What Does An Actual RINO Look Like?

Seriously, link. Let's establish exactly what you are saying

You didn't need a link to offer your own [short sighted] recollection of events. Funny how that works.

It was all playing out, right in front of everyone's eyes at the time. You were just too stupid to see it.

Here are the pertinent facts. Tell me what you feel the need to challenge and we'll go from there:

1 - Obama endorsed universal health care during campaign.
2 - ACA is not universal health care.
3 - Pelosi led the pressure to bring health care to the forefront
4 - Obama pressed for Republican involvement and Congressional debate
5 - Pelosi was Speaker of the House
6 - Obama was President

The premise that Obama didn't support the ACA needs a source.

Oh, so you've got nothing. Very well, carry on.
2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map

Partisan lock states are already filled in.

Regardless of either Clinton or Sanders being nominated...

A Kasich/Rubio ticket is guaranteed to carry the following states:
-North Carolina

That alone secures a GOP victory.

In addition, Kasich/Rubio would likely lock in CO against HRC (though not guaranteed against Sanders) and likely secures Iowa against Sanders (though not guaranteed against Clinton). A Kasich/Rubio ticket has a maximum of 291 potential EC votes, which is more than any other GOP candidate's potential.

With PA and WI being virtually lock votes for the Democrats, they operate from a 247 base of essentially locked in votes. Whomever is the Democratic nominee, they can concentrate 100% of their efforts in FL and secure victory. In order for the GOP to win in November we have to:

- Revert, then secure, Florida: FL has been brought to the precipice of falling into blue statedom. It must be returned to it's previous status of being a red leaning swing state. A Rubio VP nod accomplishes that. But the work is not finished there. FL will still have to be won. It will take a moderate and pragmatic POTUS candidate to ultimately win over FL. Most GOP candidates will easily scare FL into the blue column.

-Lock up Ohio: Anything short of locking up Ohio would be the GOP equivalent of telling the Democrats "Eh, maybe we want it, maybe we don't. We'll let you know in December." The Dems can afford to gamble that carrying OH in the previous two elections will carry adequate momentum to bring the state back to them if the GOP neglects the state. As a result, Democrats would be able to count OH as among several layers of contingency. A Kasich candidacy locks up Ohio and reduces the number of strategic plans the Democrats can hope to layer up.

The GOP needs to do those things just to get to a parity with the Democrats. That would only leave NH, VA, IA, CO, and NV as battlegrounds, with VA being the most important for the GOP.

Kasich and Rubio are a couple of RINOs who have no chance to win the Nomination. Trump is already winning in the states you listed. Get used to saying "President Trump."

Trump may be leading in the primaries, but that means nothing in regards to the general election. You understand the difference between a primary and a general election, right?

Hillary hasn't got a chance against Trump in the general election. He is going to rake her over the coals night and day over her emails, Benghazi and attacking Bills victims to keep them quiet. Hillary's poll numbers are sinking by the day.

Never worked before, obscene child. The Big Quack has to have positive policy on specific issues that the media can vet as being "doable."

Yeah!! Voters will demand specific policies, like "Hope and Change"...


Nimrod, Obama ran on universal care and getting out of Iraq. It may not have worked to your liking, but there was an actual debate on issues. The Big Quack isn't in the game yet.
Kasich/Rubio would carry Ohio and Florida, and win the election.

Trump won't even win New York.

The calculus is obvious, folks.

And we'd get a balanced federal budget out of the deal. Again. Finally.

2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map

Partisan lock states are already filled in.

Regardless of either Clinton or Sanders being nominated...

A Kasich/Rubio ticket is guaranteed to carry the following states:
-North Carolina

That alone secures a GOP victory.

In addition, Kasich/Rubio would likely lock in CO against HRC (though not guaranteed against Sanders) and likely secures Iowa against Sanders (though not guaranteed against Clinton). A Kasich/Rubio ticket has a maximum of 291 potential EC votes, which is more than any other GOP candidate's potential.

