What does it say about republicans when the top two polling candidates have no political experience

It tells us that we are following the founders vision of a government not run by professional politicians.

Why do you want corrupt politicians running your life?


It seems like every administration, we complain about professional politicians. Then when we have the opportunity to change that, people complain they want professional politicians.
Oh gee you people FINALLY found a poll where Hillary is no longer the clear cut winner for president. It is however one poll and it really means jack shit. I hope Trump is the nominee. Any idiot would tell you Hillary would win by a landslide.

This is how a trend changes son. ONE POLL at a time.

Trump has charisma, money, and massive momentum. Good luck!

Charisma perhaps, but he is still dumb as a rock. Trust me he has already begun to unravel. Hear that radio interview? He couldn't keep any foreign policy information straight. He made a total ass of himself.

I don't expect him to know the name of every splinter terror group leader out there. He's not a politician.

Dumb as a rock? Not even close son. He went to Wharton. He's very intelligent. Try again.
Well gee shouldn't he learn them? Trust me this isn't the only crap he doesn't know.

You're grasping at straws kid.

He built the Trump Towers and dozens of other buildings, do you think he knew how to install the roof and waterproofing system? Did he know the exact type of adhesives and screws that hold the roof down? Does he need to know the size of the counter weights in the elevators? The name and type of refrigerant used in the buildings power plant? t Of course not. He hires people to do that. That's what leaders do. That's what he'll do when he is the POTUS.

That is what happens. Nobody can take the White House claiming to be an expert on everything, so they hire experts for each department.

The President is presented with facts and figures, and then uses that professionals input to make a decision one way or another.

Obama doesn't have a good record of that. He was advised by our military experts to NOT trade five of our most important prisoners for some lowly American deserter. He was advised by every one of his military experts to stay in Iraq, but instead, he pulled us out and gave the country to ISIS.

I don't think Trump would have done either of those things, so already we can see how Trump would be an improvement. He may not be able to answer questions about terrorist organizations, but I'd be willing to bet after Benghazi, he wouldn't have sent his flea bags in front of every American camera to lie about his mistake.
"What does it say about republicans when the top two polling candidates have no political experience"

It says that most republicans have a naïve, sophomoric perception of politics and the presidency, that they incorrectly believe the country can be 'run like a business,' when in fact nothing could be further form the truth.

It illustrates the contempt most on the right have for critical thinking, objective, documented facts and evidence that conflict with rightist dogma, and their propensity to adhere blindly to that failed dogma in spite of the facts.

So what makes a business successful? Profit for one. Good business decisions another, and more importantly, giving their customers what they want.

How could that strategy not be good for running a country? Not borrowing money to the tune of trillions, spending money where it's truly needed and not on NPR. Giving the American people what they want is a good one as well.

No, we really need to run this country like a business. Running it like politicians want to doesn't seem to be working real well.

That's what Warren Harding said. 'More business in government and less government in business.' This led to the stock market bubble and the great depression. Reagan had a similar philosophy and he took us from being a creditor nation to a debtor nation. The profit motive doesn't give a damn about it's effect on we the people. It's only loyalty is to the bottom line.

Well let me put it this way: if our politicians ran our businesses in America, there wouldn't be one left considering the decisions they make in government, but if our businessmen ran the government they way they do business, we would probably see success like we see in businesses.
Why do you even ask since the democrat side put up Obama whose political experience was basically voting present and saying he wouldn't run for President? Are you now being two faced by asking such a question?

I know you were leaning towards voting Republican but since you feel so strongly about candidates with little or no experience I think you should stick with the establishment Mrs. Clinton. You certainly make a very good point in that we do not want to repeat the same grievous mistake made the last two election cycles. The country will be lucky to survive those mistakes.
Well, despite your opinion filled OP, answering your title question, imo, it shows that the GOP voters is sick and tired of the crap job the GOP establishment is doing.

Yes. GOP chances are grim. That is what happens when your immigration policy is to import as many Third World voters as possible.

Responsible, traditionally American policies stop selling with the increasingly NOT Traditional American population.
Even if it is a good idea to go with candidates with zero political experience, why would you support one as immature and dumb as Trump?

