What Does She Care - She's Getting Paid NOT To Work...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
After having vacationed in Hawaii during the shutdown...

After trying to sneak out of the country after her lie and in the middle of her shutdown...

Nancy gives the House a tax payer-funded 3-day weekend in the middle of her shutdown.

What Does She Care - She's Getting Paid NOT To Work...

McCarthy blasts Pelosi for giving House '3-day weekend' amid government shutdown


No rush to negotiate, compromise, or make a deal, huh, Nancy?!

It's not like Americans are suffering because you want to hurt the President's re-election chances in 2020 by refusing to now support / fund something you advocated and voted for twice in the past...

You can wait a couple more weeks to Fly for free on Mil-Air and get FREE (tax payer-funded) booze and food....

As soon as the govt re-opens you can declare bictory & claim you 'worked' hard for that (personal / party) 'win' to justify leaving the country on another ta payer-funded vacation / junket....

Anyone who believes she is doing any of this ' for the American people's is dumber than Hillary and as gullible as a snowflake organizing / marching for Putin...which many did between 2014 - 2016...

53% of Americans and 71% of federal workers believe she is doing it for the American people.
53% of Americans and 71% of federal workers believe she is doing it for the American people.

That's a LOT of f*ing stupid people...

...then again the same people saying this / pushing these numbers are the same assholes that just reported the President ordered Cohen to lie for him and the same people who reported fake news about Catholic students while declaring they should be punched in the face, burned alive, and thrown into wood chippers...
53% of Americans and 71% of federal workers believe she is doing it for the American people.

That's a LOT of f*ing stupid people...

...then again the same people saying this / pushing these numbers are the same assholes that just reported the President ordered Cohen to lie for him and the same people who reported fake news about Catholic students while declaring they should be punched in the face, burned alive, and thrown into wood chippers...

Yes, the majority of the country thinks you and Trump are nuts.
Yes, the majority of the country thinks you and Trump are nuts.

Thank you, CNN, for that delightful fake news story. Now why don't you call for some children to be thrown into a wood chipper to complete your propaganda-filled divisive narrative...
Dear God how many of these dopey threads must we suffer through .

ITS TRUMPS SHUTDOWN. ! He said it himself !
Wonder if Pelousy will donate her check to the furloughed Fed workers should couldn't care less about??

Nah. Never mind.
53% of Americans and 71% of federal workers believe she is doing it for the American people.
Doing what for the American people?

Spending their money on vacations and $52,000 worth of booze?

Somebody tell that space cadet to quit doing us favors.

Yup. And while you are at it ask Pelousy why she took off in the middle of a Govt. shut down??

Oh and ask her why she's against the wall she voted for twice in the past??

Enquiring voters want to know.

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