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What does Israel and US have to do with

Or the US could stop sending Israel $8 million every day, and the Jewish state would go bankrupt within a year?

Whatever help that Israel receives from America is such a small percentage of that country's defense budget; and if Gaza George's new masters would stop trying to destroy that country, Israel wouldn't even need any help at all. We also have to remember that most of the money which is budgeted for Israel has to be spent here in our own defense industries, which gives jobs to American citizens -- who of course work hard and are not depending on getting subsidized housing.
And what products do those jobs for American citizens produce?
Let's ask Henk Zanoli

"According to Zanoli's letter addressed to the Israeli ambassador, the bomb dropped by the Israeli military on July 20 during its massive Gaza offensive, flattened a four-storey building at the Bureij Refugee Camp, killing all inside.

"'The great-great grandchildren of my mother have lost their grandmother, three uncles, an aunt and a cousin at the hands of the Israeli military,' Zanoli said in the letter, published by liberal Israeli newspaper Haaretz and widely circulated in the Dutch media.

"'It is particularly shocking and tragic that today, four generations on, our family is faced with the murder of our kin in Gaza. Murder carried out by the State of Israel,' Zanoli said."

Dutch man returns Israeli WWII honour after family killed in Gaza

You're seriously unable to address peoples posts properly...
Whatever help that Israel receives from America is such a small percentage of that country's defense budget; and if Gaza George's new masters would stop trying to destroy that country, Israel wouldn't even need any help at all. We also have to remember that most of the money which is budgeted for Israel has to be spent here in our own defense industries, which gives jobs to American citizens -- who of course work hard and are not depending on getting subsidized housing.
And what products do those jobs for American citizens produce?
Let's ask Henk Zanoli

"According to Zanoli's letter addressed to the Israeli ambassador, the bomb dropped by the Israeli military on July 20 during its massive Gaza offensive, flattened a four-storey building at the Bureij Refugee Camp, killing all inside.

"'The great-great grandchildren of my mother have lost their grandmother, three uncles, an aunt and a cousin at the hands of the Israeli military,' Zanoli said in the letter, published by liberal Israeli newspaper Haaretz and widely circulated in the Dutch media.

"'It is particularly shocking and tragic that today, four generations on, our family is faced with the murder of our kin in Gaza. Murder carried out by the State of Israel,' Zanoli said."

Dutch man returns Israeli WWII honour after family killed in Gaza

You're seriously unable to address peoples posts properly...
I make no attempt to respond to Sally's posts "properly" since she's incapable of responding to any allegations of Israeli misconduct other than by spamming more evidence of Muslim crimes against humanity. I suspect she's paid to deflect; what about you?
And what products do those jobs for American citizens produce?
Let's ask Henk Zanoli

"According to Zanoli's letter addressed to the Israeli ambassador, the bomb dropped by the Israeli military on July 20 during its massive Gaza offensive, flattened a four-storey building at the Bureij Refugee Camp, killing all inside.

"'The great-great grandchildren of my mother have lost their grandmother, three uncles, an aunt and a cousin at the hands of the Israeli military,' Zanoli said in the letter, published by liberal Israeli newspaper Haaretz and widely circulated in the Dutch media.

"'It is particularly shocking and tragic that today, four generations on, our family is faced with the murder of our kin in Gaza. Murder carried out by the State of Israel,' Zanoli said."

Dutch man returns Israeli WWII honour after family killed in Gaza

You're seriously unable to address peoples posts properly...
I make no attempt to respond to Sally's posts "properly" since she's incapable of responding to any allegations of Israeli misconduct other than by spamming more evidence of Muslim crimes against humanity. I suspect she's paid to deflect; what about you?

try again ----you have not cited any "Israeli misconduct" The fact that a person lost relatives
in a war which has been galvanized by the stink and filth of Islamic fascism-----does not "prove"
Israeli misconduct. The fact that a person is distressed at the loss of relatives is natural----and
the fact that he blames the wrong people for it----is natural too I have dealt with LOTS AND LOTS
of injured people-------they always "BLAME" someone. It is a natural tendency. A neighbor of
mine---when I was a kid BLAMED the RAF------for their bombing of Berlin------he was a child in
berlin------he HATRED of the British was his OBSESSION
And what products do those jobs for American citizens produce?
Let's ask Henk Zanoli

"According to Zanoli's letter addressed to the Israeli ambassador, the bomb dropped by the Israeli military on July 20 during its massive Gaza offensive, flattened a four-storey building at the Bureij Refugee Camp, killing all inside.

