What Does An Actual RINO Look Like?

The problem is that Republicans, especially the right wing of the party NEVER pay attention to the Demographics of the electorate. They don't do election history or math either. Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents are the largest party today making up for 40% of the entire electorate.

1. Independents nor women will vote for far right candidates like Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, (Bobby Jindal, Scott Walker, Rick Perry) or any candidate that does not give exceptions on abortion for the life of the mother, rape or incest.

2. Women rule today--at 54% of the vote. They were chased off by Republicans in 2012 by double digits which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama.

Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong - CNNPolitics.com
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

We have Hillary Clinton who is going to be the 1st WOMAN Presidential Nominee in this nations history.

In effect--any one of these:


will insure the next POTUS will be:


or you can choose the most qualified candidate

to defeat Hillary Clinton

The independents are tracking with the Republicans, knucklehead. Your belief that they are going to vote Democrat has no visible means of support.

All women have to check with their vagina prior to voting. It's what they do.
People who think polls 10 months before the election are any indication of the results are the ones who are counting chickens.

So explain why you invoked polling numbers to try supporting your absurd claim that Trump would wipe the floor with Clinton. :lol:
2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map

Partisan lock states are already filled in.

Regardless of either Clinton or Sanders being nominated...

A Kasich/Rubio ticket is guaranteed to carry the following states:
-North Carolina

That alone secures a GOP victory.

In addition, Kasich/Rubio would likely lock in CO against HRC (though not guaranteed against Sanders) and likely secures Iowa against Sanders (though not guaranteed against Clinton). A Kasich/Rubio ticket has a maximum of 291 potential EC votes, which is more than any other GOP candidate's potential.

With PA and WI being virtually lock votes for the Democrats, they operate from a 247 base of essentially locked in votes. Whomever is the Democratic nominee, they can concentrate 100% of their efforts in FL and secure victory. In order for the GOP to win in November we have to:

- Revert, then secure, Florida: FL has been brought to the precipice of falling into blue statedom. It must be returned to it's previous status of being a red leaning swing state. A Rubio VP nod accomplishes that. But the work is not finished there. FL will still have to be won. It will take a moderate and pragmatic POTUS candidate to ultimately win over FL. Most GOP candidates will easily scare FL into the blue column.

-Lock up Ohio: Anything short of locking up Ohio would be the GOP equivalent of telling the Democrats "Eh, maybe we want it, maybe we don't. We'll let you know in December." The Dems can afford to gamble that carrying OH in the previous two elections will carry adequate momentum to bring the state back to them if the GOP neglects the state. As a result, Democrats would be able to count OH as among several layers of contingency. A Kasich candidacy locks up Ohio and reduces the number of strategic plans the Democrats can hope to layer up.

The GOP needs to do those things just to get to a parity with the Democrats. That would only leave NH, VA, IA, CO, and NV as battlegrounds, with VA being the most important for the GOP.

Why is Nevada and Virginia a lock for the GOP with that ticket exactly? Actually, I should question Florida too, just because Rubio is on the ticket guarantees nothing, look at Wisconsin in 2012. It could work out this way but you really think Kasich's name would be first on the ticket? Sounds like fantasy. Possible but Trump had better fall in NH real quick, it's Kasich's only shot at relevance until Ohio.

Well, you're not very bright so I can't expect you to understand. I already explained it, and pretty clear at that. Seeing as I never said the ticket is an instant lock in FL. I said the GOP needs to revert and secure Florida. But carry on your fantasies by all means.

Actually you listed 5 states that are a lock with a Kasich/Rubio ticket.

Yes I did. And I also explained that work that would need to be done.

Listen, I realize that you work really hard at dumbing yourself down as must as you can, but you should really try a new strategy. You just end up looking....dumb.

I guess it's not a guarantee then.

You also said this ealrier:

Short of being caught in bed together along with a blind South American child and at least three small mammals, they would be guaranteed a two term presidency. And Rubio would be primed to succeed Kasich. A Kasich/Rubio administration, with Paul Ryan as Speaker could become a golden age for the GOP. It's a fucking godsend.

