What do you think about the "Make America Horny Again" tour?

I don't care that the woman is capitalizing off of her newly found (?) celebrity, but also I don't know what to think of the matter. What I want to know is whether her claims are legit. That's she's parlaying them into money isn't troublesome; that she's doing so and is running from reporters who will surely ask her exactly that question suggests that it's just made up.

Having extramarital trysts isn't something I regard as being beneath Trump. It's just that she's not adopting the posture of someone who's story is credible. Look at all those woman who've accused someone of sexual wrongdoing. Most importantly, they're not running from the press, and neither are they doing so why very publicly and explicitly monetizing their tales (pun intended) of their encounters with satyric men stories into a sordid means of making money off of yet other concupiscent men.

She signed an NDA. If she talks about this to any reporters, she'd be sued into insolvency.
The old porn chick is the hero Democrats are salivating for. Since all other attempts to take down Donald Trump have failed, they are pinning their hopes on yet another woman with a questionable story. How utterly pathetic.

Liberals, feel free to get off the dump Trump train at any time. You will feel much better about yourselves when you stop rooting against America.
Good thing Slick Willie and JFK never did things in the Oval Office.

Made it all the way to post 8 (and 10) before Pogo's Law kicked in.

Always good to know which posters just can't handle the topic. Thank you for self-identifying.

POGO PREDICTS: Next post will do the same thing.

The old porn chick is the hero Democrats are salivating for. Since all other attempts to take down Donald Trump have failed, they are pinning their hopes on yet another woman with a questionable story. How utterly pathetic.

Liberals, feel free to get off the dump Trump train at any time. You will feel much better about yourselves when you stop rooting against America.
Good thing Slick Willie and JFK never did things in the Oval Office.

Yeah, OP seems to look the other way without all the hand wringing and consternation when wild bill got busy or maybe has that selective amnesia when it pertains to a lib.

Ding ding ding. Did I call it or what?

You called nothing. The hypocrisy of the OP is what's being pointed out. Who said trump was a saint?

Actually the hypocrisy of posters who go to the Tu Quoque because they can't handle the topic, is what's being called out.

Again, thanks for self-idenifying.
I don't care that the woman is capitalizing off of her newly found (?) celebrity, but also I don't know what to think of the matter. What I want to know is whether her claims are legit. That's she's parlaying them into money isn't troublesome; that she's doing so and is running from reporters who will surely ask her exactly that question suggests that it's just made up.

Having extramarital trysts isn't something I regard as being beneath Trump. It's just that she's not adopting the posture of someone who's story is credible. Look at all those woman who've accused someone of sexual wrongdoing. Most importantly, they're not running from the press, and neither are they doing so why very publicly and explicitly monetizing their tales (pun intended) of their encounters with satyric men stories into a sordid means of making money off of yet other concupiscent men.

She signed an NDA. If she talks about this to any reporters, she'd be sued into insolvency.

On the other hand how can you sue on an NDA about an event that the parties claim didn't happen? Isn't such a suit tacit admission that it did?
The old porn chick is the hero Democrats are salivating for. Since all other attempts to take down Donald Trump have failed, they are pinning their hopes on yet another woman with a questionable story. How utterly pathetic.

Liberals, feel free to get off the dump Trump train at any time. You will feel much better about yourselves when you stop rooting against America.
Good thing Slick Willie and JFK never did things in the Oval Office.

Made it all the way to post 8 (and 10) before Pogo's Law kicked in.

Always good to know which posters just can't handle the topic. Thank you for self-identifying.

POGO PREDICTS: Next post will do the same thing.

The old porn chick is the hero Democrats are salivating for. Since all other attempts to take down Donald Trump have failed, they are pinning their hopes on yet another woman with a questionable story. How utterly pathetic.

Liberals, feel free to get off the dump Trump train at any time. You will feel much better about yourselves when you stop rooting against America.
Good thing Slick Willie and JFK never did things in the Oval Office.

Yeah, OP seems to look the other way without all the hand wringing and consternation when wild bill got busy or maybe has that selective amnesia when it pertains to a lib.

Ding ding ding. Did I call it or what?

You called nothing. The hypocrisy of the OP is what's being pointed out. Who said trump was a saint?

Actually the hypocrisy of posters who go to the Tu Quoque because they can't handle the topic, is what's being called out.

Again, thanks for self-idenifying.

No, because OP is just a liberal hack who is concerned about this when it happens with an R but doesn't when it happens to a D. That's all. Now scamper along.
I don't care that the woman is capitalizing off of her newly found (?) celebrity, but also I don't know what to think of the matter. What I want to know is whether her claims are legit. That's she's parlaying them into money isn't troublesome; that she's doing so and is running from reporters who will surely ask her exactly that question suggests that it's just made up.

