans who want to add $700 billion to the deficit!



I just saw Ron Paul in a queer movie called "Bruno." chnn565 I think he was the bitch. :)
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Only a perverted, sick, degenerate piece of subhuman liberal filth would refer to a group of people who rightfully fear government waste, unending wars, and police state powers as a disgusting homosexual act.

They only started to fear all of that when a Democrat became president.

Not a peep while Bush was starting the unending wars, instituting the police state powers, and wasting taxpayer money left and right on Homeland Security Department, Medicare D, tax cuts for billionaires, etc.
Only a perverted, sick, degenerate piece of subhuman liberal filth would refer to a group of people who rightfully fear government waste, unending wars, and police state powers as a disgusting homosexual act.

They only started to fear all of that when a Democrat became president.

Not a peep while Bush was starting the unending wars, instituting the police state powers, and wasting taxpayer money left and right on Homeland Security Department, Medicare D, tax cuts for billionaires, etc.

Not this one.
Only a perverted, sick, degenerate piece of subhuman liberal filth would refer to a group of people who rightfully fear government waste, unending wars, and police state powers as a disgusting homosexual act.

They only started to fear all of that when a Democrat became president.

Not a peep while Bush was starting the unending wars, instituting the police state powers, and wasting taxpayer money left and right on Homeland Security Department, Medicare D, tax cuts for billionaires, etc.

There is no family, no president in the history of the U.S. except maybe Lincoln, Grant and Wilson that deserve to burn in hell like Bush.

But, unfortunately for you, you obviously don't know anything about the tea party, and while I consider myself too extreme to be among it's ranks I can tell you with certainty that your list doesn't approach reality. Meanwhile, the hypocrisy of your new god and his administration is astounding.

Consider if you will, that it was under YOUR messiah's watch that the most invasive government in the history of the US has not only continued GITMO but expanded it's police powers to the point of dehumanizing, and humiliating american citizens by the groping hands of the TSA. It is under YOUR black god's watch that the war in Iraq and subsequently AFGHANISTAN now PAKISTAN and eventually YEMEN has now expanded. It was on YOUR filthy ivy league grad's watch that BIG SIS sent a memo to every law enforcement agency in the US to be on the lookout for people with the following bumper stickers: Ron Paul for President, Gladsen Flags, anti-abortion, republicans, pro-life, NRA, basically anything that didn't fit your party line and approached TEABAGGERY. Such individuals were akin to terrorists and should be considered armed and dangerous. That happened on your president's watch. It was on your beloved charlatan's adminitration that not only did government become less transparent, it has become downright secretive. I could expound on this all day if I thought a partisan imbecile like yourself was worth my time, but don't you ever allow that small brain on your head fool you into believing that you are in any way capable of conversing on the same level as I, because the 1 thing your narrow mind won't ever comprehend is simply that George Bush, and your beloved Obama are more alike than they are dissimiliar and the sooner you can get your head around that reality then the sooner you can stop acting like a fool and start functioning like a real American as opposed to a partisan shill.
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Only a perverted, sick, degenerate piece of subhuman liberal filth would refer to a group of people who rightfully fear government waste, unending wars, and police state powers as a disgusting homosexual act.

They only started to fear all of that when a Democrat became president.

Not a peep while Bush was starting the unending wars, instituting the police state powers, and wasting taxpayer money left and right on Homeland Security Department, Medicare D, tax cuts for billionaires, etc.

Not this one.
Yeah, sure.
Only a perverted, sick, degenerate piece of subhuman liberal filth would refer to a group of people who rightfully fear government waste, unending wars, and police state powers as a disgusting homosexual act.

They only started to fear all of that when a Democrat became president.

Not a peep while Bush was starting the unending wars, instituting the police state powers, and wasting taxpayer money left and right on Homeland Security Department, Medicare D, tax cuts for billionaires, etc.

There is no family, no president in the history of the U.S. except maybe Lincoln, Grant and Wilson that deserve to burn in hell like Bush.

But, unfortunately for you, you obviously don't know anything about the tea party, and while I consider myself too extreme to be among it's ranks I can tell you with certainty that your list doesn't approach reality. Meanwhile, the hypocrisy of your new god and his administration is astounding.

Consider if you will, that it was under YOUR messiah's watch that the most invasive government in the history of the US has not only continued GITMO but expanded it's police powers to the point of dehumanizing, and humiliating american citizens by the groping hands of the TSA. It is under YOUR black god's watch that the war in Iraq and subsequently AFGHANISTAN now PAKISTAN and eventually YEMEN has now expanded. It was on YOUR filthy ivy league grad's watch that BIG SIS sent a memo to every law enforcement agency in the US to be on the lookout for people with the following bumper stickers: Ron Paul for President, Gladsen Flags, anti-abortion, republicans, pro-life, NRA, basically anything that didn't fit your party line and approached TEABAGGERY. Such individuals were akin to terrorists and should be considered armed and dangerous. That happened on your president's watch. It was on your beloved charlatan's adminitration that not only did government become less transparent, it has become downright secretive. I could expound on this all day if I thought a partisan imbecile like yourself was worth my time, but don't you ever allow that small brain on your head fool you into believing that you are in any way capable of conversing on the same level as I, because the 1 thing your narrow mind won't ever comprehend is simply that George Bush, and your beloved Obama are more alike than they are dissimiliar and the sooner you can get your head around that reality then the sooner you can stop acting like a fool and start functioning like a real American as opposed to a partisan shill.
Sorry, I can't read your hysterical rantings. Care for a Midol?
They only started to fear all of that when a Democrat became president.