But the slobs are too busy masturbating to anti-Muslim hate speech, so what can you do? :dunno:

Sounds mighty confident.Anyway, I'm not asking as some part of a "strategy", I'm just curious about why the confidence. So, chill out.

Ladies and gentlemen ^^^this^^^ is why we need increased education funding in our country.
Why is Nevada and Virginia a lock for the GOP with that ticket exactly? Actually, I should question Florida too, just because Rubio is on the ticket guarantees nothing, look at Wisconsin in 2012. It could work out this way but you really think Kasich's name would be first on the ticket? Sounds like fantasy. Possible but Trump had better fall in NH real quick, it's Kasich's only shot at relevance until Ohio.

Well, you're not very bright so I can't expect you to understand. I already explained it, and pretty clear at that. Seeing as I never said the ticket is an instant lock in FL. I said the GOP needs to revert and secure Florida. But carry on your fantasies by all means.

Actually you listed 5 states that are a lock with a Kasich/Rubio ticket.

Yes I did. And I also explained that work that would need to be done.

Listen, I realize that you work really hard at dumbing yourself down as must as you can, but you should really try a new strategy. You just end up looking....dumb.

I guess it's not a guarantee then.

You also said this ealrier:

Short of being caught in bed together along with a blind South American child and at least three small mammals, they would be guaranteed a two term presidency. And Rubio would be primed to succeed Kasich. A Kasich/Rubio administration, with Paul Ryan as Speaker could become a golden age for the GOP. It's a fucking godsend.

But the slobs are too busy masturbating to anti-Muslim hate speech, so what can you do? :dunno:

Sounds mighty confident.Anyway, I'm not asking as some part of a "strategy", I'm just curious about why the confidence. So, chill out.

Ladies and gentlemen ^^^this^^^ is why we need increased education funding in our country.

You're practically guaranteeing some sort of fetish moderate Republican new age dynasty and you have yet to figure out how to even get out of the primaries. Sorry, color me skeptical, your first order of business should be getting Trump out of the way, until then you're not living in the real world.
Wasn't Sanders part of the congress that balanced the budget?

Sanders is a Republican now?

Did you read the OP? My B/U.

There is only one candidate in both parties who has ever actually balanced the federal budget.

Reading is fundamental.

Yes, you're right. My point was that inasmuch as we're evaluating participants in the GOP primary Sanders doesn't even come into play.
Well, you're not very bright so I can't expect you to understand. I already explained it, and pretty clear at that. Seeing as I never said the ticket is an instant lock in FL. I said the GOP needs to revert and secure Florida. But carry on your fantasies by all means.

Actually you listed 5 states that are a lock with a Kasich/Rubio ticket.

Yes I did. And I also explained that work that would need to be done.

Listen, I realize that you work really hard at dumbing yourself down as must as you can, but you should really try a new strategy. You just end up looking....dumb.

I guess it's not a guarantee then.

You also said this ealrier:

Short of being caught in bed together along with a blind South American child and at least three small mammals, they would be guaranteed a two term presidency. And Rubio would be primed to succeed Kasich. A Kasich/Rubio administration, with Paul Ryan as Speaker could become a golden age for the GOP. It's a fucking godsend.

But the slobs are too busy masturbating to anti-Muslim hate speech, so what can you do? :dunno:

Sounds mighty confident.Anyway, I'm not asking as some part of a "strategy", I'm just curious about why the confidence. So, chill out.

Ladies and gentlemen ^^^this^^^ is why we need increased education funding in our country.

You're practically guaranteeing some sort of fetish moderate Republican new age dynasty and you have yet to figure out how to even get out of the primaries. Sorry, color me skeptical, your first order of business should be getting Trump out of the way, until then you're not living in the real world.

You have yet to figure out what in the hell you are even asking. :D

I can't respond to you. You're far too stupid, asking all the wrong questions which fail to comprehend the fundamentals. You're a fucking disaster.
Actually you listed 5 states that are a lock with a Kasich/Rubio ticket.

Yes I did. And I also explained that work that would need to be done.

Listen, I realize that you work really hard at dumbing yourself down as must as you can, but you should really try a new strategy. You just end up looking....dumb.

