What Exactly are the High Crimes and Misdemeanors Trump Is Being Charged With?

I don't know Michael Flynn. The guy was a 3 star General in the Air Force. There are not exactly a lot of these cats walking around.
While anyone can be a lone actor, generally (excuse the pun) these guys are used to being part of a collective. Moreover, if he wasn't acting for himself, he was reporting to someone. A former 3 Star General isn't going to report to anyone except Trump if he is in the Trump campaign; as Flynn was.

I don't see Trump being that "hands on" He's more the type to tell his associates to "get 'er done" and to work out the details between themselves. The same way Trump didn't personally chose the instructors at Trump University, or even write his own inauguration speech. He's surrounded himself with folks who do all he heavy lifting and give Trump the credit. Look at Trumps best selling book, Art of the deal. Trump hired somebody to write it for him.
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I don't know Michael Flynn. The guy was a 3 star General in the Air Force. There are not exactly a lot of these cats walking around.
While anyone can be a lone actor, generally (excuse the pun) these guys are used to being part of a collective. Moreover, if he wasn't acting for himself, he was reporting to someone. A former 3 Star General isn't going to report to anyone except Trump if he is in the Trump campaign; as Flynn was.

I don't see Trump being that "hands on" He's more the type to tell his associates to "get 'er done" and to work out the details between themselves. The same way Trump didn't personally chose the instructors at Trump University, or even write his own inauguration speech. He's surrounded himself with folks who do all he heavy lifting and give Trump the credit. Look at Trumps best selling book, Art of the deal. Trump hired somebody to write it for him.

That's true.

However, you mentioned speechwriters, "instructors" at Trump U which I think everyone acknowledges was a joke, and ghost writers 30 years ago.
That is why I mentioned that a LT General is a different type of cat. I would put him in a different category than some anonymous resume that a division head gets to hire.

It's also something different to write a speech or sell a real estate course than dealing with foreign dignitaries and signaling the intent of a new administration.
The investigation of WHAT? That's what the OP is asking and most of America at this point... what the hell are we investigating?

This is the classical definition of a witch hunt! You have no evidence of anything, you're simply investigating in the hopes of turning up something that you can claim is malfeasance. This has turned into such a perversion of how the justice system in America is supposed to work and I can't help but think that Americans aren't going to stand for this shit much longer.

Oh don't ya know? They're investigating "collusion".

Collusion to normalize relations that Obama wrecked over eight years.
Collusion to bomb the shit out of ISIS.

The soviet union is our enemy and nobody is currently bombing the shit out of anything…we can’t even hit a runway.

We can't hit runways when we don't target them!

The Soviet Union ceased to exist decades ago. Why are you so ignorant?

Or when we try. Vladamir wants to re-create the USSR. Do you enjoy being that stupid?

Hey Jackass! Does it currently exist? No.

Grow up!

Okay, Russia is not our ally fuck face. Or are you dumb enough to believe those are warheads of love pointing at you and your family, eh fuck stain?
The House draws up the impeachment charges, the charges do not have to be laws that Trump has broken, just charges. The Senate then votes on the charges, If enough guilty votes are cast, Trump can be removed. If Trump committed lawful crimes he could later be indicted for any lawful crimes he committed.

The Constitution states "high crimes and misdemeanors". That means "laws', not "charges".
"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

If the votes are there, he's toast. In Andrew Johnson's bill of impeachment it says, he made three speeches with intent to show disrespect for the Congress among the citizens of the United States.
A high crime is whatever the Senate determines it to be.

This is not really true and I don't know what nitwit is telling you this but they're lying to you. The House brings forth Articles of Impeachment and determines if actual crimes committed rise to the level of being impeachable. There HAS to be a crime.... they can't just make anything they please be a "high crime" ....doesn't work that way.

What is your source for these claims? Where did you find a definition for "High Crimes". Show a scholarly legal brief that supports your claim of "... determines if actual crimes committed...." and "There has to be a crime...they can't just make anything they please be a high crime". If you can not provide an exact and specific definition of a high crime, how is a whether a high crime has been committed determined if you can not define it through general law and relied upon by the impeachment process?

