What does the liberals think about enhanced interrogation now?

Apparently the scared little rabid dogs can't figure out another way we could get information. It totally stumps them.

Well of course it's not the only way, but can you admit under certain circumstances it can be very effective?
Apparently the scared little rabid dogs can't figure out another way we could get information. It totally stumps them.

Well of course it's not the only way, but can you admit under certain circumstances it can be very effective?

Beating a robbery suspect with a phone book can be effective. Putting electrodes on their penis can be, too.

Your point, sadist?
I don't believe we've ever tortured anyone. You and I have a fundamental disagreement on that. Can you at least admit that enhanced integration can give us a edge on the battlefield and in combating terrorism?

John McCain is an expert on torture
I will take his word on it

EVERYONE who engages in torture has a damn good reason for it. We should not cross that line

I respect John McCain's opinion, I just happen to disagree with it. I disagree with your premise that enhance interrogation is in fact torture. I'm sure you've been asked this in this debate, but I'll ask anyway, if someone you loved was in danger and enhanced interrogation is an option in alleviating the situation, would you want the government to use it? I'm not asking you the question to prove the end justifies the means, I'm trying to see if you will admit it can be an effective measure in coercing information, as common sense would dictate.

I despise the term "enhanced interrogation" it is a polite term to justify torture. Nazis, Japs, Commies also engaged in enhanced interrogation. They had justifications that, to them, had as much weight as ours. Anybody engaged in a war is justified in torture. Capture an enemy soldier and he has information that can save lives

The tug on your heartstrings is always effective. If one of my loved ones could be saved by torture, I would want to pluck their eyeballs out. But civilized societies do not operate like that

If your daughter was in the military, would you want her tortured?

That is the line we are crossing
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Apparently the scared little rabid dogs can't figure out another way we could get information. It totally stumps them.

Well of course it's not the only way, but can you admit under certain circumstances it can be very effective?

Beating a robbery suspect with a phone book can be effective. Putting electrodes on their penis can be, too.

Your point, sadist?

I just wanted you to acknowledge that it can be effective. Those of us in favor of using it, are in favor of it because we don't agree that it's torture and we believe it's effective. Usually the people on your side of the debate, claim to disagree on both counts. I was trying to find some common ground.

In your mind you're kicking my ass.:cuckoo:
John McCain is an expert on torture
I will take his word on it

EVERYONE who engages in torture has a damn good reason for it. We should not cross that line

I respect John McCain's opinion, I just happen to disagree with it. I disagree with your premise that enhance interrogation is in fact torture. I'm sure you've been asked this in this debate, but I'll ask anyway, if someone you loved was in danger and enhanced interrogation is an option in alleviating the situation, would you want the government to use it? I'm not asking you the question to prove the end justifies the means, I'm trying to see if you will admit it can be an effective measure in coercing information, as common sense would dictate.

I despise the term "enhanced interrogation" it is a polite term to justify torture. Nazis, Japs, Commies also engaged in enhanced interrogation. They had justifications that, to them, had as much weight as ours. Anybody engaged in a war is justified in torture. Capture an enemy soldier and he has information that can save lives

The tug on your heartstrings is always effective. If one of my loved ones could be saved by torture, I would want to pluck their eyeballs out. But civilized societies do not operate like that

If your daughter was in the military, would you want her tortured?

That is the line we are crossing

If my daughter was a prisoner of war, of course I wouldn't want her tortured, but I don't think her treatment would be in any way conditional of whether or not we use enhanced interrogation on prisoners we capture. Do you have any evidence to suggest US prisoners of war received harsher treatment when we were using these techniques?
If my daughter was a prisoner of war, of course I wouldn't want her tortured, but I don't think her treatment would be in any way conditional of whether or not we use enhanced interrogation on prisoners we capture. Do you have any evidence to suggest US prisoners of war received harsher treatment when we were using these techniques?