"'The great-great grandchildren of my mother have lost their grandmother, three uncles, an aunt and a cousin at the hands of the Israeli military,' Zanoli said in the letter, published by liberal Israeli newspaper Haaretz and widely circulated in the Dutch media.

"'It is particularly shocking and tragic that today, four generations on, our family is faced with the murder of our kin in Gaza. Murder carried out by the State of Israel,' Zanoli said."

Dutch man returns Israeli WWII honour after family killed in Gaza

You're seriously unable to address peoples posts properly...
I make no attempt to respond to Sally's posts "properly" since she's incapable of responding to any allegations of Israeli misconduct other than by spamming more evidence of Muslim crimes against humanity. I suspect she's paid to deflect; what about you?

Did you even look at the photographic evidence provided georgie, did you see the mostly intact building with a small amount of rubble around it. To help you here it is again from your link

Did you even look at the photographic evidence provided georgie, did you see the mostly intact building with a small amount of rubble around it. To help you here it is again from your link


Obviously, you're disappointed your heroic people didn't pulverize all of Gaza, better luck next time.

"Massive artillery shelling may have caused numerous civilian fatalities in Gaza
It is thought that at least 32,000 artillery shells were fired during Protective Edge, four times as much as in Cast Lead in 2008.
Each 43 kilogram artillery shell is designed to kill everything within a 50 meter radius of where it lands, and wound everything within 100 meters.

Aren't you proud of the misery the Jewish state has brought to Palestin?


Obviously, you're disappointed your heroic people didn't pulverize all of Gaza, better luck next time.

"Massive artillery shelling may have caused numerous civilian fatalities in Gaza
It is thought that at least 32,000 artillery shells were fired during Protective Edge, four times as much as in Cast Lead in 2008.
Each 43 kilogram artillery shell is designed to kill everything within a 50 meter radius of where it lands, and wound everything within 100 meters.

Aren't you proud of the misery the Jewish state has brought to Palestin?


Obviously, you're disappointed your heroic people didn't pulverize all of Gaza, better luck next time.

"Massive artillery shelling may have caused numerous civilian fatalities in Gaza
It is thought that at least 32,000 artillery shells were fired during Protective Edge, four times as much as in Cast Lead in 2008.
Each 43 kilogram artillery shell is designed to kill everything within a 50 meter radius of where it lands, and wound everything within 100 meters.

Aren't you proud of the misery the Jewish state has brought to Palestin?

Massive artillery shelling may have caused numerous civilian fatalities in Gaza - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

Evidently Gaza George has no problem for the misery his new masters are causing to the innocent people in the other Middle East countries. By the way, Gaza George's new masters plus many me

Obviously, you're disappointed your heroic people didn't pulverize all of Gaza, better luck next time.

"Massive artillery shelling may have caused numerous civilian fatalities in Gaza
It is thought that at least 32,000 artillery shells were fired during Protective Edge, four times as much as in Cast Lead in 2008.
Each 43 kilogram artillery shell is designed to kill everything within a 50 meter radius of where it lands, and wound everything within 100 meters.

Aren't you proud of the misery the Jewish state has brought to Palestin?

Massive artillery shelling may have caused numerous civilian fatalities in Gaza - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

Does anyone really think that Gaza George ever thinks about the misery that his new masters have caused to innocent people in the other Middle East countries. No Jews involved so Gaza George closes his eyes to what is happening. Meanwhile, Gaza George's new masters with the help of the media have lied about so many things with regard to this conflict.

Journalist Corrects a Gaza Lie With Another Lie | HonestReporting
911 changed everything, including how the US and UK chose to deal with Hamas.
Prior to 911 progress was being made between UK negotiators and Hamas.
Alastair Crooke has been negotiating for decades with Muslim "extremists" and does a good job of explaining away the MSM propaganda:

"The branding of Hamas and Hesballah as ‘extremists' has its roots in a pattern of western behaviour established in the 1960s, well before Hamas was formed.