Because the left hates him, I see no other reason but that one is good enough.
"What does it say about republicans when the top two polling candidates have no political experience"

It says that most republicans have a naïve, sophomoric perception of politics and the presidency, that they incorrectly believe the country can be 'run like a business,' when in fact nothing could be further form the truth.

It illustrates the contempt most on the right have for critical thinking, objective, documented facts and evidence that conflict with rightist dogma, and their propensity to adhere blindly to that failed dogma in spite of the facts.

So what makes a business successful? Profit for one. Good business decisions another, and more importantly, giving their customers what they want.

How could that strategy not be good for running a country? Not borrowing money to the tune of trillions, spending money where it's truly needed and not on NPR. Giving the American people what they want is a good one as well.

No, we really need to run this country like a business. Running it like politicians want to doesn't seem to be working real well.

NPR gets very little taxpayer funding, which is why they always have funding drives. Some of the top moochers are big agriculture and big oil. Especially big oil since they use the US military for protecting their interests in the middle east. This keeps them from having to hire their own mercenaries.

Big oil is in the interest of every American. If gasoline went up to $8.00 per gallon today, you would see an economic crash like you've never experienced.

NPR gets plenty of money when you consider the money they get from other taxpayer funded associations. And for those people that contribute the rest in cash donations, those donations are a tax write-off which is another loss of money collected from our government:

Taxpayers Provide More Than 25 Percent of NPR's Funding, Analyst Says
Published November 13, 2010

Taxpayers Provide More Than 25 Percent of NPR's Funding, Analyst Says
Republicans would not stop harping on the inexperience of Obama in the 2008 campaign yet now their two top candidates for 2016 have never even seen public office.

Moreover, Trump has virtually no policy ideas whatsoever besides his plan to deport all illegals, which, in reality would cost a quarter of a trillion and take decades to implement according to the CBO. How can republicans be so naive to support this Neanderthal? We have no earthly idea what Trump would do as president and neither does Trump himself. He's just a drama queen craving attention.

Ben Carson has such ridiculous socially conservative views that I have a hard time believing he even actually genuinely believes in them. A retired neurosurgeon could not be this dumb. I think he just spouts that crap because he knows all of the dumb rednecks in this country would go ape shit over it.

Repubs need to realize that there is no way in hell independents and democrats would ever vote for these douche bags. Right now, I think the GOP's chances in 2016 are looking grim.

I can actually say the same thing about Hillary. No real experience. Perhaps we should reelect her husband.
I don't expect him to know the name of every splinter terror group leader out there. He's not a politician.

Dumb as a rock? Not even close son. He went to Wharton. He's very intelligent. Try again.
I've got news for you - anyone running for president is a politician.
Reality. Why do you think people applaud him for telling bush to speak english?

Anger over unwanted negative change.

As is right and proper.
And another example of a trump supporter fitting my description of them

Being angry over unwanted negative change is not "racist, nativist, idiotic".
No, but the characterization as unwanted negative change of a spanish response is

Speaking Spanish is not the issue. The reasons for the need to speak spanish is.

Those reasons are mostly negative and unwanted, which is a reason to be angry.

But you have to play the Race Card because you can't honestly defend your policy of defacto open borders.
speaking spanish was 100% the issue. he was asked a question in spanish and answered in kind. the only reason people want to jump on him over it is because once again trump played up to their jingoistic natures. and i have no policy of open borders - neither does anyone else.

once people become serious about the primaries trump will no longer lead the pack. i still have faith that the republicans will choose an adult.
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"What does it say about republicans when the top two polling candidates have no political experience"

It says that most republicans have a naïve, sophomoric perception of politics and the presidency, that they incorrectly believe the country can be 'run like a business,' when in fact nothing could be further form the truth.

It illustrates the contempt most on the right have for critical thinking, objective, documented facts and evidence that conflict with rightist dogma, and their propensity to adhere blindly to that failed dogma in spite of the facts.

So what makes a business successful? Profit for one. Good business decisions another, and more importantly, giving their customers what they want.

How could that strategy not be good for running a country? Not borrowing money to the tune of trillions, spending money where it's truly needed and not on NPR. Giving the American people what they want is a good one as well.

