What does this mean??


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Though I'm a Christian and read the Bible, there are some rare parts that stop me in my tracks. This is one of them?

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. - Matthew 5:48

So, God creates a planet full of imperfect humans, then along comes Jesus who commands them to "be perfect"

- - and just how are they supposed to do that??
What version of the Bible are you reading from?

Even God is not perfect. She made us.
Though I'm a Christian and read the Bible, there are some rare parts that stop me in my tracks. This is one of them?

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. - Matthew 5:48

So, God creates a planet full of imperfect humans, then along comes Jesus who commands them to "be perfect"

- - and just how are they supposed to do that??

So, God creates a planet full of imperfect humans, then along comes Jesus who commands them to "be perfect"

Study the context first. Jesus has been talking about personal relationships, how we relate to each individual. The love we feel for family and friends is from the heart, it is simply there. However when we come to "love your enemies" it is an act of will. We must cultivate benevolence to all those oppose us. God does the same, when rain is needed, it falls on both the just and the unjust--just as the sun does the same.

Second, study how "perfect" was used back in the days Jesus' lived. A thing was perfect when it accomplished the purpose for which it was made. The same with people. People are created for a purpose, and when we are accomplishing that purpose, we are perfect.

Benevolence is accepting those on the opposite side as they are. This means we do not try to change our opponents (even our political opponents), and we do not speak unkindly about them.

We are created for love. We are perfect when we are fulfilling this purpose of loving our opponents (enemies).

Here is a thought: We are no longer a Christian nation, not because so many have stopped going to church, but because some loathed the last President and some loathe this one. We are being far from perfect, led away from perfection by our leaders and our news media. Benevolence towards the opposition (our enemies) is what this nation currently lacks.

I think Jesus would tell us to return to being a perfect nation, that rain and sun fall upon all of us alike.
Though I'm a Christian and read the Bible, there are some rare parts that stop me in my tracks. This is one of them?

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. - Matthew 5:48

So, God creates a planet full of imperfect humans, then along comes Jesus who commands them to "be perfect"

- - and just how are they supposed to do that??
that is incorrect, to become - pure - for admission to the Everlasting ... stop sinning.

before your physiology perishes. the mission set for all beings.
Though I'm a Christian and read the Bible, there are some rare parts that stop me in my tracks. This is one of them?

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. - Matthew 5:48

So, God creates a planet full of imperfect humans, then along comes Jesus who commands them to "be perfect"

- - and just how are they supposed to do that??
Sounds like you are reading from a "paraphrased" version of scriptures such as the "Living Bible".....etc.. The actual translation reads nothing that suggests perfection expect the perfect will of God. One can be pure at heart....and still not be perfect......if he but attempts to do the will of the Lord. First one has to know the will of the Lord. James: 3-17, "But the wisdom that comes from above is first pure........then peaceable, gentle........"

Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure at heart for theirs is the kingdom of God.

For someone to paraphrase this passage and suggest that it is talking about perfection existing within a human being has missed the entire point of this passage. The Apostle details what perfection one should seek after in such situations, ".....be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may know what the will of God is, that WHICH IS GOOD, ACCEPTABLE, AND PERFECT." -- Romans 2:12.

How do you know what the will of God is in its perfection? Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of Truth. (2 Tim. 2:15). "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for instruction in righteousness. That the MAN OF GOD MAY BE PERFECT, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." -- 2 Tim. 3:16-17

If you read, comprehend and follow the perfect will of God as revealed via the Holy Spirit of God via divine inspiration as found in scripture, that furnishes the man of God to good works......this will come to mind when confronted by temptation.
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Though I'm a Christian and read the Bible, there are some rare parts that stop me in my tracks. This is one of them?

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. - Matthew 5:48

So, God creates a planet full of imperfect humans, then along comes Jesus who commands them to "be perfect"

- - and just how are they supposed to do that??

Please note Hebrews 10:14. Perfection is found in the believer through faith in Christ Jesus who saves!
And you don't sin and never have? Is that what you'd have yourself believe?
that is the requirement as prescribed, the religion of antiquity - for admission to the Everlasting. to attain purity for there to even be a judgement ... sinners need not apply - nipper.
Though I'm a Christian and read the Bible, there are some rare parts that stop me in my tracks. This is one of them?

