What does it take for a woman to be President-?

What does it take for a woman to be President-?

Her health should be considered –

But gender is not mentioned in our Constitution.

Gender should not even be in the discussion.

It’s the person you are voting for;

Not the sex of the person.

In my view


You support one point of view

Someone else supports another

Such is life

In my view of things—

How about you-?


What does it take?
  1. Vagina
  2. Tits bigger than Donald Trump's.
Tulsi Gabbard has all of these traits and I believe she's the only female politician that would make a decent president.
^^^ would never vote for her
THAT'S because you have NO political smarts. Look at her policies, well, just LOOK at her! If she were the Dem nominee, I'd actually consider voting for her over Trump. She's MUCH better looking than the Donald, and her voice is mesmerizing.

So, you would vote for free college and medicare for all just because of a nice pair of tits?
What does it take for a woman to be President-?

Her health should be considered –

But gender is not mentioned in our Constitution.

Gender should not even be in the discussion.

It’s the person you are voting for;

Not the sex of the person.

In my view


You support one point of view

Someone else supports another

Such is life

In my view of things—

How about you-?

don't care about gender. i care about being able to get things accomplished for all of us in as much as possible. if i had a bonus talent for a president, male or female, a unique ability to bring together, not troll and stir shit up.
What does it take for a woman to be President-?

Her health should be considered –

But gender is not mentioned in our Constitution.

Gender should not even be in the discussion.

It’s the person you are voting for;

Not the sex of the person.

In my view


You support one point of view

Someone else supports another

Such is life

In my view of things—

How about you-?

Smarts, toughness and charisma. The Hildebeast had NONE of these. While intelligent in other areas, she had/has no political smarts whatsoever. Tulsi Gabbard has all of these traits and I believe she's the only female politician that would make a decent president.
RE: the thread question.

1. It takes a woman who speaks like a lady.

a. Her words should be gentle and kind and thoughtful and rational.

b. She should not criticize her opponents.

2. It takes a woman who dresses like a lady.

a. She should wear only dresses or a skirt.

3. She should propose sensible and practical policies.

In short, for a woman to be president, she should act like an adult (something that very few male or female politicians do).
What does it take for a woman to be President-?

Her health should be considered –

But gender is not mentioned in our Constitution.

Gender should not even be in the discussion.

It’s the person you are voting for;

Not the sex of the person.

In my view


You support one point of view

Someone else supports another

Such is life

In my view of things—

How about you-?


Quite simple actually...convince Condi Rice to run in the election after this one!
Tulsi Gabbard has all of these traits and I believe she's the only female politician that would make a decent president.
^^^ would never vote for her
THAT'S because you have NO political smarts. Look at her policies, well, just LOOK at her! If she were the Dem nominee, I'd actually consider voting for her over Trump. She's MUCH better looking than the Donald, and her voice is mesmerizing.

So, you would vote for free college and medicare for all just because of a nice pair of tits?
hey - i think she's attractive to be sure but that has zero to do with ability to do a job. given a bucket of mop water can look better than trump i don't get the comparison anyway. :)

not a fan of her position on many issues, but the fact she called the "progressive" dems out was a huge plus to me.
Wasn’t Obama our first female president? I’m confused
What does it take for a woman to be President-?

Her health should be considered –

But gender is not mentioned in our Constitution.

Gender should not even be in the discussion.

It’s the person you are voting for;

Not the sex of the person.

In my view


You support one point of view

Someone else supports another

Such is life

In my view of things—

How about you-?


Someone like Condoleezza Rice could win but someone like Warren or even Hillary can not...

Tell me when Warren had an original thought and not stole someone idea?
What does it take for a woman to be President-?

Her health should be considered –

But gender is not mentioned in our Constitution.

Gender should not even be in the discussion.

It’s the person you are voting for;

Not the sex of the person.

In my view


You support one point of view

Someone else supports another

Such is life

In my view of things—

How about you-?


