What do you think Romney's biggest problem is getting his message out?

Serious question for those willing to not troll.

I think he lacks passion when he speaks so points made just have no gravitas. I've heard him say many things that could inspire a crowd but there just isn't any spunk in his tone.

Romney's charisma has never been there.

His problem is this...

It's because you've heard him say either the exact opposite or nearly the exact opposite thing earlier. So it's hard to go "all in" on anything he's telling you because you know, in the back of your mind, that he's not "all in" on his side.

That's it in a nutshell.
That's just part of his overall problem of seeming like an aristocrat trying to sound populist but ending up seeming like he is talking down or even worse, having no common frame of reference with the electorate, there is no solution to this problem for him.

I have to disagree, the problem is our american idol culture. Maobama played into it and is the result of a slick wall street marketing campaign, pimped and packaged better than any apple product. Only problem there was nothing but a pretty box with zero functionality, the really big problem with Maobama he didn't have a reliable record to judged by, so folks bought him strickly on the marketing, and he like apple, had the media pushing the hype.

Romney on the other hand is not the charismatic cult leader type, like Maobama, which makes him hard to market, and for those who really don't understand what is at stake in this election, he's hard to get excited about. The left wing media don't like him and will go for their ratings by trying to destroy him.

Maobama is like the toy sports car that will get you now where really fast and will cost a fortune in the process, where Romney is the reliable transportation that will get you where you need to go in a way that it won't break the bank. A great concept but not exciting and hard to sell. All he can really do is keep pushing that message.
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I keep wishing he would start off with his scheduled speech, stop mid-sentence, look up at the people he is talking to --- drop the politician act --- and say "Look folks, if we keep heading down the road we have been on for the past decade things are gonna get pretty scary. We need to stop this spending before it owns us. We need to let the middle east know we are capable of more than just sweet talk and joy stick controlled missles --- AND we need to open up the job markets that my Democratic counterpart keeps wanting to shut down with bureaucratic rules and red tape."

LOL scary? The people want a positive message stupid.

go away

I don't want a positive message at all. I want the truth...
...and the truth is the same old thing - from the poster before you.

We get rid of Obama or our Country is in a world of hurt. There is nothing positive about nearly 3 decades of irrisponsible spending, that led to this point.

I'm guessing you aren't very old...

You want somebody to blow smoke up your butt even if you are. America needs a dose of reality and reality is that we are starting to teeter.
That's just part of his overall problem of seeming like an aristocrat trying to sound populist but ending up seeming like he is talking down or even worse, having no common frame of reference with the electorate, there is no solution to this problem for him.

I have to disagree, the problem is our american idol culture. Maobama played into it and is the result of a slick wall street marketing campaign, pimped and packaged better than any apple product. Only problem there was nothing but a pretty box with zero functionality, the really big problem with Maobama he didn't have a reliable record to judged by, so folks bought him strickly on the marketing, and he like apple, had the media pushing the hype.

Romney on the other hand is not the charismatic cult leader type, like Maobama, which makes him hard to market, and for those who really don't understand what is at stake in this election, he's hard to get excited about. The left wing media don't like him and will go for their ratings by trying to destroy him.

Maobama is like the toy sports car that will get you now where really fast and will cost a fortune in the process, where Romney is the reliable transportation that will get you where you need to go in a way that it won't break the bank. A great concept but not exciting and hard to sell. All he can really do is keep pushing that message.

Do you actually look at Romney and see a man of conviction? He flip-flops like a freshly landed tuna and that kind of wishy-washyness is death in this media culture you seem to despise.
That's just part of his overall problem of seeming like an aristocrat trying to sound populist but ending up seeming like he is talking down or even worse, having no common frame of reference with the electorate, there is no solution to this problem for him.

I have to disagree, the problem is our american idol culture. Maobama played into it and is the result of a slick wall street marketing campaign, pimped and packaged better than any apple product. Only problem there was nothing but a pretty box with zero functionality, the really big problem with Maobama he didn't have a reliable record to judged by, so folks bought him strickly on the marketing, and he like apple, had the media pushing the hype.