No, we really need to run this country like a business. Running it like politicians want to doesn't seem to be working real well.

NPR gets very little taxpayer funding, which is why they always have funding drives. Some of the top moochers are big agriculture and big oil. Especially big oil since they use the US military for protecting their interests in the middle east. This keeps them from having to hire their own mercenaries.

Big oil is in the interest of every American. If gasoline went up to $8.00 per gallon today, you would see an economic crash like you've never experienced.

NPR gets plenty of money when you consider the money they get from other taxpayer funded associations. And for those people that contribute the rest in cash donations, those donations are a tax write-off which is another loss of money collected from our government:

Taxpayers Provide More Than 25 Percent of NPR's Funding, Analyst Says
Published November 13, 2010

Taxpayers Provide More Than 25 Percent of NPR's Funding, Analyst Says

Mark Browning of the American Thinker, a conservative online publication, made his calculations based on publicly available information on NPR's website.

But an NPR spokeswoman said Browning's "figures and assumptions are simply inaccurate."

A report by Congress' research arm, released late last month, could only identify about 4 percent in public funding to NPR."

Republicans would not stop harping on the inexperience of Obama in the 2008 campaign yet now their two top candidates for 2016 have never even seen public office.

Moreover, Trump has virtually no policy ideas whatsoever besides his plan to deport all illegals, which, in reality would cost a quarter of a trillion and take decades to implement according to the CBO. How can republicans be so naive to support this Neanderthal? We have no earthly idea what Trump would do as president and neither does Trump himself. He's just a drama queen craving attention.

Ben Carson has such ridiculous socially conservative views that I have a hard time believing he even actually genuinely believes in them. A retired neurosurgeon could not be this dumb. I think he just spouts that crap because he knows all of the dumb rednecks in this country would go ape shit over it.

Repubs need to realize that there is no way in hell independents and democrats would ever vote for these douche bags. Right now, I think the GOP's chances in 2016 are looking grim.

Maybe we're onto something? Look at the fucking mess these experienced political insiders have given us.. and BTW... Obama had slim to none... h was at best a classroom theoretician.
Oh so it was not okay that Obama was inexperience yet you think you're "onto something" when you support idiots with no experience? How about you just admit that you look for any reason to bitch about Obama?

Calm down. These lay conservatives may have finally figured it out. It is not the process, but the people who runs it that makes government crappy.

Looks like the chickens have come home to roost for the political establishment!
Republicans would not stop harping on the inexperience of Obama in the 2008 campaign yet now their two top candidates for 2016 have never even seen public office.

Moreover, Trump has virtually no policy ideas whatsoever besides his plan to deport all illegals, which, in reality would cost a quarter of a trillion and take decades to implement according to the CBO. How can republicans be so naive to support this Neanderthal? We have no earthly idea what Trump would do as president and neither does Trump himself. He's just a drama queen craving attention.

Ben Carson has such ridiculous socially conservative views that I have a hard time believing he even actually genuinely believes in them. A retired neurosurgeon could not be this dumb. I think he just spouts that crap because he knows all of the dumb rednecks in this country would go ape shit over it.

Repubs need to realize that there is no way in hell independents and democrats would ever vote for these douche bags. Right now, I think the GOP's chances in 2016 are looking grim.

Obama had zero experience in anything worthwhile.
Trump has mad billions of dollars running different businesses.
Carson is a successful neurosurgeon, among other things.
You would think you can't do worse than Bush, but Republicans are working overtime trying to find someone worse.
No matter how fucked up Hillary and your other slobs are...none could be worse than Obabble. All time forever feckin disaster.
But you can never say why, can you?

Record 94 Million Americans Not In Labor Force...
Participation Rate Lowest Since 1977...

Record 56,253,000 Women Not Working...
Stocks Plunge After Payrolls Report...

Love the link "Stocks Plunge...." Comes up "page not available. Like your facts.

I don't have to say this one thing because it's so fucking obvious not to mention hilarious.

Job Openings Rise to the Highest Level in 14 Years

And why are the jobs available? Because too many uneducated people. Who believes education is for snobs and cuts education when ever they can? Republicans. That's one thing that can't be denied.

