What Does An Actual RINO Look Like?

Cruz and Rubio both poll better than Trump against Hillary for the general election.

Unfortunately, all three of them LOSE to her.
Oh, and I have a nasty spoiler for you, bri.

The GOP is going to grant amnesty to the illegals. Just a matter of time.

It's what 80 percent of America wants. And you know how the Right is always harping on and on about The Will of the People.

When it suits them...
Wrong. 70% of Americans want them deported. Americans are fed up with illegal immigration. They are fed up with immigration, period.
Have you been living in a cave? Trump doesn't need anyone's money. He's barely spent a dime and is dominating the polls and the headlines.

hiLIARy can spend all the money in the world, she's still seen as an untrustworthy liar.
IF he can't compete with Hillary for advertising time, he can't win. Hillary will flood the airwaves with "infomercials" touting his lack of any actual policy.

Now it's possible the Big Quack could do some fancy dancing, but it's not possible to balance the budget, build a fence and bomb ISIS without raising taxes. He's running on being "angry."

Underestimating Trump is very popular....... How's it working out so far?

He's wining 38% of 25%. I don't underestimate him. I think he's extremely dangerous. But for over 200 years Americans have never elected a potus on fear and xenophobia.

It's possible he could morph into someone with actual policies. But to do so, he's either gonna have to raise taxes to do half of what he claims he'd do, or he's gonna have to flip. I don't think the media will continue to allow him to not answer questions if he's the nominee.

Once he's the nominee, he'll be getting 60% of 100%. Now he's competing with 12 other candidates for the Republican nominee. I've seen your calculas 100 times before, and it's based on a long list of bullshit premises.

He's goint to get 60% of the GOP vote, is that what you're saying?

No, he's going to get 60% of the national vote in the election.
Cruz and Rubio both poll better than Trump against Hillary for the general election.

Unfortunately, all three of them LOSE to her.

That will change the more the public sees of her.

That's some delusion you have there.

America has been seeing Hillary Clinton's face for 25 years! The Right has made sure she has never been forgotten for a second in all that time.

Republicans: Misunderestimating the Clintons since 1991.
Kasich/Rubio would carry Ohio and Florida, and win the election.

Trump won't even win New York.

The calculus is obvious, folks.

And we'd get a balanced federal budget out of the deal. Again. Finally.

2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map

Partisan lock states are already filled in.

Regardless of either Clinton or Sanders being nominated...

A Kasich/Rubio ticket is guaranteed to carry the following states:
-North Carolina

That alone secures a GOP victory.

In addition, Kasich/Rubio would likely lock in CO against HRC (though not guaranteed against Sanders) and likely secures Iowa against Sanders (though not guaranteed against Clinton). A Kasich/Rubio ticket has a maximum of 291 potential EC votes, which is more than any other GOP candidate's potential.

With PA and WI being virtually lock votes for the Democrats, they operate from a 247 base of essentially locked in votes. Whomever is the Democratic nominee, they can concentrate 100% of their efforts in FL and secure victory. In order for the GOP to win in November we have to:

- Revert, then secure, Florida: FL has been brought to the precipice of falling into blue statedom. It must be returned to it's previous status of being a red leaning swing state. A Rubio VP nod accomplishes that. But the work is not finished there. FL will still have to be won. It will take a moderate and pragmatic POTUS candidate to ultimately win over FL. Most GOP candidates will easily scare FL into the blue column.

-Lock up Ohio: Anything short of locking up Ohio would be the GOP equivalent of telling the Democrats "Eh, maybe we want it, maybe we don't. We'll let you know in December." The Dems can afford to gamble that carrying OH in the previous two elections will carry adequate momentum to bring the state back to them if the GOP neglects the state. As a result, Democrats would be able to count OH as among several layers of contingency. A Kasich candidacy locks up Ohio and reduces the number of strategic plans the Democrats can hope to layer up.