With PA and WI being virtually lock votes for the Democrats, they operate from a 247 base of essentially locked in votes. Whomever is the Democratic nominee, they can concentrate 100% of their efforts in FL and secure victory. In order for the GOP to win in November we have to:

- Revert, then secure, Florida: FL has been brought to the precipice of falling into blue statedom. It must be returned to it's previous status of being a red leaning swing state. A Rubio VP nod accomplishes that. But the work is not finished there. FL will still have to be won. It will take a moderate and pragmatic POTUS candidate to ultimately win over FL. Most GOP candidates will easily scare FL into the blue column.

-Lock up Ohio: Anything short of locking up Ohio would be the GOP equivalent of telling the Democrats "Eh, maybe we want it, maybe we don't. We'll let you know in December." The Dems can afford to gamble that carrying OH in the previous two elections will carry adequate momentum to bring the state back to them if the GOP neglects the state. As a result, Democrats would be able to count OH as among several layers of contingency. A Kasich candidacy locks up Ohio and reduces the number of strategic plans the Democrats can hope to layer up.

The GOP needs to do those things just to get to a parity with the Democrats. That would only leave NH, VA, IA, CO, and NV as battlegrounds, with VA being the most important for the GOP.

Why is Nevada and Virginia a lock for the GOP with that ticket exactly? Actually, I should question Florida too, just because Rubio is on the ticket guarantees nothing, look at Wisconsin in 2012. It could work out this way but you really think Kasich's name would be first on the ticket? Sounds like fantasy. Possible but Trump had better fall in NH real quick, it's Kasich's only shot at relevance until Ohio.

Well, you're not very bright so I can't expect you to understand. I already explained it, and pretty clear at that. Seeing as I never said the ticket is an instant lock in FL. I said the GOP needs to revert and secure Florida. But carry on your fantasies by all means.
Geezus. I gave a GIANT clue who I support in the OP, and the tards STILL get it wrong.


I am loving this.

It's all Marx to them.

For what it's worth, I think the guy you support stands the best chance in a general election.

EDIT: Actually, Rubio your guy second, his personality is his biggest detractor.
Rubio isn't seasoned enough. He'd be eaten alive by Congress, just like Obama has been.

In time, he would make an excellent President.

I agree Rubio may not be mature enough but he is probably more likable. Whether that's a quality that counts or not is another thing.

As far as Obama "being eaten alive" I don't think any Democrat would fair better with a Republican congress and probably the same the other way around.
I can think of several Democrats who would have gotten along better, including Hillary's husband.

Hell, the man was IMPEACHED and still accomplished more than Obama has.

And Reagan got along famously with the Democratic Congress, achieving everything he wanted.

No party before ever had a meeting while a President was being inaugurated about how to stop anything and everything he tried to accomplish.

The Republicans' Plan for the New President

Seriously, link. Let's establish exactly what you are saying

You didn't need a link to offer your own [short sighted] recollection of events. Funny how that works.

It was all playing out, right in front of everyone's eyes at the time. You were just too stupid to see it.

Here are the pertinent facts. Tell me what you feel the need to challenge and we'll go from there:

1 - Obama endorsed universal health care during campaign.
2 - ACA is not universal health care.
3 - Pelosi led the pressure to bring health care to the forefront
4 - Obama pressed for Republican involvement and Congressional debate
5 - Pelosi was Speaker of the House
6 - Obama was President

The premise that Obama didn't support the ACA needs a source.

Oh, so you've got nothing. Very well, carry on.

No, I've got a President who endorsed the passage of the ACA.
Kasich/Rubio would carry Ohio and Florida, and win the election.

Trump won't even win New York.

The calculus is obvious, folks.

And we'd get a balanced federal budget out of the deal. Again. Finally.

2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map

Partisan lock states are already filled in.

Regardless of either Clinton or Sanders being nominated...

A Kasich/Rubio ticket is guaranteed to carry the following states:
-North Carolina

That alone secures a GOP victory.

In addition, Kasich/Rubio would likely lock in CO against HRC (though not guaranteed against Sanders) and likely secures Iowa against Sanders (though not guaranteed against Clinton). A Kasich/Rubio ticket has a maximum of 291 potential EC votes, which is more than any other GOP candidate's potential.