Having extramarital trysts isn't something I regard as being beneath Trump. It's just that she's not adopting the posture of someone who's story is credible. Look at all those woman who've accused someone of sexual wrongdoing. Most importantly, they're not running from the press, and neither are they doing so why very publicly and explicitly monetizing their tales (pun intended) of their encounters with satyric men stories into a sordid means of making money off of yet other concupiscent men.

She signed an NDA. If she talks about this to any reporters, she'd be sued into insolvency.

On the other hand how can you sue on an NDA about an event that the parties claim didn't happen? Isn't such a suit tacit admission that it did?

Well, yes. But so is not suing.

We all already know that the NDA exists.
Good thing Slick Willie and JFK never did things in the Oval Office.

Made it all the way to post 8 (and 10) before Pogo's Law kicked in.

Always good to know which posters just can't handle the topic. Thank you for self-identifying.

POGO PREDICTS: Next post will do the same thing.

Good thing Slick Willie and JFK never did things in the Oval Office.

Yeah, OP seems to look the other way without all the hand wringing and consternation when wild bill got busy or maybe has that selective amnesia when it pertains to a lib.

Ding ding ding. Did I call it or what?

You called nothing. The hypocrisy of the OP is what's being pointed out. Who said trump was a saint?

Actually the hypocrisy of posters who go to the Tu Quoque because they can't handle the topic, is what's being called out.

Again, thanks for self-idenifying.

No, because OP is just a liberal hack who is concerned about this when it happens with an R but doesn't when it happens to a D. That's all. Now scamper along.

Irrelevant. The topic is the topic, and you two can't handle it. "But but waddabout...." is not an argument.
I don't care that the woman is capitalizing off of her newly found (?) celebrity, but also I don't know what to think of the matter. What I want to know is whether her claims are legit. That's she's parlaying them into money isn't troublesome; that she's doing so and is running from reporters who will surely ask her exactly that question suggests that it's just made up.

Having extramarital trysts isn't something I regard as being beneath Trump. It's just that she's not adopting the posture of someone who's story is credible. Look at all those woman who've accused someone of sexual wrongdoing. Most importantly, they're not running from the press, and neither are they doing so why very publicly and explicitly monetizing their tales (pun intended) of their encounters with satyric men stories into a sordid means of making money off of yet other concupiscent men.

Trump fucks porn stars while married with a newborn at home, then pays her off so the rubes don't abandon him.

But that was $130,000 wasted, since the rubes worship him as their God.
Made it all the way to post 8 (and 10) before Pogo's Law kicked in.

Always good to know which posters just can't handle the topic. Thank you for self-identifying.

POGO PREDICTS: Next post will do the same thing.

Yeah, OP seems to look the other way without all the hand wringing and consternation when wild bill got busy or maybe has that selective amnesia when it pertains to a lib.

Ding ding ding. Did I call it or what?

You called nothing. The hypocrisy of the OP is what's being pointed out. Who said trump was a saint?

Actually the hypocrisy of posters who go to the Tu Quoque because they can't handle the topic, is what's being called out.

Again, thanks for self-idenifying.

No, because OP is just a liberal hack who is concerned about this when it happens with an R but doesn't when it happens to a D. That's all. Now scamper along.

Irrelevant. The topic is the topic, and you two can't handle it. "But but waddabout...." is not an argument.

Yes, it is.
I don't care that the woman is capitalizing off of her newly found (?) celebrity, but also I don't know what to think of the matter. What I want to know is whether her claims are legit. That's she's parlaying them into money isn't troublesome; that she's doing so and is running from reporters who will surely ask her exactly that question suggests that it's just made up.

Having extramarital trysts isn't something I regard as being beneath Trump. It's just that she's not adopting the posture of someone who's story is credible. Look at all those woman who've accused someone of sexual wrongdoing. Most importantly, they're not running from the press, and neither are they doing so why very publicly and explicitly monetizing their tales (pun intended) of their encounters with satyric men stories into a sordid means of making money off of yet other concupiscent men.

Did not matter with Clinton, so it does not matter with Trump.
I don't care that the woman is capitalizing off of her newly found (?) celebrity, but also I don't know what to think of the matter. What I want to know is whether her claims are legit. That's she's parlaying them into money isn't troublesome; that she's doing so and is running from reporters who will surely ask her exactly that question suggests that it's just made up.

Having extramarital trysts isn't something I regard as being beneath Trump. It's just that she's not adopting the posture of someone who's story is credible. Look at all those woman who've accused someone of sexual wrongdoing. Most importantly, they're not running from the press, and neither are they doing so why very publicly and explicitly monetizing their tales (pun intended) of their encounters with satyric men stories into a sordid means of making money off of yet other concupiscent men.

Trump fucks porn stars while married with a newborn at home, then pays her off so the rubes don't abandon him.