Here ya go Rocko -- I posted this way back early in the thread so I'll bring it forward:

It's no exaggeration to say that at least half of our losses and casualties in that country (Iraq) have come at the hands of foreigners who joined the fray because of our program of detainee abuse. The number of U.S. soldiers who have died because of our torture policy will never be definitively known, but it is fair to say that it is close to the number of lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001. How anyone can say that torture keeps Americans safe is beyond me -- unless you don't count American soldiers as Americans. -- Still Tortured by What I Saw in Iraq

The writer was an Air Force counterintelligence agent and senior interrogator in Iraq.
Apparently the scared little rabid dogs can't figure out another way we could get information. It totally stumps them.

Well of course it's not the only way, but can you admit under certain circumstances it can be very effective?

OK......it is 1945 and you are a Japanese intelligence officer. You have just captured an American pilot who has information that can prevent 200,000 Japanese civilians from being killed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

What level of "enhanced interrogation" (torture) on that poor pilot is warranted to save 200,000 lives?
Just watched 0 dark 30
Very accurate according to seal who wrote book
Without GWB interrogation okay
no UBL
Movie mad point to state that libs came close to blowing the whole deal

Will give BHO kudos in the end, he did the right thing

BTW Cheney's assassination squad?

Go team 6
god bless all of them

I think the technique is fine when used correctly, like in the movie.

Unlike Republicans, I don't trust government with any increased power, especially when it comes to the #1 reason for expanding government power: national security.

Granted, I would love to live in a world where I was 100% safe on an airplane or skyscraper. Indeed, I would to love to live in a world where all evil doers were brought to justice.

But I'm with Ron Paul on this issue.

I think that with every increase in government power there is always the chance that the power itself will eventually be abused or misused because government is incompetent.

I don't view safety from Osama Bin Laden in a vacuum. I ask: "is it worth giving government the permanent power to read my emails, collect information on my purchases, track my internet use, listen to my phone calls and monitor my finances, and torture people in exchange for giving Washington the legal power to do what the CIA already does behind the scenes?" Also, contrary to the fear-mongers, I think there are an infinitesimally small number of situations where a towel-head has actionable information on a homeland terror strike. And so I ask whether or not I want to give government massive new powers to torture in exchange for a threat that is less likely than being crushed by a dropped piano. The Soviet Union secured the power to torture by using the same rationalization. Then they used that power to attack and intimidate political detractors. That's the problem with giving government power - sometimes they don't use it as intended. Unlike Republicans - who tend to trust government way more than anyone else - I pause when it comes to giving government power. For instance, what if, some day, a bad administration gained power. I don't want to make it easier for them to invade privacy and destroy Constitutional rights. I don't want to make it easier for them to monitor gun sales. I want to limit government power at every juncture. And I realize that government only asks for power when they have a publicly viable excuse like "helping" citizens or "protecting" them.

Consider the old Soviet Union. They grew police state by saying "we just want to keep you safe". And guess what JRK? Some of the Soviet Bureaucrats actually believed in keeping people safe. But once that power exists in government, it gets wielded by flawed humans. This is why libertarians don't like concentrated power. Not because they don't care about national security, but because they believe in the law of unintended consequences. They think that concentrated power is too easily abused.

So... like JRK, I'm happy that enhanced interrogation worked against OBL. However, unlike JRK, I don't trust government with the power. I view an increase in government power as more dangerous than 15 towel heads with box cutters. I realize that life is dangerous and we might occasionally be attacked. But the likelihood of dying in a terrorist attack is less than being struck by lightening. However, the likelihood of government abusing their power is far higher.

So I'm begging JRK and his ilk to stop trusting government so much. We can't afford your hysterical fear of unlikely possibilities. We can't afford how easily you were manipulated by Bush to trade security for the illusion of safety. We need you to "man up" and be your own "first-responder". We need you to take your care of your own family and stop giving Washington so much power.

(God help us because the GOP is likely coming back in 2016. And when they re-take Washington, they will use scare tactics to grow the power of Washington)

JRK - please read this. It is about Homeland Security, the largest, most wasteful, most powerful government bureaucracy ever created.
A hidden world, growing beyond control | washingtonpost.com

I'm begging you JRK. Stop listening to talk radio. Stop letting big government scare you into destroying our freedom. Stop giving big government so much power. I know you mean well, but we can no longer afford for you and your party to grow the big government surveillance state. We are losing the very freedom that defines this great nation.

