What does the GOP have to offer?


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
In a thread asking why anyone would vote Dem, when they have no plans etc... I responded with several items that obviously required planning and were subsequently carried out. I also included a couple things that are still in the planning phase.
While i don't hold the Dems in high regard, I am quick to challenge post that lack substance or logic. One poster got rather hysterical, threw a bit of a fit at being challenged to cite specifics about what the GOP has accomplished / plans they have presented that are so vastly superior to those of the Dems, and why. He insisted I start a new thread because you know, direct answers and such, well gee.
So okay, here we go. If anyone can provide something even more intellectually substantive than the usual "Because Dems suck!" or "Obama wants to entitle votes into...." and other such prattle, I would be genuinely interested in hearing it. I will not stoop to the petty insults and labeling so common here. I just haven't seen much from the GOP that would incite anyone not already Faithful to The Cause, to vote for them. So I welcome specifics about their plans and accomplishments. Cheers!
The greatest value of the two parties these days is that the Republicans save us from the Democrats and the Democrats save us from the Republicans.
Their big picture / high level concept of a more streamlined efficient government is one that I like. Unfortunately none of what they actually propose really lines up with an end result that will accomplish that. I wish they truly meant what they said and were serious about cleaning up wasteful government, instead of pretending like they do simply so they can cut aid for the poor while padding the pockets of the rich all under the false-pretense of "shrinking government".
Their big picture / high level concept of a more streamlined efficient government is one that I like. Unfortunately none of what they actually propose really lines up with an end result that will accomplish that. I wish they truly meant what they said and were serious about cleaning up wasteful government, instead of pretending like they do simply so they can cut aid for the poor while padding the pockets of the rich all under the false-pretense of "shrinking government".

What a great post! I see the same thing. they talk about shrinking both government and spending but they they propose seems to accomplish that. Instead, they offer to cut funding from programs that equate to 0.00001% of the budget but that garner termendous emotional response e.g. Planned Parenthood. Concurrently, they want more government - just more of it in the areas they prefer to have government intervene in the lives of private citizens i.e. social issues.

Not surprisingly, all the ConservaRepubs who failed miserably to cite a single redeemding attribute of the GOP, in the thread about Dems, have shied away from this one.
Good leadership
Fiscal responsibility
Personal responsibility
More money in our pockets
Sound defense policy.

Tough question.
The truth is neither party offers much of anything just the same old talking points dressed up differently.
Good leadership
Fiscal responsibility
Personal responsibility
More money in our pockets
Sound defense policy.

Tough question.

You forgot The Ability to Leap Tall Buildings in a Single Bound!

So a lovely collection of fluffy adjectives. The Dems might say the exact same kinds of things with just as much conviction and it would be just as meaningless.

Got any specifics? Accomplishments? Legislation? Detailed plans?
For example, what has the GOP actually done that has directly resulted in you having more money in your pockets?
What IS their sound defense policy? I haven't seen much i'd call sound, in the way of defense from Republicans, since Bush (The dad, not the idiot). So what is this policy and what makes it sound?
I mean, fluffy adjectives are special and all but this thread less about "The other side sucks and mine is special!" and more about discussing and citing specific actions, legislation and detailed proposals.
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I think the Paul Ryan budget gives us all a pretty good idea of what the GOP has in store for the country. Medicare that doesn't cover medical care and tax cuts for millionaires.
What does the GOP have to offer?

Currently, opposition to individual liberty, privacy rights, and equal access to the law. In addition, they support the same failed economic policies of tax cuts and government expansion that squandered a budget surplus inherited by the last republican administration.

The Nation is just beginning to heal and the economy to recover, it’s far too soon to return to the failed policies of the republican past.
What does the GOP have to offer?

Currently, opposition to individual liberty, privacy rights, and equal access to the law.
That's fluffy so I'll challenge you the same way I did the ConservaRepubs on the other post. How specifically, does the GOP oppose those things? What have they done that support such a statement.

In addition, they support the same failed economic policies of tax cuts and government expansion that squandered a budget surplus inherited by the last republican administration.

The Nation is just beginning to heal and the economy to recover, it’s far too soon to return to the failed policies of the republican past.

Okay the economic policy of tax cuts, we all know about. So kudos for a specific. How about expansion? Specifically how?
What does the GOP have to offer?

Lots of stuff.