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. - Matthew 5:48

So, God creates a planet full of imperfect humans, then along comes Jesus who commands them to "be perfect"

- - and just how are they supposed to do that??

In the whole of the passage, Jesus is saying I do not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. Then, He calls us to a higher law--not to live by the "letter" of the law but to live perhaps, by the Spirit of it--which is perfection.

It does not appear in THIS passage but elsewhere in Scripture. How do we do this? Is it an effort of will? Yes, of discipline and obedience. But mostly it's an effort of growing slowing over time and even more importantly, in the Spirit. It's not really something we can do "good enough for long enough" of our own accord. It is in the end God's work in us.

For proof of this, look at the disciples themselves, who did a decent job of following Jesus BEFORE the Spirit came to them but, when the real difficult times came, scattered. But when the Spirit came, they persevered even unto terrible martyred deaths.

I hope this helps!
Though I'm a Christian and read the Bible, there are some rare parts that stop me in my tracks. This is one of them?

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. - Matthew 5:48

So, God creates a planet full of imperfect humans, then along comes Jesus who commands them to "be perfect"

- - and just how are they supposed to do that??
The son of perdition (Lucifer) in Ezekiel 28 is just an image of a man made a god upon dying in the seas (Rome).
Ezekiel 28:14-15 states he'd be deemed perfect (sinless) and called the anointed (Christ)
cherub (guardian in Hebrew Nazarei/Nazarene).
Why is this a problem for humanity?
Because through this whitewashed perfect image you are told by and through his ego (their affiliation pride) that you are saved instead of the deeds and restoration it takes to be where you could and should be in life.
This is why the iconographs show the fallen one holding down the scales of justice manipulating your judgment & hampering the weight of your deeds and nature of your being(spirit).
Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. - Matthew 5:48
by the Spirit of it--which is perfection.
there is no such existence as perfection and is not a lexicon of religion. purity is the absolute that must be attained to become a free spirit, all else is subjective. purity by means of the religion of antiquity.

- there is no matthew.
that is the requirement as prescribed, the religion of antiquity - for admission to the Everlasting. to attain purity for there to even be a judgement ... sinners need not apply - nipper.

that is the requirement as prescribed, the religion of antiquity - for admission to the Everlasting. to attain purity for there to even be a judgement ... sinners need not apply - nipper.
Where do you get your doctrine from? And what country are you from, as I have a very hard time comprehending exactly what you are saying?
There are several different meanings for the word perfect in the Bible. It can refer to wholesomeness, knowledge, integrity, a non-corrupt DNA, justice, virginal...
But If anyone knows that we are not perfect human beings, Jesus does. He had to pay for all of our blunders.

But there is perfection that we can achieve. You have to go through Christ though:
Hebrews 10:14 "...by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy".

If you accept the gift Christ offers, then when God sees you, He sees you enveloped in the shining perfection of His Son, Jesus. He thinks you look perfect.

Accept the gift...
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There are several different meanings for the word perfect in the Bible. It can refer to wholesomeness, knowledge, integrity, a non-corrupt DNA, justice, virginal...
But If anyone knows that we are not perfect human beings, Jesus does. He had to pay for all of our blunders.

But there is perfection that we can achieve. You have to go through Christ though:
Hebrews 10:14 "...by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy".

If you accept the gift Christ offers, then when God sees you, He sees you enveloped in the shining perfection of His Son, Jesus. He thinks you look perfect.

Accept the gift...
Hebrews 10:14 "...by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy".
perfect - has no meaning for any theistic religion nor meaningful for any application as being indefinable.

the state religion is clueless holiness could be granted - as by an emperor to their subjects.
If you accept the gift Christ offers, then when God sees you, He sees you enveloped in the shining perfection of His Son, Jesus. He thinks you look perfect.

Accept the gift...
Then this 'god' of yours is a gullible idiot.

