What does the liberals think about enhanced interrogation now?

I think you're wrong. Much like slavery, indulging torture as policy was a shameful episode in our history and diminishes us as a people. It would be comforting to think that only the small souls who supported it will pay the price, but instead it will be our children and grandchildren who live with the repercussions.

I do not see that at all. Terrorists are not going to stop their killing of innocents based on our actions. They kill based on their believes and actions. A kinder, gentler military has cost us to many lives already.

This has nothing to do with being kind or gentle. Silly schoolyard notions of "toughness" don't amount to grown-up diplomacy. The sad fact is, when the going got tough, we shit ourselves and threw a hissy fit. We should all be ashamed for letting hit happen.

I disagree. I'm not ashamed at all. It's effective and it has always been effective and it will remain so.

I guess you like big type so here you go.

CIA Confirms: Waterboarding 9/11 Mastermind Led to Info that Aborted 9/11-Style Attack on Los Angeles | CNS News

Aw, jeez.....you know, as-well-as anyone else, that the potential LA "attacks" were bogus.....dreamed-up by BU$HCO, to make it look like they were on top of things.

Get back, to me, when you find something real......​


I forgot DailyKos is a better source to you than Obama released declassified documents.

Must be nice to pick and choose opinions that support your claim
GWB has more class in his little finger
His protecting you far out weighed his agenda
Aw, jeez.....you know, as-well-as anyone else, that the potential LA "attacks" were bogus.....dreamed-up by BU$HCO, to make it look like they were on top of things.

Get back, to me, when you find something real......​


I forgot DailyKos is a better source to you than Obama released declassified documents.

Must be nice to pick and choose opinions that support your claim
GWB has more class in his little finger
His protecting you far out weighed his agenda

George Bush and protecting should not be used in the same sentence
Torture is still torture

And that "torture" did no permanent harm to those who LIVED through it ...

I think you're wrong. Much like slavery, indulging torture as policy was a shameful episode in our history and diminishes us as a people. It would be comforting to think that only the small souls who supported it will pay the price, but instead it will be our children and grandchildren who live with the repercussions.

So you think that enhanced interrogation is the only reason Al Qaeda wants to kill you?
You Libs are so lied too and so lost I really feel sorry for you, but more than that I feel sorry for this countries future
I forgot DailyKos is a better source to you than Obama released declassified documents.

Must be nice to pick and choose opinions that support your claim
GWB has more class in his little finger
His protecting you far out weighed his agenda

George Bush and protecting should not be used in the same sentence

what do you think h was doing all of this for?
Think about it
And that "torture" did no permanent harm to those who LIVED through it ...

I think you're wrong. Much like slavery, indulging torture as policy was a shameful episode in our history and diminishes us as a people. It would be comforting to think that only the small souls who supported it will pay the price, but instead it will be our children and grandchildren who live with the repercussions.

So you think that enhanced interrogation is the only reason Al Qaeda wants to kill you?

No. That's why I didn't say anything like that. Do you still beat your wife?
I think you're wrong. Much like slavery, indulging torture as policy was a shameful episode in our history and diminishes us as a people. It would be comforting to think that only the small souls who supported it will pay the price, but instead it will be our children and grandchildren who live with the repercussions.

So you think that enhanced interrogation is the only reason Al Qaeda wants to kill you?

No. That's why I didn't say anything like that. Do you still beat your wife?

So what does repercussions mean?
I mean Benghazi was nothing like the attack on the embassies prior to 9-11
was it?
How much worse can it get from these people?
Beat her?
only if she liked it
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Must be nice to pick and choose opinions that support your claim
GWB has more class in his little finger
His protecting you far out weighed his agenda

George Bush and protecting should not be used in the same sentence

what do you think h was doing all of this for?
Think about it

Attacking Iraq was not protecting us.

The terrorists ended up being in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
George Bush and protecting should not be used in the same sentence

what do you think h was doing all of this for?
Think about it

Attacking Iraq was not protecting us.