"This pattern of western behaviour consisted of reliance on ‘apolitical' Salafism, managed and funded by Saudi patrons, to contain and circumscribe firstly, ‘Nasserist' Arab nationalism; then to act as a counter-weight to the spread of Marxism in the region; to contain Soviet influence; to defeat the Soviet Union in Afghanistan; to contain the impact of Shi'ism and the Iranian Revolution; to contain the spread of ‘revolutionary' Islam; and, in Iraq, to contain al-Qae'da and the Shi'i militias.

"With each successive manifestly political use, essentially in support of perceived western and al-Saud interests, these dissidents have not only become progressively more ‘political' - they have become more violent, immoderate, intolerant and dangerous."


Can you blame the various governments for turning against the ISLAMINAZI SCUM after what they did. It should have sent the message out loud and clear that the west does not like being intimidated by ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS and will wipe them out for their attacks on innocent civilians. When you realise and understand this then you will also realise and understand that islam is finished in the west and will face expulsion if they don't stop terrorising our people.

Obviously, you're disappointed your heroic people didn't pulverize all of Gaza, better luck next time.

"Massive artillery shelling may have caused numerous civilian fatalities in Gaza
It is thought that at least 32,000 artillery shells were fired during Protective Edge, four times as much as in Cast Lead in 2008.
Each 43 kilogram artillery shell is designed to kill everything within a 50 meter radius of where it lands, and wound everything within 100 meters.

Aren't you proud of the misery the Jewish state has brought to Palestin?


YES because they deserve it for the misery they have brought to the rest of the world. How many Israeli children are traumatised by the constant bombardment of rockets, having to find shelter within less than a minute or face being murdered. Look at the hundreds if not thousands they have murdered of their own and blamed on Israel, look at the illegal military launch pads centred in civilian areas that resulted in the civilians being placed in the line of fire. You are quick to invoke the Geneva conventions when a gazan civilian is killed, but slow to see that they were killed because the terrorists put them on the front line.

Each rocket is aimed at a child because those targets generate the most impact, so the retaliation to such acts must be as brutal in their impact. For the record it is the Palestinians that brought the misery to gaza, they have the power to stop it all but know they will lose the blood money if they do.
I make no attempt to respond to Sally's posts "properly" since she's incapable of responding to any allegations of Israeli misconduct other than by spamming more evidence of Muslim crimes against humanity. I suspect she's paid to deflect; what about you?

Are you capable of responding to the hamas misconduct in the manner it deserves. Start with condemning them for using the civilians as human shields, then try their use of illegal weapons to cause the most damage to Israeli children.
Here is an interesting article.


From the article:

Let's state the obvious: No one likes to see dead children. Well, that's not completely true: Hamas does. They would prefer those children to be Jewish, but there is greater value to them if they are Palestinian. Outmatched by Israel's military, handicapped by rocket launchers with the steady hands of Barney Fife, Hamas is playing the long game of moral revulsion.

With this conflict about to enter its third week, winning the PR war is the best Hamas can hope to achieve. Their weapon of choice, however, seems to be the cannon fodder of their own people, performing double duty in also sounding the drumbeat of Israeli condemnation. If you can't beat Iron Dome, then deploy sacrificial children as human shields.

Civilian casualties will continue to mount. The evolving story will focus on the collateral damage of Palestinian lives. Israel's moral dilemma will receive little attention. Each time the ledgers of relative loss are reported, world public opinion will turn against the Jewish state and box Israel into an even tighter corner of the Middle East.

All the ordinary rules of warfare are upended in Gaza. Everything about this conflict is asymmetrical—Hamas wears no uniforms and they don't meet Israeli soldiers on battlefields. With the exception of kaffiyeh scarves, it isn't possible to distinguish a Hamas militant from a noncombatant pharmacist. In Vietnam, the U.S. military learned guerrilla warfare in jungles. In Gaza, the Jewish state has had to adapt to the altogether surreal terrain of apartment complexes and schoolhouses.

There are now reports that Hamas and Islamic Jihad are transporting themselves throughout Gaza in ambulances packed with children. Believe it or not, a donkey laden with explosives detonated just the other day.
Evidently Gaza George has no problem for the misery his new masters are causing to the innocent people in the other Middle East countries. By the way, Gaza George's new masters plus many me

Does anyone really think that Gaza George ever thinks about the misery that his new masters have caused to innocent people in the other Middle East countries. No Jews involved so Gaza George closes his eyes to what is happening. Meanwhile, Gaza George's new masters with the help of the media have lied about so many things with regard to this conflict.

