What Does An Actual RINO Look Like?

No. They DON'T necessarly beat Trump in a head to head match up.

Furthermore, your plodding lack of comprehension got the best of you again.

I know. Story of your life.

I am not a fan of Trump.

I have basically found myself supporting Cruz.

I find it laughable that anybody could support the pigdog Shrillary or her little bitch, Bernie.

She was (as Bernie has noted) the "inevitable" one. Except, Obumbler soundly thrashed her massive ass. And now (my sides hurt here) even the senile Socialist might defeat her.

Bwahahaha! PLEASE Democraps. Vote for either of them. Have a blast.

Ok, now that you bored me. Nothing changes with the exception that your candidate of choice just got the royal treatment from Trump, expect his poll number to plummet. I guess you're going to support the establishment now? Well, not now but when you realize Cruz isn't viable.

Nobody gives a rat's twat what bores a stupid dip shit pinprick fly fucking asswipe like you.

And what Trump did to Cruz is idiotic. Palin's "endorsement" of Trump is pretty much irrelevant. I know you are a mindless twat, but even you should recognize that much.

You use terminology without even knowing what words MEAN, you dickface twat.

I support the Constitution, not "the Establishment."

And if Cruz somehow fails to take the GOP nod, you are right. I would CERTAINLY support almost any GOP nominee over EITHER Shrillary or the senile Socialist.

OK, so for starters. I'm perfectly aware of what terminology like "twat" mean.

Second, you must be the last moron on the face of this earth to realize that Cruz isn't gong to make it. Not just in Iowa but anywhere, he's done and the nail in his coffin is the Palin endorsement. How is that remotely a stupid move for Trump in a Republican primary?

So, now you're stuck either supporting the candidate who actively took yours out or the GOP establishment. I completely expect you will, not because you want to but because you don't have a choice.

You only recognize what "twat" is from having been one for so long.

Cruz may not win. But brainless dickless old fuckwads like you who pontificate about what will "not" happen are far too stupid to appreciate that you might be wrong.

There is, in fact, a clear shot for Cruz. And to the extent that the main stream GOP old guard is unhappy with Cruz, I say "good." I don't want THEM to be happy. I want them to CHANGE.

The Palin endorsement doesn't mean much, frankly. but if you want to suck on it like some old cock (you quiff) then have at it.

And again, should Cruz prove not to have the juice to get the nod, then I absolutely would support the eventual GOP nominee over either Shrillary or that senile fuckwit schmuck Socialist.

In short, you could be more wrong, but it's difficult to see how you'd get there. You are an imbecile.

I have to admit, I didn't read your post after you said "Cruz may not win" or whatever, maybe I'm paraphrasing. Anyway, it's not a matter of may not win, that fucker isn't going to win. He can't get close enough to Trump and the establishment doesn't want him. He's kind of fucked in a may not even win his senate seat back kind of way.

You are a dildo. Why would you respond to my post if you are such an ignorant lazy twat that you can't even read what it is you are attempting (ineffectively) to grunt out a "response" to?

Damn, you are a seriously disturbed stupid dildo.
The majority of republicans have every right to oppose Trump's candidacy, to oppose his ignorance and bigotry they believe don't represent the GOP, to oppose him because they correctly understand he'll lose the GE, where such opposition by a majority of republicans in no way renders them 'RINOs.'

Wow, what a brilliant political analysis from CCJ! And if someone supports Trump, what does that make them? An outcast?

Do you understand what happens when we start playing the game of labeling people for whom they support and who they don't?

Yeah, it's mostly called Democrats and Republicans.

You're studdering.

That's "stuttering."

religious moron Sarah Palin.

Stop. People don't like it when someone labels someone else for being gay, or black... but you're willing to call someone a "religious moron?" Just what is it you have against religious people, huh?

Both of these things are important to Iowan wingnuts

See, there you go again. Tolerance much?

Lastly the Iowa Republican governor just endorsed anyone but Cruz. He's kind of fucked.

You're talking to a Trump supporter. Cruz's little quip about "New York values" insulted a lot of New Yorkers that night. Palin's endorsement will hurt Cruz's campaign.

"Religious moron" is not insulting any relgion, give it a rest with the right wing pc card.