With PA and WI being virtually lock votes for the Democrats, they operate from a 247 base of essentially locked in votes. Whomever is the Democratic nominee, they can concentrate 100% of their efforts in FL and secure victory. In order for the GOP to win in November we have to:

- Revert, then secure, Florida: FL has been brought to the precipice of falling into blue statedom. It must be returned to it's previous status of being a red leaning swing state. A Rubio VP nod accomplishes that. But the work is not finished there. FL will still have to be won. It will take a moderate and pragmatic POTUS candidate to ultimately win over FL. Most GOP candidates will easily scare FL into the blue column.

-Lock up Ohio: Anything short of locking up Ohio would be the GOP equivalent of telling the Democrats "Eh, maybe we want it, maybe we don't. We'll let you know in December." The Dems can afford to gamble that carrying OH in the previous two elections will carry adequate momentum to bring the state back to them if the GOP neglects the state. As a result, Democrats would be able to count OH as among several layers of contingency. A Kasich candidacy locks up Ohio and reduces the number of strategic plans the Democrats can hope to layer up.

The GOP needs to do those things just to get to a parity with the Democrats. That would only leave NH, VA, IA, CO, and NV as battlegrounds, with VA being the most important for the GOP.

Why is Nevada and Virginia a lock for the GOP with that ticket exactly? Actually, I should question Florida too, just because Rubio is on the ticket guarantees nothing, look at Wisconsin in 2012. It could work out this way but you really think Kasich's name would be first on the ticket? Sounds like fantasy. Possible but Trump had better fall in NH real quick, it's Kasich's only shot at relevance until Ohio.

Well, you're not very bright so I can't expect you to understand. I already explained it, and pretty clear at that. Seeing as I never said the ticket is an instant lock in FL. I said the GOP needs to revert and secure Florida. But carry on your fantasies by all means.

Actually you listed 5 states that are a lock with a Kasich/Rubio ticket.
Hillary hasn't got a chance against Trump in the general election. He is going to rake her over the coals night and day over her emails, Benghazi and attacking Bills victims to keep them quiet. Hillary's poll numbers are sinking by the day.

Kasich/Rubio would carry Ohio and Florida, and win the election.

Trump won't even win New York.

The calculus is obvious, folks.

And we'd get a balanced federal budget out of the deal. Again. Finally.

2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map

Partisan lock states are already filled in.

Regardless of either Clinton or Sanders being nominated...

A Kasich/Rubio ticket is guaranteed to carry the following states:
-North Carolina

That alone secures a GOP victory.

In addition, Kasich/Rubio would likely lock in CO against HRC (though not guaranteed against Sanders) and likely secures Iowa against Sanders (though not guaranteed against Clinton). A Kasich/Rubio ticket has a maximum of 291 potential EC votes, which is more than any other GOP candidate's potential.

With PA and WI being virtually lock votes for the Democrats, they operate from a 247 base of essentially locked in votes. Whomever is the Democratic nominee, they can concentrate 100% of their efforts in FL and secure victory. In order for the GOP to win in November we have to:

- Revert, then secure, Florida: FL has been brought to the precipice of falling into blue statedom. It must be returned to it's previous status of being a red leaning swing state. A Rubio VP nod accomplishes that. But the work is not finished there. FL will still have to be won. It will take a moderate and pragmatic POTUS candidate to ultimately win over FL. Most GOP candidates will easily scare FL into the blue column.

-Lock up Ohio: Anything short of locking up Ohio would be the GOP equivalent of telling the Democrats "Eh, maybe we want it, maybe we don't. We'll let you know in December." The Dems can afford to gamble that carrying OH in the previous two elections will carry adequate momentum to bring the state back to them if the GOP neglects the state. As a result, Democrats would be able to count OH as among several layers of contingency. A Kasich candidacy locks up Ohio and reduces the number of strategic plans the Democrats can hope to layer up.

The GOP needs to do those things just to get to a parity with the Democrats. That would only leave NH, VA, IA, CO, and NV as battlegrounds, with VA being the most important for the GOP.

Why is Nevada and Virginia a lock for the GOP with that ticket exactly? Actually, I should question Florida too, just because Rubio is on the ticket guarantees nothing, look at Wisconsin in 2012. It could work out this way but you really think Kasich's name would be first on the ticket? Sounds like fantasy. Possible but Trump had better fall in NH real quick, it's Kasich's only shot at relevance until Ohio.

