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What Exactly are the High Crimes and Misdemeanors Trump Is Being Charged With?

It is from his own mouth, he admitted that he fired Comey over Russia. Because ti was successful or not, or McCabe looked at it or not doesn't matter... Simply put he said he fired Comey cause he thought it would get rid of Russia and even bragged to the Russians about it...

Being stupid doesn't make him innocent...

No he didn't, I listened to what he said and that's just not true.

But hey.... it makes no sense anyway because it didn't get rid of the investigation. Why didn't he fire McCabe as well? The director of the FBI doesn't lead investigations. Investigations happen independently from who is directing the department. You have to be on about a 3rd grade level to think like this. Now, some of your little talking heads on the left are certainly on a 3rd grade level when it comes to how the FBI conducts investigations. And that's probably who you've been listening to.... but that's not Trump.

Comey was fired because he was an incompetent FBI director. He should have been fired by Obama.
For some strange reason no one has been able/willing to articulate anything beyond THE RUSSIANS!

Well, we are not at war with Russia, we can talk to Russians anytime, and the President determines what is and is not secret at his will.

Now if you want to go down the path of Russia helped Trump, how about the billions China gave Bill Clinton for his election?

They have drawn their conclusions, now they are hoping to find evidence to determine there has been a crime. Guilty until proven innocent is just how backward the liberal media is. Their precious candidate lost and now they are looking for excuses, just like Obama when he lost Congress to the republicans - "To those Americans who chose not to vote I hear you too". From burning rioting demonstrations, to fits of crying, to calls to RESIST!! Liberals just can't handle defeat graciously.
Yes he fired Comey over the fact that he could no stop him from investigating Russia. That's is where the obstruction of justice comes in.

Comey was Director, not an investigator. The intelligence investigation of Russia continued on in the absence of Comey, the director. So Trump's action had nothing to do with stopping the investigation that still continues to this day. What mental patient did you get this viewpoint from? :dunno:

That just shows how ignorant of the FBI Trump is (and any law enforcement agency) but he did fire Comey and stated the Russian investigation was the reason.

What is really funny is he could have given no reason but the ass couldn't resist...

No, it shows how ignorant YOU are.
For some strange reason no one has been able/willing to articulate anything beyond THE RUSSIANS!

Well, we are not at war with Russia, we can talk to Russians anytime, and the President determines what is and is not secret at his will.

Now if you want to go down the path of Russia helped Trump, how about the billions China gave Bill Clinton for his election?
Most likely - Obstruction of Justice. It hardly matters though (it could just be his usual fraud, lying, cheating, collusion, and bad putting).
Where's The beef
Once and for all......Russia DID hack the server
Even Putin admitted as much yesterday....Trump ADMITS it happened

Meeting with Russians is no crime. But given the circumstances, it could be

That is why we need an investigation

I didn't hear Putin admit anything. Got a link that's not CNN, NYT or WaPo?

We don't know who did the hacking... it appears to be Russians. Might be, might not be.

How is Trump guilty of a crime there???

There is no circumstance where meeting with a Russian is a crime.

You've got an investigation, dipwad! It's not going to uncover anything because there isn't anything to uncover criminally. With the exception of how our national security apparatus has been abused by the previous administration to spy on political enemies. THAT is the Big Scandal here and it wouldn't surprise me if the Special Counsel very swiftly included that in the scope of his investigation. Careful what you wish for... especially when you're corrupt up to your eyeballs.
Putin admitted the hack came from some "Russian Patriots"
Our intelligence has confirmed it came from the government
Stop playing stupid about whether Russia did it

Trump has not been found guilty of a crime. The crime needs to be thoroughly investigated and the Trumps team involvement with Russia needs to be adequately explained. I will be perfectly satisfied if the Special Counsel can clear Trump
Trump has not been found guilty of a crime. The crime needs to be thoroughly investigated and the Trumps team involvement with Russia needs to be adequately explained. I will be perfectly satisfied if the Special Counsel can clear Trump

