What does the future hold for Ted Nugent?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Remember when he said this?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_g9s95mGhCc]Ted Nugent Declares 'I Will Either Be Dead or in Jail' if Obama Is Re-elected - YouTube[/ame]

I'm wondering what he's gonna do, or if the stupid fucker is even serious?

I'll bet anyone that in 12 months Ted Nugent is gonna be spewing the same hate filled bullshit, and not be in jail or dead (unless he commits suicide).
But like I asked.................is he gonna hold up to his word of being either dead or in jail in the next 12 months, or is he going to be shown to be the cowardly hypocrite I'd suspected?

Matter of fact, we could ask FAUX Nooze the same question. What are THEY going to do now that they've tarnished their name so well?
I'm also betting that in 12 months he's gonna still be free, alive, and spewing his bullshit on FAUX Nooze.
Washington Times columnist and National Rifle Association board member Ted Nugent is responding to President Obama's re-election by saying that Americans "voted for economic & spiritual suicide" because Obama will "destroy America." He also referred to Obama's supporters as "subhuman varmint" and "Pimps whores & welfare brats & their soulless supporters."

Ted Nugent's Post-Election Freakout: "Subhuman Varmint" Re-Elect Obama To "Destroy America" | Blog | Media Matters for America
Like I said...........he's still gonna be feeding the rabid right wingers their red meat 13 months from now.
Nugent will continue to kill animals for fun on the Outdoor Channel. He's a serious whacko.

So people who hunt are wackos now?

for Christ's sake Nugent is a nobody, a washed up has been musician so why the fuck do you care what he says or does?
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Whatever the future holds, I hope it includes someone sewing his big, fat, mouth shut.
Remember when he said this?

I'm wondering what he's gonna do, or if the stupid fucker is even serious?

I'll bet anyone that in 12 months Ted Nugent is gonna be spewing the same hate filled bullshit, and not be in jail or dead (unless he commits suicide).

I dunno. How many Hollyweird celebrities pledged they would leave America if Bush got re-elected? How many of them actually did that?
Stupidity is bipartisan.

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