The terrorists ended up being in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Still Clueless About Al Qaeda in Iraq | The Weekly Standard
In 2001, with Bin Ladin’s help [Kurdish extremists] re-formed into an organization called Ansar al Islam. There are indications that by then the Iraqi regime tolerated and may even have helped Ansar al Islam against the common Kurdish enemy.

In other words, not only was the al Qaeda-affiliated Ansar al Islam in northern Iraq, but the commission also found “indications” that Saddam’s regime “tolerated” and may have “helped” the group. (The commission also cited a 1999 email from famous Iraq-al Qaeda naysayer Richard Clarke. While working as a counterterrorism official in the Clinton administration, Clarke worried that bin Laden may “boogie to Baghdad” because it was well known that Saddam wanted him in Iraq at the time. Bin Laden decided against the move, obviously, but it is telling that Saddam would even offer safe haven.)

It was once widely understood that Ansar al Islam was in Kurdish Iraq prior to the war, so the Democrats relied on another talking point. While conceding that Ansar al Islam was there, the Democrats and much of the press argued that this region was beyond Saddam’s control and, therefore, we shouldn’t believe the group’s presence there said anything about al Qaeda’s relationship with Iraq. This, of course, ignores the “indications” of Saddam’s support mentioned in passing by the 9/11 Commission and found by others as well.

It also ignores the fact that al Qaeda was in Baghdad and regime controlled territory, too.

In his book, At the Center of the Storm, George Tenet discussed at length the intelligence concerning al Qaeda’s presence in Baghdad. Tenet says the CIA found “more than enough evidence” connecting Saddam’s Iraq to al Qaeda. The CIA was particularly concerned about a group of al Qaeda operatives and allies – including Ayman al Zawahiri’s lieutenant, Abu Musab al Zarqawi (the first leader of al Qaeda in Iraq), and Abu Ayyub al Masri (who stepped in for Zarqawi as leader of al Qaeda in Iraq but was killed in 2010) – who had set up shop in Baghdad prior to the war.

Abu Ayyub al Masri’s widow has since confirmed the CIA’s pre-war intelligence, explaining that she and her husband moved to Baghdad in 2002.

You have been lied to so much Right Winger
Its not your fault
I think you're wrong. Much like slavery, indulging torture as policy was a shameful episode in our history and diminishes us as a people. It would be comforting to think that only the small souls who supported it will pay the price, but instead it will be our children and grandchildren who live with the repercussions.

I do not see that at all. Terrorists are not going to stop their killing of innocents based on our actions. They kill based on their believes and actions. A kinder, gentler military has cost us to many lives already.

This has nothing to do with being kind or gentle. Silly schoolyard notions of "toughness" don't amount to grown-up diplomacy. The sad fact is, when the going got tough, we shit ourselves and threw a hissy fit. We should all be ashamed for letting it happen.
Ya' only need to consider....


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I do not see that at all. Terrorists are not going to stop their killing of innocents based on our actions. They kill based on their believes and actions. A kinder, gentler military has cost us to many lives already.

This has nothing to do with being kind or gentle. Silly schoolyard notions of "toughness" don't amount to grown-up diplomacy. The sad fact is, when the going got tough, we shit ourselves and threw a hissy fit. We should all be ashamed for letting it happen.
Ya' only need to consider....



99% of the 01 rates remain
Lost a pinky, sure not death of would be correct
what do you think h was doing all of this for?
Think about it

Attacking Iraq was not protecting us.

The terrorists ended up being in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Still Clueless About Al Qaeda in Iraq | The Weekly Standard
In 2001, with Bin Ladin’s help [Kurdish extremists] re-formed into an organization called Ansar al Islam. There are indications that by then the Iraqi regime tolerated and may even have helped Ansar al Islam against the common Kurdish enemy.

In other words, not only was the al Qaeda-affiliated Ansar al Islam in northern Iraq, but the commission also found “indications” that Saddam’s regime “tolerated” and may have “helped” the group. (The commission also cited a 1999 email from famous Iraq-al Qaeda naysayer Richard Clarke. While working as a counterterrorism official in the Clinton administration, Clarke worried that bin Laden may “boogie to Baghdad” because it was well known that Saddam wanted him in Iraq at the time. Bin Laden decided against the move, obviously, but it is telling that Saddam would even offer safe haven.)

