What Ever Happened To The Affordable Care Act?

You bet Jake, I talk to American's about this every day...you read papers and websites.

If it's true 8 million signed up.
And 5 million got dropped and got worse plans because of it.
And most that did sign up got the subsidy.
And where are the 40+ million that ObamaCare was created for?

How is this the success that Libs say it is?
If it's true 8 million signed up.
And 5 million got dropped and got worse plans because of it.
And most that did sign up got the subsidy.
And where are the 40+ million that ObamaCare was created for?

How is this the success that Libs say it is?

Rozman, you know better. 40mm were not going to be enrolled in the first years, but many of them would be by their end.

The 5mm overwhelmingly got better plans; yes, some had to pay more. Most who are bitching are mad that their catastrophic plans were, for the most part, tossed, which before had put the risk on the rest of us. Another 4 to 6mm enrolled and had medical insurance for the first time at prices they could afford.

Perhaps as many as 10mm or more are now on Medicaid for the first time.

And many of the Red states, like Utah, have governors that are wheeling and dealing to bring a negotiated Medicaid to the state. Over 70% of Utahns approve this, and we are hard blaring staring glaring Red.
No scandal is too small to help keep repealing the ACA out of the news. Bergdalh and every scandal should be covered in full, but not to the extent of dropping repeal altogether.

If you watched the coverage in the past few weeks you will have noticed that stories about repealing the ACA have all but disappeared from print and television. That’s not because the other stories are so important there is no time left over for the ACA. It’s because every story, large and small, is deliberately blanketing the news to protect the Affordable Care Act. Specifically, give Democrats who voted for it some cover from now until November.

It’s back BIG TIME:

July 22, 2014
Circuit Court invalidates Obamacare subsidies (updated)
By Rick Moran

Blog: Circuit Court invalidates Obamacare subsidies (updated)
I think that it is straightforward to move on. Trying to repeal something like that is just ignorant – it is just saying “I don’t want this!” and not adding anything. If people stopped doing that and started coming up with genuine critiques, it would help the cause rather than continue to hurt it.
Sigh. The ACA is not in the news because the polling shows the far right pubs that the act is more and more popular. In other words, they don't want to run against but rather from it.
I think that it is straightforward to move on. Trying to repeal something like that is just ignorant – it is just saying “I don’t want this!” and not adding anything. If people stopped doing that and started coming up with genuine critiques, it would help the cause rather than continue to hurt it.

To OmegaAMason: Repealing it is the only genuine critique for a law that cannot be fixed.
CHOKE Jake's right, it isn't going anywhere. However the majority of America is still dead set against it.
Actually the % of Americans is more like 50% - 50% but with a VERY IMPORTANT footnote: Of the 50% who are unhappy with it, 25% of those said so because they wanted it to go farther, ie more liberal. As in, why don't we just simplify everything andf gp with Medicare for everyone and poof, no more private insurance.

So the reality is, 25% is opposed
If it's true 8 million signed up.
And 5 million got dropped and got worse plans because of it.
And most that did sign up got the subsidy.
And where are the 40+ million that ObamaCare was created for?

How is this the success that Libs say it is?

The reason it is not in the news so much anymore is because it is working.

Three (3) new studies conducted separately by The Gallup organization, The Commonwealth Fund, and the Urban Institute show positive results for Obamacare. The different organizations used different methods to estimate the impact of the ACA and each came to the same conclusions:

The ACA has REDUCED the number of uninsured by between 8 and 11 million in it's first year. (There would be even more insured except that many of the Republican states opted out of the medicaid expansion, denying their poor citizens healthcare)

The vast majority of enrollees report satisfaction with their new health plans.

The largest gains were adults under 35

58% said they were better off with the coverage, 9% said they were worse off.

Although democrats reported somewhat higher levels of satisfaction, 3 out of 4 or 75% of

republicans said they were satisfied with their new health plans.

The figures from all 3 studies fall in line with projections by the Congressional Budget Office (bi partisan)

The CBO projects enrollment will continue to grow, further reducing the uninsured population.

(It wasn’t in the poll, but no death panels were found)


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More than 10 (now 11) million signed up

The New England Journal of Medicine found that more than 10 (now 11)million people signed up for medical insurance coverage.

Added Bonus: refunds from Health insurance companies to consumers. Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell said 6.8 million consumers will receive $330 million in refunds from insurers that did not spend at least 80% of collected premium revenue on patient care as the Health law requires. (Insurance companies were overcharging and making excessive profits off our illness)

In Texas, 189,005 consumers will receive almost $13.7 million in refunds.

United Healthcare, the country’s largest insurer recently announced it will sell marketplace coverage for the first time, increasing competition.

If you make healthcare more affordable, more people can become insured.

Analysts by The Baker Institute’s leading health economis experts indicates the Affordable care Act help insurance become more affordable.

Too much to ask?

We are required to carry liability on our cars to protect other people, we must carry insurance on our house if we finance it, we are required to pay in for medicare so when we reach 65 we can have affordable healthcare (thank God.)

Why is it asking too much for people to insure their health to protect themselves as well as the rest of us from having to pick up their bill?

This is the only civilized country that does not have some form of universal healthcare.

A certain political party party is constantly espousing “family values” and that the US is exceptional because of those values. I sometimes wonder if we really are that country.


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Under the ACA (obamacare): 10% excise tax on tanning salons. Now, who generally frequents tanning salons and who generally does not?

If that scenario were reversed...
Excise tax on cigarettes and alcohol too. Lots of bad things I think for cigs it's more like 100% instead of 10%. I'm sure someone will say obama did it.

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