Someone like Condoleezza Rice could win but someone like Warren or even Hillary can not...

Tell me when Warren had an original thought and not stole someone idea?
would LOVE to see her get involved again.

we seem to have chased away all the sane people from even WANTING to be in office.
What does it take for a woman to be President-?

Her health should be considered –

But gender is not mentioned in our Constitution.

Gender should not even be in the discussion.

It’s the person you are voting for;

Not the sex of the person.

In my view


You support one point of view

Someone else supports another

Such is life

In my view of things—

How about you-?


What will it take for a woman to be President? It will take her not being a radical leftist tyrant.
Tulsi is the darling of the Breitbart/Infowars crowd.

Not really. They'd throw her under the bus just as quickly as the establishment dems did if she was debating Trump. Most of em anyway.

People who are serious about ending the endless military spending and unconstitutional foreign occupation like her for her position on working to end it. And there are those who understand that the nomination process is rigged on both theoretical sides, the RNC and the DNC. Other than that, she's your standard Democrat.

The neocons on the Dem side are basically giving her the same treatment that the neocons on the Republican side gave to Ron Paul.

Gabbard is actually the best democrat to run against Trump. If the dems had an once of common sense they'd nominate her. Then you'd see just how quickly the folks on the so-called right turn on her. Neither Sanders or Biden will debate Trump in a civilized, adult manner, and Trump will gladly do the same in return. Gabbard would force a serious debate, even if the debate moderators tried to keep it Romper Roomish, which they always do.

If they were to put Gabbard up against Trump, it'd scare the crap outta the Republicans. Fact of the matter is that Trump is a big-government spender. His 2021 fiscal budget is the largest in American history. I see no difference in him or any other democrat. Gabbard, on the other hand would actually try to do what Trump ran on yet reneged on. And that's bring em home and stop all of that waste.

Unfortunately, the emperialist neocons have a rather strong foothold in both parties. Both parties want to keep the endless military spending going. And, so, the printing press keeps rolling and the dollar keeps tanking along with whatever little bit of purchasing power we once had.

End of the day, though it's like this. She isn't running to get elected. She's doing something totally different. She's playing a completely different game than the rest of em.

It's not always about just trying to hurry up and get elected. Sometimes it's about changing the course of history. Changing the discussion. It's a process of continuing growth.
Last edited:
What does it take for a woman to be President-?

Her health should be considered –

But gender is not mentioned in our Constitution.

Gender should not even be in the discussion.

It’s the person you are voting for;

Not the sex of the person.

In my view


You support one point of view

Someone else supports another

Such is life

In my view of things—

How about you-?

Smarts, toughness and charisma. The Hildebeast had NONE of these. While intelligent in other areas, she had/has no political smarts whatsoever. Tulsi Gabbard has all of these traits and I believe she's the only female politician that would make a decent president.

She's really pretty far left.
She just seems normal by comparison to the other loons.
What does it take for a woman to be President-?

Her health should be considered –

But gender is not mentioned in our Constitution.

Gender should not even be in the discussion.

It’s the person you are voting for;

Not the sex of the person.

In my view


You support one point of view

Someone else supports another

Such is life

In my view of things—

How about you-?


I've been ready to vote for a woman for President for over a decade...


It's not about gender, it's about vile, liberal politics.

Palin should have been the top of the ticket.
If women want to elect a woman president they need to stop running these bat shit crazy liberal freaks like Warren and corrupt lying law breakers like Hillary.
RE: the thread question.

1. It takes a woman who speaks like a lady.

a. Her words should be gentle and kind and thoughtful and rational.

b. She should not criticize her opponents.

2. It takes a woman who dresses like a lady.

a. She should wear only dresses or a skirt.

3. She should propose sensible and practical policies.

In short, for a woman to be president, she should act like an adult (something that very few male or female politicians do).

I laugh
Fair looking, fit, well spoken, educated, friendly, decent sense of humor, prior military/swamp a posible plus,well informed on international clusterfuckism.......

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