Well, the Federalist Papers outline all of this in great detail. "High crimes" are crimes which "rise to the level" of being serious enough to warrant impeachment. That is to say, there are some "low crimes" which would not warrant impeachment, such as, perhaps jaywalking. At what threshold a crime "rises to the level" of a "high crime" is determined by the House in the impeachment hearing. Nevertheless, there HAS TO BE A CRIME.

You can't make something a "high crime" if it's not a crime. If you somehow think that is the case here, you are sadly mistaken. Things are only crimes if they are violations of the US Code of Law at the time they are committed. Congress cannot retroactively make things illegal or make things illegal that aren't a violation of US Code of Law.

Now I don't need scholarly legal briefs for this, all I need is a brain and the sense God gave a billy goat. I've read the Constitution as well as the Federalist Papers and they don't support whatever Fascistic type of totalitarian nonsense you are spewing here. It sounds like you are just frantically flailing with absolute ridiculous ideas of how this all works.
I hate to add to your history problems but the Federalists Papers are simply letters to the editor.
I have a simple request

Explain what your people were talking to the Russians about in some credible way and I will be satisfied

Lawyering up, trying to squash the investigation and firing the lead investigator does not foot the bill


Bill Clinton, AG Loretta Lynch meet on tarmac in Phoenix

Last Updated Jun 29, 2016 10:03 PM EDT

Bill Clinton, AG Loretta Lynch meet on tarmac in Phoenix
I have a simple request

Explain what your people were talking to the Russians about in some credible way and I will be satisfied

Lawyering up, trying to squash the investigation and firing the lead investigator does not foot the bill


Bill Clinton, AG Loretta Lynch meet on tarmac in Phoenix

Last Updated Jun 29, 2016 10:03 PM EDT

Bill Clinton, AG Loretta Lynch meet on tarmac in Phoenix
I know...imagine that?

Clinton was a mere citizen with no power over Loretta Lynch
Trump met privately with Comey ....A man he had the power to fire
And he did

The CIA said there is no evidence.
The FBI said there is no evidence.
The DIA said there is no evidence.
The NSA said there is no evidence.
The House Intel Committee Chairman said there is no evidence.
D-Feinstein, House Intel Committee members, said there is no evidence.

I think Mueller's investigation is going to be more thorough than the others. From what I have heard of him Mueller is respected by republicans and democrats. I would be more inclined to accept his findings than I would
those of any other authority.
I hate to add to your history problems but the Federalists Papers are simply letters to the editor.

Impeachable offenses are described as high crimes and misdemeanors.


  1. a minor wrongdoing.

    synonyms: wrongdoing, evil deed, crime, felony;
    • LAW
      a nonindictable offense, regarded in the US (and formerly in the UK) as less serious than a felony.
A misdemeanor need not be an actual crime. It can be a misdeed, or wrongdoing like blasphemy, or drunkenness, which is not coded into criminal law.
I don't see Trump being that "hands on" He's more the type to tell his associates to "get 'er done" and to work out the details between themselves. The same way Trump didn't personally chose the instructors at Trump University, or even write his own inauguration speech. He's surrounded himself with folks who do all he heavy lifting and give Trump the credit. Look at Trumps best selling book, Art of the deal. Trump hired somebody to write it for him.

That's what a great leader does. That's why he surrounds himself with great people and trusts them to reach his goals. If they don't, they're fired.

As you know, it was former President Barack Hussein Obama's good friend and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers who wrote Obama's books for him. Did you ever see the former president try to speak without a teleprompter? Sad, really sad.
I don't see Trump being that "hands on" He's more the type to tell his associates to "get 'er done" and to work out the details between themselves.

That's what a great leader does. That's why he surrounds himself with great people and trusts them to reach his goals. If they don't, they're fired.

Great leaders surround themselves with great people. Trump surrounded himself with liars and russian colluders. Were they to describe Trumps viewpoint, it would be by standing on the shoulders of midgets.
I enjoy the fact that Clinton was impeached for lying about a blowjob but they think Trump is so snow white innocent nothing can be found (on a guy who pays off 25 million dollar fraud cases and hands out 17 ethics waivers in four months).
I know...imagine that?