The GOP needs to do those things just to get to a parity with the Democrats. That would only leave NH, VA, IA, CO, and NV as battlegrounds, with VA being the most important for the GOP.

Kasich and Rubio are a couple of RINOs who have no chance to win the Nomination. Trump is already winning in the states you listed. Get used to saying "President Trump."

Trump may be leading in the primaries, but that means nothing in regards to the general election. You understand the difference between a primary and a general election, right?

Hillary is leading Trump only because there are 12 other Republican candidates. Once Hillary and Trump are the only ones in contention, Trump will destroy her. She's an extremely weak, extremely flawed candidate.

counting chickens ....mouth full of feathers
Oh, and I have a nasty spoiler for you, bri.

The GOP is going to grant amnesty to the illegals. Just a matter of time.

It's what 80 percent of America wants. And you know how the Right is always harping on and on about The Will of the People.

When it suits them...
Wrong. 70% of Americans want them deported.

That's a flat-out lie.

August 2015: In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

65% favor citizenship. 14% favor legal status.




Legal status or citizenship is 59 + 19 = 78 percent.

"Deport them" = 18 percent. They are on the losing side, big time. Your claim of 70 percent is bogus, bripat.

Poll Roundup Majority of Americans Support Immigration Reform With Citizenship

June-July 2013

  • 83% of conservatives support allowing immigrants to become citizens
Plenty more evidence in the link.

On immigration, Republicans favor path to legal status, but differ over citizenship


What Americans Want From Immigration Reform in 2014

62% of Americans favor providing a way for immigrants who are currently living in the United States illegally to become citizens provided they meet certain requirements, while 17% support allowing them to become permanent legal residents

The Republican response:


Only 13 percent of Americans favor passing immigration reform without a path to citizenship for illegals.

13 percent.
Last edited:
80 percent. That's the much vaunted Will of the People.

Rubio is on the right side of this issue. And the side of the American people.

IF he can't compete with Hillary for advertising time, he can't win. Hillary will flood the airwaves with "infomercials" touting his lack of any actual policy.

Now it's possible the Big Quack could do some fancy dancing, but it's not possible to balance the budget, build a fence and bomb ISIS without raising taxes. He's running on being "angry."

Underestimating Trump is very popular....... How's it working out so far?

He's wining 38% of 25%. I don't underestimate him. I think he's extremely dangerous. But for over 200 years Americans have never elected a potus on fear and xenophobia.

It's possible he could morph into someone with actual policies. But to do so, he's either gonna have to raise taxes to do half of what he claims he'd do, or he's gonna have to flip. I don't think the media will continue to allow him to not answer questions if he's the nominee.

Once he's the nominee, he'll be getting 60% of 100%. Now he's competing with 12 other candidates for the Republican nominee. I've seen your calculas 100 times before, and it's based on a long list of bullshit premises.

He's goint to get 60% of the GOP vote, is that what you're saying?

No, he's going to get 60% of the national vote in the election.

Oh, Ok. You're just making shit up in other words.
for some reason a small percentage of RW's somehow think they make up a majority ... whatever they believe so goes the entire country.

they'll be shocked before it's over ..
I have never seen so many so-called conservatives labeling anyone who doesn't toe the line with them as a "RINO"

Ronald Reagan spent the first few decades of his adult life supporting Democrats. When he switched in 1962, nobody cared. It was a man who's beliefs changed over time.
If you support a guy who is so blazingly the OPPOSITE of traditional Republican values ACROSS THE BOARD, then you are no better than a person born with seven pounds of brain damage

To hell with it.

The party right now espoused "traditional values" and completely turned around and betrayed their constituents by cooperating with Obama on more things than not.

I am not a Republican for that reason.
I have never seen so many so-called conservatives labeling anyone who doesn't toe the line with them as a "RINO"

Ronald Reagan spent the first few decades of his adult life supporting Democrats. When he switched in 1962, nobody cared. It was a man who's beliefs changed over time.

the RW fringe group is anything but conservative ... they refuse to call themselves IDIOTS so they say conservatives ..
Kasich/Rubio would carry Ohio and Florida, and win the election.