Journalist Corrects a Gaza Lie With Another Lie | HonestReporting

I find it very strange that this person is not at all concerned about the deaths caused worldwide by Islamic terrorists. I wonder if he starts threads when Islamic terrorists shoot children or cut their arms off?
Can you blame the various governments for turning against the ISLAMINAZI SCUM after what they did. It should have sent the message out loud and clear that the west does not like being intimidated by ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS and will wipe them out for their attacks on innocent civilians. When you realise and understand this then you will also realise and understand that islam is finished in the west and will face expulsion if they don't stop terrorising our people.
Hamas had nothing to do with 911, remember?
15 Saudis collapsed three steel-framed skyscrapers with two magical airliners and Jews danced in the streets of New Jersey.
Another Pro Palestinian lie

Hamas Covenant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 2010 Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal stated that the Charter is "a piece of history and no longer relevant, but cannot be changed for internal reasons."[6] Hamas have moved away from its charter since it decided to go for political office.[7] In 2009 interviews with the BBC, Tony Blair claimed that Hamas does not accept the existence of Israel and continues to pursue its objectives through terror and violence; Sir Jeremy Greenstock however argued that Hamas has not adopted its charter as part of its political program since it won the Palestinian legislative election, 2006.[8] Instead it has moved to a more secular stance.[7] In 2008, the Hamas leader in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, stated that Hamas would agree to accept a Palestinian state along the 1967 borders, and to offer a long-term truce with Israel.[9] In contrast to this, Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zahar stated that any talk of the 1967 lines is "just a phase" until Hamas has a chance to "regain the land...even if we [Hamas] have to do so inch by inch."[10] Other Hamas leaders, including Ismail Haniyah and Khaled Meshaal have also stated repeatedly that "Palestine – from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea, from its north to its south – is our land, our right, and our homeland. There will be no relinquishing or forsaking even an inch or small part of it,"[11] and that "we shall not relinquish the Islamic waqf on the land of Palestine, and Jerusalem shall not be divided into Western and Eastern Jerusalem. Jerusalem is a single united [city], and Palestine stretches from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, and from Naqoura [Rosh Ha-Niqra] to Umm Al-Rashrash [Eilat] in the south."[12][13]

CAMERA: The Facts About Hamas

Hamas accepts 1967 borders, but will never recognize Israel, top official says Israel News | Haaretz

I give you news reports and you call it lies. Read the news and stay current with what is actually taking place.
YES because they deserve it for the misery they have brought to the rest of the world. How many Israeli children are traumatised by the constant bombardment of rockets, having to find shelter within less than a minute or face being murdered. Look at the hundreds if not thousands they have murdered of their own and blamed on Israel, look at the illegal military launch pads centred in civilian areas that resulted in the civilians being placed in the line of fire. You are quick to invoke the Geneva conventions when a gazan civilian is killed, but slow to see that they were killed because the terrorists put them on the front line.

Each rocket is aimed at a child because those targets generate the most impact, so the retaliation to such acts must be as brutal in their impact. For the record it is the Palestinians that brought the misery to gaza, they have the power to stop it all but know they will lose the blood money if they do.
When Jews end their "creeping annexation" of Palestine, Palestinians will end their resistance. It is your people who have been colonizing Palestine for the last hundred years; you began with a lie about "A Land Without a People for a People without a Land, remember? Since 1948 you have stolen the vast majority of historical Palestine, yet you always WHINE LOUDLY whenever your millions of victims resist. Eventually, you will just have to accept the hard fact that Jews are just NOT that special.
Are you capable of responding to the hamas misconduct in the manner it deserves. Start with condemning them for using the civilians as human shields, then try their use of illegal weapons to cause the most damage to Israeli children.
Document one case where Hamas has been convicted of using human shields.

"Prior to 2008-2009 Gaza War[edit]
Amnesty International[14] and Human Rights Watch[15] said the Israel Defense Forces used Palestinian civilians as human shields during the 2002 Battle of Jenin. The Israelihuman rights group B'Tselem said that 'for a long period of time following the outbreak of the second intifada, particularly during Operation Defensive Shield, in April 2002, the IDF systematically used Palestinian civilians as human shields, forcing them to carry out military actions which threatened their lives'.[16][17] Al Mezan reported the systematic use of 'human shields"
' during the invasion of Beit Hanoun in 2004.[18]

Human shield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Here is an interesting article.