And you blame that on Obama?????? Dude, you are seriously screwed up. So distant from reality.
Republicans would not stop harping on the inexperience of Obama in the 2008 campaign yet now their two top candidates for 2016 have never even seen public office.

Moreover, Trump has virtually no policy ideas whatsoever besides his plan to deport all illegals, which, in reality would cost a quarter of a trillion and take decades to implement according to the CBO. How can republicans be so naive to support this Neanderthal? We have no earthly idea what Trump would do as president and neither does Trump himself. He's just a drama queen craving attention.

Ben Carson has such ridiculous socially conservative views that I have a hard time believing he even actually genuinely believes in them. A retired neurosurgeon could not be this dumb. I think he just spouts that crap because he knows all of the dumb rednecks in this country would go ape shit over it.

Repubs need to realize that there is no way in hell independents and democrats would ever vote for these douche bags. Right now, I think the GOP's chances in 2016 are looking grim.

Obama had zero experience in anything worthwhile.
Trump has mad billions of dollars running different businesses.
Carson is a successful neurosurgeon, among other things.
State Senator
Taught constitutional law at the university level for 10 years.
Organized entire communities and was part of one of the most conservative foundations in the world.
Worked on Wall Street.
Traveled all over the world.

And GOP tards describe that as zero experience in anything worthwhile? What is it? Brain damage? Victims of serious propaganda syndrome? Living in a dirty environment they want to spread to the rest of the country? What?
Republicans would not stop harping on the inexperience of Obama in the 2008 campaign yet now their two top candidates for 2016 have never even seen public office.

Moreover, Trump has virtually no policy ideas whatsoever besides his plan to deport all illegals, which, in reality would cost a quarter of a trillion and take decades to implement according to the CBO. How can republicans be so naive to support this Neanderthal? We have no earthly idea what Trump would do as president and neither does Trump himself. He's just a drama queen craving attention.

Ben Carson has such ridiculous socially conservative views that I have a hard time believing he even actually genuinely believes in them. A retired neurosurgeon could not be this dumb. I think he just spouts that crap because he knows all of the dumb rednecks in this country would go ape shit over it.

Repubs need to realize that there is no way in hell independents and democrats would ever vote for these douche bags. Right now, I think the GOP's chances in 2016 are looking grim.

Maybe we're onto something? Look at the fucking mess these experienced political insiders have given us.. and BTW... Obama had slim to none... h was at best a classroom theoretician.
Oh so it was not okay that Obama was inexperience yet you think you're "onto something" when you support idiots with no experience? How about you just admit that you look for any reason to bitch about Obama?
You brought up Obama ya dumbfuck. Or were we supposed to ignore that part?

And yes we opposed Obama for nearly any reason. His underlying philosophy is liberalism.
Now derp along dumbfuck.
Obamas political experience? Rabble rousing

Obamas real world experience? Book worm & rabble rousing.

Gop front runners political experience? Watching the left & the right destroy our country with strangulating laws & regulations that they were victims of as job creators.

Real world experience? Held real jobs. Ran real businesses. Know that liberalism is crushing our country. Want Americans to succeed despite their color not because of it.
Well, despite your opinion filled OP, answering your title question, imo, it shows that the GOP voters is sick and tired of the crap job the GOP establishment is doing.

Yes. GOP chances are grim. That is what happens when your immigration policy is to import as many Third World voters as possible.

Responsible, traditionally American policies stop selling with the increasingly NOT Traditional American population.
Even if it is a good idea to go with candidates with zero political experience, why would you support one as immature and dumb as Trump?

Because the left hates him, I see no other reason but that one is good enough.

Not just the left.
The big Republican donors hate him too.
They know he can't be bought off with political favors after an election.
This practice has to end because it wastes our tax dollars like Solyndra and has continued with each President that has been elected for a very long time.
I can sure understand their attraction to non-politicians as candidates.

Most politicians are narcissistic, dishonest thugs who are bought and paid for by special interests and who fail us on a regular basis.

But maybe the party could just come up with some better non-politicians.

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