Romney on the other hand is not the charismatic cult leader type, like Maobama, which makes him hard to market, and for those who really don't understand what is at stake in this election, he's hard to get excited about. The left wing media don't like him and will go for their ratings by trying to destroy him.

Maobama is like the toy sports car that will get you now where really fast and will cost a fortune in the process, where Romney is the reliable transportation that will get you where you need to go in a way that it won't break the bank. A great concept but not exciting and hard to sell. All he can really do is keep pushing that message.

I agree. Hopefully, the fear of 4 more years of the status quo will scare republicans to the booth while the overconfident moron brigade of the left stay home because they drink MSNBC's cool-aid that it's all wrapped up!
What do you think Romney's biggest problem is getting his message out?

The message itself.

All he is is another in a long train of soft socialist big gubmint loving neocon douchebags....Lest we fail to mention that he's the second GOP nominee in a row who lost to the eventual previous nominee.
That's just part of his overall problem of seeming like an aristocrat trying to sound populist but ending up seeming like he is talking down or even worse, having no common frame of reference with the electorate, there is no solution to this problem for him.

I have to disagree, the problem is our american idol culture. Maobama played into it and is the result of a slick wall street marketing campaign, pimped and packaged better than any apple product. Only problem there was nothing but a pretty box with zero functionality, the really big problem with Maobama he didn't have a reliable record to judged by, so folks bought him strickly on the marketing, and he like apple, had the media pushing the hype.

Romney on the other hand is not the charismatic cult leader type, like Maobama, which makes him hard to market, and for those who really don't understand what is at stake in this election, he's hard to get excited about. The left wing media don't like him and will go for their ratings by trying to destroy him.

Maobama is like the toy sports car that will get you now where really fast and will cost a fortune in the process, where Romney is the reliable transportation that will get you where you need to go in a way that it won't break the bank. A great concept but not exciting and hard to sell. All he can really do is keep pushing that message.

I agree. Hopefully, the fear of 4 more years of the status quo will scare republicans to the booth while the overconfident moron brigade of the left stay home because they drink MSNBC's cool-aid that it's all wrapped up!

Scaring people into the voting booth is not going to work anymore, sorry.
That's just part of his overall problem of seeming like an aristocrat trying to sound populist but ending up seeming like he is talking down or even worse, having no common frame of reference with the electorate, there is no solution to this problem for him.

I have to disagree, the problem is our american idol culture. Maobama played into it and is the result of a slick wall street marketing campaign, pimped and packaged better than any apple product. Only problem there was nothing but a pretty box with zero functionality, the really big problem with Maobama he didn't have a reliable record to judged by, so folks bought him strickly on the marketing, and he like apple, had the media pushing the hype.

Romney on the other hand is not the charismatic cult leader type, like Maobama, which makes him hard to market, and for those who really don't understand what is at stake in this election, he's hard to get excited about. The left wing media don't like him and will go for their ratings by trying to destroy him.

Maobama is like the toy sports car that will get you now where really fast and will cost a fortune in the process, where Romney is the reliable transportation that will get you where you need to go in a way that it won't break the bank. A great concept but not exciting and hard to sell. All he can really do is keep pushing that message.

Do you actually look at Romney and see a man of conviction? He flip-flops like a freshly landed tuna and that kind of wishy-washyness is death in this media culture you seem to despise.

Ya, I see Obama as the filp-flopper myself -- He has been talking out of both sides of his mouth since anyone was willing to listen to him. He lies to everyone around him telling them what he thinks they want to hear and then bulls through with whatever he wants whether it's good for the Country or not.