But that was $130,000 wasted, since the rubes worship him as their God.

Excellent point. He'd already noted he could "shoot someone on Fifth Avenue". So much for "the art of the deal". :rolleyes:
Here are my thoughts on this whole thing.

1. I have little doubt that her story is true.
2. Aside from the schadenfreude, I couldn't possibly care less
Well I care...I've been asking for her ph number for days now and none of you have obliged me...:cool-45:
I don't care that the woman is capitalizing off of her newly found (?) celebrity, but also I don't know what to think of the matter. What I want to know is whether her claims are legit. That's she's parlaying them into money isn't troublesome; that she's doing so and is running from reporters who will surely ask her exactly that question suggests that it's just made up.

Having extramarital trysts isn't something I regard as being beneath Trump. It's just that she's not adopting the posture of someone who's story is credible. Look at all those woman who've accused someone of sexual wrongdoing. Most importantly, they're not running from the press, and neither are they doing so why very publicly and explicitly monetizing their tales (pun intended) of their encounters with satyric men stories into a sordid means of making money off of yet other concupiscent men.
Did not matter with Clinton, so it does not matter with Trump.
Actually, it did matter with Clinton. It mattered because he was asked about it by a federal investigator and in answering questions posed to him by that investigator in the course of discharging his duty, Clinton lied about his tryst.
  • Has a federal prosecutor questioned Stormy about her interactions with Trump? Not that I'm aware of, and it seems unlikely they will. That said, investigators may offhandedly query Trump about it, and depending on what they ask and how he responds, he may create a basis for them to query Stormy, and thereafter it may very well matter in precisely the same way it mattered with Bill Clinton.
  • What would give investigators a reason to query Trump or Stormy about their interactions? The fact that during the 2016 campaign season, Trump is alleged to have made to Stormy, via a shell company his attorney created, a $130K hush-money payment. Remember the scope of the special counsel's charge:
    • any links and/or coordination bet ween the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.
    • any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation --> It is this element of the scope that gives Mueller and his team the ability to ask about anything Trump did during his campaign. Trump would have had no need to worry about Mueller's scope including his interactions with Stormy had he not orchestrated that hush-money payment during his campaign. It's assumed that the hush-money would have been paid to obtain Stormy's silence with regard to an assignation between her and Trump; however, that need not be the actual purpose of the alleged payment. One must remember that investigators, don't assume anything; they merely note assumptions and then set about finding out whether the assumptions hold true. Determining the verity and extancy of that which plausibly may have occurred and why is , after all, the very point of an investigation.
    • any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).
So, for now, no, whatever Trump did with Stormy doesn't matter beyond it's value as an element of "palace intrigue." It remains to be seen whether it will come to matter more prodigiously. Might it matter to Melania Trump? Almost certainly it will and does -- because as any woman whose husband has betrayed a vow of fidelity will attest, "a woman knows" -- but that it does and the extent to which it might is her business, not the American people's business.
I don't care that the woman is capitalizing off of her newly found (?) celebrity, but also I don't know what to think of the matter. What I want to know is whether her claims are legit. That's she's parlaying them into money isn't troublesome; that she's doing so and is running from reporters who will surely ask her exactly that question suggests that it's just made up.

Having extramarital trysts isn't something I regard as being beneath Trump. It's just that she's not adopting the posture of someone who's story is credible. Look at all those woman who've accused someone of sexual wrongdoing. Most importantly, they're not running from the press, and neither are they doing so why very publicly and explicitly monetizing their tales (pun intended) of their encounters with satyric men stories into a sordid means of making money off of yet other concupiscent men.
She’s not particularly attractive without tons of makeup which convinces me she’s lying.
Well, Americans deserve to know all the dirt on the greased pig who managed to slip into the Oval Office. All of this is about how filthy trump is. It's not about the whore he plays with when Malaria shudders at his smelly, wrinkled touch.

Stormy's already in the news 24/7 so there's no reason for her to take questions from reporters. And maybe she wants to save all the details for a nice, juicy, money-making, tell-all book rather than give any details to the press for free.
I don't really care about a politician's infidelity. I think that extramarital affairs is something that we as Americans need to stop getting up and arms about. Having affairs doesn't make you a bad leader. It just makes you a bad husband. That is something their spouse needs to deal with and not the public.

However, the right is always pushing from family values and they claim to be the moral party. They impeached a POTUS over a blow job.

How can you be the Christian moral party when your leaders are going around committing adultery? You even had some loony tunes claiming Trump was sent by the Lord. A man who's been married thrice and had multiple affairs was sent by God? Really?

I'm loving this Stormy Daniel's situation because it just exposes the hypocrisy of the right.

But let Barack had an affair with a porn star. It would be playing 24/7 on Faux news. Don't act like ya'll wouldn't be outraged by Obama having an affair.

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