What do you think what is the biggest issue that I get rejected by girls or dont have a girlfriend?


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  • Weight/Look
  • Job/Car/Financial situation
  • Disabilities
  • Personality
  • Race that im a gypsy etc.
  • I didnt tried hard enough, dont go out regulary, dont socialise enough etc.
  • Other (please write down in the thread)
Dude. Everything.

You're fat and desperate, and probably broke. Woman are going to run for the hills. Getting in shape would help a lot. You also have to get a job and do shit. You seem like the kind of guy that doesn't have a job. Fixing all of that will also give you confidence. Women won't be attracted to you until you fix these things.
You have been given the same top advice week after week .
Your behaviour is rooted in a desperate need for attention and approval.
Very immature .

One mark of intelligence is to positively learn from past negative experiences .
You score zero in this area and you are shaping up as a life loser .
Time to stop playing the fool , Mortuary .
The Sympathy box has run dry .
Lose weight and get a job.
Those are the two biggest things keeping you from getting a chick.
It ain't right rocket science Mort.
I lost my first fiance because I still acted like a kid. I broke her virginity and I loved her dearly.
When she dumped me I got serious about getting a job.
She actually contacted me a few months ago after I'd been married for 33 years wanting me back.
Of course it was way to late for that even though I still think about her.
Get your shit together and I can promise you you'll find a girl.
Chicks can tell if you have low self esteem. And if you dont have a job your low self esteem is obvious to a chick.
You don't have a job, do you? I can tell by your low self esteem.

You obviously didnt read my post.
No I dont have a job because I'm retired.
I've been retired since I was 46 11 years ago,soon to be 12 years ago in June.
A lack of self esteem is not an issue I can promise you that.
Your self esteem is in question no doubt.
You obviously didnt read my post.
No I dont have a job because I'm retired.
I've been retired since I was 46 11 years ago,soon to be 12 years ago in June.
A lack of self esteem is not an issue I can promise you that.
Your self esteem is in question no doubt.

Im alos retired because of disabilites surgeries, illnesses etc. Did you know that? Why do you attack me?
You seriously think I dont have a job?
While thats true considering I'm retired do you believe I dont have a means of support?
As I said I'm retired and can live without a job for the rest of my life and I can live well.
If you'd like I can show you pics of my paid for house and two paid for vehicles and all of my toys.
You're not retired.
When was the last time you had a job?

Im retired yes, i can show you my id card that im retired. I did had a job not only one i had many jobs. I didnt worked long though i got ill as young man. Unfortunately. You worked more then me if you worked until 46, so i dont want to attack you or compare myself to you, but you dont know that i have disabilites and cant work, so you always make fun of me eventhough im disabled.
Im alos retired because of disabilites surgeries, illnesses etc. Did you know that? Why do you attack me?

I hate to bust your bubble but I've had 5 hip surgeries,back surgery and cancer surgery over the last 6 years and I have another hip surgery coming.
But ya know what? I can still take care of myself because I worked my ass off for 28 years plus to ensure I could do so.
How many years have you worked over your lifetime?
I hate to bust your bubble but I've had 5 hip surgeries,back surgery and cancer surgery over the last 6 years and I have another hip surgery coming.
But ya know what? I can still take care of myself because I worked my ass off for 28 years plus to ensure I could do so.
How many years have you worked over your lifetime?

I dont need to tell too much personal things though, i dont feel comfortable telling just everything though and i dont need to. I worked and im retired that is enough of information. Please understand me. I dont attack you but you attack me.
Im retired yes, i can show you my id card that im retired. I did had a job not only one i had many jobs. I didnt worked long though i got ill as young man. Unfortunately. You worked more then me if you worked until 46, so i dont want to attack you or compare myself to you, but you dont know that i have disabilites and cant work, so you always make fun of me eventhough im disabled.

And you're wrong about that.
I'm disabled and have been so for the last 6 years.
Thank God I worked my ass off to compensate for my disability and I'm not a burden on my government or anyone else.
So tell me Mort...whats your disability?
I dont need to tell too much personal things though, i dont feel comfortable telling just everything though and i dont need to. I worked and im retired that is enough of information. Please understand me. I dont attack you but you attack me.

You are the one crying about not being able to get a girl.
Not only that you post videos of yourself showing no disabilities.
I can show you my surgery scars that'll turn your stomach.
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Girls are fakin', goodness sakin'
They want a man who brings home the bacon
Got no money and you got no car
Then you got no woman and there you are.

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