It was once widely understood that Ansar al Islam was in Kurdish Iraq prior to the war, so the Democrats relied on another talking point. While conceding that Ansar al Islam was there, the Democrats and much of the press argued that this region was beyond Saddam’s control and, therefore, we shouldn’t believe the group’s presence there said anything about al Qaeda’s relationship with Iraq. This, of course, ignores the “indications” of Saddam’s support mentioned in passing by the 9/11 Commission and found by others as well.

It also ignores the fact that al Qaeda was in Baghdad and regime controlled territory, too.

In his book, At the Center of the Storm, George Tenet discussed at length the intelligence concerning al Qaeda’s presence in Baghdad. Tenet says the CIA found “more than enough evidence” connecting Saddam’s Iraq to al Qaeda. The CIA was particularly concerned about a group of al Qaeda operatives and allies – including Ayman al Zawahiri’s lieutenant, Abu Musab al Zarqawi (the first leader of al Qaeda in Iraq), and Abu Ayyub al Masri (who stepped in for Zarqawi as leader of al Qaeda in Iraq but was killed in 2010) – who had set up shop in Baghdad prior to the war.

Abu Ayyub al Masri’s widow has since confirmed the CIA’s pre-war intelligence, explaining that she and her husband moved to Baghdad in 2002.

You have been lied to so much Right Winger
Its not your fault


Right wing propaganda in the Weekly Standard

Who'd a thunk it?
Attacking Iraq was not protecting us.

The terrorists ended up being in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Still Clueless About Al Qaeda in Iraq | The Weekly Standard
In 2001, with Bin Ladin’s help [Kurdish extremists] re-formed into an organization called Ansar al Islam. There are indications that by then the Iraqi regime tolerated and may even have helped Ansar al Islam against the common Kurdish enemy.

In other words, not only was the al Qaeda-affiliated Ansar al Islam in northern Iraq, but the commission also found “indications” that Saddam’s regime “tolerated” and may have “helped” the group. (The commission also cited a 1999 email from famous Iraq-al Qaeda naysayer Richard Clarke. While working as a counterterrorism official in the Clinton administration, Clarke worried that bin Laden may “boogie to Baghdad” because it was well known that Saddam wanted him in Iraq at the time. Bin Laden decided against the move, obviously, but it is telling that Saddam would even offer safe haven.)

It was once widely understood that Ansar al Islam was in Kurdish Iraq prior to the war, so the Democrats relied on another talking point. While conceding that Ansar al Islam was there, the Democrats and much of the press argued that this region was beyond Saddam’s control and, therefore, we shouldn’t believe the group’s presence there said anything about al Qaeda’s relationship with Iraq. This, of course, ignores the “indications” of Saddam’s support mentioned in passing by the 9/11 Commission and found by others as well.

It also ignores the fact that al Qaeda was in Baghdad and regime controlled territory, too.

In his book, At the Center of the Storm, George Tenet discussed at length the intelligence concerning al Qaeda’s presence in Baghdad. Tenet says the CIA found “more than enough evidence” connecting Saddam’s Iraq to al Qaeda. The CIA was particularly concerned about a group of al Qaeda operatives and allies – including Ayman al Zawahiri’s lieutenant, Abu Musab al Zarqawi (the first leader of al Qaeda in Iraq), and Abu Ayyub al Masri (who stepped in for Zarqawi as leader of al Qaeda in Iraq but was killed in 2010) – who had set up shop in Baghdad prior to the war.

Abu Ayyub al Masri’s widow has since confirmed the CIA’s pre-war intelligence, explaining that she and her husband moved to Baghdad in 2002.

You have been lied to so much Right Winger
Its not your fault


Right wing propaganda in the Weekly Standard

Who'd a thunk it?