It's like - wake up America!! Quit listening to his words and just watch his actions! They never follow the same line!
I have to disagree, the problem is our american idol culture. Maobama played into it and is the result of a slick wall street marketing campaign, pimped and packaged better than any apple product. Only problem there was nothing but a pretty box with zero functionality, the really big problem with Maobama he didn't have a reliable record to judged by, so folks bought him strickly on the marketing, and he like apple, had the media pushing the hype.

Romney on the other hand is not the charismatic cult leader type, like Maobama, which makes him hard to market, and for those who really don't understand what is at stake in this election, he's hard to get excited about. The left wing media don't like him and will go for their ratings by trying to destroy him.

Maobama is like the toy sports car that will get you now where really fast and will cost a fortune in the process, where Romney is the reliable transportation that will get you where you need to go in a way that it won't break the bank. A great concept but not exciting and hard to sell. All he can really do is keep pushing that message.

I agree. Hopefully, the fear of 4 more years of the status quo will scare republicans to the booth while the overconfident moron brigade of the left stay home because they drink MSNBC's cool-aid that it's all wrapped up!

Scaring people into the voting booth is not going to work anymore, sorry.

Unless you threaten not to pay for their birth control.:lol:
I have to disagree, the problem is our american idol culture. Maobama played into it and is the result of a slick wall street marketing campaign, pimped and packaged better than any apple product. Only problem there was nothing but a pretty box with zero functionality, the really big problem with Maobama he didn't have a reliable record to judged by, so folks bought him strickly on the marketing, and he like apple, had the media pushing the hype.

Romney on the other hand is not the charismatic cult leader type, like Maobama, which makes him hard to market, and for those who really don't understand what is at stake in this election, he's hard to get excited about. The left wing media don't like him and will go for their ratings by trying to destroy him.

Maobama is like the toy sports car that will get you now where really fast and will cost a fortune in the process, where Romney is the reliable transportation that will get you where you need to go in a way that it won't break the bank. A great concept but not exciting and hard to sell. All he can really do is keep pushing that message.

I agree. Hopefully, the fear of 4 more years of the status quo will scare republicans to the booth while the overconfident moron brigade of the left stay home because they drink MSNBC's cool-aid that it's all wrapped up!

Scaring people into the voting booth is not going to work anymore, sorry.

Well it should --- if people don't wake up Obama is gonna send us right to the edge of the cliff. The next president will spend the first 3 years hitting the breaks - and the 4th year either cleaning up the mess at the bottom or explaining why we are all gona have to suffer to fix it.
I have to disagree, the problem is our american idol culture. Maobama played into it and is the result of a slick wall street marketing campaign, pimped and packaged better than any apple product. Only problem there was nothing but a pretty box with zero functionality, the really big problem with Maobama he didn't have a reliable record to judged by, so folks bought him strickly on the marketing, and he like apple, had the media pushing the hype.

Romney on the other hand is not the charismatic cult leader type, like Maobama, which makes him hard to market, and for those who really don't understand what is at stake in this election, he's hard to get excited about. The left wing media don't like him and will go for their ratings by trying to destroy him.

Maobama is like the toy sports car that will get you now where really fast and will cost a fortune in the process, where Romney is the reliable transportation that will get you where you need to go in a way that it won't break the bank. A great concept but not exciting and hard to sell. All he can really do is keep pushing that message.

Do you actually look at Romney and see a man of conviction? He flip-flops like a freshly landed tuna and that kind of wishy-washyness is death in this media culture you seem to despise.

Ya, I see Obama as the filp-flopper myself -- He has been talking out of both sides of his mouth since anyone was willing to listen to him. He lies to everyone around him telling them what he thinks they want to hear and then bulls through with whatever he wants whether it's good for the Country or not.

It's like - wake up America!! Quit listening to his words and just watch his actions! They never follow the same line!