Well, you're not very bright so I can't expect you to understand. I already explained it, and pretty clear at that. Seeing as I never said the ticket is an instant lock in FL. I said the GOP needs to revert and secure Florida. But carry on your fantasies by all means.

Actually you listed 5 states that are a lock with a Kasich/Rubio ticket.

Yes I did. And I also explained that work that would need to be done.

Listen, I realize that you work really hard at dumbing yourself down as must as you can, but you should really try a new strategy. You just end up looking....dumb.
Kasich only has low support in the GOP right now because it is dominated by idiots who are in love with a total RINO. A pro-choice, incestuous, pro-Clinton, gambling magnate.

If the GOP threw its support behind a Kasich/Rubio ticket, we'd be looking at a huge Clinton defeat.

Looking at polling, you'd need Rubio on top. That would make it a race, but not a runaway.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

As an aside, no candidate polling like Trump, has not gone on to win the nomination...but Trump, and this GOP election, defies convention.
Why is it that you are able to judge Kasich fairly, but not Trump?

Trump has been very open about the fact that his dislike for Bush Jr.'s foreign policy colored his political views, and that the disaster of Obama has caused him to change his mind about a number of political issues.

Kasich is a good guy, but many of his attacks on Trump have been egregiously overheated and distorted.

And, by the way, Trump has balanced a budget too, for many years in a row, and has made billions of dollars and employed tens of thousands of people in the process. I agree that Trump is needlessly rude sometimes and that he is not as conservative on some issues as the other candidates, but I believe he has in fact changed his mind on many issues as a result of the disaster of Obama, just as Reagan changed his mind after having been a Democrat for many years.
Kasich and Rubio are a couple of RINOs who have no chance to win the Nomination. Trump is already winning in the states you listed. Get used to saying "President Trump."

Trump may be leading in the primaries, but that means nothing in regards to the general election. You understand the difference between a primary and a general election, right?

Hillary hasn't got a chance against Trump in the general election. He is going to rake her over the coals night and day over her emails, Benghazi and attacking Bills victims to keep them quiet. Hillary's poll numbers are sinking by the day.

Never worked before, obscene child. The Big Quack has to have positive policy on specific issues that the media can vet as being "doable."

Yeah!! Voters will demand specific policies, like "Hope and Change"...


Nimrod, Obama ran on universal care and getting out of Iraq. It may not have worked to your liking, but there was an actual debate on issues. The Big Quack isn't in the game yet.

Interesting choice of words (Nimrod) given that you are the one speaking babble.

Trump is running on immigration, tax reform, Trade reform, Veterans Admin reforms, and Gun Rights. He outlines his plans on his website.
Kasich/Rubio would carry Ohio and Florida, and win the election.

Trump won't even win New York.

The calculus is obvious, folks.

And we'd get a balanced federal budget out of the deal. Again. Finally.

2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map

Partisan lock states are already filled in.

Regardless of either Clinton or Sanders being nominated...

A Kasich/Rubio ticket is guaranteed to carry the following states:
-North Carolina

That alone secures a GOP victory.

In addition, Kasich/Rubio would likely lock in CO against HRC (though not guaranteed against Sanders) and likely secures Iowa against Sanders (though not guaranteed against Clinton). A Kasich/Rubio ticket has a maximum of 291 potential EC votes, which is more than any other GOP candidate's potential.

With PA and WI being virtually lock votes for the Democrats, they operate from a 247 base of essentially locked in votes. Whomever is the Democratic nominee, they can concentrate 100% of their efforts in FL and secure victory. In order for the GOP to win in November we have to:

- Revert, then secure, Florida: FL has been brought to the precipice of falling into blue statedom. It must be returned to it's previous status of being a red leaning swing state. A Rubio VP nod accomplishes that. But the work is not finished there. FL will still have to be won. It will take a moderate and pragmatic POTUS candidate to ultimately win over FL. Most GOP candidates will easily scare FL into the blue column.