From the article:

Let's state the obvious: No one likes to see dead children. Well, that's not completely true: Hamas does. They would prefer those children to be Jewish, but there is greater value to them if they are Palestinian. Outmatched by Israel's military, handicapped by rocket launchers with the steady hands of Barney Fife, Hamas is playing the long game of moral revulsion.

With this conflict about to enter its third week, winning the PR war is the best Hamas can hope to achieve. Their weapon of choice, however, seems to be the cannon fodder of their own people, performing double duty in also sounding the drumbeat of Israeli condemnation. If you can't beat Iron Dome, then deploy sacrificial children as human shields.

Civilian casualties will continue to mount. The evolving story will focus on the collateral damage of Palestinian lives. Israel's moral dilemma will receive little attention. Each time the ledgers of relative loss are reported, world public opinion will turn against the Jewish state and box Israel into an even tighter corner of the Middle East.

All the ordinary rules of warfare are upended in Gaza. Everything about this conflict is asymmetrical—Hamas wears no uniforms and they don't meet Israeli soldiers on battlefields. With the exception of kaffiyeh scarves, it isn't possible to distinguish a Hamas militant from a noncombatant pharmacist. In Vietnam, the U.S. military learned guerrilla warfare in jungles. In Gaza, the Jewish state has had to adapt to the altogether surreal terrain of apartment complexes and schoolhouses.

There are now reports that Hamas and Islamic Jihad are transporting themselves throughout Gaza in ambulances packed with children. Believe it or not, a donkey laden with explosives detonated just the other day.
Most of your article is behind a paywall.
Are you Jewish?
I notice Thane Rosenbaum didn't use the word "occupation" to describe the recent events in Gaza.
Why do you imagine the WSJ would omit that bit of important context?
Hamas had nothing to do with 911, remember?
15 Saudis collapsed three steel-framed skyscrapers with two magical airliners and Jews danced in the streets of New Jersey.

And the claims by the terrorists were that it was done in the name of the Palestinians, the Iraqis and all the muslims perceived to be oppressed by non Islamic nations
When Jews end their "creeping annexation" of Palestine, Palestinians will end their resistance. It is your people who have been colonizing Palestine for the last hundred years; you began with a lie about "A Land Without a People for a People without a Land, remember? Since 1948 you have stolen the vast majority of historical Palestine, yet you always WHINE LOUDLY whenever your millions of victims resist. Eventually, you will just have to accept the hard fact that Jews are just NOT that special.

Once again I ask for a link from a non partisan non ISLAMONAZI source to substantiate your claims. The vast majority of historical Palestine is under Islamic rule in the nations of Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. And don't forget that the lands legal owners had already promised ALL of Palestine to the Jews, this was commuted to less than 5% when the Jews were finally allowed to show free determination and declare their intentions of going for a nation of their own. Firing illegal WMD's at children is not resisting it is a WAR CRIME AND A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. Time to start making those arrests of hamas members to stand trial for their crimes, and face the hangmans noose as the only possible sentence.
And the claims by the terrorists were that it was done in the name of the Palestinians, the Iraqis and all the muslims perceived to be oppressed by non Islamic nations
Do you mean the hundreds of thousand of Palestinians who were perceived to lose their homes, businesses, farms, and bank accounts when the heroic Jews unleashed al-Nakba? Or the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians who were perceived to die from US actions between 1991 and 2001?
Document one case where Hamas has been convicted of using human shields.

"Prior to 2008-2009 Gaza War[edit]
Amnesty International[14] and Human Rights Watch[15] said the Israel Defense Forces used Palestinian civilians as human shields during the 2002 Battle of Jenin. The Israelihuman rights group B'Tselem said that 'for a long period of time following the outbreak of the second intifada, particularly during Operation Defensive Shield, in April 2002, the IDF systematically used Palestinian civilians as human shields, forcing them to carry out military actions which threatened their lives'.[16][17] Al Mezan reported the systematic use of 'human shields"
' during the invasion of Beit Hanoun in 2004.[18]

Human shield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you are using two proven ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATING groups as proof that Israel has been convicted of using human shields. How about the words of hamas themselves when they admitted not once by many times of using women, children and the infirm as human shields. Then the recent reports by journalists that show hamas is using women, children and disabled as human shields, and protected non combatant journalists as well.

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