What effective gun control would you advocate

Pistols and Shotguns only for private individuals. Rifles and anything else, only for military or government use. Pretty simple really.

If you want to hunt use a shotgun or something. You don't need an AR-15 ever.
Vast amount of gun deaths are from pistols
How about we leave guns alone and tackle the real problem. Mental illness.
Great. I agree with fixing mental illness.

What do you propose?
Pistols and Shotguns only for private individuals. Rifles and anything else, only for military or government use. Pretty simple really.

If you want to hunt use a shotgun or something. You don't need an AR-15 ever.
You are not going to get a Coyote with anything other than a rifle. You can trap them but that is cruel. I have a right to keep my chickens and turkey alive. Also can not stop a bear with out a rifle. Rifle is my primary tool to stop predators on my farm. Also most crimes are committed with pistols. I live alone in the country most of the year. I had neighbors about a mile down the road murdered in their own home in the middle of the night. You or no one else is leaving me unprotected from animal predators or scum bags looking to rob me no matter what your laws say.
Pistols and Shotguns only for private individuals. Rifles and anything else, only for military or government use. Pretty simple really.

If you want to hunt use a shotgun or something. You don't need an AR-15 ever.
Vast amount of gun deaths are from pistols
How about we leave guns alone and tackle the real problem. Mental illness.
Great. I agree with fixing mental illness.

What do you propose?
I am not a shrink. Not qualified to fix the issue. You can leave my guns alone though. I protect my animals and myself with them and have never committed a crime with them. I do not need to pay for others actions. The only regulations I care to see for them is none in a drinking establishment if the person is drinking.
Pistols and Shotguns only for private individuals. Rifles and anything else, only for military or government use. Pretty simple really.

If you want to hunt use a shotgun or something. You don't need an AR-15 ever.
Vast amount of gun deaths are from pistols

While pistols do kill many people — far more than rifles or shotguns they also are very popular firearms and many people legally carry them for slef protection or own them for home defense.

For example there are well over 1,000,000 citizens in Florida who have a Concealed Weapons Permit that allows them to carry a concealed handgun. However in Florida you can legally carry a loaded firearm in you car without a license (with some restrictions) and consequently many people do.

Evil looking black rifles are not as popular as pistols so that’s why “assault weapons” are targeted first by gun grabbers.

The plan by those who would love to ban civilian ownership of firearms is incremental. Ban rifles like the AR-15 first and then go for handguns.

That’s one reason why so many people who don’t own an “assault weapon” oppose banning them. It is just the first step to banning all firearms.
I guess that's why it's called the Bill of Rights and not the Bill of Needs.
Uh...sure. Nice platitude or whatever...here let me try:

Hardly a platitude. Define what a right is.

Guns don't kill people. I do.

Define what a right is? Okay, a right is anything the government cannot remove from you without due process I guess. I dunno.

EDIT: And no, what you said was definitely a platitude. It meant nothing but sounded interesting. It is akin to saying "IT SAYS ANCHORMAN, NOT ANCHORLADY".
"A problem beyond insanity? That's a little over the top isn't it? If you stay out of Chicago and most other inner cities you are safe enough. The best way to curb gun violence is to enforce the freaking law.
Assurance that the owner fully understands the capacities of the weapon, safe practices and legal aspects. A militia would probably do this fairly well.
I guess that's why it's called the Bill of Rights and not the Bill of Needs.
Uh...sure. Nice platitude or whatever...here let me try:

Hardly a platitude. Define what a right is.

Guns don't kill people. I do.

Define what a right is? Okay, a right is anything the government cannot remove from you without due process I guess. I dunno.

EDIT: And no, what you said was definitely a platitude. It meant nothing but sounded interesting. It is akin to saying "IT SAYS ANCHORMAN, NOT ANCHORLADY".

No, it's not a platitude. As you correctly defined a right is exactly that, a right, therefore, whether or not you think I need an AR-15 is entirely irrelevant. If it can be taken away then it's not a right is it? Furthermore, who are you to decide someone else's need?
I guess that's why it's called the Bill of Rights and not the Bill of Needs.
Uh...sure. Nice platitude or whatever...here let me try:

Hardly a platitude. Define what a right is.

Guns don't kill people. I do.

Define what a right is? Okay, a right is anything the government cannot remove from you without due process I guess. I dunno.

EDIT: And no, what you said was definitely a platitude. It meant nothing but sounded interesting. It is akin to saying "IT SAYS ANCHORMAN, NOT ANCHORLADY".

No, it's not a platitude. As you correctly defined a right is exactly that, a right, therefore, whether or not you think I need an AR-15 is entirely irrelevant. If it can be taken away then it's not a right is it? Furthermore, who are you to decide someone else's need?
Hey, dude, the topic title is "Would effective gun control would YOU advocate"

I was answering the guy's question. As a moderator, I figure you can understand staying on topic.

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