Anyway, I still don't see a case. What do you have?
Ok, now that you bored me. Nothing changes with the exception that your candidate of choice just got the royal treatment from Trump, expect his poll number to plummet. I guess you're going to support the establishment now? Well, not now but when you realize Cruz isn't viable.

Nobody gives a rat's twat what bores a stupid dip shit pinprick fly fucking asswipe like you.

And what Trump did to Cruz is idiotic. Palin's "endorsement" of Trump is pretty much irrelevant. I know you are a mindless twat, but even you should recognize that much.

You use terminology without even knowing what words MEAN, you dickface twat.

I support the Constitution, not "the Establishment."

And if Cruz somehow fails to take the GOP nod, you are right. I would CERTAINLY support almost any GOP nominee over EITHER Shrillary or the senile Socialist.

OK, so for starters. I'm perfectly aware of what terminology like "twat" mean.

Second, you must be the last moron on the face of this earth to realize that Cruz isn't gong to make it. Not just in Iowa but anywhere, he's done and the nail in his coffin is the Palin endorsement. How is that remotely a stupid move for Trump in a Republican primary?

So, now you're stuck either supporting the candidate who actively took yours out or the GOP establishment. I completely expect you will, not because you want to but because you don't have a choice.

You only recognize what "twat" is from having been one for so long.

Cruz may not win. But brainless dickless old fuckwads like you who pontificate about what will "not" happen are far too stupid to appreciate that you might be wrong.

There is, in fact, a clear shot for Cruz. And to the extent that the main stream GOP old guard is unhappy with Cruz, I say "good." I don't want THEM to be happy. I want them to CHANGE.

The Palin endorsement doesn't mean much, frankly. but if you want to suck on it like some old cock (you quiff) then have at it.

And again, should Cruz prove not to have the juice to get the nod, then I absolutely would support the eventual GOP nominee over either Shrillary or that senile fuckwit schmuck Socialist.

In short, you could be more wrong, but it's difficult to see how you'd get there. You are an imbecile.

I have to admit, I didn't read your post after you said "Cruz may not win" or whatever, maybe I'm paraphrasing. Anyway, it's not a matter of may not win, that fucker isn't going to win. He can't get close enough to Trump and the establishment doesn't want him. He's kind of fucked in a may not even win his senate seat back kind of way.

You are a dildo. Why would you respond to my post if you are such an ignorant lazy twat that you can't even read what it is you are attempting (ineffectively) to grunt out a "response" to?

Damn, you are a seriously disturbed stupid dildo.

I would suggest you take that long winded post, rewrite and get to the point. You don't have one but after you take out the homoerotic message you'll see for yourself.
The majority of republicans have every right to oppose Trump's candidacy, to oppose his ignorance and bigotry they believe don't represent the GOP, to oppose him because they correctly understand he'll lose the GE, where such opposition by a majority of republicans in no way renders them 'RINOs.'

Wow, what a brilliant political analysis from CCJ! And if someone supports Trump, what does that make them? An outcast?

Do you understand what happens when we start playing the game of labeling people for whom they support and who they don't?

Yeah, it's mostly called Democrats and Republicans.


Christie and Trump are rinos because they are from the northeast and defend people from the region.
Unlike Cruz who chooses to vilify them because he is an asshole.
Wasn't Sanders part of the congress that balanced the budget?

Sanders is a Republican now?

Did you read the OP? My B/U.

There is only one candidate in both parties who has ever actually balanced the federal budget.

Reading is fundamental.

Yes, you're right. My point was that inasmuch as we're evaluating participants in the GOP primary Sanders doesn't even come into play.

Yet the OP saw fit to mention both parties, go figure.
The poor dumb rubes. They parrot whatever their propaganda organs tell them to.

There is only one candidate in both parties who has ever actually balanced the federal budget.

As governor, the same guy took his state from a deficit to a surplus and increased jobs. What was Trump's response to that performance? "He got lucky." Says the guy who inherited $300 million, born on third base!

But what have the rubes been programmed to call this candidate? A RINO. Why? Just because he took the Medicare money which the taxpayers of his state were forced to pay for!

1. Balanced the federal budget and put us on a track of federal surpluses.

2. Took his state from a deficit to a surplus.

3. Increased jobs and employment in his state above the national average.

This is what the rubes call a RINO!