Not a peep while Bush was starting the unending wars, instituting the police state powers, and wasting taxpayer money left and right on Homeland Security Department, Medicare D, tax cuts for billionaires, etc.

There is no family, no president in the history of the U.S. except maybe Lincoln, Grant and Wilson that deserve to burn in hell like Bush.

But, unfortunately for you, you obviously don't know anything about the tea party, and while I consider myself too extreme to be among it's ranks I can tell you with certainty that your list doesn't approach reality. Meanwhile, the hypocrisy of your new god and his administration is astounding.

Consider if you will, that it was under YOUR messiah's watch that the most invasive government in the history of the US has not only continued GITMO but expanded it's police powers to the point of dehumanizing, and humiliating american citizens by the groping hands of the TSA. It is under YOUR black god's watch that the war in Iraq and subsequently AFGHANISTAN now PAKISTAN and eventually YEMEN has now expanded. It was on YOUR filthy ivy league grad's watch that BIG SIS sent a memo to every law enforcement agency in the US to be on the lookout for people with the following bumper stickers: Ron Paul for President, Gladsen Flags, anti-abortion, republicans, pro-life, NRA, basically anything that didn't fit your party line and approached TEABAGGERY. Such individuals were akin to terrorists and should be considered armed and dangerous. That happened on your president's watch. It was on your beloved charlatan's adminitration that not only did government become less transparent, it has become downright secretive. I could expound on this all day if I thought a partisan imbecile like yourself was worth my time, but don't you ever allow that small brain on your head fool you into believing that you are in any way capable of conversing on the same level as I, because the 1 thing your narrow mind won't ever comprehend is simply that George Bush, and your beloved Obama are more alike than they are dissimiliar and the sooner you can get your head around that reality then the sooner you can stop acting like a fool and start functioning like a real American as opposed to a partisan shill.
Sorry, I can't read your hysterical rantings. Care for a Midol?
It's called reading comprehension.
Get ya some....
um, how about waiting and see how the new congress does it
before you place blame on them before they have even taken office
I guess the Republicans didn't learn the lessons of the last election, did they? Why are they ignoring the will of the people?
actually, they did the will of the people
the best they could get at this time
We've been told by the Right that the election proved that the country doesn't want more debt and deficits.

Yet the Regressives just insisted on adding $700 billion.
Then throw it away! :lol:

How do all you teabaggers feel about being USED to gain majority in the House, THEN have your #1 issue - the deficit - be mocked and disregarded by Corporate Republicans who want to add $700 billion to the deficit!




Didn't you notice they also chased Reps out of office?

No, of course not, you were way to busy wondering what Palin was up to next to actually bother to learn anything.

And they kept the taxes down, while your brilliant buffoons tried to increase spending even further.

And your laughing at us? :eusa_drool:

[ri-tahrd, for 1–3, 5; ree-tahrd for 4] Show IPA
–verb (used with object)
to make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede.
–verb (used without object)
to be delayed.
a slowing down, diminution, or hindrance, as in a machine.
Slang: Disparaging .
a mentally retarded person.
a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective in some way: a hopeless social retard.
Automotive, Machinery . an adjustment made in the setting of the distributor of an internal-combustion engine so that the spark for ignition in each cylinder is generated later in the cycle.
Only a perverted, sick, degenerate piece of subhuman liberal filth would refer to a group of people who rightfully fear government waste, unending wars, and police state powers as a disgusting homosexual act.

They only started to fear all of that when a Democrat became president.

Not a peep while Bush was starting the unending wars, instituting the police state powers, and wasting taxpayer money left and right on Homeland Security Department, Medicare D, tax cuts for billionaires, etc.

Not this one.

Or this one.
Then throw it away! :lol:

How do all you teabaggers feel about being USED to gain majority in the House, THEN have your #1 issue - the deficit - be mocked and disregarded by Corporate Republicans who want to add $700 billion to the deficit!


I must have missed the swearing in of the newly elected congressmen.

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Only a perverted, sick, degenerate piece of subhuman liberal filth would refer to a group of people who rightfully fear government waste, unending wars, and police state powers as a disgusting homosexual act.

They do? Well I'll be damned. And all this time I thought they were over-weight under achievers who got together to show off their guns. You mean they actually have a political agenda that doesn't involve removing themselves from Social Security and Medicare?
Only a perverted, sick, degenerate piece of subhuman liberal filth would refer to a group of people who rightfully fear government waste, unending wars, and police state powers as a disgusting homosexual act.

They only started to fear all of that when a Democrat became president.

Not a peep while Bush was starting the unending wars, instituting the police state powers, and wasting taxpayer money left and right on Homeland Security Department, Medicare D, tax cuts for billionaires, etc.
Okay, now you're just flat-out lying. You've seen me criticize Bush many times while he was in office.

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