Obama is not actually the subject of this thread, absent the "anyone but Obama" scare tactic he has nothing, you know it. This was the republican's election to win or lose, quit trying to blame the opposition for the most inept republican presidential campaign in decades.
I have to disagree, the problem is our american idol culture. Maobama played into it and is the result of a slick wall street marketing campaign, pimped and packaged better than any apple product. Only problem there was nothing but a pretty box with zero functionality, the really big problem with Maobama he didn't have a reliable record to judged by, so folks bought him strickly on the marketing, and he like apple, had the media pushing the hype.

Romney on the other hand is not the charismatic cult leader type, like Maobama, which makes him hard to market, and for those who really don't understand what is at stake in this election, he's hard to get excited about. The left wing media don't like him and will go for their ratings by trying to destroy him.

Maobama is like the toy sports car that will get you now where really fast and will cost a fortune in the process, where Romney is the reliable transportation that will get you where you need to go in a way that it won't break the bank. A great concept but not exciting and hard to sell. All he can really do is keep pushing that message.

I agree. Hopefully, the fear of 4 more years of the status quo will scare republicans to the booth while the overconfident moron brigade of the left stay home because they drink MSNBC's cool-aid that it's all wrapped up!

Scaring people into the voting booth is not going to work anymore, sorry.

Not so sure about that. I think Romney did just that to 47% of the electorate.
Serious question for those willing to not troll.

I think he lacks passion when he speaks so points made just have no gravitas. I've heard him say many things that could inspire a crowd but there just isn't any spunk in his tone.

He got his message out good and well at that Florida fundraiser. Nice to hear his honest opinion of 47% of his fellow Americans.:badgrin:
I agree. Hopefully, the fear of 4 more years of the status quo will scare republicans to the booth while the overconfident moron brigade of the left stay home because they drink MSNBC's cool-aid that it's all wrapped up!

Scaring people into the voting booth is not going to work anymore, sorry.

Not so sure about that. I think Romney did just that to 47% of the electorate.

The rapidly aging republican base is permanently pissing their panties over something but they have failed to scare anyone new into voting their fears this time, perhaps for good.
Do you actually look at Romney and see a man of conviction? He flip-flops like a freshly landed tuna and that kind of wishy-washyness is death in this media culture you seem to despise.

Ya, I see Obama as the filp-flopper myself -- He has been talking out of both sides of his mouth since anyone was willing to listen to him. He lies to everyone around him telling them what he thinks they want to hear and then bulls through with whatever he wants whether it's good for the Country or not.

It's like - wake up America!! Quit listening to his words and just watch his actions! They never follow the same line!

Obama is not actually the subject of this thread, absent the "anyone but Obama" scare tactic he has nothing, you know it. This was the republican's election to win or lose, quit trying to blame the opposition for the most inept republican presidential campaign in decades.

I'm not blaming anybody... You think this is 2008-09-10-11-12 where somebody is blaming W??? Not hardly --- Three fourths of the Nation knows we are going the wrong direction. The only question is, can they get fired up over it -- or are they so numb and blind they will sit at home?

Personally I think the dems are gonna have a hard time getting people to the booth. Conservatives pay more attnetion to the reality of things anyway --- I think we will have a stronger showing because of it...
I for one am thrilled to death not to hear the same old bullshit day in and day out from a "smooth talking celebrity based inspirational but full of crap" politician.

My Prime Minister is wonderously "Mr. Boring". But he does his job. The only scary things in his closet was his boring brown suits that they've finally got him out of. No scandals. Boring. Fosters cats at our version of the WH. Boring. Runs the country quite well. Boring. Goes to work. Boring.

And he's stick handled us very nicely thru the recession.

Who cares about being inspired by a speech if your country is on the edge of financial armageddon?

If you get Obama for another for another 4 more years you might as well learn Greek and start dancing around like Zorba screaming "opa".

Oh and stock up on dishes.
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Serious question for those willing to not troll.

I think he lacks passion when he speaks so points made just have no gravitas. I've heard him say many things that could inspire a crowd but there just isn't any spunk in his tone.
I don't think it's his message verbally that is the problem. It's what he DOES that really is the problem.

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