What do you eat?

Just had eggs and french toast this moring cuz i had been craving them. Tonite for supper, i'm thinking general tso's chicken.
Just had eggs and french toast this moring cuz i had been craving them. Tonite for supper, i'm thinking general tso's chicken.

That General Tso......he was a good cook....his chicken kicks ass.....did you know that legend has it that he ate so much chicken he turned into one?
Just had eggs and french toast this moring cuz i had been craving them. Tonite for supper, i'm thinking general tso's chicken.

That General Tso......he was a good cook....his chicken kicks ass.....did you know that legend has it that he ate so much chicken he turned into one?

Well of course there is rice in General Tso's chicken..... which would make him a chicken on a rice paddy?
The first things to go when starting a new diet
1) sugary, sweet sodas
2) 90% of the fast foods
3) reduction of salt intake
4) gradual phase out diet sodas
5) no more white bread
6) moratorium on refined white sugar and high fructose corn syrup
7) no food item that has a sodium content greater then 21%
8) moratorium on excessive fried foods
9) no ground beef with a fat content less then 85%
10) phase out raw sugar

Things to add to achieve slow, but gradual weight loss:
1) dietary suppliments that boosts the metabolism rate so the body can burn off energy instead of conversion into body fat
2) wholesome, nutrient dence foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits
3) drink more water, or freshly brewed teas with lemon
4) use of seasonings that aide in the burning of body fat and raises the metabolism
5) organic foods when affordable, buy fresh fruits from farmer's markets
6) buy breads that do not use hfcs(high fructose corn syrup), or other cheap sweeteners. whole wheat, multi-grain, 7 grain breads are ok
7) move more by simply walking and smaller portions unless it's a salad then that's ok (salad portion that are meatless are ok in large portions)
8) stevia as a sweetener in lieu of sugar
9) any kind of fruit smoothie, or fruit juices that use other fruits as a sweetener are ok

If buying the bread at a bargain grocery outlet isn't feasible, and if you own a countertop all-purpose mixer, or a bread machine. Then you can go to Wal-Mart and buy Bronze Chief bread flour along with the smallest size bag of A/P flour to mix into the other flour. By mixing both together it'll soften the organic wheat flour just enough for bread making.

All the above information isn't intended for everyone, because the weightloss is extremely gradual and will take years. The most noticeable amount of weightloss is when you stop drinking sodas and cut down on the sodium. Don't be discouraged when applying this diet and don't see quick results. Quick results can easily be undone by reverting back to the old eating habits. Also, if you go on this diet and you're too strict by being too hard on yourself. Then the diet becomes a burdon making you a slave, and the diet a harsh taskmaster.

It is permissible to enjoy sweets, as long as; you are determined to keep it in moderation. Even though this diet is mostly vegetables, because of the health benefits of a plant based diet. You can enjoy meat, and other foods that vegans, and vegetarians aren't known to eat. . As for myself I'm a huge seafood fan. I love eating clam chowder, clam cakes and oyster stew. I like tuna fish sandwiches and making salmon sandwiches too. Both, of which; are rich in Omega 3 (HDL), which is essential for good heart health.

Editor's note:
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I reposted this again, but this time in it's entirety and red meat is ok. I, however, recommend anyone who goes on a diet to at first and the very least see a doctor. This is the kind of diet that I go by, and like all diets isn't perfect.
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As I am vegetarian I like vegetables and fruits. From the vegetables we can get the combination of the vitamins, proteins and zinc. And by the fruits we can get different type of vitamins.
Just about anything except for liver and onions and those little fish on pizza. Oh, yeah, kitties when they are in season. (wink, wink)


No Dead Fish On Pizza.

I eat slow and simple foods - iow, I avoid fast food and heavily manufactured packaged food, and choose fresh and organically grown items as much as possible.
Chicken, female white tail deer, fresh water fish (we catch), lots of veggies- usually stir-fried, moderate amts fruit, rice (favorite is Reese's Minnesota wild rice- and yes I know it's not really rice:D), or Jasmine rice. I love to cook- mostly Mexican foods or slow-cooked stuff and Cajun gumbo, and there's always something sweet to balance out all the good stuff. Everything in moderation folks.:)

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