At this point, i'm not sure Trump can be "cleared", only found not to be responsible for those around him. As the guy in charge, remember the buck stops here, Trump is ultimately responsible (as in he should have known) what those around him were up to.
Trump has not been found guilty of a crime. The crime needs to be thoroughly investigated and the Trumps team involvement with Russia needs to be adequately explained. I will be perfectly satisfied if the Special Counsel can clear Trump

At this point, i'm not sure Trump can be "cleared", only found not to be responsible for those around him. As the guy in charge, remember the buck stops here, Trump is ultimately responsible (as in he should have known) what those around him were up to.
I have a simple request

Explain what your people were talking to the Russians about in some credible way and I will be satisfied

Lawyering up, trying to squash the investigation and firing the lead investigator does not foot the bill
For some strange reason no one has been able/willing to articulate anything beyond THE RUSSIANS!

Well, we are not at war with Russia, we can talk to Russians anytime, and the President determines what is and is not secret at his will.

Now if you want to go down the path of Russia helped Trump, how about the billions China gave Bill Clinton for his election?
Most likely - Obstruction of Justice. It hardly matters though (it could just be his usual fraud, lying, cheating, collusion, and bad putting).

There was no obstruction...even left wing lawyer, and hilary voter Alan Dershowitz states this......even if what is alleged in the comey memo is accurate, it still isn't obstruction of justice...

There was no crime committed anywhere in this except for the illegal unmasking of Flynn...

The investigation continues….

Yes.... they just subpoenaed obama minions.........the ones who actually committed felonies....

You never know where the investigation may lead.... who has more to lose, the sitting President or anyone else????
140 posts and the left are still unable to articulate any high crimes and misdemeanors.

As with everything else they rant about, it's just more delusional psychotic babbling.

We are still early in the investigation with many Trump aides to be interviewed

Potential outcomes/charges

1. No charges
2. Failure to report contacts with foreign agents
3. Lying on your security clearance declarations
4. Aiding and abetting a crime (hacking)
5. Conspiracy/Complicity
6. Money laundering
7. Obstruction of justice

Lets see where this one goes
It is against the law to have fishing expeditions to try to find a crime.

Hey, you guys spent 6 years at sea with Trey Gowdy as the Captain. Where was your catch?

It was stopped by eric holder and loretta lynch at the head of the Department of Justice...now that they are gone as is obama...there will be no one to block these investigations....you know, like meeting with bill clinton, the rapist, in secret, on a runway, at night....

Was it a cold winter's night? Usually works of fiction happen then.
If he pressured the FBI to not investigate and, in fact, fired the head of the bureau when he refused; that is obstruction of justice. We’re a long way from there of course. Hopefully, it will be a constant 6 yer investigation like Benghazi that ultimately formally labels him as dirty as I’m sure deep down, you (like all of us) know he is.

Really, you an smell the sleaze on Trump from outer space.

Politically it will probably fall somewhere in the vicinity of a censure of the President for colluding with a foreign government to win an election.
Except Comey testified under oath this didn't happen.
Are you having trouble assimilating this fact into your fantasy world?
Under oath? When? Where?
It's all over YouTube and someone posted it here 2 weeks ago.
I know, I know, you only read threads that have Trump hating titles.
Either link it or - STFU.
I could say the same about all the bullshit you post from the HussyPost and the WashingtonCompost.
I'm sure you would search heaven and earth for anything anti-Trump.
But I'm enjoying watching all you Lefties being bounced around like ping pong balls.

Meanwhile back in reality, there are what, 12 Trump knob polishers here trying to convince themselves and others that there is nothing to find.
The investigation continues....

The investigation of WHAT? That's what the OP is asking and most of America at this point... what the hell are we investigating?

This is the classical definition of a witch hunt! You have no evidence of anything, you're simply investigating in the hopes of turning up something that you can claim is malfeasance. This has turned into such a perversion of how the justice system in America is supposed to work and I can't help but think that Americans aren't going to stand for this shit much longer.

