What ever happened to Oswald's wife


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
The recent indictment of the wife of terrorist Omar Mateen who was killed while he attacked and shot up an Orlando, Fla. nightclub on June 12 2016 brings to mind the political and legal responsibilities of the wives of terrorists and traitors who commit atrocities. Lee Oswald renounced his citizenship and fled to Russia during the coldest time of the cold war and suddenly reappeared back in the USA with his new bride, the daughter of a Russian KGB officer. Strangely enough Oswald was welcomed back into the USA by the intelligence agencies we trusted back then rather than arrested as a traitor. Oswald apparently traveled to Cuba and surfaced in Dallas Texas working as a janitor in a school just in time to assassinate president Kennedy. While evading capture Oswald kills a Dallas Police Officer and while he is in custody he is (conveniently?) killed by a strange nightclub owner with alleged ties to organized crime who mysteriously dies while in custody. Everything is tied up in a tight little knot and the media is encouraged to concentrate on a mythical "grassy knolls" conspiracy rather than ask what the hell a traitor like Oswald was doing running around in the U.S. . Nobody in the "justice dept" is apparently allowed to pursue the possibility that Oswald was the lone assassin much less that his Russian bride could have been an accessory to the most notorious crime in American history. My guess is that Oswald was recruited by amateurs in the CIA and they lost track of him until he turned up in Dallas. With the cooperation of the liberal media at the time, the conspiracy focused on fiction and Mrs Oswald was given a one way ticket back to Russia courtesy of the CIA
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His wife moved across the street from my school right after the assassination. They had been somewhat estranged. She remarried a couple of years later and remained in Richardson for a number of years.She did not return to Russia.
Oswald’s widow called Richardson home after the assassination | Richardson | Dallas News

The recent indictment of the wife of terrorist Omar Mateen who was killed while he attacked and shot up an Orlando, Fla. nightclub on June 12 2016 brings to mind the political and legal responsibilities of the wives of terrorists and traitors who commit atrocities. Lee Oswald renounced his citizenship and fled to Russia during the coldest time of the cold war and suddenly reappeared back in the USA with his new bride, the daughter of a Russian KGB officer. Strangely enough Oswald was welcomed back into the USA by the intelligence agencies we trusted back then rather than arrested as a traitor. Oswald apparently traveled to Cuba and surfaced in Dallas Texas working as a janitor in a school just in time to assassinate president Kennedy. While evading capture Oswald kills a Dallas Police Officer and while he is in custody he is (conveniently?) killed by a strange nightclub owner with alleged ties to organized crime who mysteriously dies while in custody. Everything is tied up in a tight little knot and the media is encouraged to concentrate on a mythical "grassy knolls" conspiracy rather than ask what the hell a traitor like Oswald was doing running around in the U.S. . Nobody in the "justice dept" is apparently allowed to pursue the possibility that Oswald was the lone assassin much less that his Russian bride could have been an accessory to the most notorious crime in American history. My guess is that Oswald was recruited by amateurs in the CIA and they lost track of him until he turned up in Dallas. With the cooperation of the liberal media at the time, the conspiracy focused on fiction and Mrs Oswald was given a one way ticket back to Russia courtesy of the CIA
Marina Oswald,75, lives in Rockwall, TX about 25 miles NE of downtown Dallas.
You do know she cooperated with authorities, unlike Mateen's wife who has been charged with obstructing justice, and aiding and abetting with material support.
Marina Oswald,75, lives in Rockwall, TX about 25 miles NE of downtown Dallas.
There is no statute of limitations in murder. Maybe the feds can still make a case.
You raise a good point...

... mebbe dey'll deport her...

... like dey did Oscarina.
Why would an obscure Nebraska educated attorney J. Lee Rankin be selected by the Warren Commission? Rankin's incredible soft soap treatment of Marina Oswald was part of the fix.
Marina Oswald,75, lives in Rockwall, TX about 25 miles NE of downtown Dallas.
There is no statute of limitations in murder. Maybe the feds can still make a case.

A "case"?

What the hell kind of "case"? A bookcase? To hold all the volumes on argumentative fallacies that you'll need to figure out what a Composition Fallacy is?

Or are you snorting a line of "you have to take out their families"?
She wasn't involved, just another woman who saw a chance to get the hell out of Russia and took it, like millions would these days as well.
U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers was shot down about a month after Oswald, who worked on the U-2 program, defected to Russia. Dorky little traitor Lee Oswald married the attractive daughter of a KGB agent and the U.S. "intelligence agencies" assume that she had nothing to do with the either the U-2 incident or assassination? I smell a rat.
So, he knew her before he went, or right when he got there he told here everything about the U-2 program, including flight plans and all kinds of other stuff he wouldn't possibly have known? Working on a program doesn't mean knowing everything about it, especially at his level. I've worked on several in my day as a tech, and still have no idea what they were, how they were used, or even why they even wanted what I was building and testing. Ever worked at an advanced aircraft factory or assembly plant? Nobody knows what is in those 'black boxes', and nobody is taking apart chips with razor blades and seeing what's in them, much less sitting around reverse engineering anything.
All I am saying is that Oswald's wife should have been a prime suspect and locked up rather than treated with relative kid gloves during the coldest part of the cold war. My guess is that Oswald's wife probably wasn't a co-conspirator in the assassination of JFK but the "intelligence agencies" were scared to death that she might shed some light on Oswald's recruitment as a CIA informant or even an assassin to take out Castro and they let her go with a promise of keeping silent. She probably has nothing to fear of CIA recriminations these days and I wonder why some enterprising researcher hasn't approached her.

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