Trump won't even win New York.

The calculus is obvious, folks.

And we'd get a balanced federal budget out of the deal. Again. Finally.

2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map

Partisan lock states are already filled in.

Regardless of either Clinton or Sanders being nominated...

A Kasich/Rubio ticket is guaranteed to carry the following states:
-North Carolina

That alone secures a GOP victory.

In addition, Kasich/Rubio would likely lock in CO against HRC (though not guaranteed against Sanders) and likely secures Iowa against Sanders (though not guaranteed against Clinton). A Kasich/Rubio ticket has a maximum of 291 potential EC votes, which is more than any other GOP candidate's potential.

With PA and WI being virtually lock votes for the Democrats, they operate from a 247 base of essentially locked in votes. Whomever is the Democratic nominee, they can concentrate 100% of their efforts in FL and secure victory. In order for the GOP to win in November we have to:

- Revert, then secure, Florida: FL has been brought to the precipice of falling into blue statedom. It must be returned to it's previous status of being a red leaning swing state. A Rubio VP nod accomplishes that. But the work is not finished there. FL will still have to be won. It will take a moderate and pragmatic POTUS candidate to ultimately win over FL. Most GOP candidates will easily scare FL into the blue column.

-Lock up Ohio: Anything short of locking up Ohio would be the GOP equivalent of telling the Democrats "Eh, maybe we want it, maybe we don't. We'll let you know in December." The Dems can afford to gamble that carrying OH in the previous two elections will carry adequate momentum to bring the state back to them if the GOP neglects the state. As a result, Democrats would be able to count OH as among several layers of contingency. A Kasich candidacy locks up Ohio and reduces the number of strategic plans the Democrats can hope to layer up.

The GOP needs to do those things just to get to a parity with the Democrats. That would only leave NH, VA, IA, CO, and NV as battlegrounds, with VA being the most important for the GOP.

Kasich and Rubio are a couple of RINOs who have no chance to win the Nomination. Trump is already winning in the states you listed. Get used to saying "President Trump."

Trump may be leading in the primaries, but that means nothing in regards to the general election. You understand the difference between a primary and a general election, right?

Hillary is leading Trump only because there are 12 other Republican candidates. Once Hillary and Trump are the only ones in contention, Trump will destroy her. She's an extremely weak, extremely flawed candidate.

counting chickens ....mouth full of feathers

People who think polls 10 months before the election are any indication of the results are the ones who are counting chickens.
80 percent. That's the much vaunted Will of the People.

Rubio is on the right side of this issue. And the side of the American people.

The American people have made it clear time after time that they oppose amnesty. That's why all such measures have gone down to defeat.
Oh, and I have a nasty spoiler for you, bri.

The GOP is going to grant amnesty to the illegals. Just a matter of time.

It's what 80 percent of America wants. And you know how the Right is always harping on and on about The Will of the People.

When it suits them...
Wrong. 70% of Americans want them deported.

That's a flat-out lie.

August 2015: In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

65% favor citizenship. 14% favor legal status.




Legal status or citizenship is 59 + 19 = 78 percent.

"Deport them" = 18 percent. They are on the losing side, big time. Your claim of 70 percent is bogus, bripat.

Poll Roundup Majority of Americans Support Immigration Reform With Citizenship

June-July 2013

  • 83% of conservatives support allowing immigrants to become citizens
Plenty more evidence in the link.

On immigration, Republicans favor path to legal status, but differ over citizenship


What Americans Want From Immigration Reform in 2014

62% of Americans favor providing a way for immigrants who are currently living in the United States illegally to become citizens provided they meet certain requirements, while 17% support allowing them to become permanent legal residents

The Republican response:


Only 13 percent of Americans favor passing immigration reform without a path to citizenship for illegals.

13 percent.

Bullshit. Whose ass did you pull these numbers out of?

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