What Do You Think Of People Who Hate Their OWN Race?

Uncle Tom blacks?

Self-hating Jews?

Lindsay Graham, R-White Guilt?


I know of a black media professional who is muslim. He eats bacon, is a lawyer, rubs shoulders with white political leaders, and sounds like a white guy. Is that the definition of an Uncle Tom?

I also know of a lot of devout, practicing Jews who are anti-zionist. Do they fall into the self-hating category?

I guess I just don't get the question. My take is that some people (and most media) use race as a tool to attack a persons motives. I can't speak for Lindsay Graham, since I don't listen to propaganda and I don't know how the propagandists are currently framing him, but in general, when I see these kinds of questions it's immediately obvious that somebody is trying to use race to distort a motive for an opinion.
Well, it sounds from the response as if nobody thinks this is a problem. We can now move on to other things.

I personally think that there are many whites who see great personal advantage to throwing their fellow whites under the bus. These whites, I'd shoot.

Further, when I see blacks turn on blacks, or Jews who "turn in" other Jews to the Nazis, I'm kind of disappointed. I understand races being competitive, but it's harder to understand the weaklings who sell out their OWN people.

Like Lindsay Graham.
I personally think that there are many whites who see great personal advantage to throwing their fellow whites under the bus. These whites, I'd shoot.

Further, when I see blacks turn on blacks, or Jews who "turn in" other Jews to the Nazis, I'm kind of disappointed. I understand races being competitive, but it's harder to understand the weaklings who sell out their OWN people.

I do agree many folks will sell their neighbors off to be slaves or turn their neighbors into the Gestapo for personal gain. Kind of like bankers acting irresponsibly with their investors money.

Don't ever think because we both have creamy color skin we're on a team or something though. My allegiances are more along lines of thought or belief. There is no white or black race or team.
I think a lot of White people fall into this category, of Self hate. They are always at the beach, trying
to burn themselves Black or brown. Even if it kills them by getting skin cancer.!?.
Uncle Tom blacks?

Self-hating Jews?

Lindsay Graham, R-White Guilt?


I have a neighbor who is white and is a professor at a local university. He most definitely suffers from white guilt. He was a huge Hillary supporter initially, but Obama is black. What to do? Become a huge Obama supporter, of course! He has every excuse known to man for every crime commited by a black guy in town. Funny thing is he doesn't give Hispanics the time of day. Strange fellow.
I'm a self hating human ... does that count?

that would be self hate towards your own species not race. and i have some tendencies to dislike humans as well. some of my co-workers stir up most of my dislike for humans.
Uncle Tom blacks?

Self-hating Jews?

Lindsay Graham, R-White Guilt?


What do you think of people who hate other races beside their own?


What do you think of people that hate?


Now here is a good point.
I try not to hate anyone. I dislike several, but do not think I go to hatred on anyone.

Hatred is like an acid that eats up the vessel that contains it.
Some smart Chinese dude said that I think.
I dispute the notion that "hate" is automatically a bad thing.

You "hate" being cold, so you build a fire. Good or bad?

You "hate" being hungry, so you plant food. Good or bad?

You "hate" being enslaved, so you launch a revolution and throw off your masters. Good or bad?
Uncle Tom blacks?

Self-hating Jews?

Lindsay Graham, R-White Guilt?


I think that anyone using their racial identity as a reason, excuse, etc is missing the point big time. To me it's impossible to be proud of race or heritage or whatever because it isn't something that was achieved.

If you work hard toward a goal and accomplish it, yes, be proud of what you've done. But being proud you were randomly born a certain color, or in a particular country, or with a certain color eyes, etc. is just silly. There's nothing to be proud of, it just happened.
Uncle Tom blacks?

Self-hating Jews?

Lindsay Graham, R-White Guilt?


I think that anyone using their racial identity as a reason, excuse, etc is missing the point big time. To me it's impossible to be proud of race or heritage or whatever because it isn't something that was achieved.

If you work hard toward a goal and accomplish it, yes, be proud of what you've done. But being proud you were randomly born a certain color, or in a particular country, or with a certain color eyes, etc. is just silly. There's nothing to be proud of, it just happened.

100% true!

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