You only give credence to the fact that the main stream ignores the facts
G tenant
9-11 Commission
none work for the standard
It is like saying that CNN was wrong about where they reported there fact check on BHO jobs claim because they are BHO supporting media outlet
CNN Fact Check: About those 4.5 million jobs ... - CNN.com
Main stream media finally repoting the facts
oh yea
Just on there web site
but it is a start
no matter where you find the facts, they exist
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If my daughter was a prisoner of war, of course I wouldn't want her tortured, but I don't think her treatment would be in any way conditional of whether or not we use enhanced interrogation on prisoners we capture. Do you have any evidence to suggest US prisoners of war received harsher treatment when we were using these techniques?

Here ya go Rocko -- I posted this way back early in the thread so I'll bring it forward:

It's no exaggeration to say that at least half of our losses and casualties in that country (Iraq) have come at the hands of foreigners who joined the fray because of our program of detainee abuse. The number of U.S. soldiers who have died because of our torture policy will never be definitively known, but it is fair to say that it is close to the number of lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001. How anyone can say that torture keeps Americans safe is beyond me -- unless you don't count American soldiers as Americans. -- Still Tortured by What I Saw in Iraq

The writer was an Air Force counterintelligence agent and senior interrogator in Iraq.

I would like to see the survey that this based upon.

What evidence is there for such a claim?
Pogo your stating that extreme terrorist who have been killing innocent people long before 9-11. during 9-11 and after 9-11 kept killing innocent people after what event now?
Terrorist being paid to kill Coalition forces in Iraq where being paid to kill coalition forces because they where getting paid or getting paid?
Are you nuts?
These radical came to kill coalition forces because they hate them or were getting paid to do so

Country Reports on Terrorism 2011 Chapter 6. Foreign Terrorist Organizations
which on this list got madder after they found out we were water boarding terrorist (a few) or was it we were not cutting there heads off?
Think about it Pogo

There all alive and doing well
Cutting heads off?
Blowing up innocent people?
Fort hood
USS cole
Embassies in Africa?

Are you kidding me?
your saying that water boarding people who cut innocent peoples heads off made those who were part of the group who cut peoples heads off madder?

We talk about the un educated voter people, there running this country
Pogo your stating that extreme terrorist who have been killing innocent people long before 9-11. during 9-11 and after 9-11 kept killing innocent people after what event now?
Terrorist being paid to kill Coalition forces in Iraq where being paid to kill coalition forces because they where getting paid or getting paid?
Are you nuts?
These radical came to kill coalition forces because they hate them or were getting paid to do so

Country Reports on Terrorism 2011 Chapter 6. Foreign Terrorist Organizations
which on this list got madder after they found out we were water boarding terrorist (a few) or was it we were not cutting there heads off?
Think about it Pogo

There all alive and doing well
Cutting heads off?
Blowing up innocent people?
Fort hood
USS cole
Embassies in Africa?

Are you kidding me?
your saying that water boarding people who cut innocent peoples heads off made those who were part of the group who cut peoples heads off madder?

We talk about the un educated voter people, there running this country

Are you kidding me?
If you have a question, ask it in English. Whatever this pidgin is, I can't decipher it. Sorry but if you can't be bothered to write a coherent post, then I can't be bothered to translate it.
Just watched 0 dark 30

It's a movie, not reality.

This liberal has always agreed with conservatives like John McCain on this issue. Thanks for asking:eusa_angel:

Th movie as stated is based on events from first hand accounts
the navy seal who shot UBL to make sure he was in fact dead wrote a book called no easy day that 100% confirms the events in the movie

you have an issue with any of this? explain your self please
I dare you to state that the way the intel was obtained is un ethical and leave out that murdering UBL the way team 6 did is not
Our president claimed he was armed
The movie and the navy seal stated he was not

I have no issue with either
I dare you state that Water boarding people who are alive today is some how evil, yet killing an un armed man (2 in fact) and an un armed woman (she was going for the gun of her killed husband according to the seal who was there) is not
and god bless GWB and seal team 6 as well as the CIA Op who killed the bastard

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