I agree with the Atheists when they suggest based on this, that if an Atheist is responsible, ethical, generous, hard working honest, compassionate etc. (And those btw are The Fruits of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22,23) but sees no purpose in believing in somebody he never met is going to hell according to the Cult's say.
Yet a thug, a goon, a rapist, a thief, a pedophile, etc. who decides at the last mn in his pathetic life to "accept the gift", just for the form. He does not even have to sincerely mean it, as there is no way of testing that, is going to ever lasting heaven!
Maan I sure don't want to have anything to do with this pile.
Jesus said in John 14:15 "if you love me, you will do what I command!!". STONE CUT!! No DEviations!!!!
God is not stupid. Jesus is A DOER and NOT a lazy bum Bull S-er.
James 2:26 says "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.". D-E-A-D.
The morale of the lesson is, if you believe in your faith, you better do the work to back it up. Because you will be held accountable. IF we truly are made in his image, and if we, humans can hold one another accountable for our actions, the bs put aside, don't you think he, who made us can too? I personally believe he can. There are bunch, bunch of related references to this in the bible. Eeeeevery is in theeere...
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Then this 'god' of yours is a gullible idiot.

I agree with the Atheists when they suggest based on this, that if an Atheist is responsible, ethical, generous, hard working honest, compassionate etc. (And those btw are The Fruits of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22,23) but sees no purpose in believing in somebody he never met is going to hell according to the Cult's say.
Yet a thug, a goon, a rapist, a thief, a pedophile, etc. who decides at the last mn in his pathetic life to "accept the gift", just for the form. He does not even have to sincerely mean it, as there is no way of testing that, is going to ever lasting heaven!
Maan I sure don't want to have anything to do with this pile.
Jesus said in John 14:15 "if you love me, you will do what I command!!". STONE CUT!! No DEviations!!!!
God is not stupid. Jesus is A DOER and NOT a lazy bum Bull S-er.
James 2:26 says "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.". D-E-A-D.
The morale of the lesson is, if you believe in your faith, you better do the work to back it up. Because you will be held accountable. IF we truly are made in his image, and if we, humans can hold one another accountable for our actions, the bs put aside, don't you think he, who made us can too? I personally believe he can. There are bunch, bunch of related references to this in the bible. Eeeeevery is in theeere...
Show me an ethical atheist and I will show you one who knows he isn't sinless.

LUKE 18:18-20 The Rich Young Ruler
18Then a certain ruler asked Him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 19“Why do you call Me good?” Jesus replied. “No one is good except God alone. 20You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not bear false witness, honor your father and mother.’ ”…
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Though I'm a Christian and read the Bible, there are some rare parts that stop me in my tracks. This is one of them?

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. - Matthew 5:48

So, God creates a planet full of imperfect humans, then along comes Jesus who commands them to "be perfect"

- - and just how are they supposed to do that??
Decide on whatever you want it to mean, then google the different Christian denominations until you find one that agrees with you
Show me an ethical atheist and I will show you one who knows he isn't sinless.

LUKE 18:18-20 The Rich Young Ruler
18Then a certain ruler asked Him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 19“Why do you call Me good?” Jesus replied. “No one is good except God alone 20You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not bear false witness, honor your father and mother.’ ”…
you are a sad case nipper.
Show me an ethical atheist and I will show you one who knows he isn't sinless.
what sins are you talking about - ones you can not overcome. surly you are not a murderer.
what ethical atheist is there who is - sinful ...
Though I'm a Christian and read the Bible, there are some rare parts that stop me in my tracks. This is one of them?

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. - Matthew 5:48

So, God creates a planet full of imperfect humans, then along comes Jesus who commands them to "be perfect"

- - and just how are they supposed to do that??

The best of us on our best day of committing the most altruistic acts is still a "bad guy"...

But then Jesus says what he says... That we need to be perfect...as He is perfect.

And that would be the clue.

Atonement is a word meaning literally "to cover over" and Jesus talked a lot about atonement. So did Paul.

Meaning that where I've been guilty of breaking all Ten Commandments...I now have been covered in the righteousness of Jesus'...and you got nothing on me....I've got the righteousness of Christ and to accuse me is to accuse Jesus...
So I'm as innocent as they come.

And that's what he is talking about.

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