What does it take for a woman to be President-?

What does it take for a woman to be President-?

Her health should be considered –

But gender is not mentioned in our Constitution.

Gender should not even be in the discussion.

It’s the person you are voting for;

Not the sex of the person.

In my view


You support one point of view

Someone else supports another

Such is life

In my view of things—

How about you-?

If a woman wants to become president, she should resist the temptation to talk about being the first woman president or what her election would mean to women in the hope of getting a sympathetic vote. If she does, she has made gender an issue.
One to
1. Do what Hillary did and earn the nomination
2. Go on to win the majority of electoral votes.

Can a women do it? Maybe, but we will have to wait a little longer.
What does it take for a woman to be President-?

Her health should be considered –

But gender is not mentioned in our Constitution.

Gender should not even be in the discussion.

It’s the person you are voting for;

Not the sex of the person.

In my view


You support one point of view

Someone else supports another

Such is life

In my view of things—

How about you-?


She should be honest, accomplished, and reasonable.

Something that none of the leading female candidates have been.

Nikki Haley would make an outstanding president in my opinion.
What does it take for a woman to be President-?

Her health should be considered –

But gender is not mentioned in our Constitution.

Gender should not even be in the discussion.

It’s the person you are voting for;

Not the sex of the person.

In my view


You support one point of view

Someone else supports another

Such is life

In my view of things—

How about you-?


She should be honest, accomplished, and reasonable.

Something that none of the leading female candidates have been.

Nikki Haley would make an outstanding president in my opinion.
Nikki in 2024.
All that's needed for a woman to be voted President, is the same thing for a man....Ideas that the majority of the voting public agrees with, and able to put in the work to get elected...
What does it take for a woman to be President-?

Her health should be considered –

But gender is not mentioned in our Constitution.

Gender should not even be in the discussion.

It’s the person you are voting for;

Not the sex of the person.

In my view


You support one point of view

Someone else supports another

Such is life

In my view of things—

How about you-?


a sex change operation

(is joke)
Some people have convinced me, given the tenor of the times, to question what is a "woman", perhaps Obama was the first trans pan dimensional time traveling woMAN of trans color species (in the future, it will be fully determined) Obama was also part Dolphin-Oak hybrid that that split in half like tapeworms. The male-female model is a complete fabrication because the liberals say so.

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