I guess it's not a guarantee then.

You also said this ealrier:

Short of being caught in bed together along with a blind South American child and at least three small mammals, they would be guaranteed a two term presidency. And Rubio would be primed to succeed Kasich. A Kasich/Rubio administration, with Paul Ryan as Speaker could become a golden age for the GOP. It's a fucking godsend.

But the slobs are too busy masturbating to anti-Muslim hate speech, so what can you do? :dunno:

Sounds mighty confident.Anyway, I'm not asking as some part of a "strategy", I'm just curious about why the confidence. So, chill out.

Ladies and gentlemen ^^^this^^^ is why we need increased education funding in our country.

You're practically guaranteeing some sort of fetish moderate Republican new age dynasty and you have yet to figure out how to even get out of the primaries. Sorry, color me skeptical, your first order of business should be getting Trump out of the way, until then you're not living in the real world.

You have yet to figure out what in the hell you are even asking. :D

I can't respond to you. You're far too stupid, asking all the wrong questions which fail to comprehend the fundamentals. You're a fucking disaster.

You assume Nevada and Virginia are going to the GOP if we have a Kasich/Rubio ticket. You have yet to explain that. I point out that you first have to make it to the primaries and you don't like that either. Really, it's not my problem, your party is a fucking mess.
I point out that you first have to make it to the primaries and you don't like that either.


The whole thing was as speculation about what happens if they were to be the ticket. And you're objection is that I haven't proven that they'll be the ticket? :lmao:

You sure are one inbred, stupid son of a bitch.
I point out that you first have to make it to the primaries and you don't like that either.


The whole thing was as speculation about what happens if they were to be the ticket. And you're objection is that I haven't proven that they'll be the ticket? :lmao:

You sure are one inbred, stupid son of a bitch.

Ok, hey. I think your speculation is way off. Your party is in for some dark times and I hope they pull out of it because we need the Republican Party. I don't buy your premise that somehow a Kasich/Rubio ticket solves anything or wins a national election.

But that's OK. You're not a wingnut, you don't believe in perpetual shitty wars, Trumpish egomaniacs or Ted Cruz. I think Kasich and Rubio are valid options in the sense that they at least live in the same universe as us. I'm not voting for them but I can have respectable opinions about those that do. So, I have no real animosity towards you. I'm just not seeing how you are connecting the dots and realizing your candidates of choice have to make it through the grinding GOP primary season where the establishment isn't exactly popular. In other words, I just genuinely do not see a Kasich/Rubio ticket nor an easy path for them if they made it to a general election. That's all I'm saying. I simply disagree with your premise, nothing more or less.
Donald Trump seems to unduly ruffle the feathers of our liberals.

He really gets under their incredibly thin skin.

Which is kind of funny. For although I kind of like a couple of the things he has said, I am not convinced he is trustworthy.

So there's something I have very slightly in common with our liberals: we share a basic feeling of unease with The Donald.
Donald Trump seems to unduly ruffle the feathers of our liberals.

He really gets under their incredibly thin skin.

Which is kind of funny. For although I kind of like a couple of the things he has said, I am not convinced he is trustworthy.

So there's something I have very slightly in common with our liberals: we share a basic feeling of unease with The Donald.

Actually, I just laugh at people who throw the words 'President' and 'Trump' in the same sentence. I really want the GOP to nominate him.
Donald Trump seems to unduly ruffle the feathers of our liberals.

He really gets under their incredibly thin skin.

Which is kind of funny. For although I kind of like a couple of the things he has said, I am not convinced he is trustworthy.

So there's something I have very slightly in common with our liberals: we share a basic feeling of unease with The Donald.

Actually, I just laugh at people who throw the words 'President' and 'Trump' in the same sentence. I really want the GOP to nominate him.

I have a similar humorous reaction when the leftist Democrat Parody is trying to decide if they will go full leftard and nominate Shrillary Rotten Clinton or if they will steer a slightly (ever so slightly) more moderate course and vote for the self-professed senior citizen senile Socialist, Bernie Sanders.
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Donald Trump seems to unduly ruffle the feathers of our liberals.