Don't you think you're being a little too selective with your outrage?

After 4 years Gitmo is still open, Afghanistan is still a quagmire, the Patriot Act is stiil here and the newest incarnation of the NDAA has been signed.

Ever-expanding, evermore oppressive government comes from BOTH major parties, same as it ever was.
Exclusive: CIA nominee had detailed knowledge of "enhanced interrogation techniques"
Some former officials familiar with deliberations about the program said they don't recall Brennan voicing objections to the use of harsh interrogation techniques ... Brennan, who is now Obama's White House …Reuters · ByMark Hosenball · 1 day agoCIA nominee had detailed knowledge of "enhanced interrogation techniques"Chicago TribuneExclusive: CIA Nominee Had DetailedKknowledge Of "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques"LatinospostIn-depth coverage

Exclusive: CIA nominee had detailed knowledge of enhanced interrogation techniques | Reuters
Exclusive: CIA nominee had detailed knowledge of "enhanced interrogation techniques"
Some former officials familiar with deliberations about the program said they don't recall Brennan voicing objections to the use of harsh interrogation techniques ... Brennan, who is now Obama's White House …Reuters · ByMark Hosenball · 1 day agoCIA nominee had detailed knowledge of "enhanced interrogation techniques"Chicago TribuneExclusive: CIA Nominee Had DetailedKknowledge Of "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques"LatinospostIn-depth coverage

Exclusive: CIA nominee had detailed knowledge of enhanced interrogation techniques | Reuters

Torture is still torture
Yup. Every god-fearn' real Merkin knows the only way we wuz gonna catch that sumbitch Obama, er...Osama (yuk yuk yuk, I crack myself up sometimes) was to drown a few rats, nowwutimean?

We suck so bad at findin' bad guyz we hasta resort to some of that tortu...er, "enhanced integration" stuff to find them these days.

You libtards can't name any other way we coulda finded him, so there. There just wuz no other way.

The ends justifies the means. Enhanced integration ain't wrong if we do it.

Right, you think everyone who disagrees with you is a stupid fucking hick. Got it.

Enhanced interrogation can be a very effective tool in saving lives and preventing attacks. I'm glad we still have the option of using them.

Unfortunately, we don't.

The Obama Administration thinks it's a lot more humane to just kill them rather than get information from them to thwart future terrorist attacks.





I guess you like big type so here you go.

CIA Confirms: Waterboarding 9/11 Mastermind Led to Info that Aborted 9/11-Style Attack on Los Angeles | CNS News

Aw, jeez.....you know, as-well-as anyone else, that the potential LA "attacks" were bogus.....dreamed-up by BU$HCO, to make it look like they were on top of things.

Get back, to me, when you find something real......​


I forgot DailyKos is a better source to you than Obama released declassified documents.
When the looney left does what the right does they praise it, but it has to be bad when the right does it.

the hypocriscy is astounding isn't it. I don't hear anyone complaining about the patriot act anymore

I complain every time it comes up

First of all, its name is demeaning to all Americans. It has nothing to do with patriotism

Secondly, it was meant to cover a time of crisis and is still in effect 11 years later
When the looney left does what the right does they praise it, but it has to be bad when the right does it.

the hypocriscy is astounding isn't it. I don't hear anyone complaining about the patriot act anymore

I complain every time it comes up

First of all, its name is demeaning to all Americans. It has nothing to do with patriotism

Secondly, it was meant to cover a time of crisis and is still in effect 11 years later

Yeah, I noticed that not only have the vaunted Dems done NOTHING to repeal that monster, they've doubled down on it with the 2013 NDAA.