Clinton was a mere citizen with no power over Loretta Lynch

I know how desperately you WANT to believe that tale!

Former President of the United States, meeting with the Attorney General who has to make a decision about prosecuting who they both knew was going to be the next President of the United States.

Can you say collusion?

Bill Clinton, AG Loretta Lynch meet on tarmac in Phoenix

Last Updated Jun 29, 2016 10:03 PM EDT

Bill Clinton, AG Loretta Lynch meet on tarmac in Phoenix
I know...imagine that?

Clinton was a mere citizen with no power over Loretta Lynch

I know how desperately you WANT to believe that tale!

Former President of the United States, meeting with the Attorney General who has to make a decision about prosecuting who they both knew was going to be the next President of the United States.

Can you say collusion?

Bill Clinton, AG Loretta Lynch meet on tarmac in Phoenix

Last Updated Jun 29, 2016 10:03 PM EDT

Bill Clinton, AG Loretta Lynch meet on tarmac in Phoenix
One should not say the "C" word (collusion) when Trump asked the Russians to hack Clinton. And they did.
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Can you say collusion?

Bill Clinton, AG Loretta Lynch meet on tarmac in Phoenix

Trump had a private meeting with Comey, that Comey said was inappropriate. During the meeting Trump asked for Comey's loyalty, and pressured Comey to drop the investigation of Flynn., And when Comey didn't drop the investigation, Trump dropped Comey.

And the reason? Depends when you asked. FIrst it was because of the deputy AG's recommendation. But that was actually written AFTER Trump decided to fire Comey. Second it was because of his handling of the Hillary e-mails. Third was because of the russian investigations.
Putin admitted the hack came from some "Russian Patriots"
Our intelligence has confirmed it came from the government
Stop playing stupid about whether Russia did it

Trump has not been found guilty of a crime. The crime needs to be thoroughly investigated and the Trumps team involvement with Russia needs to be adequately explained. I will be perfectly satisfied if the Special Counsel can clear Trump

I don't know what Putin said and I'm sure as fuck not taking YOUR word for that. Last I heard, Putin denied that his government hacked any damn thing. Our intelligence (who also said there were WMDs in Iraq) hasn't "confirmed" any goddamn thing.... they said "IT APPEARED TO BE" Russian but it's also possible for someone to have made it look like it was Russian. So it MAY have been and it may NOT have been... we don't fucking KNOW! Dimwit! In any event, Trump isn't responsible for what some Russian hackers may or may not have done.

You're goddamn right... Trump has not been found guilty of a crime and so far, there is no evidence of any crime committed by Trump or anyone associated with Trump. This thread is all about discussing what exactly is it that you THINK Trump may have done? Talk to the Russians? That's not illegal! Benefit from what Wikileaks leaked? That's not illegal! Give Putin a blowjob? Again... disgusting, but that's also not illegal! So what CRIME did Trump supposedly commit? CLEAR TRUMP FROM WHAT??? How do you "clear" someone from NOTHING? :dunno:
Trump had a private meeting with Comey, that Comey said was inappropriate. During the meeting Trump asked for Comey's loyalty, and pressured Comey to drop the investigation of Flynn., And when Comey didn't drop the investigation, Trump dropped Comey.

This is FALSE. He did NOT ask Comey to drop the investigation of Flynn according to Comey's OWN testimony AND the testimony of Deputy Director McCabe. Did they purger themselves? Trump merely said to Comey that he hoped they could wrap up the investigation on Flynn... that's not asking him or pressuring him to do anything.

And again, Trump's firing Comey doesn't end the investigation. So the claims that he fired Comey to end the investigation is simply not valid. He fired Comey because Comey was incompetent and up until the very week he was fired, a long list of prominent Democrats are on record DEMANDING that Comey be fired!

You people are so rabidly deranged that basic logic is escaping you. We're being inundated day after day with one fake news story after another that turns out to be completely false. Your fake news stories have become so wild and outrageous they are actually contradicting their own narratives and you don't seem to be bothered by that. First, there is this grand collusion conspiracy where Trump was actively working with the Russians to rig the election... that would certainly have to involve covert back channel communications but then we get the story that Kuchner requested back channel communications in December, a month AFTER the elections! So much for the whole pre-election collusion narrative! Then we discover Kuchner never requested back channel communications, the Russians did and the Trump administration turned them down.

