What effective gun control would you advocate

Roughly 3,000,000 total military personnel. Roughly 120,000,000 civilian gun owners.

And keep in mind that a very large portion of those 3,000,000 military members are not going to make war against their fellow Americans. Period.

Most of them are probably more likely to turn their weapons on any filthy traitors that order them to do so, or attempt to carry out any such orders.
Why is everyone attacking me
I am just trying to only get rid of all hand guns
Why is everyone attacking me
I am just trying to only get rid of all hand guns

I think I'll keep mine. Sorry 'bout that.

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
nothing about that amendment stipulates the firearm - bolt or lever action only is a valid requirement. private and public.

Nothing about the First Amendment stipulates any specific religions. My religion didn't even exist when the First Amendment was written and ratified.

Can government prohibit me from being a Mormon? As long as there are some religions to which I am allowed to adhere, is my freedom of religion not being violated if I am prohibited from others? Can Government tell me that it's OK for me to be a Catholic, or a Baptist, or an Episcopalian, but not a Mormon?
Can government prohibit me from being a Mormon? As long as there are some religions to which I am allowed to adhere, is my freedom of religion not being violated if I am prohibited from others? Can Government tell me that it's OK for me to be a Catholic, or a Baptist, or an Episcopalian, but not a Mormon?
I said you can keep your ARs ??

Why is everyone getting “ all bent out of shape and crazy “
Why is everyone attacking me
I am just trying to only get rid of all hand guns

Well, with all due respects, that's a stupid idea. My mum is 90 years old, do you really expect her to fight young thugs hand to hand? I'm 64, I can still handle myself somewhat, but my own self defense skills are going downhill gradually as well.

If some fellows come up to me with a firearm or other weapon, at least having a gun gives me a fighting chance.
why can’t we all just settle things mma style
All these hand guns are very stressful on me
Why is everyone attacking me
I am just trying to only get rid of all hand guns

Well, with all due respects, that's a stupid idea. My mum is 90 years old, do you really expect her to fight young thugs hand to hand? I'm 64, I can still handle myself somewhat, but my own self defense skills are going downhill gradually as well.

If some fellows come up to me with a firearm or other weapon, at least having a gun gives me a fighting chance.
I understand your concerns
I would sell my handgun for $20,000 each. I'd just buy a new one and spend the rest on meth.
why can’t we all just settle things mma style
All these hand guns are very stressful on me

If you know MMA techniques, you probably don't need one. Just kick the gun out of the muggers hands with a fancy move. I suppose I could grab a thug's gun, figuring he was too much of a pussy to shoot me or would miss?

But that's risky.
Just kick the gun out of the muggers hands with a fancy move

Using the Army to confiscate hand guns will lead to war.
It’s the only way to get them all back and then they can be destroyed

Not really. Just ban anything related to ammo. Eventually the guns will become useless on their own.

Someone claiming to be able to create a zillion rounds of ammo out of things in their kitchen cabinets in 3.....2......1......
why can’t we all just settle things mma style
All these hand guns are very stressful on me

If you know MMA techniques, you probably don't need one. Just kick the gun out of the muggers hands with a fancy move. I suppose I could grab a thug's gun, figuring he was too much of a pussy to shoot me or would miss?

But that's risky.
I only took beginner mma and we don’t do weapons
I had a 6 month Krav course on weapon defense but i never want to test it
I had my brother attack me with a spoon and I easily stopped his fake knife attack and he was shocked
With my Krav ..I think I have a 50-50 chance at surviving a gun or knife encounter
I just hope I don’t freeze up

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