-Lock up Ohio: Anything short of locking up Ohio would be the GOP equivalent of telling the Democrats "Eh, maybe we want it, maybe we don't. We'll let you know in December." The Dems can afford to gamble that carrying OH in the previous two elections will carry adequate momentum to bring the state back to them if the GOP neglects the state. As a result, Democrats would be able to count OH as among several layers of contingency. A Kasich candidacy locks up Ohio and reduces the number of strategic plans the Democrats can hope to layer up.

The GOP needs to do those things just to get to a parity with the Democrats. That would only leave NH, VA, IA, CO, and NV as battlegrounds, with VA being the most important for the GOP.

Why is Nevada and Virginia a lock for the GOP with that ticket exactly? Actually, I should question Florida too, just because Rubio is on the ticket guarantees nothing, look at Wisconsin in 2012. It could work out this way but you really think Kasich's name would be first on the ticket? Sounds like fantasy. Possible but Trump had better fall in NH real quick, it's Kasich's only shot at relevance until Ohio.

Well, you're not very bright so I can't expect you to understand. I already explained it, and pretty clear at that. Seeing as I never said the ticket is an instant lock in FL. I said the GOP needs to revert and secure Florida. But carry on your fantasies by all means.

Actually you listed 5 states that are a lock with a Kasich/Rubio ticket.

Yes I did. And I also explained that work that would need to be done.

Listen, I realize that you work really hard at dumbing yourself down as must as you can, but you should really try a new strategy. You just end up looking....dumb.

I guess it's not a guarantee then.

You also said this ealrier:

Short of being caught in bed together along with a blind South American child and at least three small mammals, they would be guaranteed a two term presidency. And Rubio would be primed to succeed Kasich. A Kasich/Rubio administration, with Paul Ryan as Speaker could become a golden age for the GOP. It's a fucking godsend.

But the slobs are too busy masturbating to anti-Muslim hate speech, so what can you do? :dunno:

Sounds mighty confident.Anyway, I'm not asking as some part of a "strategy", I'm just curious about why the confidence. So, chill out.
You really should bet the farm on Milquetoast Kasich. He's the only one who can beat hiLIARy...

Talk about drinking the piss......:rofl:
I don't think the Big Quack is necessarily doomed to lose Fla to Hillary.

Poll: Trump Could Win Primary, Beat Clinton In Florida

However, Hillary will be prepared to spend 750 million to a billion dollars. I don't see the gop money guys giving to the Big Quack because ...... nobody knows what his positions are today, but in the past they've been centrist dem / big govt republican like Bloomberg and Rudy.

Have you been living in a cave? Trump doesn't need anyone's money. He's barely spent a dime and is dominating the polls and the headlines.

hiLIARy can spend all the money in the world, she's still seen as an untrustworthy liar.
IF he can't compete with Hillary for advertising time, he can't win. Hillary will flood the airwaves with "infomercials" touting his lack of any actual policy.

Now it's possible the Big Quack could do some fancy dancing, but it's not possible to balance the budget, build a fence and bomb ISIS without raising taxes. He's running on being "angry."

Underestimating Trump is very popular....... How's it working out so far?

He's wining 38% of 25%. I don't underestimate him. I think he's extremely dangerous. But for over 200 years Americans have never elected a potus on fear and xenophobia.

It's possible he could morph into someone with actual policies. But to do so, he's either gonna have to raise taxes to do half of what he claims he'd do, or he's gonna have to flip. I don't think the media will continue to allow him to not answer questions if he's the nominee.

Once he's the nominee, he'll be getting 60% of 100%. Now he's competing with 12 other candidates for the Republican nominee. I've seen your calculas 100 times before, and it's based on a long list of bullshit premises.
Kasich/Rubio would carry Ohio and Florida, and win the election.

Trump won't even win New York.

The calculus is obvious, folks.

And we'd get a balanced federal budget out of the deal. Again. Finally.

2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map

Partisan lock states are already filled in.

Regardless of either Clinton or Sanders being nominated...

A Kasich/Rubio ticket is guaranteed to carry the following states:
-North Carolina

That alone secures a GOP victory.

In addition, Kasich/Rubio would likely lock in CO against HRC (though not guaranteed against Sanders) and likely secures Iowa against Sanders (though not guaranteed against Clinton). A Kasich/Rubio ticket has a maximum of 291 potential EC votes, which is more than any other GOP candidate's potential.

