What do you think Obama should consider when appointing a Cabinet Member?


Aug 26, 2013
What do you think Obama should consider when appointing members of his cabinet?

all guesses necessary
What do you think Obama should consider when appointing members of his cabinet?

all guesses necessary

Color, gender and party ---- oh, I'm sorry --- you said "should consider" and not what he "will" consider....
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As we've seen all Obama considers is who will lie and cover for him to give out any position..And who is as radical as he is in their thinking...some of them have been damn scary.....And he does take care of all his cronies in the Democrat party whether they are qualified for it or not...As long as they bow down to his every whim they have a position in his regime
What do you think Obama should consider when appointing a Cabinet Member?

1. Whether or not the person belongs to a radical group or social activist group, or sympathizes with them excessively.

2. Intelligence and profound experience in the seat being considered.

3. Loyalty, demonstrated and not merely professed.

4. Weathered skin on their hands; preferably callouses too [not gotten by working in the oil industry].
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Radical leftist views
Rabid loyalty to Obama
Gross incompetence and lack of qualification for the position.

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