What Do You Have To Do To Qualify As Being Transgender?

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Is there any criteria at all, other than claiming you aren't really the sex you were born but identify as the opposite sex? Is that all it takes or is there more to it? I'm mostly asking about those born male but identify as female to play in women's sports but you can really apply the question to other instances as well. So, let's talk about trans in sports.

Do you have to have a medical professional's note you are the opposite sex?

Do you have to change your birth certificate?

Do you have to have hormone or other medical procedures or therapy done?

Do you have to prove in some way that you identify as being a woman, like pictures of you wearing women's clothing?

Any criteria at all?

Or, can you just claim you are a woman or girl and sign up for the sport and that's it?

I really don't know, which is why I am asking.
Used to be..........

First, you'd have to be of LEGAL AGE, and of SOUND MIND for a medical professional to put you into the program.

You'd have to have several YEARS of psychological counseling to help one figure themsleves out.
If they gave the psychologists valid reasons and emotional and mental stability during this time, the counselor would send them to the next step. Seeing a specialist in hormone therapy.

This doctor would put the person on the correct type of hormone treatment they specifically would need for THEIR body and system, as no two people are the same when it comes to messing with your DNA.

After a year or more of hormone therapy, where the doctor considered you "maliable" enough for surgery.....you would still be going to counseling through this as well...........as some people have changed their minds during the course of this treatment.

After the doctor is content with how your body has reacted and accepted the hormone therapy, then they start talking about surgery......which could take another year or two. Counseling would shift gears under this and start mental therapy for what the surgery IS, what it DOES, and how you can react to it, and what the end results will be...........as well as how you will have to live afterwards.

This entire process took around 5-10 years, depending on the patient and how well or not, they got through each level of the process.


NOW this is all done within SIX MONTHS to a year.......WITH NO MENTAL COUNSELING OF ANY KIND. Much less any time frame to give the kid/patient TIME to accept what will be happening to them and how they will have to end up living afterwards.

It's a conveyer belt for a medical chop shop.
Is there any criteria at all, other than claiming you aren't really the sex you were born but identify as the opposite sex? Is that all it takes or is there more to it? I'm mostly asking about those born male but identify as female to play in women's sports but you can really apply the question to other instances as well. So, let's talk about trans in sports.

Do you have to have a medical professional's note you are the opposite sex?

Do you have to change your birth certificate?

Do you have to have hormone or other medical procedures or therapy done?

Do you have to prove in some way that you identify as being a woman, like pictures of you wearing women's clothing?

Any criteria at all?

Or, can you just claim you are a woman or girl and sign up for the sport and that's it?

I really don't know, which is why I am asking.
Is there something you want to tell us? It's okay. This is a safe space.
Is there something you want to tell us? It's okay. This is a safe space.
Okay. I want to find out who I am and why I was born the wrong sex. All my friends want to know why Mother Nature played a cruel trick on them and made them the wrong sex. Why can't we all be friends? Why are people such meanies? Woe is me!
Is there any criteria at all, other than claiming you aren't really the sex you were born but identify as the opposite sex? Is that all it takes or is there more to it? I'm mostly asking about those born male but identify as female to play in women's sports but you can really apply the question to other instances as well. So, let's talk about trans in sports.

Do you have to have a medical professional's note you are the opposite sex?

Do you have to change your birth certificate?

Do you have to have hormone or other medical procedures or therapy done?

Do you have to prove in some way that you identify as being a woman, like pictures of you wearing women's clothing?

Any criteria at all?

Or, can you just claim you are a woman or girl and sign up for the sport and that's it?

I really don't know, which is why I am asking.
^^ asking for a friend....
Okay. I want to find out who I am and why I was born the wrong sex. All my friends want to know why Mother Nature played a cruel trick on them and made them the wrong sex. Why can't we all be friends? Why are people such meanies? Woe is me!
My head was incorrectly installed on the top and you all MUST accept my need for transition
If you are a child you can't qualify for anything. The parents have to deal with government and social and medical issues. What happens when parents are kept out of the equation? Chaos and mutilation and suicide.
First you have to demonize white men and women ( but mostly men) so that no one wants to identify as such. Then you create a hierarchy of victimhood and hundreds of fake genders. Then claim a gender status that ranks you as top victim.
Let me ask my daughter the psychology professor and I'll let you know. I mixed up transvestite and transgender the other day and man did I get an ear full.

Anything else you want me to ask, for your friend.......?
What do you have to do to obsess incessantly about other people's genitals?
The LGB alphabet rumbled under the surface for quite awhile. When it got the ambition to extend to T, it became medical, not simply psychological. Introducing the T's scalpel introduced a more complex pathology, setting the stage for further, more serious deceptions that debauched over the borderline defining previous LGB mentality, which was then exploited.

T's scalpel may or may not have first occurred in Hitler's Germany, though certainly not only there.

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