With PA and WI being virtually lock votes for the Democrats, they operate from a 247 base of essentially locked in votes. Whomever is the Democratic nominee, they can concentrate 100% of their efforts in FL and secure victory. In order for the GOP to win in November we have to:

- Revert, then secure, Florida: FL has been brought to the precipice of falling into blue statedom. It must be returned to it's previous status of being a red leaning swing state. A Rubio VP nod accomplishes that. But the work is not finished there. FL will still have to be won. It will take a moderate and pragmatic POTUS candidate to ultimately win over FL. Most GOP candidates will easily scare FL into the blue column.

-Lock up Ohio: Anything short of locking up Ohio would be the GOP equivalent of telling the Democrats "Eh, maybe we want it, maybe we don't. We'll let you know in December." The Dems can afford to gamble that carrying OH in the previous two elections will carry adequate momentum to bring the state back to them if the GOP neglects the state. As a result, Democrats would be able to count OH as among several layers of contingency. A Kasich candidacy locks up Ohio and reduces the number of strategic plans the Democrats can hope to layer up.

The GOP needs to do those things just to get to a parity with the Democrats. That would only leave NH, VA, IA, CO, and NV as battlegrounds, with VA being the most important for the GOP.

Kasich and Rubio are a couple of RINOs who have no chance to win the Nomination. Trump is already winning in the states you listed. Get used to saying "President Trump."

Trump may be leading in the primaries, but that means nothing in regards to the general election. You understand the difference between a primary and a general election, right?

Hillary is leading Trump only because there are 12 other Republican candidates. Once Hillary and Trump are the only ones in contention, Trump will destroy her. She's an extremely weak, extremely flawed candidate.
Kasich/Rubio would carry Ohio and Florida, and win the election.

Trump won't even win New York.

The calculus is obvious, folks.

And we'd get a balanced federal budget out of the deal. Again. Finally.

2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map

Partisan lock states are already filled in.

Regardless of either Clinton or Sanders being nominated...

A Kasich/Rubio ticket is guaranteed to carry the following states:
-North Carolina

That alone secures a GOP victory.

In addition, Kasich/Rubio would likely lock in CO against HRC (though not guaranteed against Sanders) and likely secures Iowa against Sanders (though not guaranteed against Clinton). A Kasich/Rubio ticket has a maximum of 291 potential EC votes, which is more than any other GOP candidate's potential.

With PA and WI being virtually lock votes for the Democrats, they operate from a 247 base of essentially locked in votes. Whomever is the Democratic nominee, they can concentrate 100% of their efforts in FL and secure victory. In order for the GOP to win in November we have to:

- Revert, then secure, Florida: FL has been brought to the precipice of falling into blue statedom. It must be returned to it's previous status of being a red leaning swing state. A Rubio VP nod accomplishes that. But the work is not finished there. FL will still have to be won. It will take a moderate and pragmatic POTUS candidate to ultimately win over FL. Most GOP candidates will easily scare FL into the blue column.

-Lock up Ohio: Anything short of locking up Ohio would be the GOP equivalent of telling the Democrats "Eh, maybe we want it, maybe we don't. We'll let you know in December." The Dems can afford to gamble that carrying OH in the previous two elections will carry adequate momentum to bring the state back to them if the GOP neglects the state. As a result, Democrats would be able to count OH as among several layers of contingency. A Kasich candidacy locks up Ohio and reduces the number of strategic plans the Democrats can hope to layer up.

The GOP needs to do those things just to get to a parity with the Democrats. That would only leave NH, VA, IA, CO, and NV as battlegrounds, with VA being the most important for the GOP.

Kasich and Rubio are a couple of RINOs who have no chance to win the Nomination. Trump is already winning in the states you listed. Get used to saying "President Trump."

Trump may be leading in the primaries, but that means nothing in regards to the general election. You understand the difference between a primary and a general election, right?