Oh don't ya know? They're investigating "collusion".

Collusion to normalize relations that Obama wrecked over eight years.
Collusion to bomb the shit out of ISIS.

The soviet union is our enemy and nobody is currently bombing the shit out of anything…we can’t even hit a runway.

We can't hit runways when we don't target them!

The Soviet Union ceased to exist decades ago. Why are you so ignorant?

Or when we try. Vladamir wants to re-create the USSR. Do you enjoy being that stupid?
I have a simple request

Explain what your people were talking to the Russians about in some credible way and I will be satisfied

Lawyering up, trying to squash the investigation and firing the lead investigator does not foot the bill

I don't think Trump even knows what his people were up to. Trump doesn't have the skills to pull off that much collusion. Like on the apprentice, Trump would send his folks out with the instruction of "help me win the election" and leave it to them to find a way of doing it.
Republicans are not going to impeach Trump on some petty crime like a blowjob

The high crimes and misdemeanors that they would have to impeach him on would be obstruction of justice or treason if he traded policy concessions for help getting elected
Or when we try. Vladamir wants to re-create the USSR. Do you enjoy being that stupid?

Putin had hats made up for his last election that said "Make Russia great again" And promised to put Russian interests above those of foreign nations.
Republicans are not going to impeach Trump on some petty crime like a blowjob

The high crimes and misdemeanors that they would have to impeach him on would be obstruction of justice or treason if he traded policy concessions for help getting elected

I don't think republicans would impeach Trump, even then. Unless Putin invades Washington DC, they won't see any Russian actions linked to anything Trump did.
Obstruction of Justice...

There is other things but he fired Comey over Russia and he admitted to it...

That's not true. According to testimony from Comey and McCabe, there was no attempt to obstruct. NONE! In fact, the investigation continues to this day so it has not been obstructed. Trump fired Comey because he is incompetent.

It is from his own mouth, he admitted that he fired Comey over Russia. Because ti was successful or not, or McCabe looked at it or not doesn't matter... Simply put he said he fired Comey cause he thought it would get rid of Russia and even bragged to the Russians about it...

Being stupid doesn't make him innocent...
It makes him even more dangerous.
I have a simple request

Explain what your people were talking to the Russians about in some credible way and I will be satisfied

Lawyering up, trying to squash the investigation and firing the lead investigator does not foot the bill

I don't think Trump even knows what his people were up to. Trump doesn't have the skills to pull off that much collusion. Like on the apprentice, Trump would send his folks out with the instruction of "help me win the election" and leave it to them to find a way of doing it.

I don't know Michael Flynn. The guy was a 3 star General in the Air Force. There are not exactly a lot of these cats walking around.
While anyone can be a lone actor, generally (excuse the pun) these guys are used to being part of a collective. Moreover, if he wasn't acting for himself, he was reporting to someone. A former 3 Star General isn't going to report to anyone except Trump if he is in the Trump campaign; as Flynn was.

Did Trump have a bunch of lone actors? Perhaps. The evidence does seem to point to a whole bunch of disorganization from top to bottom. I just don't think the likes of Manafort, Stone, and Flynn would risk their own personal careers (not to mention their personal freedom) by dealing with oligarchs and professional hackers on their own.
Republicans are not going to impeach Trump on some petty crime like a blowjob

The high crimes and misdemeanors that they would have to impeach him on would be obstruction of justice or treason if he traded policy concessions for help getting elected

I don't think republicans would impeach Trump, even then. Unless Putin invades Washington DC, they won't see any Russian actions linked to anything Trump did.
They would have to choose sides

Impeach Trump or go down with him in the elections
For some strange reason no one has been able/willing to articulate anything beyond THE RUSSIANS!

Well, we are not at war with Russia, we can talk to Russians anytime, and the President determines what is and is not secret at his will.