He really gets under their incredibly thin skin.

Which is kind of funny. For although I kind of like a couple of the things he has said, I am not convinced he is trustworthy.

So there's something I have very slightly in common with our liberals: we share a basic feeling of unease with The Donald.

Actually, I just laugh at people who throw the words 'President' and 'Trump' in the same sentence. I really want the GOP to nominate him.

I have a similar humorous reaction when the leftist Democrat Parody is trying to decide if they will go full leftard and nominate Shrillary Rotten Clinton or if they will steer a slightly (ever so slightly) more moderate course and vote for the self-professed senior citizen senile Socialist, Bernie Sanders.

I know, right? It's weird and they still both beat Trump in head to head matchups. But, ignore me...please, please, please vote for Trump in the primaries.
Donald Trump seems to unduly ruffle the feathers of our liberals.

He really gets under their incredibly thin skin.

Which is kind of funny. For although I kind of like a couple of the things he has said, I am not convinced he is trustworthy.

So there's something I have very slightly in common with our liberals: we share a basic feeling of unease with The Donald.

Actually, I just laugh at people who throw the words 'President' and 'Trump' in the same sentence. I really want the GOP to nominate him.

I have a similar humorous reaction when the leftist Democrat Parody is trying to decide if they will go full leftard and nominate Shrillary Rotten Clinton or if they will steer a slightly (ever so slightly) more moderate course and vote for the self-professed senior citizen senile Socialist, Bernie Sanders.

I know, right? It's weird and they still both beat Trump in head to head matchups. But, ignore me...please, please, please vote for Trump in the primaries.

No. They DON'T necessarly beat Trump in a head to head match up.

Furthermore, your plodding lack of comprehension got the best of you again.

I know. Story of your life.

I am not a fan of Trump.

I have basically found myself supporting Cruz.

I find it laughable that anybody could support the pigdog Shrillary or her little bitch, Bernie.

She was (as Bernie has noted) the "inevitable" one. Except, Obumbler soundly thrashed her massive ass. And now (my sides hurt here) even the senile Socialist might defeat her.

Bwahahaha! PLEASE Democraps. Vote for either of them. Have a blast.
Donald Trump seems to unduly ruffle the feathers of our liberals.

He really gets under their incredibly thin skin.

Which is kind of funny. For although I kind of like a couple of the things he has said, I am not convinced he is trustworthy.

So there's something I have very slightly in common with our liberals: we share a basic feeling of unease with The Donald.

Actually, I just laugh at people who throw the words 'President' and 'Trump' in the same sentence. I really want the GOP to nominate him.

I have a similar humorous reaction when the leftist Democrat Parody is trying to decide if they will go full leftard and nominate Shrillary Rotten Clinton or if they will steer a slightly (ever so slightly) more moderate course and vote for the self-professed senior citizen senile Socialist, Bernie Sanders.

I know, right? It's weird and they still both beat Trump in head to head matchups. But, ignore me...please, please, please vote for Trump in the primaries.

No. They DON'T necessarly beat Trump in a head to head match up.

Furthermore, your plodding lack of comprehension got the best of you again.

I know. Story of your life.

I am not a fan of Trump.

I have basically found myself supporting Cruz.

I find it laughable that anybody could support the pigdog Shrillary or her little bitch, Bernie.

She was (as Bernie has noted) the "inevitable" one. Except, Obumbler soundly thrashed her massive ass. And now (my sides hurt here) even the senile Socialist might defeat her.

Bwahahaha! PLEASE Democraps. Vote for either of them. Have a blast.

Ok, now that you bored me. Nothing changes with the exception that your candidate of choice just got the royal treatment from Trump, expect his poll number to plummet. I guess you're going to support the establishment now? Well, not now but when you realize Cruz isn't viable.
When an entire political party is willing to abandon their frontrunner, to sabotage his campaign by throwing themselves before Hillary's feet, just who's side do you think they're on? If the party can't support the man in front, they are abandoning a part of the constituency who supports Trump. If one man can drive his party to that kind of desperation... that says more about the party and not the man.

And all the establishmentarians here on this board will have the nerve argue about loyalty. How hypocritical.

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