Hillary is leading Trump only because there are 12 other Republican candidates. Once Hillary and Trump are the only ones in contention, Trump will destroy her. She's an extremely weak, extremely flawed candidate.
Cruz and Rubio poll better than Trump against Hillary. So why are you choosing the RINO over them? By your own logic, it is the weaker Trump who needs to leave the field so the stronger candidates can defeat Hillary.
Kasich and Rubio are a couple of RINOs who have no chance to win the Nomination. Trump is already winning in the states you listed. Get used to saying "President Trump."

Trump may be leading in the primaries, but that means nothing in regards to the general election. You understand the difference between a primary and a general election, right?

Hillary hasn't got a chance against Trump in the general election. He is going to rake her over the coals night and day over her emails, Benghazi and attacking Bills victims to keep them quiet. Hillary's poll numbers are sinking by the day.

Never worked before, obscene child. The Big Quack has to have positive policy on specific issues that the media can vet as being "doable."

Yeah!! Voters will demand specific policies, like "Hope and Change"...


Nimrod, Obama ran on universal care and getting out of Iraq. It may not have worked to your liking, but there was an actual debate on issues. The Big Quack isn't in the game yet.

What do you think is a winning issue for Hillary, the war against women? Nope. Giving tons a free shit away and driving up the debt? No. Her email scandal? Bill's sexual assaults? Do you really think America wants a horndog like Bill running around the White House?
Kasich/Rubio would carry Ohio and Florida, and win the election.

Trump won't even win New York.

The calculus is obvious, folks.

And we'd get a balanced federal budget out of the deal. Again. Finally.

2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map

Partisan lock states are already filled in.

Regardless of either Clinton or Sanders being nominated...

A Kasich/Rubio ticket is guaranteed to carry the following states:
-North Carolina

That alone secures a GOP victory.

In addition, Kasich/Rubio would likely lock in CO against HRC (though not guaranteed against Sanders) and likely secures Iowa against Sanders (though not guaranteed against Clinton). A Kasich/Rubio ticket has a maximum of 291 potential EC votes, which is more than any other GOP candidate's potential.

With PA and WI being virtually lock votes for the Democrats, they operate from a 247 base of essentially locked in votes. Whomever is the Democratic nominee, they can concentrate 100% of their efforts in FL and secure victory. In order for the GOP to win in November we have to:

- Revert, then secure, Florida: FL has been brought to the precipice of falling into blue statedom. It must be returned to it's previous status of being a red leaning swing state. A Rubio VP nod accomplishes that. But the work is not finished there. FL will still have to be won. It will take a moderate and pragmatic POTUS candidate to ultimately win over FL. Most GOP candidates will easily scare FL into the blue column.

-Lock up Ohio: Anything short of locking up Ohio would be the GOP equivalent of telling the Democrats "Eh, maybe we want it, maybe we don't. We'll let you know in December." The Dems can afford to gamble that carrying OH in the previous two elections will carry adequate momentum to bring the state back to them if the GOP neglects the state. As a result, Democrats would be able to count OH as among several layers of contingency. A Kasich candidacy locks up Ohio and reduces the number of strategic plans the Democrats can hope to layer up.

The GOP needs to do those things just to get to a parity with the Democrats. That would only leave NH, VA, IA, CO, and NV as battlegrounds, with VA being the most important for the GOP.

Kasich and Rubio are a couple of RINOs who have no chance to win the Nomination. Trump is already winning in the states you listed. Get used to saying "President Trump."

Trump may be leading in the primaries, but that means nothing in regards to the general election. You understand the difference between a primary and a general election, right?

Hillary is leading Trump only because there are 12 other Republican candidates. Once Hillary and Trump are the only ones in contention, Trump will destroy her. She's an extremely weak, extremely flawed candidate.
Cruz and Rubio poll better than Trump against Hillary. So why are you choosing the RINO over them? By your own logic, it is the weaker Trump who needs to leave the field so the stronger candidates can defeat Hillary.

Rubio is pro-Amnesty, so he's out automatically. I would vote for Cruz, but I don't think he's going to get the nomination.
2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map

Partisan lock states are already filled in.

Regardless of either Clinton or Sanders being nominated...

A Kasich/Rubio ticket is guaranteed to carry the following states:
-North Carolina

That alone secures a GOP victory.

