What does Putin have on Trump?


That article could have been written by an Onion writer. The fact that Salon published it shows how far off the deep end you left wing whackos are swimming.
One could always wonder what Putin has on any world leader.



Does Trump have a point about Obama and Russia?

Tom Donilon, former national security adviser, says ‘no doubt about it’ Obama should have done more about Russia hacking of 2016 election.



Did President Obama “choke,” as his successor has now taken to claiming, by failing to respond more aggressively to the Russian hacking of the 2016 election?

For President Trump to say so carries more than a whiff of hypocrisy given that even now he refuses to unreservedly accept that the Russians were responsible and in nearly six months in office has done nothing about it himself. But even top Democrats are now increasingly acknowledging that he may have a point about Obama.

Obama’s former national security adviser, Thomas Donilon, says as much in a new interview for The Global Politico, telling me there’s “no doubt about it” that Obama should have publicly pinned the blame on the Russians much sooner and taken more aggressive steps to retaliate.


Does Trump have a point about Obama and Russia?


Uncovering the Russia ties of Hillary’s campaign chief
By Peter Schweizer

July 5, 2017


Lawmakers failed to seize on an alarming development in the Russia collusion story last week, one that should spark serious and immediate congressional inquiry.

But it didn’t involve President Trump or his administration.

During a heated Fox Business interview with Maria Bartiromo, Hillary Clinton’s former campaign chief John Podesta made a series of misleading statements when questioned about his involvement in a company that received $35 million from the Russian government while Clinton served as secretary of state.

On Jan. 18, 2011, a small green-energy company named Joule Unlimited announced Podesta’s appointment to its board. Months later, Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin, pumped $35 million into Joule. Serving alongside Podesta on Joule’s board were senior Russian official Anatoly Chubais and oligarch Ruben Vardanyan, who has been appointed by Putin to a Russian economic modernization council.

Bartiromo asked Podesta why he failed to disclose his role in Joule as required by law when he entered the White House in January 2014 to serve as counselor to President Barack Obama.


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Could it be financial, political, or sexual? If Trump has been compromised - we are now at the mercy of Putin. This is yet another reason why we should see Trump's tax returns.

Does Vladimir Putin really own Donald Trump? It’s more likely than you think

Agree with you 100%

1. Trump insists on having several people in his campaign that have strong Russian connections. Michael Flynn & Paul Manafort his former campaign manager. Both neglected to register as foreign agents until they were forced to by the DOJ and after they were caught lying under oath and fired or off the campaign.
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent
Michael Flynn registers as foreign agent, earned $530K lobbying

2. Trump tries to protect Flynn. Trump pressures Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn--then Trump fires Comey--blaming a report by Deputy attorney General Rod Rosensteins report, but then gets on an NBC interview with Lester Holt and admits that he fired Comey over the Russian investigation. Trump is trying to protect Michael Flynn. Flynn asked for immunity citing he's got a story to tell.
EXCLUSIVE: President Trump reveals he asked Comey whether he was under investigation
Flynn seeks immunity for testimony - CNNPolitics.com

3. Trump meets with the Russians, blocks out American media, lets Russian media in. In the process he gives the Russians sensitive classified information, that had not gone through the process of being declassified.
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador


U.S. Intelligence agents warned Isreali Intelligence not to give Trump any sensitive information, concerned that he may be COMPROMISED by the Russians.
US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him

Jerad Kushner--Trump's son in law asks the Russian Ambassador for a private secure line to the Kremlin.
Russian ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin

Trump meets with Putin during the summit last week and proposes a cyber security union-LOL

With the above known FACTS--I am laying my two cents on that Dossier file. Vladimir Putin has Trump by the cojoni's. Christopher Steele, British spy--felt it important enough to hand over to John McCain who then handed it over to James Comey.
The ex-spy who wrote the Trump dossier is nicknamed James Bond
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The OP is a self-admitted paid poster!!!

Yes, I am a paid poster. I am paid in the sense that I am comfortably retired, and my retirement affords me with sufficient income and time - of which I waste some on message boards.
Hey squaw tell the truth you get paid with cigs and firewater...:smoke::booze:
The OP is a self-admitted paid poster!!!

Yes, I am a paid poster. I am paid in the sense that I am comfortably retired, and my retirement affords me with sufficient income and time - of which I waste some on message boards.
Hey squaw tell the truth you get paid with cigs and firewater...:smoke::booze:

At least I'm not pretending to be Matt Damon looking at Che through a rifle scope. Damn, that's cheesy and warped.
I want to thank oreo for not posting that homosexual video of Shep Smith.
The OP is a self-admitted paid poster!!!

Yes, I am a paid poster. I am paid in the sense that I am comfortably retired, and my retirement affords me with sufficient income and time - of which I waste some on message boards.
Hey squaw tell the truth you get paid with cigs and firewater...:smoke::booze:

At least I'm not pretending to be Matt Damon looking at Che through a rifle scope. Damn, that's cheesy and warped.
Said the wolf on a rock howling at the moon like a moonbat, my pic gets under most libtarts skin and puts them in the stroke zone...:tinfoil:
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The OP is a self-admitted paid poster!!!

Yes, I am a paid poster. I am paid in the sense that I am comfortably retired, and my retirement affords me with sufficient income and time - of which I waste some on message boards.
Hey squaw tell the truth you get paid with cigs and firewater...:smoke::booze:

At least I'm not pretending to be Matt Damon looking at Che through a rifle scope. Damn, that's cheesy and warped.
My pic gets under most libtarts skin and puts them in the stroke zone...:tinfoil:

It's just so weird. Oh, now I get it...
The OP is a self-admitted paid poster!!!

Yes, I am a paid poster. I am paid in the sense that I am comfortably retired, and my retirement affords me with sufficient income and time - of which I waste some on message boards.

You're paid in the sense that you get moneys to post for agenda driven globalist backers, as you've admitted.

Well, then prove it, GasBag. Give us some quotes.
The OP is a self-admitted paid poster!!!

Yes, I am a paid poster. I am paid in the sense that I am comfortably retired, and my retirement affords me with sufficient income and time - of which I waste some on message boards.

You're paid in the sense that you get moneys to post for agenda driven globalist backers, as you've admitted.

Well, then prove it, GasBag. Give us some quotes.

We were both there when you admitted it. I'm not going to dignify your psycopathy.

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