Zone1 What Does The Word Racist Even Mean?

Hard to believe he's not here yet yelling at all the white folk to stop talking about something only he knows about. He's lived as a black man, dammit!

Again, I have him on ignore so I wouldn't know about that lol 😂
What it is:

Ascribing negative traits to an individual based on his being a member of a specific race.

What it is not:

Objecting to using race as a factor in deciding who gets rejected and who gets accepted into a college, and actually altering admissions practices in order to achieve a pre-determined racial outcome.
Well, to start with, the term to be examined is "RACISM," not "racist." A "racist" is someone whose beliefs and attitudes are founded in "racism."

Let's try a few dictionary definitions:

"A belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority [or inferiority?] of a particular race."

"The belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another."

"Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group."

The common thread seems to be a belief that certain characteristics or traits are inherently associated with individuals of a certain race (assuming that race can be determined with precision). So one might conclude that whether one is talking about either good or bad characteristics, "racism" is the belief that these characteristics are uniformly present in all individuals of that race. So if I say, "Blacks make good basketball players," the "racist" aspect of the statement is that it attributes certain characteristics to ALL Black people - or essentially all Black people, simply because they are identified with that race.

I think the bolded words above pretty much define what racism is, and "racist" is anyone who makes such presumptions about any racial group.

But there is a peculiarity about racism against "Negroes" that takes it to another level. Let's say that a person believes that Blacks are intellectually inferior to "whites." But a certain individual has, for example, a Black father and a "white" mother. Logically, the racist would simply throw up his hands and say, I can't generalize about that person because he is a mixture of two races. But that's not what happens. The racist calls that bi-racial kid, "Black." Indeed, any individual who has any discernible trace of Black-ness, either visible or not, is "Black" to the racist.

But the counter-phenomenon does not occur. The Black racist (who hates all "whites") does not look at the bi-racial individual and say that s/he is "white" because s/he has "white" blood.

It's not nice.
What I have noticed over the years is that those with a seething hatred of white people define the term "racist" in such a way that it cannot possibly apply to them because of their skin color.

Racism is one of those terms like terrorism in that dishonest people twist it to fit their agenda, both applying it to that which isn't and rationalizing it away when it does.

If you cannot define it in a simple and straightforward way and apply it to all people equally, it just becomes a propaganda term.
Some people seem to waste their entire day looking for something...anything...they can be offended by. "Microaggressions" anyone?

And a lot of people are quick to hurl the term "racist" at anyone who disagrees with them, or who speaks about a subject they are uncomfortable discussing.

Imo, the term "racist" is so overused that it is virtually meaningless. The term has lost any power it might have once had.

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