What do you want to see when President Trump visits East Palestine?

It’s nothing more than a publicity stunt. There is nothing Trump can do at this point to salvage his reputation.

Sure there is. He can say that at least he isn't Joe Biden.

That is all that many Biden voters said it took for them to vote Joe into office!

And look at what it got us!
Those who are responsible are those who run the rail lines, namely the higher ups who don't want to update the rail system or perform necessary maintenance to keep the tracks safe.

Blame capitalism and greed, not the government.
If government regulates transportation, there are levels of accountability; otherwise, why do we need a Secretary of Transportation? In fact, the Secretary of Transportation is responsible for overseeing transportation policy and standards conducted by various federal agencies in the US Department of Transportation.

The Department of Transportation operates the railroad administration at the federal level and regulates the standards and safety protocols for the US railways. Sorry .. the railway may have been irresponsible, and the Department of Transportation is accountable and Buttigieg has done nothing but place false blame on the Trump administration.
Those who are responsible are those who run the rail lines, namely the higher ups who don't want to update the rail system or perform necessary maintenance to keep the tracks safe.

Blame capitalism and greed, not the government.

And the railroad gets away with it because the laws and regulations mostly stem from the time when railroads ruled this country.
Sure there is. He can say that at least he isn't Joe Biden.

That is all that many Biden voters said it took for them to vote Joe into office!

And look at what it got us!
Run a better candidate next time
This is a big chance for Mr. Trump to show the world that he is a man of the people. The fact that he is going to East Palestine is big news because President Biden’s not going. And just now CNN is starting to cover this thing after they realized how bad they screwed up.

As fir Mr. Trump he should go there he should get really close with Working class people in east Palestine … he should put his arms around one of the citizens of East Palestine and say “you know it’s gonna be OK we’re gonna get through this together”

This is a huge opportunity for Mr. Trump to gain some traction going into the 2024 race to show he is the best opportunity for the working man in America …because it’s certainly not coming from Democrats

He could speak out about how monopolies need to be reined in and industrial and transportation corporations run like actual companies focused on service and quality rather than just financial shells that only exist for stock manipulations and assorted gambling scams. The is no competition in any major sector any more, hence no need to give a crap about such things as quality control and maintenance. It has nearly all been financialized into incompetence.
This is a big chance for Mr. Trump to show the world that he is a man of the people. The fact that he is going to East Palestine is big news because President Biden’s not going. And just now CNN is starting to cover this thing after they realized how bad they screwed up.

As fir Mr. Trump he should go there he should get really close with Working class people in east Palestine … he should put his arms around one of the citizens of East Palestine and say “you know it’s gonna be OK we’re gonna get through this together”

This is a huge opportunity for Mr. Trump to gain some traction going into the 2024 race to show he is the best opportunity for the working man in America …because it’s certainly not coming from Democrats
A bloated mofo on a quest to get giant love letters...
Ditto what?

Run a better candidate than Joe Biden.

Even Biden voters admit they didn't actually vote FOR Joe, they were mainly just wanting to vote Trump out of office from all of the fatigue of hearing nothing but 24/7 scandals made up by and run by the MSM day in and day out.

I used to keep track: the left invented a new scandal to hang on Trump on average about ONE PER WEEK. Of course, eventually, long after the fact just as with the Kavanaugh thread here now, 99% of them all eventually proved false.

Trump may be a bit of an egocentrist at times but his heart is in the right place--- his sins are mainly of omission. Biden's sins are of COMMISSION.
This is a big chance for Mr. Trump to show the world that he is a man of the people. The fact that he is going to East Palestine is big news because President Biden’s not going. And just now CNN is starting to cover this thing after they realized how bad they screwed up.
Would the former President visit this region if 71% of the voters there voted for President Biden?
Nope. He's not gonna use Bounty this time. Probably gonna use shop towels to try to get more cred with the working man.
If a man earns a living and has a loaf of bread and a glass of water for it and you have government taking its cut and then throwing five loaves of bread and five glasses of water at a problem for those without and they end up with half a loaf of bread and half a glass of water, there is a problem. A lot of waste from corruption, theft, stealing and graft with too many people administering programs.
It’s nothing more than a publicity stunt. There is nothing Trump can do at this point to salvage his reputation.
What does he need to salvage? He’s an obnoxious boor along the lines of Cassius Clay and he provided economic prosperity and national security for the US.
All pretty obvious.
This is a big chance for Mr. Trump to show the world that he is a man of the people. The fact that he is going to East Palestine is big news because President Biden’s not going. And just now CNN is starting to cover this thing after they realized how bad they screwed up.

As fir Mr. Trump he should go there he should get really close with Working class people in east Palestine … he should put his arms around one of the citizens of East Palestine and say “you know it’s gonna be OK we’re gonna get through this together”

This is a huge opportunity for Mr. Trump to gain some traction going into the 2024 race to show he is the best opportunity for the working man in America …because it’s certainly not coming from Democrats

President Trump has already 'gained traction' / scored a victory, 'shaming' another Democrat President - who was proving he did / does not give a damn about the plight of suffering Americans - into action.

Many may disagree with this view, but you can bet Trump / the GOP will present it that way. Its politics / political gamesmanship - the Democrats do it, too. They just got thumped on this one and had to scramble into action.

As soon as Trump announced he was heading to Palestine Biden 'did a 180' and immediately sent FEMA in.

What do I want to see?

I've already seen part of it. Screw whether Pete ever goes to Palestine - I could care less. I don't really care if Trump goes. As pointed out, just by announcing he was going to visit he got help for the people (FEMA being sent in).

I was glad to see representatives from the company that owns the train show up, spend an entire day fact-finding, and talking to the citizens effected, promising them to make this right and be there for them for years to come.

That, however, remains to be seen.

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