Bankruptcy - part of the economic policy

war - it's their foreign policy

hunger - feed the poor and they will breed

ignorance - slash funding for education because less money means better teachers
What does the GOP have to offer?

Lots of stuff.

Bankruptcy - part of the economic policy

war - it's their foreign policy

hunger - feed the poor and they will breed

ignorance - slash funding for education because less money means better teachers

Your post is fluff and devoid of substance. This thread is about facts and specifics. So I invite you to offer any evidence that would support your claims. There is actually plenty to back up a couple of them.
I think the Paul Ryan budget gives us all a pretty good idea of what the GOP has in store for the country. Medicare that doesn't cover medical care and tax cuts for millionaires.

Well it speaks volumes that when an invitation to extoll the virtures of the GOP, supported by fact and substance is presented, the ConservaRepubs run for the hills.
Good leadership
Fiscal responsibility
Personal responsibility
More money in our pockets
Sound defense policy.

Tough question.

You forgot The Ability to Leap Tall Buildings in a Single Bound!

So a lovely collection of fluffy adjectives. The Dems might say the exact same kinds of things with just as much conviction and it would be just as meaningless.

Got any specifics? Accomplishments? Legislation? Detailed plans?
For example, what has the GOP actually done that has directly resulted in you having more money in your pockets?
What IS their sound defense policy? I haven't seen much i'd call sound, in the way of defense from Republicans, since Bush (The dad, not the idiot). So what is this policy and what makes it sound?
I mean, fluffy adjectives are special and all but this thread less about "The other side sucks and mine is special!" and more about discussing and citing specific actions, legislation and detailed proposals.

I pretty much saw his post as

Good leadership
Fiscal responsibility
Personal responsibility
More money in our pockets
Sound defense policy.

Tough question.

You forgot The Ability to Leap Tall Buildings in a Single Bound!

So a lovely collection of fluffy adjectives. The Dems might say the exact same kinds of things with just as much conviction and it would be just as meaningless.

Got any specifics? Accomplishments? Legislation? Detailed plans?
For example, what has the GOP actually done that has directly resulted in you having more money in your pockets?
What IS their sound defense policy? I haven't seen much i'd call sound, in the way of defense from Republicans, since Bush (The dad, not the idiot). So what is this policy and what makes it sound?
I mean, fluffy adjectives are special and all but this thread less about "The other side sucks and mine is special!" and more about discussing and citing specific actions, legislation and detailed proposals.

I pretty much saw his post as


Avatar is a "he"????

In any case, I saw the thread as the same emptiness as is always contained in posts that go along the lines of "My party is great and they suck and I have no specific reason why!"
You forgot The Ability to Leap Tall Buildings in a Single Bound!

So a lovely collection of fluffy adjectives. The Dems might say the exact same kinds of things with just as much conviction and it would be just as meaningless.

Got any specifics? Accomplishments? Legislation? Detailed plans?
For example, what has the GOP actually done that has directly resulted in you having more money in your pockets?
What IS their sound defense policy? I haven't seen much i'd call sound, in the way of defense from Republicans, since Bush (The dad, not the idiot). So what is this policy and what makes it sound?
I mean, fluffy adjectives are special and all but this thread less about "The other side sucks and mine is special!" and more about discussing and citing specific actions, legislation and detailed proposals.

I pretty much saw his post as


Avatar is a "he"????

In any case, I saw the thread as the same emptiness as is always contained in posts that go along the lines of "My party is great and they suck and I have no specific reason why!"

I figure everybody for a 'he' until they state otherwise.

Then again, I play World of Warcraft, where all the women are men.
I pretty much saw his post as


Avatar is a "he"????

In any case, I saw the thread as the same emptiness as is always contained in posts that go along the lines of "My party is great and they suck and I have no specific reason why!"

I figure everybody for a 'he' until they state otherwise.

Then again, I play World of Warcraft, where all the women are men.

Simply amazing. An open invitation to reasonably discuss why the GOP is worth a vote and no one can come up with anything.
A better chance at reduced government.. Does it always happen? Nope.. But it is more likely than with a DEM
Republicans will ...
- repeal Obamacare
- stop the EPA and unions from destroying US companies
- quit raising taxes to pay for social programs and more spending
- maintain a strong national defense
- invest in areas the Feds should like the space industry instead of the green industry

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