Imagine that...
Exclusive: CIA nominee had detailed knowledge of "enhanced interrogation techniques"
Some former officials familiar with deliberations about the program said they don't recall Brennan voicing objections to the use of harsh interrogation techniques ... Brennan, who is now Obama's White House …Reuters · ByMark Hosenball · 1 day agoCIA nominee had detailed knowledge of "enhanced interrogation techniques"Chicago TribuneExclusive: CIA Nominee Had DetailedKknowledge Of "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques"LatinospostIn-depth coverage

Exclusive: CIA nominee had detailed knowledge of enhanced interrogation techniques | Reuters

Torture is still torture

And that "torture" did no permanent harm to those who LIVED through it
Unlike burning to death
Jumping 1000 feet to your death
having your head sawed while your being filmed and your family is allowed to watch

Yea torture is still torture
According to the justice dept the events that took place to save American lives and find UBL was not torture

Right Winger why is it the liberal attacks GWB so bad and never mention the real bad guy?
Exclusive: CIA nominee had detailed knowledge of "enhanced interrogation techniques"
Some former officials familiar with deliberations about the program said they don't recall Brennan voicing objections to the use of harsh interrogation techniques ... Brennan, who is now Obama's White House …Reuters · ByMark Hosenball · 1 day agoCIA nominee had detailed knowledge of "enhanced interrogation techniques"Chicago TribuneExclusive: CIA Nominee Had DetailedKknowledge Of "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques"LatinospostIn-depth coverage

Exclusive: CIA nominee had detailed knowledge of enhanced interrogation techniques | Reuters

Torture is still torture

And that "torture" did no permanent harm to those who LIVED through it ...

I think you're wrong. Much like slavery, indulging torture as policy was a shameful episode in our history and diminishes us as a people. It would be comforting to think that only the small souls who supported it will pay the price, but instead it will be our children and grandchildren who live with the repercussions.
Torture is still torture

And that "torture" did no permanent harm to those who LIVED through it ...

I think you're wrong. Much like slavery, indulging torture as policy was a shameful episode in our history and diminishes us as a people. It would be comforting to think that only the small souls who supported it will pay the price, but instead it will be our children and grandchildren who live with the repercussions.

I do not see that at all. Terrorists are not going to stop their killing of innocents based on our actions. They kill based on their beliefs and actions. A kinder, gentler military has cost us to many lives already.
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Exclusive: CIA nominee had detailed knowledge of "enhanced interrogation techniques"
Some former officials familiar with deliberations about the program said they don't recall Brennan voicing objections to the use of harsh interrogation techniques ... Brennan, who is now Obama's White House …Reuters · ByMark Hosenball · 1 day agoCIA nominee had detailed knowledge of "enhanced interrogation techniques"Chicago TribuneExclusive: CIA Nominee Had DetailedKknowledge Of "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques"LatinospostIn-depth coverage

Exclusive: CIA nominee had detailed knowledge of enhanced interrogation techniques | Reuters

Torture is still torture

And that "torture" did no permanent harm to those who LIVED through it
Unlike burning to death
Jumping 1000 feet to your death
having your head sawed while your being filmed and your family is allowed to watch

Yea torture is still torture
According to the justice dept the events that took place to save American lives and find UBL was not torture

Right Winger why is it the liberal attacks GWB so bad and never mention the real bad guy?

"permanent harm" is now the threshold for American Torture?

Ask John McCain what he thinks of the American treatment of prisoners. Look up the Bill of Rights under cruel and unusual punishment and how it has been prosecuted in the past
And that "torture" did no permanent harm to those who LIVED through it ...

I think you're wrong. Much like slavery, indulging torture as policy was a shameful episode in our history and diminishes us as a people. It would be comforting to think that only the small souls who supported it will pay the price, but instead it will be our children and grandchildren who live with the repercussions.

I do not see that at all. Terrorists are not going to stop their killing of innocents based on our actions. They kill based on their believes and actions. A kinder, gentler military has cost us to many lives already.

This has nothing to do with being kind or gentle. Silly schoolyard notions of "toughness" don't amount to grown-up diplomacy. The sad fact is, when the going got tough, we shit ourselves and threw a hissy fit. We should all be ashamed for letting it happen.
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