In addition, Kasich/Rubio would likely lock in CO against HRC (though not guaranteed against Sanders) and likely secures Iowa against Sanders (though not guaranteed against Clinton). A Kasich/Rubio ticket has a maximum of 291 potential EC votes, which is more than any other GOP candidate's potential.

With PA and WI being virtually lock votes for the Democrats, they operate from a 247 base of essentially locked in votes. Whomever is the Democratic nominee, they can concentrate 100% of their efforts in FL and secure victory. In order for the GOP to win in November we have to:

- Revert, then secure, Florida: FL has been brought to the precipice of falling into blue statedom. It must be returned to it's previous status of being a red leaning swing state. A Rubio VP nod accomplishes that. But the work is not finished there. FL will still have to be won. It will take a moderate and pragmatic POTUS candidate to ultimately win over FL. Most GOP candidates will easily scare FL into the blue column.

-Lock up Ohio: Anything short of locking up Ohio would be the GOP equivalent of telling the Democrats "Eh, maybe we want it, maybe we don't. We'll let you know in December." The Dems can afford to gamble that carrying OH in the previous two elections will carry adequate momentum to bring the state back to them if the GOP neglects the state. As a result, Democrats would be able to count OH as among several layers of contingency. A Kasich candidacy locks up Ohio and reduces the number of strategic plans the Democrats can hope to layer up.

The GOP needs to do those things just to get to a parity with the Democrats. That would only leave NH, VA, IA, CO, and NV as battlegrounds, with VA being the most important for the GOP.

Kasich and Rubio are a couple of RINOs who have no chance to win the Nomination. Trump is already winning in the states you listed. Get used to saying "President Trump."

Trump may be leading in the primaries, but that means nothing in regards to the general election. You understand the difference between a primary and a general election, right?

Hillary is leading Trump only because there are 12 other Republican candidates. Once Hillary and Trump are the only ones in contention, Trump will destroy her. She's an extremely weak, extremely flawed candidate.
Cruz and Rubio poll better than Trump against Hillary. So why are you choosing the RINO over them? By your own logic, it is the weaker Trump who needs to leave the field so the stronger candidates can defeat Hillary.

Rubio is pro-Amnesty, so he's out automatically. I would vote for Cruz, but I don't think he's going to get the nomination.
Again, both of them poll stronger than Trump against Hillary. By your own logic, Trump needs to walk.
Oh, and I have a nasty spoiler for you, bri.

The GOP is going to grant amnesty to the illegals. Just a matter of time.

It's what 80 percent of America wants. And you know how the Right is always harping on and on about The Will of the People.

When it suits them...
I don't think the Big Quack is necessarily doomed to lose Fla to Hillary.

Poll: Trump Could Win Primary, Beat Clinton In Florida

However, Hillary will be prepared to spend 750 million to a billion dollars. I don't see the gop money guys giving to the Big Quack because ...... nobody knows what his positions are today, but in the past they've been centrist dem / big govt republican like Bloomberg and Rudy.

Have you been living in a cave? Trump doesn't need anyone's money. He's barely spent a dime and is dominating the polls and the headlines.

hiLIARy can spend all the money in the world, she's still seen as an untrustworthy liar.
IF he can't compete with Hillary for advertising time, he can't win. Hillary will flood the airwaves with "infomercials" touting his lack of any actual policy.

Now it's possible the Big Quack could do some fancy dancing, but it's not possible to balance the budget, build a fence and bomb ISIS without raising taxes. He's running on being "angry."

Underestimating Trump is very popular....... How's it working out so far?

He's wining 38% of 25%. I don't underestimate him. I think he's extremely dangerous. But for over 200 years Americans have never elected a potus on fear and xenophobia.

It's possible he could morph into someone with actual policies. But to do so, he's either gonna have to raise taxes to do half of what he claims he'd do, or he's gonna have to flip. I don't think the media will continue to allow him to not answer questions if he's the nominee.

Once he's the nominee, he'll be getting 60% of 100%. Now he's competing with 12 other candidates for the Republican nominee. I've seen your calculas 100 times before, and it's based on a long list of bullshit premises.

He's goint to get 60% of the GOP vote, is that what you're saying?

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