Numerous and countless violations of federal law regarding the handling of classified intelligence information being leaked by anonymous sources left and right all over the place.... not a peep from any of you about that.... it's like you don't fucking care, as long as it might damage Trump! Private American citizens being spied on and their private conversations and names being leaked to the media.... you don't give two shits as long as it might damage Trump! No information on who ordered FISA warrants and on what grounds... you don't care, as long as it might damage Trump!
Trump had a private meeting with Comey, that Comey said was inappropriate. During the meeting Trump asked for Comey's loyalty, and pressured Comey to drop the investigation of Flynn., And when Comey didn't drop the investigation, Trump dropped Comey.

This is FALSE. He did NOT ask Comey to drop the investigation of Flynn according to Comey's OWN testimony AND the testimony of Deputy Director McCabe. Did they purger themselves? Trump merely said to Comey that he hoped they could wrap up the investigation on Flynn... that's not asking him or pressuring him to do anything.

And again, Trump's firing Comey doesn't end the investigation. So the claims that he fired Comey to end the investigation is simply not valid. He fired Comey because Comey was incompetent and up until the very week he was fired, a long list of prominent Democrats are on record DEMANDING that Comey be fired!

You people are so rabidly deranged that basic logic is escaping you. We're being inundated day after day with one fake news story after another that turns out to be completely false. Your fake news stories have become so wild and outrageous they are actually contradicting their own narratives and you don't seem to be bothered by that. First, there is this grand collusion conspiracy where Trump was actively working with the Russians to rig the election... that would certainly have to involve covert back channel communications but then we get the story that Kuchner requested back channel communications in December, a month AFTER the elections! So much for the whole pre-election collusion narrative! Then we discover Kuchner never requested back channel communications, the Russians did and the Trump administration turned them down.

Numerous and countless violations of federal law regarding the handling of classified intelligence information being leaked by anonymous sources left and right all over the place.... not a peep from any of you about that.... it's like you don't fucking care, as long as it might damage Trump! Private American citizens being spied on and their private conversations and names being leaked to the media.... you don't give two shits as long as it might damage Trump! No information on who ordered FISA warrants and on what grounds... you don't care, as long as it might damage Trump!
Perjure. Come on people.
Trump had a private meeting with Comey, that Comey said was inappropriate. During the meeting Trump asked for Comey's loyalty, and pressured Comey to drop the investigation of Flynn., And when Comey didn't drop the investigation, Trump dropped Comey.

This is FALSE. He did NOT ask Comey to drop the investigation of Flynn according to Comey's OWN testimony AND the testimony of Deputy Director McCabe. Did they purger themselves? Trump merely said to Comey that he hoped they could wrap up the investigation on Flynn... that's not asking him or pressuring him to do anything.

And again, Trump's firing Comey doesn't end the investigation. So the claims that he fired Comey to end the investigation is simply not valid. He fired Comey because Comey was incompetent and up until the very week he was fired, a long list of prominent Democrats are on record DEMANDING that Comey be fired!

You people are so rabidly deranged that basic logic is escaping you. We're being inundated day after day with one fake news story after another that turns out to be completely false. Your fake news stories have become so wild and outrageous they are actually contradicting their own narratives and you don't seem to be bothered by that. First, there is this grand collusion conspiracy where Trump was actively working with the Russians to rig the election... that would certainly have to involve covert back channel communications but then we get the story that Kuchner requested back channel communications in December, a month AFTER the elections! So much for the whole pre-election collusion narrative! Then we discover Kuchner never requested back channel communications, the Russians did and the Trump administration turned them down.

Numerous and countless violations of federal law regarding the handling of classified intelligence information being leaked by anonymous sources left and right all over the place.... not a peep from any of you about that.... it's like you don't fucking care, as long as it might damage Trump! Private American citizens being spied on and their private conversations and names being leaked to the media.... you don't give two shits as long as it might damage Trump! No information on who ordered FISA warrants and on what grounds... you don't care, as long as it might damage Trump!

The snowflakes are melting!

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