Now let's take a look at the pied piper the tards are following into the cave.

"I'm very pro-choice...Again, it may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country, and I was raised in New York, and grew up and work and everything else in New York City."

Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman. I am biased because I have known her for years. I live in New York. She lives in New York. I really like her and her husband both a lot. I think she really works hard. And I think, again, she’s given an agenda, it is not all of her, but I think she really works hard and I think she does a good job. I like her."


When asked to cite his favorite Biblical verse, Trump was stumped. Yesterday, when reading 2 Corinthians 3:17, he said, "Two Corinthians, 3:17." Does anyone believe this guy knows the bible or has ever been to church?

Family values:

After I met Ivanka and praised her to her father, he said, "Yeah, she's really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father . . . "

Trump Seriously: On the Trail With the GOP's Tough Guy

"I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

The response: "You are sick." "Who are you, Woody Allen?"

The Donald with first wife:


Trump with second wife:


Trump with third wife:


Trump has had THREE wedding cakes, which makes him holier than gays. I can see why evangelicals would like him...[/QUOTE]
I don't have pictures of you , Donald, Rubio or Ryan

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If you were watching Bill O'Reilly earlier, Trump openly admitted he voted for both parties. By George, my grandmother does the same thing! It's called being an independent!

Also, Trump admitted he donated $100,000 to the Clinton foundation... without knowing it was being used for things other than the stated purpose. When asked if he'd ask for his money back, he plainly stated "yes, I would certainly want my money back."

When the transcript of his interview with Trump is released, I'll post them here.

I really don't know anyone that claims to be a conservative that would DONATE to Nancy Pelosi. Trump did.

Donald Trump Donated Heavily To Democrats, Especially During Election Which Put Reid And Pelosi In Power

Nobody gives a rat's twat what bores a stupid dip shit pinprick fly fucking asswipe like you.

And what Trump did to Cruz is idiotic. Palin's "endorsement" of Trump is pretty much irrelevant. I know you are a mindless twat, but even you should recognize that much.

You use terminology without even knowing what words MEAN, you dickface twat.

I support the Constitution, not "the Establishment."

And if Cruz somehow fails to take the GOP nod, you are right. I would CERTAINLY support almost any GOP nominee over EITHER Shrillary or the senile Socialist.

OK, so for starters. I'm perfectly aware of what terminology like "twat" mean.

Second, you must be the last moron on the face of this earth to realize that Cruz isn't gong to make it. Not just in Iowa but anywhere, he's done and the nail in his coffin is the Palin endorsement. How is that remotely a stupid move for Trump in a Republican primary?

So, now you're stuck either supporting the candidate who actively took yours out or the GOP establishment. I completely expect you will, not because you want to but because you don't have a choice.

You only recognize what "twat" is from having been one for so long.

Cruz may not win. But brainless dickless old fuckwads like you who pontificate about what will "not" happen are far too stupid to appreciate that you might be wrong.

There is, in fact, a clear shot for Cruz. And to the extent that the main stream GOP old guard is unhappy with Cruz, I say "good." I don't want THEM to be happy. I want them to CHANGE.

The Palin endorsement doesn't mean much, frankly. but if you want to suck on it like some old cock (you quiff) then have at it.

And again, should Cruz prove not to have the juice to get the nod, then I absolutely would support the eventual GOP nominee over either Shrillary or that senile fuckwit schmuck Socialist.

In short, you could be more wrong, but it's difficult to see how you'd get there. You are an imbecile.

I have to admit, I didn't read your post after you said "Cruz may not win" or whatever, maybe I'm paraphrasing. Anyway, it's not a matter of may not win, that fucker isn't going to win. He can't get close enough to Trump and the establishment doesn't want him. He's kind of fucked in a may not even win his senate seat back kind of way.

You are a dildo. Why would you respond to my post if you are such an ignorant lazy twat that you can't even read what it is you are attempting (ineffectively) to grunt out a "response" to?

Damn, you are a seriously disturbed stupid dildo.

I would suggest you take that long winded post, rewrite and get to the point. You don't have one but after you take out the homoerotic message you'll see for yourself.

Let's pretend that anybody values your "advice."

Nah. Let's not.

You are a fucking dopey disease bearing dildo and your posts are of no value in this universe -- or in any other.

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