Now if you want to go down the path of Russia helped Trump, how about the billions China gave Bill Clinton for his election?

First of all there has been no CHARGES as yet. This investigation turned into a Criminal Investigation on May 17, 2017. I imagine charges are forthcoming when Robert Mueller, special prosecutor is finished with his investigation.

There is a ton of evidence already:

This is what we know NOW:

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com
Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July

In this 8 minute video Shep Smith of Fox News states that Trump surrogates were not only in contact with the Russian ambassador, but also with Russian intelligence officials including the very day that DNC databases were getting hacked into.

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

John McCain wants to know why the clause "we will not arm the Ukranians against Russian Separtists" was put into the Republican platform. More info on this in the above link more Trump advisers admit to meeting with the Russian ambassador.

Adam Schiff cochair of the House intelligence committee had this to say.

Michael Flynn: Lied to the FBI about his conversation with the Russian Ambassador, which is a Felony. Flynn did not inform anyone that he was a paid lobbyist for Turkey, or that he was a foreign agent. That he had received money from Russian sources. He asked for immunity from prosecution stating "he has a story to tell," but the Senate denied him immunity from prosecution, and last week he pleaded the 5th throughout the congressional hearing.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Flynn was paid to lobby for Turkey while attending Trump intel briefings: report
Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm
Flynn was paid to lobby for Turkey while attending Trump intel briefings: report
Michael Flynn pleads The Fifth over Russia investigation

Jeff Sessions: Also accused of lying under oath about his meetings with the Russian ambassador, and is now in more hot water because he didn't disclose another meeting he had with the Russian ambassador (during the campaign season.)
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations - CNNPolitics.com
First on CNN: Senators asked Comey to investigate Sessions - CNNPolitics.com

Trump fires FBI Director James Comey
Trump fires FBI director James Comey - CNNPolitics.com

Then admits Obstruction of Justice in a T.V. interview. This is an impeachable offense.

Trump meets in the Oval office with the Russians, blocked out American media, lets Russian media in. And he released sensitive classified information to them--that our allies didn't have.

Trump reportedly revealed highly classified information to the Russians last week that the US hasn't even 'shared with our own allies'

U.S Intelligence had warned Israeli Intelligence in January not to give any sensitive information to Trump.
US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'
US Spies 'Warned Israel not to Share Intelligence with Trump' : Information Clearing House - ICH
U.S. officials 'warned Israel’ not to share sensitive intel with Trump administration
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him

Jerad Kushner (Trump's son in law)--asked the Russian Ambassador for a private--secure line to the Kremlin.
Jared Kushner 'wanted secret channel with Kremlin' and 'had undisclosed contacts' during Trump campaign
Washington Post: Kushner proposed secret communication channel with Kremlin - CNNPolitics.com
Jared Kushner 'secretly discussed creating back channel to Kremlin'

This is by far from over--and Republicans have two options:

1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the constitution is all about.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Over the coming months you'll hear more names mentioned: Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Jerad Kushner, Carter Page and J.D. Gordon.
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The investigation continues....

The investigation of WHAT? That's what the OP is asking and most of America at this point... what the hell are we investigating?

This is the classical definition of a witch hunt! You have no evidence of anything, you're simply investigating in the hopes of turning up something that you can claim is malfeasance. This has turned into such a perversion of how the justice system in America is supposed to work and I can't help but think that Americans aren't going to stand for this shit much longer.

Oh don't ya know? They're investigating "collusion".

Collusion to normalize relations that Obama wrecked over eight years.
Collusion to bomb the shit out of ISIS.

The soviet union is our enemy and nobody is currently bombing the shit out of anything…we can’t even hit a runway.

We can't hit runways when we don't target them!

The Soviet Union ceased to exist decades ago. Why are you so ignorant?

Or when we try. Vladamir wants to re-create the USSR. Do you enjoy being that stupid?

Hey Jackass! Does it currently exist? No.

Grow up!

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